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GTPL Confidential and Proprietary Information

The contents of this material are confidential and proprietary to GTPL and may not be reproduced,
disclosed, distributed or used without the express permission of an authorized representative of
Table of Contents

Introduction 3
Review & Amendment 3

Laundry Standards

1. Duty Hours & timings 4

2. Grooming Standards 4
3. Communication Standards 5
4. Telephone Answering Standards 7
5. Collection of Guest Laundry 8
6. Marking of Guest Laundry8
7. Sorting of Guest Laundry 9
8. Laundry Billing 9
9. Staff Uniform Processing 9
10. Laundry Hand Wash 10
11. Washing Machine 10
12. Dry Cleaning 11
13. Dryer Machine 11
14. Pressing Guest Laundry and Uniform 12
15. Handling Express Laundry12
16. Non-Ironing Items 12
17. Laundry Quality Control 13
18. Folding Un-Ironed Garments 13
19. Delivery of Guest Laundry 13
20. Tailor 14
21. Linen Inventory 14
22. Soiled Linen Washing 14
23. Flat Iron Machine 15
24. Spotting Chemicals 15
25. Washing Chemicals Handling 16
26. How to get blood out of cloth 17
27. Uniform Exchange 17
28. Linen Control Procedure 18
29. Document Change Control18
Laundry is one of the most important services in a hotel daily, Massive loads of dirty towels, Bed
sheets, Napkin and Table Cloth, Uniforms and Other Laundry is produced an efficient laundry service
allows you to reuse them more regularly and keep hotel running Smooth operation. We Delivery
Laundry Express Service and Normal Service also.

Review & Amendment

To ensure that the documents maintain consistency with our required practices, a review of each
policy document is required at least once a year.

Regularly reviewing policies and procedures keeps our organization up to date with regulations,
technology, and industry best practices. Policy review ensures that our policies are consistent and
01. Duty Hours and Work Schedule

Commencing work
 All employees to make sure to enter the hotel minimum 15 minutes before your actual duty
 All employees to enter hotel by the staff entrance only and register your attendance through
fingerprint/biometric attendance machine.

 See that you proceed to the fingerprint scanner and Signature Book to log IN & OUT of the

Pick up your uniform.

 See that you pick up a clean uniform at the housekeeping.
 See that you inspect your uniform for stains, etc. and exchange it if necessary.
 Inform your supervisor if uniform is not ready and await alternatives or approval before
commencing work.
 See that your uniform is complete including nametag.

Report for duty

 All employees to report 5 minutes before your actual duty starts. This way you have efficient
time for handover with your colleague from the former shift.

02. Grooming Standards

 All employees must be well groomed, clean and neatly dressed; hence all employees should
shower fresh before the commencement of every shift.
 It is recommended that every staff member utilizes a deodorant.
 Employees will change their shirts/blouses, under garments and socks daily.
 Employees will wash their hands regularly during the day; always before coming on duty, and
always after eating, smoking or using the toilet.
 Employees will always wash their hands before handling food and will comply with all food
handling and food hygiene regulations.
 Hair - collar length for men. Women with hair below the shoulders must have their hair tied
back away from the face. All women with hair beyond shoulder length should tie their hair to
a bun and cover with a bun net.
 Hair must be clean, well maintained and neat at all times.
 For men moustaches and beard under lips (goat beard) are not acceptable.
 Beards are not acceptable for any employee.
 Sideburns lengths are acceptable up to earlobe length, and no wider than 2.5cm and well-
 The discreet use of appropriate make-up and jewellery are essential elements of being well
 Stud earrings or small hoops, one per ear, may be worn only by female employees. No
earrings are permitted for men.
 No bracelets are to be worn by uniformed staff.
 No other jewellery may be worn on or pierced to any part of the body.
 Make-up, perfume and after-shave should not be overpowering to guests and employees.
 Nails are to be clean and neatly trimmed. Nail polishes for women are not allowed due to
Hygiene Standards.
 Visible body piercing and tattoos are not permitted.

