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3. Google collects EAVs but will sometimes encounter interruptions due to sentence structure.

The sentence structure is disordered, causing Google to not be able to identify which entities,
which are attributes, and which are values. For example.
Leo Minh is very ugly ----> E - Leo Minh - A - Appearance - V - Ugly -----> CORRECT
Leo Minh is a man in his 30s but has a lot of facial features that make him a really unhandsome
person ------> crap writing, data mess, too many redundant words.
KEY: must write briefly, concisely, write with enough ideas, correct structure, clarify elements
in the structure ----> easy to collect data. This is a bit more about writing, understanding how to
write concisely and concisely like journalists is best.
4. EEAT is necessary.
When writing articles, there should be an element of personal opinion. This is not so obvious in
common content, but in YMYL items, it needs a heavier EEAT. In fact, when I write a sharing
article like this one, I write in my personal style, it's also better to read, and sometimes I add
personal experience to the article -----> more reputable data.
In terms of practice, I find it difficult to do this in SEO, unless that industry is my profession -----
> use GPT and use first person writing style with real experience EVAs data Your skills are
included, along with phrases that create high credibility.

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