Inflammatory Glaucoma

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Review Article

Inflammatory glaucoma
Sonam A. Bodh, Vasu Kumar, Usha K. Raina, B. Ghosh, Meenakshi Thakar
Department of Ophthalmology, Guru Nanak Eye Center, Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi - 110 001, India

Glaucoma is seen in about 20% of the patients with glaucoma involves steroidal and nonsteroidal anti-
uveitis. Anterior uveitis may be acute, subacute, or inflammatory agents and antiglaucoma drugs. However,
chronic. The mechanisms by which iridocyclitis glaucoma drugs can often have an unpredictable effect
leads to obstruction of aqueous outflow include on intraocular pressure (IOP) in the setting of uveitis.
acute, usually reversible forms (e.g., accumulation of Surgical intervention is required in case of medical
inflammatory elements in the intertrabecular spaces, failure.
edema of the trabecular lamellae, or angle closure due
to ciliary body swelling) and chronic forms (e.g., scar Method of Literature Search: Literature on the Medline
formation or membrane overgrowth in the anterior database was searched using the PubMed interface.
chamber angle). Careful history and follow-up helps
distinguish steroid-induced glaucoma from uveitic Keywords: Intraocular pressure, glaucoma,
glaucoma. Treatment of combined iridocyclitis and inflammation, uveitis

Introduction and debris. Unilateral glaucoma should raise the suspicion of

an inflammatory glaucoma. The overall prevalence of glaucoma
Inflammatory glaucoma, also known as uveitic glaucoma, is a in eyes with uveitis varies from 10 to 20%, but it is much more
condition in which ocular inflammation causes apersistent or common in chronic uveitis and can be as high as 46%.[3]
recurrent IOP elevation resulting in anatomical and physiological
changes characteristic of primary open angle glaucoma. The Method of Literature Search — literature was searched for on the
anatomical changes include progressive optic nerve cupping with Medline database using the Pubmed interface.
corresponding retinal nerve fiber layer loss. When anatomical
changes progress beyond the physiological reserve of the optic Pathophysiology: The relationship between IOP and inflammation
nerve, the visual field defects become detectable. Joseph Beer first is complex. At any one time IOP depends on the comparative
reported the association of uveitis and glaucoma in 1813, describing rates of aqueous production and drainage. Both these processes
it as arthritic iritis.[1] In 1891, Priestley Smith proposed the first and intraocular circulation of the aqueous can be altered by
modern classification of uveitic glaucoma.[2] Elliot proposed inflammation, its effects on the ocular tissue involved, and its
several hypotheses for its mechanism: An alteration of aqueous treatment.
composition, obstruction of filtering angle by inflammatory cells,
Mechanisms of Intraocular Pressure Elevation
Access this article online
Quick Response Code: A. Secondary open angle glaucoma
Website: 1. Trabecular meshwork (TM) obstruction is the most common mechanism and can be caused by: Disruption
of the blood aqueous barrier [BAB], which allows entry
DOI: of inflammatory cells into the aqueous humor and
entrapment of normal serum components in the aqueous
outflow system.[4] Swelling of trabecular lamellae and

Copyright:  2011 Bodh SA, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Dr. Sonam A. Bodh, Department of Ophthalmology, Guru Nanak Eye Center, Maulana Azad Medical College, J-573, Kalibari Marg, near Birla mandir, New Delhi -
110 001, India. E-mail:

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Bodh, et al.: Inflammatory glaucoma