03. Communication Standards

 Communication channels will flow in all directions, up and down, from side to side, between
individuals and between employees and guests.
 The Department Head will be responsible for recommending and assisting in implementing
effective and efficient communication channels.
 Any calls or communication from corporate office to be responded and handled at the same
time. Calls from corporate office to be picked up even during the meetings and briefings.
 Communications Program will consist of the following as a minimum:
 Meetings
 Briefings
 Memos / Written Communications
 Notice boards.
 Logbooks
 Service Committee


 Meetings will be arranged by department head in accordance with their individual

requirements. The frequency of meetings will be detailed in the Communications Program
based on the individual operating business demand.
 All meetings will work to an agenda and will be minute. Minutes of meetings will detail
action to be taken, by whom, and by when. Meetings in general should not last more than
one hour.
 At the various meetings employees will be informed and updated on issues regarding Hotel
operations and specific information relating to their department. This will include
developments, financial positions, successes, failures, feedback, complaints, products,
promotions, etc.
 Copies of minutes from meetings will be forwarded to all attendees, Department Head and
other relevant individuals. Where appropriate, a copy will also be placed on the Employee
Notice Board.
 Effective meetings will reduce or eliminate the need for memos, as all relevant information
will be covered during the meetings and in the minutes.


 Department Head/ Supervisor will hold a briefing with his/her employees at the beginning of
each day and/or at the beginning of each shift.

 For best results employees completing their shift and employees commencing their
shift should be present in order that relevant information can be passed on and shared
between the two teams.
 Briefings should be ‘brief’ lasting 15 — 20 minutes maximum.
 Briefings need to be minute, but they would not require a present agenda.

Memos / Written Communications:

 The use of memos and written communications within Green Pak hotels should be kept
based on the business demand.
 All written and verbal communication should be in English, or a combination of English and
the local language used.
 Effectively run and managed meetings will assist in the above standard being achieved.
 Memos and written communications should be sent and copied only to those people for
whom the contents are relevant.
 Where possible a memo or written communication should be put on notice boards or
circulated, rather than copies being produced for all recipients.
 Efforts should be made to fully utilize the facility of e-mail for memos and written

Notice Boards:

 The department must have an Employee Notice board.

 It is the responsibility of the Department Head to ensure that the contents of this board are
kept up to date and well maintained.
 The board will be placed in an area which has a high level of employee traffic, e.g., close to
the briefing area.


 Logbooks should be kept in briefing area in order to ensure that important information
is recorded & shared consistently and across different shifts to all team members.
 It is the responsibility of the Supervisor/ Department Head, to ensure that all their
employees read & use the logbooks correctly and regularly.
 At no time must the logbooks be shown to parties external of the department unless
clearance is obtained by the Head of Operations AMHM.
 Logs should be clear, concise and written with a pen (permanent ink), with the relevant
details as follows clearly defined:
o Who: Person(s) concerned in a specific log entry
o What: Nature of the issue that the entry is about
o Where: Areas of concern
o When: Dates, time and situations
o Why: Reason(s) why such issues transpired/should transpire
o How much (if relevant): Any cost implications, compensations involved.
 All issues must be followed up and resolved as soon as possible and logbooks must be
kept for at least 6 months after completion (longer for certain logs)
 All team members after reading and understand the contents are to sign on the page of
the information confirming her/his understanding.
 Should team members do not understand or need further clarifications, she/he needs to
clarify with their immediate manager/supervisors.

04. Telephone Answering Standards


 All calls must be answered within 3 rings.

 If calls are being placed on hold, it can be on hold for not more than 20 seconds.
 If calls are required to be on hold for more than 20 seconds, caller must be educated and
must take permission
 That it may take some more time and must ask if it is okay to call back or can
the call be placed on hold further. Caller must be apologized always once
returning a call from on hold.

External Call Answering at any Laundry Department Extension:

 Greetings Of the Day (Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon)

 Thank you for calling Green Pak Hotel
 Name of Employee (speaking)
 Offer Assistance “How may I assist you”.
 E.g. “Good Morning, Thank you for calling Green Pak Hotel XYZ (name
of the employee) speaking, how may I assist you?

