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Q1 How many faces do you see in the given picture? Options : a.12 b.13 15 d.08 * Chosen Option :b * Correct Answer : a= 12 marks, b = 17 marks, d = 07 marks Q2 indentify the four most important visual principles in the given two dimensional black and white composition Options : a. Repetition b. Radiation c. Depth d. Hierarchy e. Order f. Symmetry g. Continuity h. Direction . Vibration Pattern ro Intricacy |. Delicateness m. Focal point P Contrast 0. Flow . Complexity > Chosen Option: aj.k.o Correct Answer : a,b,f,j, k,l Q3 Indentify the four most important visual principles in the given two dimensional black and white composition Options : a. Repetition Zs . Parallelism Datum |. Symmetry 3D Effect Depth Rhythm Hierarchy me ao zo Order Continuity Direction - Fee . Gradation m. Play of background & foreground B Intricacy ° . Complexity . Focal Point 3 Chosen Option : a,¢,f.1 Correct Answer : a,b,€,f,1,0 Q44 Indentify the four most important visual principles in the given two dimensional black and white composition Options : a. Repetition b. Radiation c. Depth d. Rhythm e. Hierarchy f. Order g. Symmetry h. Delicatness |. Continuity Direction ro Vibration . Play of background & foreground m. Intricacy Balance 2 © . Focal point p. Flow Chosen Option: ¢gj.! + Correct Answer: cfigijJin Q5 Which of the following options fit into the missing part of the figure below? Options : G1 <|* * Chosen Option: a * Correct Answer : 4 When two or more bright colours as indicated in the image below are viewed at length, tiny muscles of the eye have to over work resulting in visual fatigue. What is that effect called Options : a, Chromsomes b. Achromatic c. Chromostereoposis d. Coloursterosis + Chosen Option :c + Correct Answer: ¢ Q7When our eyes are exposed to similar shades of a colour as indicated in the Image below for some time the colours seem to fade, edges blur and they become the same shade, What is this phenomenon called? Options : ‘, Colour washing b. Colour flowing c. Colour folding 4. Colour mixing + Chosen Option: a * Correct Answer : a Q8 Colors change their character if they are surrounded by different colors. What is that effect called as? Options : a. Bezos b. Bezold c. Bezubban d. Bezonimic + Chosen Option : b * Correct answer :b Q9 Which of the colour schemes in the images on the right hand side resembles closest the composition below? Options : d. * Chosen Option : c * Correct Answer : ¢ Q.10Which one black and white line composition on right hand side resembles the coloured composition below? ae a C———————, * Chosen Option: d * Correct Answer : d Q.1 "No two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers” Is known as the Options : a. Pauli exclusion principle . Hund’s inclusion principle C, Pauli inclusion principle d. Hund’s exclusion principle + Chosen Option : a * Correct Answer: 2 Q.2 The dipole moment of a BeFy molecule is Options : a0 be G2 d.3 + Chosen Option : a * Correct Answer: 2 Q3 The term oxidation is defined as the Options : 4. Adecrease in the oxidation number of the element in a substance b. addition of the electro positive element to a substance C. removal of electronegative element from a substance d, loss of electrons by a species * Chosen Option: d * Correct Answer: d Q4 In the Carius method of estimation of halogen 0.15 g of an organic compound gave 0.12 g of AgBr. What is the percentage of bromine in the sample? Options : a. 10.24% b. 26.42% . 34.04% d. 45.81% + Chosen Option :~ + Correct Answer: ¢ Q5 The green method of dry cleaning clothes is by using Options : a. Tetrachioride ethane b. Liquefied carbon dioxide C. Liquefied nitrogen d. Hydrogen peroxide + Chosen Option :b + Correct Answer: by Q6 The value OF og, 10 * Tog, 120 ma" Options : a.0 b.1 24 d. 120 + Chosen Option : - * Correct Answer: b Q7 p3 For a 3x3 matrix A,|4|=4& Adj(4)=|1 3. 