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The Process of Writing: CODER



⚫ A notice is information regarding an important event that is about to happen or that has happened.
⚫ It is publicly displayed -- a kind of information for others to know and follow.
⚫ The notice must contain complete information
⚫ The message with essential details includes :
⮚an eye-catching caption - preferably a phrase and not a
⮚Important details.
⮚The name of the body / organization, organizing the event with Place/city

❖A notice must have:

❖A Notice must be inside a box
❖❖Issuing Authority/ Name of the Organization
❖❖The word ‘Notice’
❖❖Date on which the notice was issued
❖❖Catchy Headline
❖❖Body of notice with details:
⮚ Day/Date/time
❖ Signature , Name and designation of person issuing the notice
❖Word limit 50 words

You are Bhumika Sahni, President of the Cultural Forum of your school. You have organized an Inter-School Patriotic
Song Competition on Republic Day. Write a notice in about 50 words, informing the students about this event.


21 July, 2018

The Students' Council of

the school is organizing a
Career Counselling
Workshop for students of
Classes IX and X on Saturday,
23rd of July, 2018 between 9
am and 1 pm in the School Auditorium. Renowned counselors from Tripura University will address the students.
Students interested in participating, should be seated in the Auditorium by 8.45 am.
For more details, contact the undersigned.
21 July, 2018 Nakul Sinha Headmaster.



What is Notice Writing - A notice is a written or printed announcement (Example - a notice for sale). It is written to inform a
large number of people
about something that has happened or is about to happen.
It could be an upcoming event, competition, Lost and found notice or just a piece of information to be delivered to the
targeted audience.
It is generally written in a formal tone. Notices are factual and to the point. The language used is simple and formal, not
flowery. They are put up on display boards in schools or public places.

The Notice Writing Format should include:

1. Name of the issuing agency (school, etc)
2. Date of issue/release of the notice
3. Title/Subject of the Event (what?)
4. BODY-Date/time/duration/Place/Venue (when and where?)
5. Authorized signatory: Name and signature (contact details)
ABC International School, Noida

17 April 2021
Inter-School English Debate Competition

Literary Club of the School is organising An Inter-School English Debate Competition for
the students of classes IX-XII on 8 May 2021 from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Central

All students from classes IX to XII who wish to participate are to give their names to
their respective English teachers by 4 May 2021.

Students willing to participate in the event give their names to their respective English
teachers on or before 4 May 2021. ( CHOOSE ANY ONE OF THE TWO EXPRESSIONS )

For further information contact the undersigned.

(Piyush K)
Secretary, Literary Club

Practice exercise 1-
On the occasion of National Science and Technology Day, the school has decided to organise a Science Fair. Vikram, the secretary
of the Science Society, wants to call a meeting of the office-bearers of the society to discuss the arrangements for the fair. Write a
notice in not more than 50 words. Furnish all necessary details.

Sample Notice (with agenda)

Write an agenda notice for the meeting of security men with the Director of their agency to discuss certain security
hazards and arrive at specific resolutions.
A report is a description of an event that has already taken place. It is a factual account of some event or happening
that may have occurred somewhere but is of interest to the general masses or the readers for whom it is meant.
⚫ A newspaper report must be comprehensive but brief; factual yet interesting.
⚫ Factual reporting is the accurate and truthful coverage of an event.
⚫ It is a brief review of a situation or a process that includes only the relevant points and information.


⚫ It is usually written in third person and indirect speech.

⚫ Passive voice is used.
⚫The language used is neutral. Ornamental language is avoided.
⚫The content should include what , when, where, for whom/ by whom, why and how, details of the programme, chief
guest, inauguration, resource person, outcome of the topic to be written about. ( As required by the question)

Headline -every news article has a headline to attract the attention of the reader. The Headline must be:
⚫ Catchy, which attracts the attention of the reader.
⚫ Brief - leave out articles, prepositions, etc where possible, use abbreviations/shortened word-forms
wherever possible.
⚫ By line-since this is your news article you need to let the reader know who wrote it. The line with your name on it is called the “By" line because
it tells by whom the article has been written. Write the word "By:" followed by your name, Staff Reporter & the name of the newspaper. Eg.
Rajbeer Sharma/ TOI/ CNN/ HT/ BBC
⚫ On the next line, write the name of city, where the incident took place & date.



⚫ Leading lines usually answers the questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why?
⚫ It tells the reader how the incident happened.
⚫ Narrate the incident in the chronological order. Eyewitness accounts add to the authenticity of the news.
⚫ Include some quotes from the eyewitnesses‘ comments. Also describe what they felt about the incident.
⚫ Describe the future course of action being planned.
⚫ Remember to use simple, clear but formal language.


