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J;mv kel' 'i?




1. Plannin g Informa tion

A. Effectivit y

( 1) Airplanes

Model40 0, Beechjet, Serial RJ-1 through RJ-65 ;

Model 400A. Beechjet, Serials RK-1 through RK-353 ;

Model 400A, Beechjet (Hawker 400XP), Serials RK-354 through RK-604:

Modei 400T (T-1 A) , Beechjet, Serials TT-1 through TT-180;

Modei40 0T {TX), Beechjet, Serials TX-1 through TX-13 .

If you are no longer in possession of the airplane, please forward this information
to the present

(2) Spares
Refer to Table 1 (commercial) and Table 2 (military) of this Service Bulletin.
B. Reason

This Service Bulletin is being issued in response to a report of an unanticipated

operational disruption due
to mechanical feedback from the pitch trim actuator (PTA) to the pilot during flight.
Upon inspection, the
PTA exhibited accelerated thread wear on the ACME nut that mates with the jackscrew
. The supplier has
identified units to be pre-empti vely overhauled.

l~~~~~~iu~ ~:~Ja'ff~~c~!·~~·s::~c:~rry% ur~;! ~~:~b~~10 :~~ 0~~~~ Ooth claues <:~re available 011 the web at hUJ) llpubs hawketbe-td\tfaft com and malfeG to
export control reqwremcnts, contact tt\e Comme.tce Oep.artmcnr.s aure~u of E:{port
(o) Owners of reeo<d on the FAA Airaan RC9••tratoon Braneh L~>t 3nd tile HBC
AdmtnJstr.tliOI'l at http /Mww t>•S dOC gov Safely of Foght Information (SOFt) Uot
(D) ThOse h;~VJng a pubfJeahons subsaiPttOn
Hawker 8eec:haatt Corporat1on tHBC} tssucs Sef"'.Ace tnforma!ioo fOf' the benefit
of o-..,mr$ lnformat>o<~ on Safely of Fl19hl InformatiOn iSOFil or suDscript1on be oblained throug~
~nd f1xcd base operators 10 the form ot !'>No daz.~s of Sct"v1te 81Jifcbn~ The
Mandotory SerVIce Ouffetm) {ted border) •ntJudes dtange5, mspectlon and mOdJ 1ir'l dass, the Hawker Oee-chaaft CorporatiOO TectuUcaJ Manual Otsln.Dtltlon Center
flcatiOilS th<U Mandatory Serv~ce Bulletins aod Se.MCe Bulletms are issued . the SeMce 8ullerm
could aNect safely or crashwor1hme$$ HOC also >Ssucs Servtce Bulel•n$ w11h no rod Master
wfl•CI1 are des.gnated as t>1ther recommended or op1tonaltn the compltance $Cebon border lrnfux wdl be upt;'l.~!ed and avallable 011hnc at http //pubs. ha-M<e:~chuan . eom
wrth1n the V\.'a.rranty
bulletin tn tne case of tecommooded SeMGe w1J1 ~ aiJowed only when dCflrlCd U1 the SefVICC Bulletin and 1n accorda~
B~~!!e11f'IS, HSC f~!s. l.he changes, HOC Warranty PoliC)' With
mO(M~tioos . rrnp~ovemen1s Of 1nspechons WJII ooner1 t the
owner/operator a1~d aJthotJ gh
h1ghly recommended Recommcndea Servte(!' Bulre'bns. ~1e not a:ms,dered mandai Unless othef'NISC desl{)nated, HSC Mandatory Serv1ce Bullcbns, Sctvice Gu-llebn.s and
Of)' af the HBC
lime of •ssuance In the case of Oplional Sern~ Butret1ns. compl.I.!U\Ce y.nth the ehal'\ges., k:JtS itre apnroved for •lSlallatJCn on HBC a:ir~:sncs '" ong.nal ot HBC mo<hf~ed conhgurutions
modifications, tmpt'OIIements or mspect1ons is at the ownefloperator' s d•scrctJon only HBC Mandat?fY Service Bulletins, SeMCe Bulletins and Krts may not be
wtth owptanes mo«Jrhed by STC ,nstan..1ttons or mOOfiedhOfl$ other tt'la.n HBC approved

Issued : March . 2012

58 27-4100
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];IIWictw <Meechcraft

C. Desc riptio n

This Service Bulletin provid es instructions to

condu ct a review of the airplane's maint enanc
determ ine if the installed PTA is suspect for accele e record s to
rated wear of the ACME nut component. Affect
serial and part numb ers are listed in Table 1 (comm ed PTA
ercial airplanes) and Table 2 (military airplanes)
If determ inatio n canno t be made based on the
maint enanc e records, a visual inspe ction of the
PTA datap late is neces sary. If the installed PTA installed
serial numb er is identified in Table 1 or Table 2,
replaced with an overh auled or serviceable assem the PTA is
D. Comp liance