Internal Guest Call Answering at any Housekeeping department Extension:

 Greetings Of the Day (Good Morning/Evening/Afternoon)

 Name of caller “Mr. xxx” (Only If the Name Is Displayed)
 Name of Employee and Section “xxx speaking”
 Offer Assistance “How may I assist you”.
 E.g. “Good morning, Mr. John, this is Samuel speaking from Housekeeping Department,
how may I assist you?

Call Received & Transfer

 Procedure of Calls i.e. receiving Internal & External Calls to be followed as mentioned
 Before the call is being transferred to another department ensure full information such as;
 Full Name of the caller
 From where caller calling
 To whom a caller wants to speak to?
 Contact Information (Mobile No/Landline No)
 Identify if the nature of the call is emergency, personal, business etc.
 After all information is identified and collected, inform caller you will be
now transferring to the concern as requested and request caller to be patient
while the call is getting transferred.
 While the call is transferred to the concerned, the staffs those are transferring
the call to inform the concerned at the other end with details about the caller
and then transfer.

05. Collecting Guest Laundry

 Laundry attendants on-shift Attendants

 The Laundry attendant’s assistant goes to the room to collect the Laundry and checks for the
room no. And total pieces and the type of service required.
 This is then taken for Themo patch (temporary marking) system for enabling guest room
Identification after processing and prior to fresh laundry delivery.
 Laundry attendant will make sure room number guest name and items are correct in case of
discrepancies he/she will notice at the same time.
 The laundry count & guest count must be accepted as correct if no list is being sent.
 All garment collected before 10:00am will be returned between 5:00pm to 7:00pm the same
 The three-hour priority service is available 7am and 7pm for which 50% surcharge will be
 Care to be taken that the laundry list is filled and duly signed by the guest.

06. Marking of Guest Laundry

 All bags from the floors are collected at the guest section counter.
 Each bag is opened, and the items are entered in the guest laundry register, for colour and
Brand of cloth.
 Marking is a process by which it is easy to identify and dispatch clothes according to room
Numbers after processing.
 The marker takes note of the fabric type before marking.
 Delicate materials like silk, polyester, muslin, wool is not marked on the marking Machine
they are hand tagged carefully so as not to damage the fabric.
 While marking on the machine care must be taken to mark only on the inside seams of the
Garment It is recommended to mark/tag on the double fold so that it does not damage the
Fabric when removing the tag/tape while packing

 After completing the marking of one room laundry, only then can the sorter start with Another
 In case of express laundry and express pressing, the tags used are in red colour for Immediate
identification for the laundry attendants.

07. Sorting of Guest Laundry

 All laundry employees to wear gloves while sorting.

 Check all the pockets of the guest laundry for pens, pencils, coins etc. and remove them.
 Any Valuable item need to report same time to Duty in Charge.
 The marker cloth hands over the marked garments to the sorter area.
 Items where the colour bleeds and is likely to bleed are put in the segregate hand wash trolley.
 The sorter separates garments for pressing / dry-cleaning / washing and places them in Their
respective trolley.
 All clothes are segregated colour wise and fabric wise.
 The sorter and the dry-cleaning unit also to check the guest clothes for buttons, which Could
be damaged during the dry-cleaning process in this case they are sent to the tailor for
Removing buttons before dry cleaning.

08. Laundry Billing

 When the receive the laundry pack with the proper laundry bill note, He/she will verify that,
this is from Package or chargeable laundry.
 If Package laundry:
 He/she will verify which package, how many pieces, any discrepancy with
item through the Wish.Net.
 He/she will verify the guest did not surpass the entitle package.
 If surpass they will inform to Duty in charge/Front Office or guest.
 If Chargeable:
 He/she will confirm to the guest the bill amount .If agree will take the guest
and confirm to the guest.
 After confirmation the bill items will added to the system and make an
 Invoice amount will collect from the guest when deliver the pack.
 Express laundry within 3hrs laundry need to deliver based on the 50% extra charge.
 Counting the pieces and making the package laundry report and handover to accounts daily
 Each bill number and amounts are mentioned in the corresponding slip and the first copy.
 The bill is for guests, second copy for account third copy for laundry backup four copies for
front office.
 All package laundry second copy of all the bills generated in one day is sent to the accounts
along with the daily summary sheet.
09. Staff Uniform Processing

