Tugas kelas 8

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Task for 8 grade

(Write the text and answer the questions.)

Once upon a time, in a colorful elementary school, there was a cheerful student named Lisa.
She was excited to tell her friends all about her school rules. So, during recess, she gathered
her friends under a big tree.

"Hey, everyone!" Lisa began with a big smile. "I learned about our school rules today, and
they're super important!"

Her friends gathered around, eager to learn. "Tell us, Lisa!" they chimed.

"Okay," Lisa said. "First, we have to be kind and friendly to each other. No mean words or
actions are allowed. We want everyone to feel happy and safe at our school."

Her friends nodded, understanding the importance of kindness. "What else, Lisa?"

Lisa continued, "We also have to be good listeners in class. When the teacher talks, we listen
carefully. This way, we can learn and do our best in school."

Her friends agreed to be good listeners. "What's next?"

Lisa smiled, "We need to take care of our school and its things. No drawing on walls, and we
pick up after ourselves. That way, our school stays clean and beautiful."

Her friends promised to help keep their school clean. "Anything else, Lisa?"

"Yes," Lisa said, "we should always tell a grown-up if we see someone being hurt or bullied. Our
teachers and the principal are here to help us, and we should talk to them if we need to."

Her friends felt safe knowing they could talk to grown-ups if they had a problem. "Thanks, Lisa,
for telling us about our school rules!"

Lisa's eyes sparkled with happiness. "You're welcome, friends. Remember, these rules help us
have a fantastic time at school, and we all learn and grow together!" And with that, Lisa and her
friends happily returned to their games, knowing that they were part of a caring and rule-abiding

1. What was the first school rule Lisa talked about in her story?
2. Why is it important to be kind and friendly to each other at school, according to Lisa?
3. Can you think of an example of how you could help keep your school clean, just like Lisa
and her friends?
4. How might the school rules Lisa shared help create a safe and happy learning
5. Imagine you are a student at Lisa's school. How would you explain these rules to a new
student to make them feel welcome and safe?

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