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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept.

of Mathematics

Department of Mathematics


A relation R on a set A is well defined rule which tells whether the given two
elements x & y of A are related or not.
If x is related to y then we write xRy. Otherwise xRy
If A is a finite set with ‘n’ elements then A x A has n2 elements. Therefore
A x A has 2 relations on a set.

Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. Then R is said to be reflexive if it
satisfies the following condition x R x..(ie) xRx   x / (x, x)  R x  X

Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. Then R is said to be symmetric if
it satisfies the following condition x R y => y R x (ie)
( y, x) / (x, y)  R  ( y, x)  R x, y  X

Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. Then R is said to be transitive if
it satisfies the following condition x R y & y R z=> x R z (ie)
(x, z) / (x, y)  R & ( y, z)  R  (x, z)  Rx, y, z  X

Anti Symmetric:
Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. Then R is said to be
antisymmetric if it satisfies the following condition x R y & y R x => x=y
x, y  X

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

Equivalence Relation:
Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. If R satisfies Reflexive,
Symmetric and Transitive then the relation R said to be an equivalence relation
Partial Order Relation:
Let X be a set, R be the relation defined on X. Then R is said to be partial order
relation if it satisfies Reflexive, Anti-Symmetric and Transitive.
Example: '  ' & Divides (/) are partial order relation.

 Subset relation '  ' is a partial order relation.
A  A  Reflexive
A  B & B  A  A  B  Anti Symmetric
A  B & B  C  A  C  Transitive
It is reflexive, symmetric and transitive. ’  ’ is a partial order relation.
Example 2:
 Divides relation '/ ' is a partial order relation.

Partially Ordered Set (or) Poset:

A set together with partial order relation defined on it is called partially ordered
set. Usually a partial order relation is denoted by the symbol '  '

Hasse Diagram:
Pictorial representation of a Poset is called Hasse diagram.

1. Draw the Hasse diagram for

(a) P1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 12} and ≤ is a relation such that x ≤ y if x divides y
(b) Let S = {a, b, c} and à = P(S) = {ϕ, {a}, {b}, {c}, {a, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}, {a, b,
Consider the partial order of set inclusion (⊆).

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics



2. Draw the Hasse diagram for D24 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24},

D30 = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30}, D36 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36} considering
the partial order divisibility.

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics


Upper Bound and Lower Bound:

Let (P, ) be a Poset and A be any non-empty subset of P. An element a  P
is an upper bound of A, if a  x x  A . An element b  P is an lower bound
of A, if b  x x  A

Least Upper Bound:

Let (P, ) be a Poset and A be any non-empty subset of P. An element a  P
is Least upper bound(LUB) (or) Supremum (Sup) of A if
(i) a is upper bound of A
(ii) a  c where c is another upper bound of A.

Greatest Lower Bound:

Let (P, ) be a Poset and A be any non-empty subset of P. An element b  P
is greatest lower bound(GLB) (or) Infimum (Inf) of A if
(i) b is lower bound of A
(ii) b  c where c is another lower bound of A.

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

3. Let D30 = {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30} and let the relation R be divisor on D30
(a) all the lower bound of 10 and 15
(b)the greatest lower bound of 10 and 15
(c) all upper bound of 10 and 15
(d)the least upper bound of 10 and 15
(e) Draw the Hasse diagram (Nov/Dec – 2015)
(a) The lower bounds of 10 and 15 are 1 and 5.
(b) The greatest lower bound of 10 and 15 is 5.
(c) The upper bound of 10 and 15 is 30.
(d) The least upper bound of 10 and 15 is also 30.
(e) Hasse diagram

A lattice is a partially ordered set (Poset) (L, ) in which for every pair of
elements a,b  L both greatest lower bound and least upper bound exists.

GLBa,b  a *b (or) a  b
LUBa,b  a  b (or) a  b

Is (S24, D) a lattice?
S24 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}
D = {<a,b>/a|b}

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

In (S24, D), every pair of elements a,b in S24 has both lower bound and least
upper bound.
Hence It is a Lattice.

Distributive Lattice:
A lattice (L, , ) is said to be distributive lattice if  and  satisfy the following
a  (b  c)  (a  b)  (a  c)
a  (b  c)  (a  b)  (a  c)

4. Check the given lattice is distributive or not

It is enough to prove that D1 (or) D2 satisfied.