 The soiled uniforms are collected from the staff accommodation area at 9am
 A physical count is taken before washing by laundry attendant.
 After the uniforms are brought to the laundry, they are sorted colour wise and fabric wise.
 The dark load is separated from the light and white load.
 Before the shirts are put for washing, the collar /cuff are dipped in the soap solution for
Around 10 -15 minutes.
 After they are removed from the soap solution the collar / cuff is scrubbed after applying the
collar / cuff cleaner.
 All entries are made in the uniform exchange register.
 The uniform can receive same day at 5:00pm to 6:00pm uniform or ready.

10. Hand Wash Process

 All laundry employees to wear gloves while hand wash.

 Hand washing is done at the wash basin with platform.
 Segregate all hand wash clothes into white’s light coloured and dark coloured garments.
These Are never washed together.
 Dark garments in which colour does not bleed are sent to the machine wash for further
Processing Prepare a solution in one sink with 5 ml of clax 200/ detergent in 5 l of cold water.
 Soak each lot separately for 5 -10 minutes. Rub lightly with hands or use a brush. Rub gently
if required and then rinse for 3 times minimum.
 Rinse in the wash basin using clean cold water for all 3 rinses. Between each rinse excess
Water is removed by pressing the garment between the hands.
 After the final rinse, hang individually on hanger and place on the air dry don’t put on the
dryer machine.
 After drying, segregate garments according to the fabric and give them for processing to the
 All garments which do not need ironing are sent to the cloth packing area.

11. Washing Machine Usage

 Clean the machine start the button.

 Collect white, light, and dark garment trolley from the shorting area.
 Measure chemicals required into the appropriate from dispenser.
 Always load the washer with the correct capacity, do not overload or under load the machines.
 The weight of each linen laundry can change as per the property and linen quality.
 After that, door need to close and re-check if the door is properly locked or not.
 Depending on the wash load type (white, light coloured) the washer is started setting it
According to different programs.
 Wash heavily soiled linen first so that the stains will not spread the other items.
 Program settings for different fabrics temperature automated coming.
 The washer should be monitored to ensure correct water levels, water temperature, proper
Draining and for any leakage.
 Always follow the laundry production log to determine the order in which the washing has to
be done.
 At the end of the wash cycle, the machine is unloaded.
 Always schedule the laundry loads to meet up with the next stage in the laundry cycle.
 Save water.
 Save electricity and electrical overloads.
 All the undergarments are segregated and sent to the tumbler for drying.
 All items for steam press are hanger for air drying.
 All other items that are to be pressed are sent to the respective pressing units after drying.

12. Dry Cleaning

 Clean the machine start the button.

 Check the chiller if properly working or not.
 Check the solvent level and both tank we need to check the solvent level.
 Check all the pockets of the suit /jacket and trouser for pens, pencils, coins etc. and
remove them.
 Place all small delicate garments e.g. sweaters, ties, scarves handkerchief etc. in a net bag
Before loading in the machine
 Ensure that the door is locked before starting the machine.
 Put it on the machine and start the machine and we need to choose the solvent tank dark
separate tank.
 Put it in the washing and select the tank after washing /after washing same tank need to
take the solvent back.
 Put for the dryer 20mins and 60 degrees.
 Before giving the pressing we need to check the cloth sum thing is damaged same time
give to Tailor After the dry cleaning cycle, the garments are segregated fabric wise and
sent to the Respective pressing unit
 Fumes from the dry cleaning are harmful to the eyes and lungs on prolonged exposure.
For This reason, it is imperative that the machine door is left closed at all times.

13. Dryer Machine

 Clean the machine start the button.