(1) Civil Airplanes

An Airwo rthine ss Directive will be requested on
the matter covered by this Service Bulletin.
Hawk er Beech craft Corporation considers this
to be a Mandatory Service Bulletin. It must
accom plishe d at the next scheduled inspection, be
within 200 flight hours , or six (6) month s from
issua nce of this Servic e Bulletin, which ever occur
s first.
(2) Military Airpla nes
For comp liance inform ation on military airpla
nes affected by this Service Bulletin, conta
appro priate headq uarter s. ct the

E. Appro val

The engin eering data conta ined in this Servic

e Bulletin is FAA approved.
This modif icatio n is classified Minor per FAA Order
8110 .52 .
Prior to accom plishm ent, owne rs/ope rators
of airplanes registered in countries other than
States shall consult with their local Aviation Regul the Unite d
atory Authority.
F. Manp ower

The following information is for planning purpo

ses only :

No warra nty cover age will be allowed for the inspec
tion portions of this Service
Estim ated man-h ours for remov al and replac emen
t of the PTA: 10.0 hours
Sugge sted numb er of techn icians : 1
The above is an estim ate based on exper
ienced , properly equipped techn icians comp
Service Bulletin . lying with this

G. Weig ht and Balan ce

No chang e.
II is the responsibility of the owner/oper ator
to maintain comp liance with the applicable Airwo
Regu lation s. rthine ss

Issue d: March . 2012

SB 27-4100
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J"7mvkel' 'i?eechcraft

H. Electri cal Load Data
No change .
I. Softwa re Accom plishm ent Summ ary
Not applicable.
J. Refere nces
Beechjet Model 400/400A (Hawker 400XP) Maintenance
Manual (MM), PIN 128-590001-9 , Revision C23
or subsequent, Chapter 27-40-00;
T-1A Aircraft Technical Manual Job Guide, P/N TO 1T-1A-
2-27 JG-40-1 ;
T-400 Aircraft Technica l Manual Job Guide, PIN TOT 400-2-2
7 JG-40- 1.
K. Public ations Affecte d
L. Interch angea bility of Parts
Not applicable .
M. Warra nty Credit

( 1) Civil Airplanes

Warranty credit for labor and parts to the extent noted under
allowed on all affected airplanes with the suspect PTA serial
numbers listed in Table 1 of this Service
Bulletin . Claims for compliance with this Service Bulletin
are to be filed as a W4-type claim against
SB 27-4100.
Warranty coverage offered in this Service Bulletin will expire
six (6) months from the last day of the
month this Service Bulletin is issued . After this date, the
owner/operator assumes the responsibility
for compliance cost. Hawker Beechcraft Corporation (HBC)
reserves the right to void continued
warranty coverage in the area affected by this Service Bulletin
until the date the Service Bulletin is
accomplished by a Hawker Beechcraft Services (HBS) facility.
The owner/operator must contact HBS to schedu le this
Service Bulletin work to be accomplished .
HBS will submit the appropriate paperwork directly to the
HBC Warranty Department for warranty
consideration . Hawker Beechcraft Corporation liability shall
be limited to the remaining prorated life
of the affected part, based on an 1,800-hour Time Betwee
n Overhaul (TBO). For examp le, if the
affected part has 1,350 hours based on an 1,800-hour TBO
, HBC will provide 25% of the cost of
replacing the part.
The removed suspect PTA assemblies SHALL be red-tag
ged and returned to HBC at the followin g
address in order to receive warranty consideration :
Hawke r Beech craft Corpo ration
Attn: Warra nty Hold Area
370 N. Webb Rd., East Dock, Bldg 66
Wichit a , KS 67206
After the Service Bulletin has been accomplished , a warran
ty claim must be submitted to HBC within
60 days of the Service Bulletin completion date.

Issued : March , 2012

SB 27-4 100
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];IIWkBI' 1?eechcraft
(2) Military Airplanes

For information on PTAs installed on military airplanes

affected by this Service Bulletin, refer to Table
2 and contact the appropriate headquarters .

2. Mate rialln form ation

A. Mater ials - Price and Availa bility

Contact information:
Hawker Beechcraft Parts & Distribution (HBP&D)
10511 East Centra l Avenue
Wichita. KS 67206
Phone : 316-676-3100 or 1-888-727-4344
Fax: 316-676-3222 or 316-676-3327
E-mail: HBC_Parts@hawkerbeechcraft .com
B. Indus try Supp ort

Not applicable.
C. Airpla nes

The following parts required for accomplishment of this

Service Bulletin may be ordered through a Hawker
Beechcraft Authorized Service Center or HBP&D:

Part Numb er Descr iption Quan tity Per Airpla ne

45AS61 023-143 OVH (commercial) Actuator - Pitch Trim 1
132-380000-13 (military)

Hawker Beechcraft Corporation expressly reserves

the right to supersede, cancel and/or declare obsolete,
without prior notice , any parts or publications that may
be referenced in this Service Bulletin .
D. Spares

P/N 45AS61023- 143 (commercial) or PIN 132-380000-1

3 (military).
E. Reide ntified Parts

Pitch trim actuators reworked per this Service Bulleti

n will have suffix "SB-27 -1" added to the existin g serial
number field on the dataplate.
F. Toolin g -Price and Availa bility

Not applicable.