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a  (b  c)  a  0  a
 (b  c)  GLBb,c  0
a  0  LUB0, a  a
(a  b)  (a  c)  1  1  1
(a  b)  LUBa,b  1
(a  c)  LUBa,b  1
a  (b  c)  (a  b)  (a  c)
D1is not satisfied
Therefore the given lattice is not distributive

Modular Lattice:
A lattice (L, , ) is said to be modular lattice if satisfies the following
condition if
a  c then a (b  c)  (a  b)  c a,b,c  L
5. State and prove Isotonicity property in lattice.
Let (L, , ) be given Lattice. For any a, b, c  L , we have,
b  c 
1) a b  a  c
2) a  b  a  c
Given b  c Therefore GLB{b, c}b  c b and LUB{b, c}b  c c
Claim 1: a b  a  c
To prove the above, it’s enough to prove GLB{a  b , a  c} a  b
Claim 2: a  b  a  c
To prove the above it’s enough to prove LUB{a  b , a  c} a  c

6. In a lattice L, ,  , prove that (a  b)  (b  c)  (c  a)  (a  b) (b  c)  (c  a)


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(a  b)  (b  c)  (c  a)  (a  b)  [(b  c)  c]  [(b  c)  a]
 (a  b)  [c  [(b  c)  a]
 [(a  b)  c]  [(a  b)  [(b  c)  a]
[(a  b)  c]  [(b  c)  a]
[c  (a  b)]  [a  (b  c}]
[(c  a)  (c  b)]  [(a  b)  (a  c)]
[(c  a)  (b  c)]  [(a  b)  (c  a)]
 (c  a)  (b  c)  (a  b)
 (a  b)  (b  c)  (c  a)

7. Prove that every finite lattice is bounded.

Let (L, , ) be given Lattice.
Since L is a lattice both GLB and LUB exist.
Let “a” be GLB of L and “b” be LUB of L.
For any x  L , we have
GLB{a, x} a  x  a
LUB{a, x} a  x  x
GLB{x,b} x  b  x
LUB{x, b} x  b b
Therefore any finite lattice is bounded.

8. In a distributive lattice prove that a * b  a * c and a  b  a  c imply b  c

(May/June – 2014)
b  b  b * a (Absorption Law)
 b   a * b  (Commutative Law)
 b   a *c  (Given)
  b  a    b  c (Distributive Law)

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  a  b    b  c (Commutative Law)

  a  c    b  c  (Given)
  c  a    c  b  (Commutative Law)

c   a b  (Distributive Law)
 c   a c  (Given)
 c c a (Commutative Law)
c (Absorption Law)

9. In a lattice if a  b  c, show that (Nov/Dec – 2013)

(1) a  b  b * c
(2)(a* b)  (b * c)  (a  b)*(a  c)  b

(1) Given
a  ba  b b, ab a ... (1)
b  cb  c c, bc b ...(2)
a  c a  c c, ac  a ... (3)
From (1) and (2), we have a  b b  b *c
(2) LHS
(a b)  (b  c)  a b b

(a  b)(a  c) bc b
Therefore (a  b)  (b  c) (a  b) (a  c)  b

10. Show that direct product of any two distributive lattices is a distributive
Let L1 and L2 be two distributive lattices. Let x, y, z  L1  L2 be the direct product
of L1 and L2. Then x = (a1, a2), y = (b1, b2) and z = (c1, c2)

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x  ( y  z)  (a1, a2)  (b1,b2)  (c1,c2)
(a1, a2)  (b1,b2)  (a1, a2)  (c1,c2)
  x  y    x  z 
Thus direct product of any two distributive lattice is again a distributive lattice

11. State and prove the necessary and sufficient condition for a lattice to be
A lattice L is modular if and only if none of its sub lattices is isomorphic to the
pentagon lattice N5
Since the pentagon lattice N5 is not a modular lattice. Hence any lattice having
pentagon as a sub lattice cannot be modular.
Conversely, let (L, ) be any non modular lattice and we shall prove there is a
sub lattice which is isomorphic to N5.

12. Prove that every distributive lattice is modular. Is the converse true?
Justify your claim.
Let (L, ) be a distributive lattice, for all a, b, c  L , we have
a  (b * c) (a  b)*(a  c)
Thus if a  c, then acc
 a  (b * c) (a  b)*c
So if a  c, the modular equation is satisfied and L is modular.
However, the converse is not true, because diamond lattice is modular but not

Boolean Algebra
A complemented distributive lattice is called Boolean algebra.

13. In any Boolean algebra, show that ab  ab  0 if and only if a = b
Let (B, .,+,0,1) be any boolean algebra
Let a, bB & a = b
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Now ab ab  a.b a.b  a.a a.a 0 00

Conversely let ab ab  0
ab  ab 0
 a  ab ab  a
 a  ab  a
 a  a.a  b  a
 1.a  b   a  a  b  a ............(1)
ab ab  0
 ab ab  b  b
 ab  b  b
 a  b.b  b  b
  a  b.1  b  a  b  b ............(2)
From(1) & (2)

14. Show that a complemented distributive lattice is a Boolean algebra.

(Nov/Dec – 2014)
A Boolean algebra will generally be denoted by B,, ,, 0,1 in which
B,,  a lattice with two binary operations is  and  called the meet and join
The corresponding partially ordered set will be denoted by B, . The
bounds of the lattice are denoted by 0 and 1, where 0 is the least element and 1
is the greatest element of B, .
Since B,,  is complemented and because of the fact that it is a
distributive lattice, each element of B has a unique complement. We shall
denote the unary operation of complementation by ‘, so that for any a  B, the
complement of a  B is denoted by a B.