endothelial cells with both a physical narrowing of with fine filaments between them, with iris atrophy and patchy
trabecular pores and dysfunction also leads to aqueous transillumination, secondary to loss of pigment epithelium, with
outflow obstruction,[5] ultimately leading to permanent characteristic moth-eaten appearance.[8] Histology reveals anterior
damage and scarring of the trabecular meshwork.[6] stromal depigmentation, hyalinization of blood vessels, cellular
2. Hypersecretion caused by PGE1- and PGE2-mediated infiltrations and Russell bodies. Infiltration of TM by mononuclear
increase in the rate of aqueous secretion or by a breakdown inflammatory cells, typically lymphocytes and plasma cells,
in BAB, with an associated increase in aqueous protein causes rubeosis, trabeculitis, and collapse of the Schelmm’s
concentration and thus aqueous viscosity.[7] canal, leading to TM obstruction and rise in IOP.[10] Gonioscopic
3. Corticosteroid-induced elevation of IOP examination typically reveals an open angle and possible
B. Pre-existing primary open angle glaucoma neovascularization, which may bleed with minor trauma.[11]
C. Secondary angle closure glaucoma: The inflammatory cell and Iris angiography can show leakage of the iris vessels and possibly
protein in the aqueous humor can form an adhesion between the ischemic changes of the iris. Complications are posterior
iris and lens resulting in the formation of posterior synechiae subcapsular cataract (PSC) and secondary glaucoma. Reported
leading to pupillary block, iris bombe, and peripheral anterior incidence of glaucoma varies from 13 – 59%, with higher figures
synechiae. Subsequently neovascularization of the anterior seen on long-term follow-up. Typically, glaucoma more commonly
chamber angle and its fibrovascular closure may ensue. develops in persons of African descent and bilateral cases.[9] The
D. Pre-existing predisposition to primary angle closure glaucoma: glaucoma typically persists after uveitis has subsided and does
In eyes with shallow anterior chamber. not respond to steroids. Fuch’s rarely causes synechiae formation.
E. Combined mechanism glaucoma: Scarring and obstruction of Unless glaucoma develops, Fuch’s cyclitis is a benign disorder and
outflow channels. does not require therapy. Use of steroids may only accelerate PSC
formation and increase IOP.
General Symptoms and Signs
Glaucomatocyclitic crisis: First described by Posner and
Symptoms with acute iridocyclitis may include blurred vision, Schlossman in 1948, presents in the 20 – 60 years age group,
ocular pain, brow ache, and other ocular disturbances like typically with unilateral recurrent episodes of mild cyclitis and
photophobia and colored haloes. The cornea may reveal band heterochromia. Its pathogenesis still remains unknown, with
keratopathy, epithelial dendrites, or stromal scarring from suggested possible associations including an immunogenetic
herpetic infections. The iris should be examined for evidence factor involving HLA-Bw54,[12] viral infections (HSV and
of stromal atrophy, nodules, posterior synechiae, peripheral CMV),[13,14] gastrointestinal disease, and various allergic factors.[15]
anterior synechiae (PAS), and neovascularization of iris (NVI). The IOP is in the range of 40 – 70 mmHg during an acute attack
The lens may have a pigment on the anterior capsule, and the and usually resolves spontaneously. The levels of prostaglandins
posterior subcapsular opacification may be due to uveitis or to in the aqueous humor have been found to be correlated with the
chronic corticosteroid therapy. These patients require regular IOP level of IOP.[16] Slit lamp examination shows fine, small, flat, non-
monitoring. Note has to be made on the timing and the extent pigmented KP’s in inferior corneal endothelium.[17] Gonioscopy
of the pressure rise. If the pressure is elevated at the time of reveals an open angle, with occasional trabecular precipitates. The
diagnosis, it is more likely that the inflammation is contributing treatment includes corticosteroids to control inflammation, and
to pressure elevation. In this case, the priority has to be in the antiglaucoma medications notably beta-blockers and carbonic
escalating anti-inflammatory treatment, until the inflammation anhydrase inhibitors to control IOP. Apraclonidine has been
has been controlled. Gonioscopy must be performed to detect the shown to be effective during acute attacks.[18] Oral indomethacin
presence of PAS and to assess the degree of angle closure. The may be effective because prostaglandins have been implicated
posterior segment must be examined, paying particular attention in the disease.[16] If severe residual glaucoma persists after being
to the optic nerve, to document the morphological changes maximally treated by medications, filtration surgery is indicated.
consistent with glaucoma. Other possible posterior segment
findings include cystoid macular edema, retinitis, perivascular Grant’s syndrome: First described by Chandler and Grant, it is
sheathing, choroidal infiltrates, or retinal detachment. an acute onset bilateral condition, affecting patients above 50
years of age.[18,19] Patients are usually asymptomatic. Gonioscopy
Major Ocular Inflammations Associated with reveals gray-to-yellowish inflammatory precipitates on the TM.
Secondary Glaucoma The magnitude of IOP does not correspond to the amount of
precipitates. It shows a good response to topical steroids and is
Fuch’s Heterochromic Iridocyclitis (FHIC): First described by Fuch’s typically unresponsive to antiglaucoma medication, but shows
in 1906, FHIC is an idiopathic, painless, chronic, low-grade an excellent response to topical corticosteroid therapy. In most
iridocyclitis with heterochromia, due to iris stromal atrophy. The cases, the IOP returns to a normal level within one to two weeks
typical age of onset is 20 – 40 years of age, with men and women after administration of topical corticosteroid, which clears the
affected equally.[8] It is typically unilateral, but in 13% of the inflammatory precipitates. If severe angle closure is present
cases it has presented bilaterally.[9] Slit lamp examination shows secondary to the formation of extensive PAS, filtration surgery
fine, diffuse, scattered, stellate-shaped keratic precipitates (KP) may be indicated.