Issued : March. 2012

SB 27-4100
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3. Accom plishm ent Instru ctions

This Service Bulletin shall be accomp lished as follows :

Should any difficulty be encountered in accomplishing this
Service Bulletin ,
contact Hawker Beechc raft Corpora tion at 1-800-4 29-5372
or 316-676 -3140 or
contact appropr iate headqu arters for military airplanes .

Observe all Warnings and Caution s contained in the airplan
e manua ls
referenced in this Service Bulletin .

Whenever any part of this system is disman tled, adjuste

d, repaire d or
renewed, detaile d investig ation must be made on comple tion
to make sure
that distorti on, tools, rags or any other loose articles or foreign
matter that
could impede the free movem ent and safe operati on of the
system are not
present, and that the systems and installa tions in the work area
are clean.
A. Airplan e

( 1) Determ ine if the installed PTA is suspect for accelerated

wear of the ACME nut compon ent per the
followin g applica ble steps:

(a) Review the airplane 's mainten ance records for affected PTA
part and serial number s as listed in
Table 1 (comme rcial) or Table .2 (military) of this Service Bulletin
(i) If the PTA serial number s match those listed in Table 1 or Table
.2, the PTA should be
replaced with an overhau led or servicea ble assemb ly. Proceed
to Step (.2) .
(ii) If PTA serial number s are not listed in Table 1 or Table .2 , no
further action is needed .
Procee d to Step (9).

(b) If a determi nation cannot be made th rough records researc

h , perform a visual inspect ion of the
installed PTA . Access the PTA and view the compon ent datapla
te for applica ble part and serial
number s listed in Table 1 or Table 2. Refer to PITCH TRIM
PANEL (BULLE T) REMOV AL in MM , Chapte r 27-40-0 0 (comme
rcial) or appropriate Job Guide
(military ).

(i) If the PTA serial number s match those listed in Table 1 or Table
2, the PTA should be
replace d with an overhau led or servicea ble assembly. Proceed
to Step (2).
(ii) If PTA serial number s are not listed in Table 1 or Table .2, no
further action is needed .
Procee d to Step (8).

Issued: March, 2012

SB 27-41 00
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~VIIWke 1?eechcraft

Table 1
(Comm ercial)
Model 400/400A (Hawke r 400XP)
--- ··-·- ~-~ ...
HBC Part Numbe r Supplie r Part Numbe r Serial Numbe r
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 10
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 11
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 22
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 33
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 000402
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 000411
45AS61023·1 43 AA-45-51 M 11 910906
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 920105
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 920503
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 921009
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51 M 11 940309
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11
1--- 940402
45AS61 023-14 3 AA-45-51 M 11 961002
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 970609
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51M11 990908
45AS61023-143 AA-45-5 1M11 67637015
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 68372010
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51 M11 ET0041
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51 M 11 ET0056
45AS61023-143 AA-45-51M11 ET0066
45AS61 023-143 AA-45-51 M 11 ET0072

Table 2
(Militar y)
Model 400T (TT/TX)

HBC Part Numbe r Supplie r Part Numbe r Serial Numbe r

132-380000-13 AA-45-51 M12 931101
132-380000- 13 AA-45-51 M 12 950603
132-380000-13 AA-45-51 M12 951104
132-380000-1 3 AA-45-51M12 960102
132-380000-13 AA-45-51 M 12
'------ 961202

Issued: March. 2012

SB 27-4 100
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.-~'711WkBI' 'Deechcraft
(2) Remove all power from the airplane
and disconnect the battery. Display warning
reconnection of airplane electrical power. notices prohibiting

(3)Remove the pitch trim actuator from the

airplane. Refer to PITCH TRIM ACTUATOR
procedure in MM. Chapter 27-40-00 (com REMOVAL
mercial) or appropriate Job Guide (military).
(4) Red-tag and return suspect PTAs to
the address listed in Step 1. M. Warranty Cred
(5) Upon receipt of the overhauled PTA,
install the unit into the airplane. Refer
MM , Chapter 27-40-00 (commercial) or appro
Guide (military) . priate Job

(6) Reconnect the airplane battery, remove warn

ing notices. and restore power.
TEST. Refer to MM, Chapter 27-40-00
appropriate Job Guide (military). (commercial) or

(8) Perform the PITCH TRIM UPPER FOR

procedure in MM. Chapter 27-40 -00 (com ALLATION
merc ial) or appropriate Job Guide (military).
(9) Ensure all work areas are clean and
clear of tools and miscellaneous items of
(1 0) Return airplane to service.
B. Spares

Red-tag and return suspect PTAs to the addre

ss listed in Step 1. M. Warranty Cred it
C. Reco rd of Com plian ce

Upon completion of this Service Bulletin,

make an appropriate maintenance record
entry .

Issued: March, 2012

SB 27-4100
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