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School of Nursing & Midwifery

BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

First, Second and Third Year - Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log

Name: ____________________ __________________ _____________________ Students No.:_______________

First Middle Last

The following log includes a list of clinical skills that students should strive to practice based on the related assessment checklists
either available in the clinical placements or in the VLE.

Responsibilities of the Clinical Module Coordinator (CMC) are to:

• Arrange for some procedures to be demonstrated and practiced in the clinical skills lab according to the learning objectives of the

• Upload soft copies of the clinical procedures checklists that will be included in the OSPE to the VLE under the clinical module

• Check the clinical log and ensure that students obtained the proficiency signatures according to the clinical placements learning

• Return the clinical log back to students at the beginning of the next semester during the clinical orientation session.

Responsibilities of students are to:

• Continuously practice and fine-tune the clinical practice skills, throughout the program; towards achieving mastery level of all the
clinical nursing procedures listed in the log.

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

• Understand that completion of all procedures checklists is an ongoing process throughout the four years of the program.
• Complete and continue practicing procedures covered in the previous years of the program even if proficiency signatures were
obtained in the previous clinical placements.

• Submit this log along with other clinical documents by the clinical documents submission date.

• Safely save the clinical log for the next clinical placement. If the student lost the log, then the student needs to report this to the
clinical module coordinator and the clinical tutor and repeat all the required procedures in order to get the proficiency signatures.

• Sign the declaration statement in the next page after reading and understanding the expected clinical requirements in order to
complete this clinical log.

The Clinical Tutor (CT) is responsible for ensuring that:

• The student is practicing according to the clinical placement procedures’ checklists.

• The student is competent before signing the proficiency columns. Therefore, the CT might need to demonstrate some procedures and
ask the student to re-demonstrate them.

• The student must practice several times before obtaining the proficiency signature.

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Deceleration statement:

I ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student No. ----------------------------------- declare that:

I do understand my full responsibility regarding achieving my clinical learning outcomes during clinical placement.
I hold a full responsibility for retaining my clinical log and continuing to practice the required clinical procedures.
I might need to practice several times until I master the procedures in order to receive a proficiency signature.
I should only get the proficiency signature from the CT who is responsible for assessing my skills.
I will not attempt to forge the CT signature.
I will immediately inform my CT and the CMC if the clinical log is lost.

PRINTED NAME: Signature: Date:

 Ongoing Clinical Practice Skills:

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Hand washing (medical)
Hand hygiene using
antiseptic hand rub
Donning personal protective
equipment-Gown, Mask &
Gloves (Unsterile)
Removing Personal
protective equipment Gown,
Mask & Gloves (Unsterile)
Measurement & Recording
Growth &
of Growth Chart
Measurement & Recording
of Body Mass Index BMI
Activity & Passive exercising
Exercise Positioning Patient: Supine
Positioning Patient:
Fowler’s Position
Positioning Patient:
Orthopneic Position
Positioning Patient: Lateral
Positioning Patient: Sim’
Position (Semiprone)
Positioning Patient:
Prone Position

Transferring Patient from

Bed to chair/wheelchair

Transferring Patient from

chair/wheelchair to bed
Transferring patient from
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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
bed to stretcher/another bed
Assessing and recording
Assessing Vital tympanic temperature
Signs Assessing and recording oral
Assessing and recording
axillary temperature
Assessing and recording
rectal temperature
Assessing and recording
Pulse measurement
Assessing and recording
pulse oximetry
Patient handling using hoist
Bed making: Unoccupied
Open, Closed.
Bed Making
Bed making : Occupied
Bed making (post-operative)
Skin care
Bed bathing a patient
Hygiene &
Hair care
Eye care
Mouth care
Administrating Oral drug
Administrating Controlled
Medication drug
Administrating single-dose
ampoule: solution