 The guest articles, which are machine-washed, are put in the tumble dryers.
 Hand wash articles are air dried and hung on hangers by the hand wash attendant.
 In tumble-drying, clothes are segregated into light /white load and the other dark load.
 Load the machine only when it can be operated at its optimum capacity i.e. up to 1/2 of the
Machine glass door
 Temperature maintained during drying is 90 degree and time 45 minute for towel.
 Drying cycle takes a total of 20-minute 90 degree for guest laundry and staff uniform.
 Load the dryer and secure the door lock.
 Sets timers of 10 min. after initial drying open the door and check garments for moisture.
 Lock and reset machine for another cycle of drying which will completely remove all.
 Moisture from the garments the time will vary from load to load taking anywhere between 5 to
10 minutes.
 Machine is unloaded and all garments are sent to the valet counter where they are Segregated and
sent to different pressing units if required.
 It is important to clean the machine of all lint twice in each shift to maintain the efficiency of the
 Make sure every circle we need to clean the filter.

14. Pressing Guest Laundry and Uniform

 Clean the machine and clean the area and start the machine.
 Arrange the hangers and trouser guard and start the pressing.
 All cotton cloth blended garments are ironed using hand press unit.
 Press unit consists of two subs is steam pressing / hand pressing
 The press unit is first cleaned using a dry cloth duster and is feather brush. Leave the Machine
in open position.
 Ensure that there are no previous day’s clothes on the shelf or rack.
 Fill up spray bottles with fresh water for dampening clothes.
 Check for any guest pieces if left un pressed recheck.
 Clothes are segregated colour wise into white, light coloured and dark coloured garments and
a Separate express laundry.

15. Handling Express Entry

 A laundry picks up call is received by the laundry desk and informed accordingly to the
laundry attendants on-shift
 The Laundry attendant’s assistant goes to the room to collect the Laundry and checks the
room no. And total pieces and the type of service required.
 We need to confirm with the guest what kind of service they want if washing, pressing or dry
 The Laundry attendant collects the same and brings to laundry from Where it is taken to the
Marking section.
 The marker marks the laundry with the room number and the express tag The laundry
attendant will make out the bills with express charge 50% extra charge within 3 hours
 Taking by guest sign same time posting the bill in the system (cash or credit card) and hand
over to Night Auditor

16. Non-Ironing Items

 Items which do not need pressing are:

a. under shirt
b. under wear
c. socks
d. brassiere
e. panties
 The above-mentioned items are the step by step:
a. Collected
b. Marked
c. Sorted
d. Washed
e. Dryer
f. Pressing
g. Billed
 Sweaters and cardigans are lightly steamed on the steam body press to remove wrinkles.
 Garments are segregated according to items; folded and pack in plastic bag placed on racks.

17. Laundry Quality Control

 Before the garments are sent to the guestroom, they are to be checked thoroughly for
quality and finish.
 The attendants at the press units make first quality check. They check the garment for
Missing buttons, stains, zipper, replacement, trouser seams and any tears. Need to give
same time to Tailoring.
 The shift leader makes the final quality check, after washing and pressing. The guest’s
laundry and finished items reach the guest.
 Apart from checking the above-mentioned criteria, the following are checked for:
a. Pressing finish
b. Folding
c. Quality of washing and dry cleaning
d. The presentation to the guest
e. Whiteness of garments
f. Brightness of colour
g. Special instructions from guest.

18. Folding Un ironed Garments.

 Socks: Align toes, heels and leg bands together. Fold together at the heel.
 Under pant / Panties: Place right side down. Fold narrow end parallel to the waistband.
Fold over the sides to overlap at the centre.

 Undershirt: Place right side down. Fold from shoulder lengthways on both sides. Make
a Five-inch fold at the bottom seam and fold over again in half.

 Brassieres: Fold in half at the centre. Align cups. Fold in shoulder and back straps. Fold
Cups only in case of unpadded brassieres

Stockings: Align both legs lengthways. Fold in at the ankle. Continue to fold at every five inch And
align with the top band.
19. Delivery of Guest Laundry

 Always knock on the door 3 time each and need to wait for 3 second after and identify
yourself (the guest may be resting or working in room)

 Knock again before entering the room. As you enter the room always identify yourself in a
Loud and clear voice (“Good morning/ afternoon /evening, laundry service”)

 Check that the items you are about to deliver match the room number you are in. It is easy to
Make an error in delivery, particularly if there are many parcels for the same floor.

