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Name: __________

Easy grammar Date: ___________


Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with “ because” or “ because of”

1. We stopped playing tennis ______________ the rain

2. It was all ___________________ her that we got into trouble
3. We had to hurry indoors __________________it was raining
4. I am late ___________________the traffic
5. We didn't arrive until seven o'clock___________ the traffic was terrible
6. She found the exam easy _____________ she had worked hard during the
7. He can't drive _______________ his illness
8. The restaurant closed down ________________ the recession
9. He found working in Japan very difficult _________________ the language
10. He's very difficult to understand __________________ his accent
Exercise 2: Rewrite the sentences with “ because of”

1. Because it is rain, we stopped the match

2. Because Tom was ill, he is absent today
3. Because she is kind, everyone loves her.
4. Because I was too tired, I will have a long trip
5. Because he passed the exam, his parent very proud of him
6. The house is dirty so I can’t feel comfortable
7. She is a beautiful girl so her husband very loves her
8. It’s hot so we will travel to the beach this weekend
Name: __________
Easy grammar Date: ___________

9. This problem is difficult so I can’t understand.
10. I got mark 10 in Math exam so I am very happy today.

Exercise 3: Circle the correct answer.

1. I miss Lan so much __________we didn’t see her for a long time.
(because/because of)

2. ____________ the weather was so cold, they stayed home.

(because/because of)

3. I was late for the important meeting ____________the heavily traffic.

(because/because of)

4. My grandfather retired in 2010 _________his health was ill.

(because/because of)

5. Tony had to stay in hospital ___________ his broken leg.

(because/because of)

Exercise 3: Rewrite the sentences with “ because / Since/As”

1.Peter can’t see because of his blindness.


2. Susan didn’t go to work yesterday because she was sick.


3. Because I worked hard, I succeeded in my test.


4. My sister couldn’t do the exam because it was very difficult.


5. They arrived so late because of the bad traffic.

Name: __________
Easy grammar Date: ___________

1. ____________________________________________________

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