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Bodh, et al.: Inflammatory glaucoma

Sarcoidosis: Sarcoidosis is a multisystem inflammatory disorder varying amounts of old PAS that do not correlate with the amount
seen in the 20 – 40 year age group. It is more common in females of outflow obstruction.[30] The pathological mechanism of the
than males and in blacks more than whites.[20] The ocular findings condition appears to be endothelialization of the open portions of
seen are panuveitis, mutton fat KP’s, Bussaca and Koeppe’s nodules, the angle, with formation of a hyaline membrane. The glaucoma
snow balls, candle wax dripping, and phlebitis. Glaucoma is seen tends to respond poorly to antiglaucoma medications and
in 11% of the cases. Gonioscopy shows obstruction of TM by eventually requires filtering surgery. The closed-angle, narrow
inflammatory debris or nodules. Corticosteroids are the mainstay chamber type is characterized by small anterior segments, which
of the treatment.[21] could be due to IK in early infancy.[31] Peripheral iridectomy can
be curative in eyes without permanent synechial angle closure.[30]
Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA): JRA is an autoimmune In other eyes with permanent PAS, medical therapy, surgical
disease typically affecting children under the age of 16 years and goniosynechialysis, or filtering surgery may be necessary.
lasts more than six months.[22] The uveitis is typically bilateral,
nongranulomatous, asymptomatic anterior uveitis, usually Scleritis: Scleritis is a painful ocular inflammation, which may
preceded by arthritis.[23] Children with iridocyclitis rarely have primarily involve the anterior or posterior segment of the eye.[32]
a positive serology for a rheumatoid factor, but they frequently It affects patients in the 40 – 60 year age group; 12 – 46% of the
have antinuclear antibody[23,24] and HLA-B27 antigen, and some patients of posterior scleritis show elevated IOP.[33] Unilateral acute
eventually are found to have typical ankylosing spondylitis.[24] angle closure glaucoma could be the presenting feature of scleritis
Secondary glaucoma is seen in 19-25% of the patients with due to choroidal effusion and subsequent detachment. Other
longstanding uveitis, due to secondary pupillary block acute mechanisms of glaucoma are uveitis, trabeculitis, primary angle
angle closure. Topical steroids and mydriatics are the mainstay closure glaucoma, pupillary block glaucoma, and neovascular
of treatment. The antiglaucoma drugs are required for control glaucoma.[34] Treatment includes systemic anti-inflammatory
of IOP. In many cases, visual acuity is threatened enough to agents, antiglaucoma medication, and laser iridotomy for pupillary
warrant further glaucoma surgery. Trabeculectomy or tube shunt block glaucoma.
surgeries are the first-line procedures. Goniotomy has been
reported to be a safe and effective procedure and could be a first- Episleritis: Four percent of the patients develop open angle
line surgical treatment for JRA patients, although many patients secondary glaucoma due to inflammation of the angle structure
may continue to require medication even after surgery.[25] Other or due to steroids.[35]
potential surgical options that have been shown to have some
positive outcomes include, nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy
with the collagen glaucoma drainage device[26] and Molteno
implant.[27] The complications that may cause significant visual
In any patient with recurrent or bilateral uveitis, an underlying
loss in children with iridocyclitis and JRA include cataracts, band
ocular or systemic cause should be sought. The ocular syndrome
keratopathy, and glaucoma.
will dictate the workup and directed history. An appropriate
systemic workup, focusing on arthritis, infections, mucosa or
Herpetic Keratouveitis: This viral infection may cause recurrent
skin lesions, and cough should be conducted. A complete blood
conjunctivitis, keratitis, and uveitis. In one study of patients with
count and syphilis serology may be appropriate for all patients,
herpes simplex keratouveitis, 28% had IOP elevation and 10%
while specific tests such as angiotensin converting enzyme and
had glaucomatous damage.[28] The period of elevated IOP from
chest x-ray may be advisable for patients of African descent. Many
herpetic keratouveitis has a mean duration of two months. Increase
in IOP is due to an increase in the aqueous viscosity, trabecular syndromes may have unique characteristic features, either in the
blockade due to inflammatory debris, and trabeculitis with edema clinical presentation or examination findings. Findings such as
of the meshwork. Management of this condition requires that disciform keratitis or a characteristic distribution of skin lesions
attention be given to the infection, inflammation, and glaucoma, may implicate herpetic infection. A rapid episodic rise in IOP
and one suggested regimen includes topical trifluorothymidine, with minimal cellular reaction may suggest Posner-Schlossman
corticosteroids, and cycloplegics, along with antiglaucoma agents syndrome.
that reduce aqueous production.[29]
Syphilis: Fifteen percent of the patients of syphilis develop
interstitial keratitis, of which 96% are bilateral. Twenty percent Treatment of uveitic glaucoma is aimed at controlling the
of the patients with interstitial keratitis (IK) develop secondary intraocular inflammation and elevated IOP, as well as treating any
glaucoma. Both open and closed types of glaucoma have been underlying systemic disease.
reported.[30] In the open-angle, deep chamber type, there is
usually no active inflammation. The glaucoma appears later Treatment of the inflammation: The major goals of treatment of
in life, with an elevated IOP. The anterior chamber may have inflammation are to provide symptomatic relief, prevent posterior
irregular pigmentation with varying amount of synechiae. synechiae formation, and reduce the severity and frequency of
Gonioscopy reveals open angles with a ‘dirty appearance,’ having attacks or exacerbation of uveitis.