 Place the items in the room according to your hotel’s guidelines and leave the room making
Sure the door is locked. Folded laundry is usually placed on the bed and clothes on hangers
Are placed in the wardrobe leaving the wardrobe door slightly so that the guest can see this.

20. Tailoring

 Performs timely repairs on all items of uniform, linen and upholstery.

 Stitches new uniforms, items of linen and upholstery as per hotel specifications.
 Ensures that all linen and uniforms are repaired before issuing them to staffs.
 Make or alter old uniforms temporary for new employees.
 Stitching new uniform for employees
 Take care of basic alterations requested by guests.
 Repair and maintain uniforms for all hotel employees’ record.
 Convert discarded linen into usable items for re-circulation.
 Organize and take inventory of all fabric materials.
 Keep a detailed record of the daily work.
 Keep the tailoring area clean and tidy.

21. Linen Inventory

 Linen inventory will be taken every month. Housekeeping and laundry departments using
linen will be informed of linen inventories.
 All linens from the Linen room, trolley and laundry (both soiled and clean) are counted.
 All items counted according to their sizes.
 All linen inventory figures will be filled in on an approved inventory form.

22. Soiled Linen Washing

 All laundry employees to wear gloves while sorting.

 Linen segregating
 Remove any stained linen and send it separately for spotting.
 Sort them according to their types like Bed sheets separate, Pillowcases separate etc.
 Place the sorted items for further processing accordingly (Washing separate, dry-cleaning
separate etc.)
23. Flat Iron Machine

 Clean the area and start the machine.

 These are used for flatwork i.e. items like bed sheets, duvet cover pillowcases, tablecloths,
napkin aprons, The items are passed through the heated rollers and ironing.

24. Spotting Chemicals

 Identify classification of spotting chemicals.

 Make sure all spotting chemicals are available at any given time.
 Below are the standard spotting chemicals that are available.
a) Targo
b) Rust go
c) Bongo
d) Quick go
e) Ink go
f) Yellow go


a. Lipstick, shoe polish, tars, paints, oxidized stained, greasy stain.

b. Apply directly on the stain and rise right away with steam or water.

Rust go

a. Rust stains
b. Steam the stained area before applying this chemical. For hand steam spotting wet the stained
area and leaves it aside for 2 minutes, then work with a brush on the stain. Once the stain
disappears rinse with water or solvent.


a. Beverage stains
b. To remove light stains, apply directly to the stained area on the textile, then work with brush.
Once the stain disappears rinse with solvent or water.

Quick go

a. Blood, milk and food stains

b. To remove light stains, apply directly to the stained area of the textile, then work with brush.
Once the stain disappears rinse with solvent or water. For hand steam spotting wet the stained
area before applying this chemical and leave it a side for 2 minutes the work on it with brush.
Once the stain disappears rinse with water or solvent.

Ink go

a. Ball pen ink

b. Apply directly to the stained area of the textile and rise right away with steam or water.

Yellow go

a. Dry, red clay button ring

b. Wet the stained area of the textile with steam or water, then apply directly and work with
brush, then flush with steam or water, repeat the procedure until the stain is dissolved. Or
apply the chemical, soak the stained area of the textile for 2 to 3 minutes and the stain will
dissolve, and then rinse in water.

25. Washing Chemicals Handling

 Identify classification of washing chemicals.

 When using chemical Wear hand gloves and safety goggles
 Below are the standard washing chemicals that are available.

