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Wolaita Sodo University Dawuro-Tarcha Campus

College of Business and Economics

Department of Economics
Development Planning-I INDIVIDUAL Assignment given to 4th year WKD undergraduate
Economics Students
Summation Date One week before final Exam date.

 Copy from others work will amount to be zero mark!
 The maximum expected mark will be 15 %.
1. Discuss on the main assumptions of the dualism development thinking and briefly
outline the similarities and differences thereof.
2. Discuss the achievements of MDGs of Ethiopia based on the indicators for monitoring
progresses specified. What are your general comments on the performance of
Ethiopian government to realize the goals?
3. Briefly discuss on how the oscillating search and the Millennium Development Goals
(MDG) are interrelated and their implication for developing countries?
4. Comment on the planning process of Eastern Europe countries and the pros and cons
of such planning type on the economic growth of these countries.
5. Why planning in third world countries were different from the two distinct world
economies, which are the first and second world economies?
6. Discuss the similarities of planning definition specified under A. Lewis, other
academicians, popular definition and working definition. Try to comprehend in few
words the definition of planning.
7. There are different reasons why planning is needed in developing countries. Select any
three and briefly explain in connection to the current overall economy, or regional or
local economies.
8. Take in your area any Government or Non-Government or private working for profit
or not-for-profit organization and formulate a 5 year plan based on the pre-requisites
for successful planning.

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