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Sec 4 PHYSICS 6091 2022 PHY Revision Test 2

Nan Hua High School

Marking Scheme and Answers

Section A (MCQ)

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5

Section B (15 marks)

1 (a) v=f×λ
f = (3.0 × 108) / (4.0 x 10-7) 1
f = 7.5 x 1014 Hz 1

(b) 1. They are transverse waves 2

2. They travel in vacuum
3. transfer energy from one place to another
4. The wave speed equation is applicable to all electromagnetic waves
5. They obey the laws of reflection and refraction
6. They do not carry any electric charges
(any 2)

2 (a) v = fλ
λ= v / f = 1600 /50 000 1
= 0.032 m 1
(b) 2d = v x t 1
d = (1600 x 0.10) /2 1
= 80 m

(c) 1

3 (a) n = sin i/sin r 1

n = sin 45 / sin 29
n = 1.46

n = sin i/sin r
1.46 = 1/sin c
c = 43.2o 1

(b) Light ray (with direction arrow) reflects back 1

into the prism

Label angle of incidence and angle of 1

29° reflection at E

Sec 4 PHYSICS 6091 2022 PHY Revision Test 2

(ii) The new material is optically denser than glass, so the light ray will slow down 1
more. (or explaining using n=sini/sinr)
Light ray will bend more towards the normal / bend with a smaller angle of 1

Section C

4 (a) Number of complete waves in 1 second 1

(b) (i) wavelength = 6.0 cm / 4

wavelength = 1.5 cm 1

(ii) v = fλ
v = 5.0 x 1.5 1
v = 7.5 cm/s 1

(c) The wavelength of the wave will be smaller as the wave passes into shallower water. 1
As the frequency does not change, v = fλ, wavelength decreases. 1

(d) (i) An imaginary line connecting points that are in phase. 1


deep water

Correct direction with normal of refracted waves – [1]

Correct parallel wavefronts – [1]

(ii) Speed does not change. (speed in medium is constant for same depth) 1


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