3), then the value of pis 44 1 1 2 Options : ad b. 11 C4 d.10 * Chosen Option : - + Correct Answer: b Q8 A plane P which is perpendicular to two planes 2x-2y+2=0 &x—y+2z=4, passes through (,-2,1) . The distance of the plane P from the point Q (1,2,2) is Options : ao bt a2 4. 22 * Chosen Option : ~ + Correct Answer: d Q9 The area enclosed between the curves x = ay“ and y = ax?,a>Ois 189. unit, then the value of'alis Options : at 43 bt 3 a8 a3 + Chosen Option :2 * Correct Answer: a Q.10 A fair coin is tossed repeatedly Ifthe tall appears on first four tosses, then probability of the. head appearing in the fith toss equals Options : al b. ‘+ Chosen Option: + Correct Answer: a Q.11 Aparalle! plate air capacitance has a capacitance of 18 F, if the distance between the plates is tripled and a dielectric medium Is introduced, the capacitance becomes 72 F, the dielectric constant of the medium is, Options : a4 b.12 9 a2 * Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q.12 A potentiometer wire, 10 meter long has the resistance of 400 is connected with the resistance box and a 2V storage cell, ifthe potential gradient along the wire is O.imViem, the resistance unplugged in the box is Options : a. 2600 b. 760.0. c.9600 d. 1060 0 + Chosen Option :b + Correct Answer: b Q.13 Which one of the phenomenon is used in the optical fibres Options : a. Reflection . Scattering ©. Total internal reflection d. Interference * Chosen Option :c + Correct Answer: ¢ Q.14 Ifthe velocity of free electron is made double, change in its de-Broglie wavelength will be Options : a, Increase by a/2 b. Decrease by a2 . Increase by 2a d. Decrease by 2 * Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q.15 In which region of electromagnetic spectrum do the Lyman series spectral lines of hydrogen ‘atom occur Options : a, Xray b. Infrared . Ultraviolet d. Visible + Chosen Option :¢ * Correct Answer: ¢ Q.16 How many triangles are therein the figure given below. Options : ais b.20 G16 a7 ‘+ Chosen Option : ¢ * Correct Answer: c Q17 The 3-D figure shows the view of an object. Identify the correct top view from amongst the answer figures. Options : a b. c a. * Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q.18 The 3- D figure shows the view of an object. Identify the correct top view from amongst the answer figures. Options: a. [ * Chosen Option : ¢ + Correct Answer: c Q.19 The top view of an object is shown in the figure Identify the correct clevation from amongst the answer figures, looking inthe direetion ofthe arrow Options : * Chosen Option: d * Correct Answer: d Q.20 The top view of objects is shown inthe figure. Identify the correct elevation from amongst the answer figures, looking in the direction ofthe arrow. OXOD a t + Chosen Option :b * Correct Answer: b Q.21 The top view of objects is shown in the figure. Identify the correct elevation from amongst the answer figures, looking in the direction of the arrow. a oq “OD { Options : a. b. c d. * Chosen Option :¢ * Correct Answer: ¢ Q.22 Who among the following is not an architect? Options : a. Zaha Hadid b. MF Hussain C. Hafiz Contractor G. Raj Rewal * Chosen Option: b * Correct Answer: b Q.23 Who built Fatehpur Sikri? Options : a. Jahangir b. Akbar C. Humayun d. Shah Jahan * Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q.24 Where is Buckingham Palace located? Options : . Paris b, London C. Geneva d. Singapore © Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q.25 Which of the following is the most striking feature of the Sydney Opera House? Options : a. Entrance hall