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Code No: F-13919/N/AICTE

March 2024
B.E. (IT) VI- Semester (AICTE)(Backlog)(New) Examination, February/
Subject: Machine Learning
Max. Marks: 7O
Time: 3 Hours
Note: (i) First question is compulsory and answer any four questions from the
remaining six questions. Each question carries 14 Marks.
(ii) Answer to each question must be written at one place only and in the same
order as they occur inthe question paper.
(ii) Missing data, if any, may be suitably assumed.
1. a) llustrate the ROCCuve usingan appropriate diagram.
b)What is learning rate? Why it is needed?
c) What is CART?
dYBefine Competitive learning.
e) How mutation is performed in Genetic Algorithm_?
) Describe reward matrix.
gExplain Markov Property. -
2. a) Explain the bias-variance trade-off in detail.
b) List and explain various Accuracy metrics used in determining classification accuracy.

3. a) List the steps and explain Cañdidae-Elinnination algorithm with an example

b)Write in detail about Supperectti Machizes (SVM). riow XOR problem can be solved
using SVM?

4. a) Discuss the working of K-Means Algorithm using an appropriate example.

b) Explainvector quantization.

5. a) Explainfn detaiinear Discriminant Analysis (LDA).

b}What iaensemble learning? List and explain the methods used for ensemble learning.
6.a)hat is Temporal Difference (TD) learning method? List the advantages of TD methods.
btrat is discounting? Why it is need in reinforcement learning?

7. a) Define Elitism, Tournaments, and Niching usirgappropriate

bExplain Naive Bayes Classifier.

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