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Community Development

Decide on
Select and Evaluate
Implement Actions
Community development is a holistic approach grounded in principles of empowerment, human
COMMUNITY rights, inclusion, social justice, self-determination, and collective action.
Community development considers community members to be experts in their lives and
of Power
communities and values community knowledge and wisdom.

CDP Approaches:
Community Capacity Building
Community Capacity Building is about promoting the ‘capacity’ of local communities to develop, implement and sustain
their own solutions to problems in a way that helps them shape and exercise control over their physical, social, economic
and cultural environments.
Leadership Development A sense of community
Organizational Development A level of commitment among community members
Community Organizing The ability to solve problems
Fostering Collaborative Relationships among Access to resources

Social Capital TYPES

Bonding - created within a group
Social capital is a set of shared values or
Bridging - created across groups
resources that allows individuals to work
Linking - created across groups of different socioeconomic groups
together in a group to effectively achieve a
common purpose. These could be a the set of ELEMENTS
norms, institutions and organizations that Networks,
promote trust and cooperation among persons Trust specific to that network
in communities and also in wider society. The network enables access to resources.

Non-Violent Direct Action

Refers to those methods of protest, resistance, and intervention without physical violence in which the members of the
nonviolent group do, or refuse to do, certain things.

Boycotts - refusal to buy products Letter-writing and Petition Campaigns Public Art and Performance
Marches and Rallies Political Action and Voting

Economic Development
Economic development can be described as a program, set of policies, or activities that seek to build capacity for self-
sustaining, long-term economic growth. It includes the processes and policies by which a nation improves the economic,
political, and social well-being of its people.

economic development plans/strategies infill development plans,
downtown development district plans capital improvement programs
revitalization strategies

Community Economic Development

Community Economic Development (CED) or Local Economic Development (LED) contains principles and goals based on a
grassroots approach to development where communities choose deliberate actions to influence the local economy and
improve the quality of life for its residents.
Mobilizing local resources (people, capital, Create employments
institutions, organizations, etc.) to meet local needs. Renew, stabilize and/or improve the community and local economy.
Re-investment of profits into the local economy Develop local economic links
Improve the physical environment of the community.
Sustainable Development
"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present, without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.“ --GRO PEOPLE EXAMPLES
PEACE Wind Energy
It is the process which leads to a better quality of life, while reducing the impact on the PLANET Crop Rotation
environment. Its strength is that it acknowledge the interdependence of human needs PARTNERSHIP
and environmental requirement.

Community-Driven Development
Community-Driven Development (CDD) is an approach to local development that gives control over planning decisions
and investment resources to community groups.


Transparency and Participation Community Focus Community Involvement in Efficiency
Local Empowerment Participatory Planning Implementation and O&M Equity
Greater Downward Accountability Participatory Monitoring Empowerment
Enhanced Local Capacity

Asset-based Community Development KEY PRINCIPLES

Everyone is an asset and has gifts
Asset-based Community Development (ABCD) TYPES
Social relationships are at the core of ABCD
is a strength-based approach that focuses on Individuals
ABCD focuses on capacity building
the capacities of individuals and resources Associations
within a community to inspire positive change. Connections
Physical Assets

Faith-based Community Development STRATEGIES

The Faith-based Community Development provide essential services for the less Providing Basic Needs
fortunate and support for social cohesion, therefore encouraging the amplification Building Social Relationships
of values that would otherwise be absent from the community atmosphere. Faith- Knowledge Sharing
based organizations have made it their mission to serve communities through Reconnecting with Nature
expressions of their religious beliefs and values. Integration in Education

Community-based Participatory Research

Community-based participatory research (CBPR) refers to research activities carried out in local settings in which
community members actively collaborate with professionally trained researchers. Community members provide critical
oversight over these studies and participate actively in one or more aspects of the research process.

The recognition that community is recognized as a unit of identity Achieving a mutually beneficial balance
Drawing from community strengths and resources Developing and maintaining partnerships
Facilitating equitable partnerships and power-sharing Involving all partners in project dissemination
Promoting co-learning and capacity building among all partners

Community Organizing
Community organization is a process by which a community identifies its needs or objectives, prioritizes them, develops the
confidence and will to work on them, locates resources (internal and external) to address them,
It is a process in which the community identifies its needs. Finds internal and external resources
Develops the will and confidence to work Develops co-operative and collaborative attitudes within
the community

Participatory Planning ADVANTAGES

Participatory planning entails involving the entire community in Increased voice
the process of urban or rural planning. Citizens' capacity is strengthened
CHALLENGES Government capacity building
Time and money Better understanding
Resistance and manipulation Enhanced openness and accountability
Bypassing existing planning systems Can generate more democratic and equitable
Risks of scaling up processes

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