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ADDIE Model Build an Online Course

in 5 Simple Steps

Template Before you start building your online learning program, use
this handy template to plan and design your course to

The ADDIE model is a tried-and-tested pedagogical method

of planning courses and is widely used by professional
learning designers and course builders in various industries.
Whether you’re an expert or a beginner, the ADDIE model
has got your back.

Answer the questions provided with each step of the ADDIE

model: Analyse, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluate. By
the end, you’ll have an entire course plan ready to go.

To know more, read our full guide to

the ADDIE Model:
During this first stage, prepare to dig into all
the why’s of your online course. Identify the
purpose and goals. Get a sense of how the
course aligns with your organisation’s needs
and where it fits into your overall strategy.
Lastly, get familiar with your learners so you
know exactly who to design your course for!
What are you looking to achieve with the Who is your target learner audience and
learning program? what do you know about them?
(Organisational goals, learner goals, business outcomes) (Demographic, preferences, needs, skill levels)

Write your answer here Write your answer here

What should learners know or be able to do What constraints or challenges will you be working
by the end of the course? with? How do you plan to overcome them?
E.g. “The sales team should be able to work with the new software E.g. “We have a team spread across locations and will need to
program proficiently” include remote learning options”

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In this stage, you use the insights
from the Analysis step to make
several crucial decisions about your
course. From the resources you’ll
need to the format in which you’ll
present your information, the
Design stage takes care of all the
finer details that go into building
your learning program.
What classroom model will you What course format would work What would the course timeline
use for your course? best for your target learner base? look like?
E.g. Blended learning, flipped classroom E.g. Videos and readings, followed by quizzes E.g. Course completion in 2 months with set deadlines

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What are the success metrics for What checkpoints will you use to
your learners? determine the success of the course?
E.g. Assessments, applying knowledge E.g. After-course employee performance

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You’ve got the insights from the
Analysis stage. And a plan from the
Design stage. Time to get course-
building! This is where you select
the format, structure and
organisation of your content and
carefully create a course from the
ground up.
What type of content will best appeal to your What will you need in order to create it?
learners? In what format?
E.g. Expert interviews, team members, video recording studio,
E.g. Introduce topic through video, offer additional information through readings editing software etc

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What would be the best way to divide,

organise and arrange your content? How will your learners work through the content?
E.g. 5 modules overall, with 3 videos each module and a quiz after E.g. Follow the modules linearly OR pick and choose where
each video they wish to start

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After all that hard work, the course is ready
to go! But while anyone can run a course,
the true mastery lies in knowing how to get
the most out of it. Make sure to cover all
your bases, continually support your courses
and maximise their full potential.
In what ways can you use the full capabilities What instructions will trainers need to guide
of your platform? learners effectively?
E.g. In-built features, settings, user experience E.g. How to encourage participation and lead discussions

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Run a quality check/get outside opinions on How did you ensure that the learners get to experience
the course. What are your findings? the course as intended?
E.g. One of the recommended readings could use better formatting E.g. Introduced learners to the platform before starting the course

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This final stage is all about arming yourself
with feedback and learnings so that you can
gauge the true success of your course and
work on improving future versions.
Go back to the goals you set in Analysis stage. What learning data or analytics do you have
Did you meet them? to support your findings?
The sales team reports higher proficiency with the newer software E.g. Study Time, Topic Interest, Learner Interactions

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What after-course data do you have to

support your findings? What is the general learner feedback?
E.g. Avg. time spent on a specific task has reduced by 20%) E.g. What did they enjoy most? What was too easy or too difficult?

Write your answer here Write your answer here

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