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Bodh, et al.: Inflammatory glaucoma

Corticosteroids Folate supplementation should be used concurrently, to minimize

the toxicity.
Corticosteroids remain the first line treatment in noninfectious
ocular inflammation and can be administered topically, Mycophenolate Mofetil: Mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) is another
periocularly, intravitreally, and systemically. They exert anti- corticosteroid-sparing medication that has favorable outcomes
inflammatory effects by inhibiting the release of arachidonic acid in treating ocular inflammation, with a low risk of side effects.
and a subsequent production of prostaglandins. Topical steroids MMF could be a potentially valuable alternative to other
are favored for anterior segment disease.[36] If a long-term anti- immunosuppressive therapy.[44]
inflammatory is needed, corticosteroid-sparing medications, or less
potent corticosteroids, should be slowly replaced because of the T-cell Suppressors
potential side effects of long-term use, such as cataract, glaucoma,
and local immunosuppression.[37] Periocular administration is Cyclosporine: Cyclosporine is an effective second-line agent in
used when more posterior effects are needed or when a patient’s treating uveitis, but its therapeutic use is greatly limited by its
compliance is unsure. Several techniques have been advocated toxicity, namely, renal dysfunction and systemic hypertension,
for the periocular application of corticosteroid, including even with low-dose regimens.[45]
subconjuctival, sub-Tenon’s capsule, transeptal, orbital floor, and
retrobulbar injections. Intravitreal injections of triamcinolone Cytotoxic Agents
(IVTA) can also be used to deliver a high concentration of
corticosteroids, to treat inflammation involving both anterior and Cyclophosphamide: Cyclophosphamide has been used as a second-
posterior segments. IVTA is associated with over a 50% chance line immunosuppressive agent and has been seen to have stronger
of an IOP elevation, although only 1 – 2% of these elevations immunosuppressive power than MTX and MMF. Scleritis has an
necessitate surgical intervention.[38] Systemic steroids can be used excellent response rate to cyclophosphamide.[46]
to treat ocular inflammation recalcitrant to topical and periocular
injections or when the uveitis is associated with systemic disease. Chlorambucil: Chlorambucil is an alkylating agent of the nitrogen
Implantation of intraocular slow-release drug delivery devices mustard type. It is recommended for use in patients with (1) severe
using fluocinolone acetonide has been studied,[39,40] and could be ocular inflammation unresponsive to corticosteroids and / or a
a potential surgical treatment of uveitis. A concerning ocular side corticosteroid-sparing agent, (2) serious progressive reduction
effect of corticosteroids is ocular hypertension especially with in vision despite other treatments, or (3) when blindness is an
long-term use (more than three months).[41,42] unavoidable consequence without further attempted therapy.[47]