 Clax 200
 Concentrated emulsifier

 Clax supremo plus

 Booster-fatty soil and medium water hardness

 Clax personril conc

 Low temp oxygen bleach

 Clax hypo
 Bleach – hypochlorite

 Clax rust
 Alkali neutralizer –rust remover

 Clax soft extra

 Concentrated fabric softener

 Always read the label and accurately follow dilution and safety instructions.
 Open door to ventilate where you are using chemical manual.
 Wash your hands often using chemical.
26. How to Get Blood stains from the Cloth

 When removing blood stain Wear hand gloves and safety goggles
 Below is the standard blood remove.
 Identify classification of washing chemicals.
 Soak the stain in cold water as quickly as possible. If the stain is super fresh, place it under
cold running water to flush out as much of the blood as possible.
 If fresh, sponge the stain with hydrogen peroxide or rub bar soap into the stain and scrub by
hand in cold water.
 Apply laundry pre-treated or rub in liquid laundry detergent, and wash the remaining stain in
warm water with fabric-safe bleach until the stain is gone.
 Refrain from putting the garment in the dryer until the stain is completely gone.
 Just because you waited to remove an old blood stain, doesn't mean all hope is lost. Instead,
you'll just need a little patience and some heavy-duty stain remover.
 Pre-soak the garment in a mixture of cold water and laundry detergent or stain remover like
Carbona Oxy Powered Laundry Soaker.
 Pre-treat and launder with fabric-safe bleach.
 If this doesn't work, mix 1 qt water with 1 tsp laundry detergent and 1 tbsp ammonia, and let
the garment soak in the solution (this may take several hours, depending on the severity of the

27. Uniform Exchange

 It is the responsibility of Human Resource dept. to send measurement chart along with the
offer letter to the finalized candidate. Filled document must be submitted to Executive
Housekeeper are to prepare the uniform before the staff joins.
 Complete set uniform includes 3 pairs of clothing’s and a pair of shoes hence it is important
to mention shoe size in the measurement chart.
 HR must advise the housekeeping department once VISA is released and notify the arrival
date prior.
 In case the staff withdraws the application, HR should communicate the same with
housekeeping department. Executive housekeeper then can decide either to hold the
production or to use the particular set-in future.
 All uniforms remain the property of during employment and are expected to be returned in a
reasonable state upon termination of employment.
 It is expected that employees treat their uniform with reasonable care. This includes
laundering the uniform on a regular basis. Hotel will replace the uniform due to normal ‘wear
and tear. Anything that is outside of the normal ‘wear and tear’ that requires a replacement is
at the employee’s expense.
 If the employee wishes to have additional uniform issued to them, they need to bring this to
the attention of their respective Head of the Department.
 Employees are required to return the complete uniform set of uniform at the end of their
employment with the Hotel. If the employee does not return the complete set, reserves the
right to withhold a portion of the employee’s final pay until such time as the complete
uniform is returned.
 Uniforms are issued from the laundry by the Tailor.
 Laundry is open daily from 7:00am-8:00pm.
 Shoe is issued to Engineering, F&B Service and Production, Housekeeping, Front Office, and
Recreation departments. IT, finance of shoe is done after a minimum of one year use. Old
shoe will be collected upon issuance of the new shoe.
 Uniform shoes must be worn only during duty hours. Any damage or misuse will be
investigated and charged accordingly.
 A duly approved uniform and shoe requisition form must be filled up for all uniform
 Executive Housekeeper verifies and approves the request for new uniform including shoes.
 Any concerns on the uniforms to be coordinated with the Executive Housekeeper.

28. Linen Control Procedure

 The linen control ensures efficient cost control when maintained constantly. Housekeeping
must ensure that Par stock is recalculated to avoid unnecessary expenses in linen purchase.
 Guest will expect to have clean and fresh to have clean and fresh linen available throughout
their stay.
 Linen runner to distribute the linen and towels to the pantries based on the number of rooms in
the section and number of occupied rooms.
 Three sets of linen per room will be in circulation based on the forecasted average occupancy.
 One set of clean linen in the guest room
 One set of clean linen in the pantry
 One set of soiled linen in the laundry.
 Linen par stock is set up in housekeeping linen pantry calculated on current occupancy.
 Housekeeping runner is to check linen pantry every afternoon after the room attendants have
serviced all the rooms and re-stock the balance required for next day’s service based on the
current occupancy.
 The laundry attendants should prepare clean linen every evening.
 The housekeeping linen room par stock will be checked every day by section supervisors to
prevent from over stocking and under stocking.
 At the end of every month linen inventory will be counted to ensure proper par level is in

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