⚫ Include some quotes from the eyewitnesses‘ comments. Also describe what they felt about the incident.
⚫ Describe the future course of action being planned.
⚫ Remember to use simple, clear but formal language.


⚫Your school has recently organized a workshop on Disaster Management. Prepare a report for a local newspaper
based on the programme. You are Akash Roy, Staff reporter of the Times of India.
ABC School Organizes Workshop on Disaster Management
Akash Roy, Staff Reporter/ TOI.
Agartala, 12 December: Keeping in view the frequent occurrence of earthquakes, ABC School, Agartala, in association
with the Indian Red Cross Society, organized a talk on Disaster Management. Around 100 teachers and 250 students from
various educational institutions participated in the workshop.
Mr. A. Ahuja, the State Secretary of the Red Cross Society was the guest speaker. He cited statistics from the World
Disaster Report and identified areas more vulnerable to earthquakes in this state. He also explained the precautionary
measures to be taken by the public and the government in case of an emergency.
The session included a multimedia presentation on the aftermath in the tsunami that struck coastal areas of various
countries including India. Mr. Kashiram Singh of Civil Defence was the other resource person. He focused on the capacity
assessment highlighting the problems of rehabilitation and relief work. A mock evacuation drill was also conducted by the
volunteers from the NCC team of the organizer school.
Question 7.

You are Poorva/Partha, Cultural Secretary of your school, D.B. Senior Secondary School, Ambur. A week-long Music and
Dance festival was organised by your school. Write a report in 100-125 words for your school magazine. Invent the details.
(All India 2011)


Music And Dance Fiesta

Poorva, Cultural Secretary

26th August, 20xx: The school organised a week-long Music and Dance festival, from the 18th of August to 26th of August. 15
schools of the town participated in the event.

It was a great music and dance extravaganza which saw a wide variety of Indian classical music, folk and western music and
dance forms. During this week-long festival, many competitions and programmes were organised in the school and each event
was graced by illustrious musicians and reputed dancers.

On the concluding day of this festival, a two-hour-long programme displaying a unique fusion of classical and western dance
and music was put up. This was a treat for all music and dance lovers and was also the highlight of the event. Seeing the huge
success of this fiesta the principal assured the students that attempts would be made to organise it on a regular basis. The
event got wide media coverage.

Question 8.

You visited a Job Fair organised by Ability Foundation at Chennai recently. You were impressed to see that nearly 55
companies from various sectors such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics etc. offered jobs to the final
year students of various colleges. As a reporter of ‘The Deccan Times’, Chennai, prepare a report in 100-125 words. You are
Peeyush/Priya. (All India 2011)


Job Fair For Young Students by Ability Foundation

Priya, Staff Reporter/ The Deccan Times

Chenai 14th April, 20xx: The Ability Foundation organised a Job Fair in Chennai for final year students of various colleges. The
fair was held in Fort Hall from 15- 16 December, 2020.

The fair witnessed an overwhelming response from job seekers and companies from across the region. The two-day event saw
55 companies from various sectors, such as information technology, telecommunication, electronics, etc. offering jobs to these
students. On day one around 100 fresh graduates from MBA, Technical colleges, NITS and B.Ed colleges got the high paying
offers. Companies like TCS, Vipro, Byju's offers were most welcomed.
It was really a great incentive for these fresh graduates to be offered jobs literally ‘on a platter’. Over 500 job seekers walked in
to seek well-paying jobs with the most renowned companies. The Director of Ability Foundation assured that such job fairs will
be held in other cities as well in the upcoming months. Such employment fairs should be organised as these provide an ideal
platform for students who are on the lookout for jobs after having completed their graduate-level education. The success of the
event was widely covered by the local media.
Letter Writing

There are two types of letters, i.e. Formal and Informal, available in your syllabus. Formal letters are mostly
official letters.
Sender’s address
Receiver’s address
Sir/ Madam
Body of the letter
Complementary closure
Letter Writing

Letter Writing

You are Navtej/Navita, Secretary, Environment Club, Akash Public School, Agra. You, along with , a group of students, went on
a 3 – day tour of Corbett National Park. You found how the tourists abused the available facilities and thus endangered the
environment. Write a letter in 120 – 150 words to the editor of a national daily highlighting the situation. Suggest ways
through which the environment of the park can be saved.