Cycloplegics Treatment of Glaucoma

Cycloplegics are frequently prescribed together with Usually, abating the ocular inflammation normalizes the IOP,
corticosteroids to decrease the photophobia and pain caused by but in refractory cases, antiglaucoma medications, surgical
ciliary muscle or iris sphincter spasm. Cycloplegia can also break management, or cyclodestructive laser treatment of glaucoma
or prevent the formation of posterior synechiae. may be required.

Immunosuppressive agents Antiglaucoma Agents

Immunosuppressive agents like antimetabolites, T-cell
suppressors, and cytotoxic agents are generally reserved for Beta-blockers: Beta-blockers are first-line drugs to lower IOP in
cases refractory to corticosteroids or when chronic side effects of inflammatory glaucoma by reducing aqueous humor production.
systemic corticosteroids, such as, bone demineralization, diabetes, They are usually administered once or twice daily.[48]
or psychosis, are being avoided. Most immunosuppressive agents
take several weeks to achieve efficacy and should be used in Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors: Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
conjunction with oral corticosteroids, initially. Patients should be (CAIs) reduce aqueous production through an alteration of
monitored very closely. ion transport mechanism in the ciliary epithelium. CAIs can
be administered topically, orally, or intravenously. Topical
Antimetabolites administration has the least potential for side effects, but also the
Methotrexate: Methotrexate (MTX) is an effective first-line least potent IOP-lowering effect
corticosteroid-sparing medication. In a retrospective case series
review of 160 patients, control of inflammation was achieved in Selective alpha-2 adrenergic agonists: Alpha-2 adrenergic
more than 70% of the uveitic patients, with 90% having improved agonists lower IOP primarily by decreasing aqueous production.
or stable visual acuity.[43] However, MTX is associated with a Brimonidine may have a delayed onset of enhanced uveoscleral
30% discontinuation rate in the first year, due to toxicity, which outflow as well.[49,50] Nonselective adrenergic agents, such as
includes liver dysfunction, nausea and vomiting, and alopecia. epinephrine and dipivefrin, are not typically used. However, the

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Bodh, et al.: Inflammatory glaucoma

