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Self- Decla onl

l/we hereby solemnly affirm and state that the business

which l/we have started is not banned
or prohibited by any Act, Rures, Law or order of
any court of Law or any competent authority and the
premises where r/we are conducting the
said business is free from vioration of any Act, Rures,
order of
any Court of Law or any Competent Authority.

l/we hereby decrare that the information provided above

is true and correct to the best of my/our
personal knowledge, information and berief.
r/we am/are fufly aware about the consequences of giving
false information. rf the information is found to be
farse, r/we shal be riabre for procecution and
punishment under the rndian penar code (45
0f 1860) and /or any other raw appricabre thereto.

l/we have obtained necessary licenses, permissions, permit

for the conduct ofthis business and the
place of business from the appropriate Authority.

l/we shall be responsible and liable for legal action if the

business is conducted without proper licence,
permission, permit from the appropriate

l/we submit and declare that l/we will not undertake

any illegal activity or any business prohibited in
law in force in lndia.

l/we declare that the prace of business is not rocated in any area wherein commencing
business is prohibited by any law or order of any
/ running of such
Competent Authority.

l/we hereby decrare that the copies attested by me

are true copies of originar documents. r/we am/are
well aware of the fact that if the copies are found
farseforged, r/we shafl be riabre for procecution and
punishment under the lndian penal Code (45
of 1g60) and /or any other law applicable thereto.

l/we undertake to abide by the provisions of the Maharashtra

shops and Establishments (Regulation of
Emproyment and conditions of service) Act, 2o!7 (Mah.
LXr of 2olTland the Rures and orderi passed
thereunder by any Authority.

mt$Tafr, qrd-drtarrutru+, ra*rra o-rdl Ei{e sjfr rt a-qg m-{d/ s-.e fi, }fi/ 3fl?t Es *_}c,qr
-ftr{ilzlrzr{ ffi ni* a"r.qrfi Efr -qE11ilq1-qT siQrdr qiuriqr€l €srff
3JfrC"rff, Bqq, ar+A
Hfr-flqrqT s{i*r q'Ert dfi erdvqrf, 3{r*df arfi fr-dT ,'ar€
+ru-qrd 3Tr*e a6 3{iFI fr/ 3{rF& ;qr
ord-a r+a e{'*srq 68-a 3ire/ 3iTErd es} siqdrfi 3{Efi-c,,
Bqa, .iio*6 Fqr q*r 3{eE[
frtukqr& ssrff crfufl=qmr sirelr qit 3ais-d
Fr-*& ar&.

fl/3{r€, qT 3r$dfvd"6{d/ffi *r, cr rdrq€ r,.q

-q.drt ffit arfrfi, qrrqr 3{,*rqr ffi.ilfi
atat-g€I{, aTtr&9-*Iig} a fuedrsEl{rR qff E iqtr{fi 3Tt.
T6rfr alke &qr-.qr cRlrraEfr ffdT/3irFdrdT
qr!ftd 3G. ffie arFfr g$t-s 3ir6a;r3rdr*r m/sr€. eiTre'{ia-E +ifaar (raooqr 4s) 3r-T}
fttat ercitiqra aq rrnaer 5m ffi*lq ,EqTd$ €-rar rtrqrsr& E Qraffi cr* 3{rtl 3n&a

rat-a aqa amcvt qrira a++srq aTu-qr€r& $dft-d €Efud crfu+l;qrsqa 3ndsq6
fr/3rrF6l, fr
:rdn!d, c-iard-rfr, q{-drdr qrrd *-dT 3G

m/3{rr&,3rd-fr-e, ql-dwfi, qttrrn a tm aq-+srq'a srgrqrs fi-q'Arn-{ *n-orffi vn q dtngdn


m/3{rFfr,3rt dBd 6{iilffi'{e Sr, mrar-tra drrr 3i-sqrqr m+ssiarta a-dr+ s-s# ffirn-{ Tiq
3rzfEl e{FrcIrq +pirt ar&.

m/346,3r$ €ilRa flatffi fi, ie} 3rsr eqtrgFr gs a-irrqrs fi.-Er qratrt-qrq-ffi
f+-ot ffi serq crfu+rqrql sTreerrcdrt E-drgirffi sTrF asT ffi d-*ratn argl:+rri
.q?r€rqt fusrur trPra aTfr.

fr/3rd,3rS dft-d 6{-dffi' ff, ratdra srcc i;#ar sri-qrsrifu-d zi-Fdt-{glzqr rfr qr Ed
r+at-+azq €?qs-S gd-d. qr c-fi 3rsaq fi;ar qar+e J:raqr+ 3trdq-d 3flFqrg arn-trq {s qFdr
(1860sr 4s)3nFI I f*ar cqr+idrnd arq red-"ur effi 5frr drql{ql;TS qr+cil3Trtrzqr F{$ta
;qrqrrfia srm +nrqrsr& s ft)EffiT fr / $rd crr rntl:irdta qrfr Filr/3{rFdrdr y:t arufl-d' 3G

fr/3nF6t, a-6rra-( gori a :neerv-ar 1ffita d-drerdtt trffqrd) aeA+a, 2017 (2017 sr 61)E
rqr:iaJra aqr *€qr ffid ard€in 3{rFt sffq crffi qi+6sd B-ai'G-a q-qo-qrf, snN 3Tralr
aB $ra: rttd;r 6{uqr$ 6m m/te.

Name and Signature of the Employer

7e$res\r.4 ElJ-

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