Akash Public School

Sadar Road Agra XXXXXX

26 January 20XX

The Editor

The Hindu

MG Road


Dear Sir

Subject: Environmental pollution at Corbett National Park

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the government to the rampant abuse
of the available facilities in Corbett National Park by tourists and the consequent endangering of the environment. I, along
with a group of students from Akash Public School, Agra, went on a 3 – day tour of the national park. I found that tourists not
only littered the place with non – biodegradable plastic packets and wrappers but also used fuel wood from the forests for
cooking. The tranquility of the habitat was disturbed by the tourists playing loud music in their safari jeeps.

The Corbett National Park is the oldest in the country, established in 1936, to protect the endangered Royal Bengal tiger. The
public should be made aware of the fact that Ecotourism should not be allowed at the cost of endangering the environment.

The tourists must regard Corbett National Park as a paradise and should love flora and fauna of the park. The forest
authorities should impose strict rules and regulations to improve the environment of the park.

Yours faithfully



(Environment Club)

To Editor of a Newspaper about the recent ban on smoking in public places: (w.e.f. 2 Oct,2009)
23 Tilak Marg,
Indira Nagar, New Delhi.
12 December, 2020

The Editor,
The Telegraph
Sub: Regarding Ban on Smoking in Public Places.
In a bid to educate people about the harmful effects of cigarette smoking, the Government of India has taken
serious steps of banning smoking in public places.
A few years ago, it was made obligatory for all cigarette manufacturing units to insert a statutory warning on their
cigarette packs: “Smoking is injurious to health”. Now all cigarette packets bear this warning, but smoking, in no
way, has become less common. Smokers don’t care for such a warning because they already know what is written
on their pack of cigarettes. They are addicts in the real sense and addicts never care about the harm of a drug they
take. Similarly, censorship of all cigarette smoking scenes in Indian cinema won’t help in any way.
The only remedy lies in banning all cigarette manufacturing units. If the Government can put a ban on the making
of cocaine, why not the manufacturing of cigarettes? Public awareness campaigns on Digital platforms, regular
workshops for school students will also lead to good results. The provision of imposing a heavy fine for smoking
in public places will reduce the cases.
The print media can play a crucial role in generating awareness among the general public about the damage
smoking can cause.

Yours truly,
Sajat Kalai.

Article Writing

⚫ An article is an expression of one’s thought on an issue or a subject logically and coherently written in meaningful

Writing an article is a challenging task. It needs creativity, good vocabulary,

good knowledge of the subject and skill to organize ideas.
⚫ Purpose
To focus on themes like social concern, narrating an event, description of a place, etc.
Article Writing
⚫ Give a TITLE that catches the attention of the reader.
⚫ Begin with a striking opening sentence which addresses the readers and gets them interested in the topic.
⚫ Present a strong argument for your ideas supporting it with evidences or elaboration.
⚫ Use linking devices (however, therefore, although, even though, in order to…) to make the composition appear a
⚫ Introduce a new point at the beginning of each paragraph that follows, to strengthen your ideas.
⚫ Develop your ideas as much as you can to make them interesting and substantial.
⚫ Conclude with your strongest point.
⚫ Use passive voice, humor, emotive language, rhetorical questions to provide a specific effect.
Article Writing
Advertisements have become a big business. They are promoted by celebrities drawn from various fields like films,
sports, etc., leaving their influence on all people, especially the young. As Mohit / Mudita, write an article in 150-200
words on ‘The Impact of Advertisements on theYounger Generation’. (Delhi 2010)


Impact of Advertisements on the Younger Generation

By: Mudita

The advertisement industry has a tremendous impact on the younger generation. As citizens of the modern world,
advertisements have become a part of the daily lives of youngsters and they have got used to being bombarded with
numerous advertisements over the course of their day.

Advertisements have become so common for them that they often do not even realize that they are hearing or viewing
them. So they have a pervasive influence on the youth. In the ever-expanding world of consumerism and advertising,
companies are constantly looking for new ways to sell their products to the youngsters by making their commercials
and campaigns more memorable, to leave an impact on their minds. The younger generation has become their prime
target because they have more spending power than ever before and increased avenues at their disposal. Therefore
companies spend enormous amounts of money to rope in popular film stars, cricketers, musicians etc. to endorse
their products.

This helps to ensure popularity and early brand loyalty. In the last decade many superbrands have looked towards new
and outrageous ways to capture young audiences through appealing campaigns as these youngsters are cognitively
and psychologically quite defenceless against advertisements.

Clearly, advertisements represent ‘big business’ and have a significant effect on young people who need to be
educated about the effects of advertising, that is, media literacy. This will prove to be helpful in mitigating the harmful
effects of advertising on youngsters.