mydriatic effect of epinephrine can be used to prevent posterior Freedman et al.[59] reported an overall success rate of 75% with
synechiae. standard goniotomy surgery for the treatment of young patients
with medically refractory glaucoma associated with chronic
Prostaglandin analogs: Use of prostaglandin analogs (PGAs) in childhood uveitis, with few complications, and without worsening
the setting of uveitic glaucoma has been limited due to potential of the existing uveitis. Trabeculodialysis is a modified goniotomy
concerns of worsening inflammation and increasing the risk of used in children and young adults with uncontrolled uveitic
cystoid macular edema.[51,52] Although prostaglandins are to be glaucoma.[60] Diode or Nd: YAG laser cyclophotocoagulation
avoided as the first-line therapy, they may prove to be very useful can be used to destroy the secretory ciliary epithelium, leading
in a quiet eye with continuous pressure elevation. to decreased aqueous production. Unfortunately, cycloablative
procedures often exacerbate the inflammation. These methods are
Hyperosmotic agents: Hyperosmotic agents reduce IOP by reserved for eyes with poor visual potential, due to the relatively
dehydrating the vitreous, and thus, reducing the vitreous volume. high risk of further vision loss and phthisis bulbi.
They are used to lower IOP rapidly in an acute setting. However,
hyperosmotic agents carry a significant risk of intravascular fluid Few published reports are available that address the results of
overload in a patient with suppressed cardiovascular function. surgery in patients with uveitic glaucoma.
• Wright et al. reported that three of the 24 patients undergoing
Miotics: Miotics should not be used in uveitic glaucoma due trabeculectomy with mitomycin-C required subsequent
to their potential to induce formation of posterior synechiae, drainage implants and that seven of the 24 patients lost two
aggravate the symptoms of inflammation caused by ciliary spasm, or more lines of Snellen acuity.[61]
and worsen inflammation by disrupting the BAB. • Hill et al. reported a success rate of 79% in eyes undergoing
Molteno tube implantation.[62]
Surgical Treatment • Ceballos et al. reported a two-year success rate of 91.7% in
eyes undergoing Baerveldt drainage device placement for
Surgery for uveitic glaucoma is reserved for uncontrolled elevated uveitic glaucoma. There were no intraoperative complications
IOP, despite maximally tolerated medical therapy, as well as in in this series. Ten eyes had postoperative complications.
cases of pupillary-block angle-closure glaucoma. Intraocular The most common were choroidal effusions (four eyes,
surgery should be avoided whenever possible in eyes with active 16.7%), hypotony maculopathy (three eyes, 12.5%), cystoid
inflammation. However, when medical therapy is inadequate, macular edema (three eyes, 12.5%), and failure of corneal
surgery may be required. In these cases, it is best to do the least grafts (two eyes, 8.3%). One patient in whom a corneal graft
amount of surgery possible. A laser iridotomy is safer than an failed had undergone penetrating keratoplasty, three months
incisional iridectomy when an angle closure mechanism is before placement of the Baerveldt implant. The corneal graft
present, although the fibrin may tend to close a small iridotomy remained clear for two years and then slowly failed. The
in an inflamed eye. Antimetabolite therapy in association with second patient in whom a corneal graft failed had undergone
trabeculectomy has been shown to improve the success rate of penetrating keratoplasty at the same time as placement of the
trabeculectomy in patients with a high risk of failure.[36] A study Baerveldt implant. Her corneal graft failed 12 months after
by Kaburaki et al.,[53] has concluded that initial trabeculectomy surgery, at which time she underwent a second penetrating
with mitomycin C in uveitic glaucoma eyes with inactive uveitis keratoplasty. Most complications were transient and of no
that had not undergone any previous ocular surgery had results visual consequence.[63]
comparable to those of primary open angle glaucoma, suggesting • Ozdal et al. showed a two-year success rate of 68.4% in eyes
that pre-existing uveitis itself is not a risk factor for failure of undergoing the Ahmed drainage device placement for uveitic
trabeculectomy, with mitomycin C, when uveitis is under control. glaucoma.[64] Postoperative complications were observed in
Drainage implants are particularly useful in cases with significant 57.9% eyes. The majority of these complications were resolved
conjunctival scarring due to previous surgery. Drainage valves, either spontaneously or with an additional surgical procedure.
such as the Ahmed valve, may be safer than trabeculectomy, as Occlusion of the valve was the most common complication and
less risk of hypotony exists, which can be seen in postoperative occurred in 26.3% in which one additionally had extrusion of
uveitic eyes due to decreased aqueous production.[54-58] Standard the valve. In one of these eyes, the AV implant was replaced
goniotomy represents an alternative, safe, and effective surgical and the second implant worked successfully. Another one was
option for the treatment of young patients with medically refractory treated with irrigation of the implant. The remaining three
glaucoma, complicating chronic childhood uveitis. Candidates eyes in which two had neovascular glaucoma (NVG) were
for goniotomy include children and young adults, both phakic considered as a failure. A success rate in eyes with NVG has
and after cataract surgery. Angle surgery should be considered in been reported to be significantly lower. Another complication
these young patients, as it may be appropriate to utilize before that required additional surgery was corneal decompensation
more invasive surgical techniques such as trabeculectomy and due to the corneal-tube touch and was observed in one eye.
glaucoma implant surgery. Future consideration of goniotomy Penetrating keratoplasty was performed in this eye. Choroidal
for the surgical treatment of glaucoma, secondary to adult-onset effusion was observed in one and treated with systemic
uveitis, might also be warranted. corticosteroid. Other complications such as hyphema

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Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared.
54. Jampel HD, Jabs DA, Quigley HA. Trabeculectomy with 5-fluorouracil for

Oman Journal of Ophthalmology, Vol. 4, No. 1, 2011 9

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