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Fact Sheet

on Wetlands

what can I do ?
You’re convinced that wetlands provide a multitude
of benefits, including filtering our water, ensuring
biodiversity, protecting our coastlines, and mitigating
climate change.

And you’re alarmed that 64% of the world’s wetlands have disappeared
since 1900, and that the remaining ones are being degraded. So what can one
person actually do to help turn the tide?

Seven actions Talk with the site managers to see

what kind of help they could use.
you can take for
Is there a wetland site in your area
wetlands that is not yet listed with Ramsar
but perhaps should be protected ?
1 Open your eyes to the Contact a local government,
wetlands near you university or NGO to see how you
Look around to see what types are can help maintain its ecological
in your area. Saltwater marshes, character.
fens, swamps, peat bogs and
mangroves are some of the more
common types. Coral reefs, lakes 2 Educate others
and rivers are also considered Often, wetlands are seen as
wetlands. wasteland  ; something to be filled
Visit a wetland near you to get in, drained, burned off or converted
a deep personal impression. What to other uses. You can help others
kind of vegetation and wildlife to understand the huge benefits
thrive there? How the site is that wetlands bring, both globally
being used? Go back at different and locally.
times of year and observe how Drop some interesting facts about
the surroundings change. wetlands into the conversation.
If you see any illegal activities such Ramsar Fact Sheets are a great
as logging in a protected site, source for these.
report it to the relevant authorities. Hold an educational event so people
Check the list of Ramsar Sites in your area can better understand
(  www.ramsar.org/sites-countries/ how local wetlands benefit them.
the-ramsar-sites ) and see if
there’s a designated Wetland of
International Importance in your
area. If there’s one listed, you
can download a kmz file to create
a placemark in Google Earth,
complete with information about
the site.
Fact Sheet 4 .1
3 Organize a wetlands Combine an educational event
clean-up with World Wetlands Day.
In populated areas, wetlands often Consult the Guide for teachers and
attract rubbish. organizers for loads of tips.
Working in a group for an hour
or two can show how much 7 Join with others to make
of a clean-up can be achieved in a difference
a very short time. Many organizations and networks
Take pictures before and after already work for wetlands and
to highlight the difference. their sustainable use. Link up with
their efforts.
4 Change your consumption Here are just a few of the largest :
Saving water, reducing harmful Wetlands International
waste and encouraging sustainable The only global not-for-profit organization
farming and fishing can all have dedicated to the conservation and restoration
of wetlands.
a positive effect on wetlands. http://www.wetlands.org
Buy sustainably raised or caught IUCN – International Union for
seafood, organic produce and meat. the Conservation of Nature
The world’s oldest and largest global environ-
Use reusable bags at the mental organization has more than 1,200 member
grocery store. organisations around the globe, including Ramsar.
Search their member database here :
Take shorter showers. https://www.iucn.org/about/union/members/who_
Recycle household trash, and
make sure that batteries and other Birdlife International
An alliance of 120-bird related organizations
harmful waste do not end up in around the world. Search for partners by
landfills – or in wetlands ! country here : http://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/

WWF – World Wide Fund for Nature

5 Manage your own garden Aims to build a future in which people live in
consciously harmony with nature. WWF works in more than
100 countries on 6 continents :
Polluted water and invasive plants http://www.wwf.org
pose a real threat to wetlands.
Improve the water and drainage IMWI – The International Water
Management Institute
effects of your own garden. A non-profit, scientific research institute focusing
on the sustainable use of water and land resources
Select native and pest-resistant in developing countries.
plants and place them in settings http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/
that suit them.
WWT – Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust
Use as little fertilizer as possible, A UK-based conservation charity that saves
wetlands around the world.
and avoid toxic pesticides. http://www.wwt.org.uk/
Water thoroughly but infrequently,
WLI – Wetland Link International (  WLI )
using collected rainwater. A support network for wetlands education
centres that deliver engagement activities on site.
6 Get involved in World
Wetlands Day
Monday, February 2nd, 2015
is World Wetlands Day. Support
this global day of awareness :
Encourage youths aged 15-24
in your area to enter the World
Wetlands Day Youth Photo
Contest. Photos must be taken The Ramsar Convention
in a wetland location between The Convention on Wetlands
2 February and 2 March 2015 of International Importance,
and uploaded to the WWD website commonly known as the
This Fact Sheet is made available by the (www.worldwetlandsday.org ). Ramsar Convention, is a
Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Statistics global intergovernmental treaty that
are drawn from a variety of publications and provides the framework for national
websites which are listed in the Reference action and international cooperation
Sources sheet, available for download for the conservation and wise use
separately. While we strive to provide
accurate and carefully researched
of wetlands and their resources.
information, this publication is provided It is the only global treaty to focus
with no warranty of any kind. on one single ecosystem.

Fact Sheet 4.2

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