Increase in the number of vehicles causes pollution and traffic jams. Write an article in 150-200 words for ‘The New
Indian Express’, Delhi, highlighting the urgent need to solve these man-made problems, giving suitable suggestions.
You are Madhav/Madhuri. (Delhi 2010)


The Problem of Pollution

By: Madhav

Cities, in general, have a great deal in common with vehicles. In fact they often seem to be turning into vehicles.
India’s population and its traffic is concentrated within its cities. The increasing number of vehicles in Delhi is putting
our city at the risk of completely losing clean air to breathe. Delhi would have, in fact, been buried under a pollution
load if the Supreme Court had not intervened to introduce cleaner fuels and emissions technology in the city, in the
form of CNG-run public vehicles. Moreover, an increase in the number of vehicles also means getting stuck in rush
traffic hour which has also become a routine.

It is high time we now look towards solving this problem of heavy traffic congestion which is taking a toll both on our
health and our time. The traffic police department must use technology for controlling and monitoring the movement
of vehicles at important and busy crossroads for which the department officials can also take the help of Close Circuit
T.V. Drives should be launched to educate the masses about the importance of driving in their respective lanes only
and to follow traffic signals strictly. Violation of these should result in fines and in case of repeated offence the driving
license of the person should be confiscated.

Pollution check of vehicles by owners at regular intervals should be made mandatory. A perfect Public transport
system will reduce vehicular pollution to a great extent. Use of Electric vehicles must be encouraged. This can also
contribute a lot in saving the environment from pollution.
Thus, we as responsible citizens just need to make a start.

When you apply for a job, the letter consists of two parts-covering letter and the bio-data or curriculum vitae. The
following points are to be remembered while preparing the covering letter.
∙ Follow the format of a formal letter.
∙ Your letter should be brief and to the point.
∙ Introduction - Mention the source from where you got the information about
the vacancy you are applying for and your wish to apply
for the post.

∙ Body - Give a brief summary of your qualifications – academic and

professional, whichever applicable and experience, and how you feel that helps you to apply for
the post mentioned.

∙ Conclusion - Make a reference to CV, photograph and other details enclosed,

and express your wish to attend an interview.

Finish the covering letter on a promising and positive note.

After signing off, give a short title “Enclosures” and list the following:
- Bio-data
- Copies of certificates
- Experience Letter

The CV should have the following details.

∙ The Curriculum Vitae should present all your personal and professional details in a specific format.

∙ The CV has four parts:

- Personal information - Name/ DOB/ contact details- Phone no./ mailing id
- Qualification - academic and professional.
- Experience
- References
∙ Qualification should be written in a table with four columns:

Name of the Exam Name of the Board /University Year of Passing Percentage

- Qualification should be written from the current

- qualification to the first. ∙
- Experience should be written from the current to the first.
- Referee’s full name, designation, postal address and telephone number should be written.


You are Preetinder Singh Gill. Recently you read an advertisement for the post of Mechanical Engineer in ITC
Technologies Ltd., Manipal Centre Bangalore. Write an application for this job.

122, Bharat Nagar

5th September 2019
The Manager
ITC Technologies Ltd.
Manipal Centre
Dear Sir

Sub: Application for the Post of a Mechanical Engineer

In response to your advertisement in “The Tribune” dated 30th August 2019, I wish to offer my services for the post of a
Mechanical Engineer in your renowned company.
I am a young engineering Post Graduate in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kanpur. I have two years of experience in a
reputed firm. I wish to work in a dynamic firm like yours and support the growth of your organisation and also my career
I am enclosing my bio-data herewith for your kind reference. If selected, I assure you that I shall work with utmost devotion
and sincerity to your full satisfaction.
I look forward to attending an interview at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully
Preetinder Singh Gill


2) -Copies of certificates


Name : Preetinder Singh Gill

Date of Birth : 8th October 1990

Father’s Name : Maninder Singh Gill

Nationality : Indian
Gender : Male
Marital Status : Single
Address : 10, Green Field, Ludhiana
Telephone : 9556784324
E-mail Id :


Name of Name of University / Institution Year of Percentage obtained

Exam passing
M. Tech IIT Kanpur 2014 72%
B.E IIT Delhi 2012 95%
AISSE CBSE 2008 78%
SSC ICSE 2006 85%

Computer Skills
∙ Well versed with MS Office Suite (Word, Excel & PowerPoint), UNIX, Oracle & Internet Applications.
Experience : Working as an IT Engineer in MIT TECH. Mangalore since August

REFERENCES : 1) Mr.C.K. Mehta

IIT Kanpur
Phone: 2724863

2) Dr. Sunil Kapoor HOD Computers.

IIT Delhi. Phone: 2462359
Declaration: I , XYZ, son of ABC, do hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.



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