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Administrating single-dose
ampoule: powder
Administrating Multidose
vial: powder preparation
using a venting needle
Administrating intradermal
subcutaneous injection
intramuscular injection
Administrating eye drops/
Administrating nasal drop
Administrating ear drop
Administrating Suppository
Skin Integrity Skin Assessment
& Wound Care Donning sterile gloves: open
Dressing a wound
Swab sampling: wound
Surgical Wound Care
Suture removal
Staple removal
Wound drainage systems:
changing the dressing
around the drain site and
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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Wound drain removal:
closed drainage system:
Shortening of wound
Urinalysis: reagent strip
Urine sampling; midstream
specimen of urine: male
Urine Sample; midstream
specimen of urine: female
Urine collection for 24 hours
Urinal use: assisting a
Elimination patient
Fecal sampling
Slipper bedpan use: assisting
a patient
Commode use: assisting a
Urinary catheterization:
male (assisting)
Insertion urinary pouch for
male patient
Urinary catheterization:
Urinary catheter bag:
Urinary catheter removal
Enema administration
Nutrition Feeding an adult patient
Nasogastric tube insertion
with a Ryle’s tube
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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
G- tube and J-tube feeding
and care
Nasogastric tube feeding
Caring for Patient on Total
Parental Nutrition(TPN)
Nasogastric tube removal
Recording fluid intake
Fluid & Recording fluid output
Electrolyte Regulating intravenous
Balance fluids (ordinary set)
Regulating intravenous
fluids (metric set)
calculation and maintaining
infusion of intravenous
Discontinuing intravenous
Assisting in Venipuncture
Assisting in Blood
Assist with Blood
Pain Pain assessment chart:
Assessment multi-dimensional tools
Preparing a patient for
Peri-operative surgery (Pre-op Checklist &
Nursing premedication)
Teaching client leg, deep
breathing and coughing

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Assisting shaving operation
Care of dying patient End of
Loss & Grief
Life Care ( EOL)
Administration of
immunization for Children
Administration of
immunization for Adults
Dealing with aggressive
Assessment of Respiratory
Collecting of Throat Swab
Respiratory Collecting of Nasal Swab
system Administering O2 via /nasal
cannula, facemask and
rebreathing mask & airways
Tracheostomy care
Breast self-examination
(health Education)
Reproductive Assessment of Breast and
system lymph nodes
Testicular self-examination
(health education)
Physical assessment of
Stoma care
Neuromuscular Physical assessment of
system Neuromuscular system
Care of patient with cast

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Care of a patient with
Assisting the patient with
mobilization using walking
Cardiac System Physical assessment of
Cardiovascular system
Performing and recognizing
normal and abnormal ECG
Neurovascular Neurological Assessment &
system Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
Care of Patient with
Diabetic Foot / foot
assessment tool
Blood glucose monitoring
Administration of Insulin
Endocrine via Insulin Pen
system Administration of Insulin
via Insulin vial and syringe.
Application of insulin
injection site rotation plan.
Administration of glycogen
Sensory Snellen Chart
Assessment Eye dressing and irrigation
Transport of the
newborn/infant safely.
Newborn Swaddle a newborn baby.
Assessment Observe newborn for color,
cry, muscle tone, heart rate
and response to catheter
“Apgar Scoring”.
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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
Assess newborn
Temperature, Heart Rate,
Respiration (TPR) and body
Perineal care & dipper
Teach the mother about the
advantages of breast
Teach the mother about
breast care before & after
breast feeding.
Teach the mother proper
breast feeding techniques &
newborn positioning.
Teach the mother about
breast milk expression.
Creating a safe & child
friendly environment
Applying Soft blanket/sheet
infant size for swaddling
Selecting toys & activities
Essential Skills for infants, children &
in Pediatric adolescents.
Nursing Applying Infant & child
padded restraints (wrist/leg)
Transportation of infant,
toddler, child & adolescent
(to & from wheel
chair/bed/crib, with IV
Administering bottle feeding

Page 11 of 12
Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)
School of Nursing & Midwifery
BSc Nursing (Hons) Programme

Unit Procedure List Clinical Tutors Name Proficiency Signature Hospital & Unit Year/Semester Date
for an infant
Feeding an infant or child
Teaching the use of Peak
expiratory Flowmeter
Teaching the use of Inhaler
Nursing Care of
with spacer & mouth piece
Children with
Teaching the use of Inhaler
with baby-haler & face mask
Teaching the use of inhaled
medication via Diskus
Administration of any
medications to an
Administration of Insulin
Via Insulin Pen and/or
insulin vial and syringe
Nursing Care of
Application of insulin
Children with
injection site rotation plan
Testing Urine Dipstick for
Blood Glucose Testing via
Assisting with lumber

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Clinical Procedures Level-Proficiency Log-N1-N3 (Sem I & II)
Reviewed (October,2020)

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