b. Interior design C. Sail shaped roof d. Location * Chosen Option : * Correct Answer: ¢ Q.26 Ifn (A) = 50, n(B)= 20 and n (ANB) = 10, then n (A AB) is? Options : a. 50 b. 60 c.70 d. 40 * Chosen Option : -- * Correct Answer: a Q.27 IfA and B are two independent events such that P(A)= Sand P(A UB) = 4 then, P(A NB) ixaqalto Options : a 3 * Chosen Option : c * Correct Answer: d Q.28 IfU={a.b.e. Options : a. {def} b. {a,b,c} f.g.h} and A = {ab.c} then complement of Ais ©. {de£gh} d. {} * Chosen Option : ¢ * Correct Answer: ¢ Q.29 Which of the following is an empty set Options : a. {0} b. {0} C. {me Nandncl} d. The set of all even prime numbers * Chosen Option : a * Correct Answer: c Q.30 If P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.6 and and P(A 1) B) = 0.15, then the value of P(A /A’ UB’) is Options : al 17 b. 4 17 a5 17 4.10 17 * Chosen Option : ~ * Correct Answer: c Q.31 Which one of the following relations on R is an equivalence relation? Options: a. aR\b © |a] = |b| b.ak,beazb c.aR3b = a divides b d.akgb =a (Av ~ B) d. a fallacy * Chosen Option: * Correct Answer: d Q.36 What is texture? Options : a. The way a surface looks and feels b. Asolid colour C. A typs of shape d. Lines drawa in one colour * Chosen Option: a * Correct Answer: a Q37 Let A= {(x. 9): x> 0, 790,22 + y=1} and let B= {(x, y): 320, y°0, x9 +8 <1}. Then, A 1B is equal options : as ba 0 (empty set) 4. (0.1). .0)} + Chosen Option :-- + Correct Answer: b Q.38 How many triangles and squares are there in the figure given below Options : &. 28 triangles, 5 squares b, 24 triangles, 4 squares C. 28 triangles, 4 squares . 24 triangles, 5 squares * Chosen Option : -- * Correct Answer: a Q.39 Which one of the answer figures will complete the sequence of the three problem figures? PK Options : a. iz 2 + Chosen Option: a + Correct Answer: a Q.40 How many total numbers of triangles are there in the figure given below? /\ Ly - LI Options: a.l4 bi G12 d. 13 * Chosen Option: d * Correct Answer: Q.41 Inthe problem figure (1) and (2) have certain relation, Identify which one of the answer figures will have similar relationship between (3) and (4)? * Chosen Option :d + Correct Answer: d Q.42 What is Green Architecture? Options: . Where green colour ed glass is used. b. Where buildings are painted green. C. Where building material used have consumed least energy. d. Where maximum green plants are used. * Chosen Option :c * Correct Answer: c Q.43 Madhya Pradesh Vidhan Sabha is designed by Options : a. Le Corbusier b, Uttam C Jain C. Charles Corres * Correct Answer: c Q.44 Which one ofthe answer figures, shows the correct view of the 3 ~D problem figure, afer the problem figure is opencd up? Options : 2 * Chosen Option :c * Correct Answer: c Q.45 Find the odd figure out in the figures given below. Options : a. A b. “ys c ; d. pA. * Chosen Option : c * Correct Answer: ¢ Q.46 Which one of the answer figures is the correct mirror image of the problem figure with respect to X= x? x + Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: b Q47 (pPA~q) A(~p Aq) is Options : a. a tautology b. a contradiction C. both a tautology and a contradiction d. neither a tautology nor a contradiction + Chosen Option : d + Correct Answer: b Q.48 Which among the following is equivalent tor = s Options : a. (rAs)v(rvs) b. (rvs) v(rv~s) G(-rvs)virvs) d.(ras)v(~ra~s) * Chosen Option : b * Correct Answer: d Q.49 Are de Triomphe is a famous monument found in the city of Options : a. London b. Rome C. Paris d. Athens * Chosen Option: c * Correct Answer: c Q.50 The temple of Angkor Wat is located in Options : a. Vietnam b. Myanmar C. Cambodia d. Laos * Chosen Option: c * Correct Answer: c

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