15. Prove that in a Boolean algebra  a  b  '  a' b' and  a  b  '  a' b'
(Nov/Dec – 2015) (April/May - 2015) & (Nov/Dec – 2014)
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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

Prove that De Morgon’s laws hold good for a complemented distributive

lattice (L, , )
The De Morgon’s Laws are
(1)  a  b  '  a ' b' (2)  a  b  '  a ' b' , for all a, b B
Let  L, ,  be a complemented distributive lattice.
Let a, bL
Since L is a complemented lattice, the complements of a and b exists.
Let the complement a be a ' and the complement of b be b'
(a  b)  (a  b)  {(a  b)  a} {(a  b)  b}
 {a  (b  a)} {a  (b  b)}
 {(a  a)  b}  (a  1)
 (1 b)  (a  1)
(a  b)  (a  b)  {a  (a  b)}  {b  (a  b)}
 {(a  a)  b} {(b  a ')  b}
 {(a  a)  b}  {a ' (b  b)}
 {0  b '}  (a ' 0)
 0
hence a  b'  a'  b'
By the principle of duality, we have a  b'  a'  b'
16. Show that in a distributive lattice and complemented lattice
a  b  a *b  0  a  b 1  b a (May/June – 2013)
a  b a*b0 ab 1b a
Claim 1: a  b a*b 0
Since a  b  a  b  b, a*b a
Now a*b((a *b)*b) (a *(b *b))  a*0  0
Claim 2: a*b  0a  b 1
We have a*b 0
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Taking complement on both sides, we have

a*b 0  ab 1

Claim 3: ab 1b a

ab 1
  ab  * b1*b
 a*b    b *b b 
 a*b  0b 
 a*bb
b  a
Claim 4: b a  a  b
We have b a
Taking complement we get
b' a'  ab
17. Show that in any Boolean algebra,
 a  b  b  c   c  a    a  b  b  c   c  a 
(May/June – 2014) & (Nov/Dec – 2013)
ab bcca  ab0bc0ca0
 abccbcaacabb
 abc.abc.bca.bca.cab.cab
 ab0bc0ca0
 abbcca

18. If P(S) is the power set of a non-empty S, prove that P( S ), , , \, , S isa
Boolean algebra. (Nov/Dec – 2015)
Let S be the nonempty set and P(S) be its power set.

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

The set algebra  P(S ), , , \, , S is a Boolean algebra in which the

complement of any subset A  S is \ A  S  A, the relative complement of the set
If S has n elements, then P(S) has 2n elements and the diagram of the
Boolean algebra is a n cube.
The partial ordering relation on P(S) corresponding to the operations 
and  is the subset relation  .
If S is an empty set, then P(S) has only one element. That is , so that
  0 1, and the corresponding Boolean algebra is a degenerate Boolean algebra.

19. In a Distributive lattice  L, ,  if an element aL is a complement then

it is unique.
Let a be an element with two distinct complement b and c. Then a*b = 0 and a*c
Hence a*b = a*c
a  b 1 and a  c 1
Hence b = c.
20. In a Boolean algebra prove that  a  b  '  a ' b '
(a  b)  (a  b)  {(a  b)  a} {(a  b)  b}
 {(a  a)  (b  a)} {(a  b)  (b  b)}
 {1  (b  a)} {(a  b)  1}
 b  b
(a  b)  (a  b)  {(a  b)  a} {(a  b)  b}
 {a  a  b}  {a  b  b}
 {0  b} {a  0}
 0
Hence proved.

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Sub. Name & Code : Discrete Mathematics, MA8351 Dept. of Mathematics

21. Show that in any Boolean algebra, ab  bc  c a  ab  bc  c a .

Let (B, +, 0, 1) be any Boolean algebra and a, b, c  B.
ab  b c  c a  ab .1  b c .1  c a .1
 ab (c  c)b c (a  a)  c a (b  b )
 ab c  ab c  ab c  ab c  a bc  a bc
 ( ab c  a bc )  ( ab c  ab c)  ( ab c  a bc)
 (a  a )b c  (b  b )ac  (c  c ) a b
1. b c  1. ac  1. a b
 ab  b c  c a  a b  b c  c a

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