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Tribhuvan University
Institute of Sciencc and Technology

Bachelor Level / Third Year /Six Full Marks: 60

Computer Science and Information Semester/Science (CSC Pass Marks: 24
(Compiler Design and Construction)Technology 30) Time: 3 hours.
Canatdates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin
indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any TWO questions. {2x10-20}

Differentiate between one pass and multi pass compiler. Construct the LL(1) parsing table for the
following grammar. [2+8]
B ’b
2. How does Lexical Analyzer recognize a token? Give an example to make it clear. Convert the regular
expression a(a + b)(b + c)*a# to DFA. [3 +7]
Construct the LR() parsing table for the following grammar. [10)
S-’ AaAb
S ’ BbBa
A ->[
B ’E
Section B
Attempt any EIGHT questions.
(4) Why code optimization is needed? Describe any two techniques for loop optimization. [3 +2]
What is three-address code? How high level code is converted to three-address code? Illustrate with an
example. [2 +3]
6 What is activation tree? Define type checking system with examples. [2 +3]
(1What are the advantages of intermediate code? what types of information are provided by symbol table?
[2 +3]
8.)What is annotated parse tree? Define S-attributed grammar with an example. [2 +3]
) Describe about syntax directed translation with an example. [S]


h0 ixen the following grammar with SLR parsing tablc, lest wnether the string int * (int + int)y will :
accepted or rejccted. [S]
E->T+E ()
ET (2)
T-> int T (3)
T-> int (4)
T>(E) (5)
S5 S4.
2 Acc
S6 R2 R2
4 S5 S4
5 S8 R4 R4 R4
S5 S4
7 S10
R1 R1
10 R5 R5 R5
11 R3 R3 R3

(1/Howdo you recognize basic block?Discuss about the factors that affect
code generator. [2+3]
n2Find the FIRST and FOLLOW of all the non terminals in
S’ aAbQD|E following grammar. [5]
A’ SQ|[
C’ Sa
D’ aB|&
CSC364-2080 (X

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Scienceand Technology

Bachelor Level / ThirdYear /Six Semester/Science Full Marks: 60

Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC 364) Pass Marks: 24
(Softwarce Engineering) Time: 3 hours.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group A
Attempt any TWO questions. (2x10=20)
1. In the software development process, how does software configuration management
facilitate the changes that may occur during different stages of a software development life
cycle? Justify.

2. Eyplain the main activities used in requirements engineering. What are the
haractristics of a good SRS documents? Explain with example.
Explain architectural views. Illustrate on layered architecture, repository
pipe and filter architecture. architecture, and
Group B
Attempt any EIGHT questions.
4Explain the software engineering ethics with example. (8x5-40)

3 Differentiate between evolutionary and throw-away prototyping model.

Differentiate between plan driven and agiledevelopment.
7. What is the difference between functional and non-functional requirement? Which is
critical and why? more

8. What is release testing?

Differentiate between release testing and system testing?
What do you mean by legacy system? Explain its
use case diagram and class diagram for
online bus ticketing system.
11.Éxplain the behavioral model with exanmple.
Explain COCOMO model.

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Semester/Science Full Marks: 60

Bachelor Level / Third Year /Six Pass Marks: 24
(CSC 366)
Computer Science and Informationlechnology Time: 3 hours.
(E- Governance)

Candidates are reguired to give their answers in their own words as for as practicabie.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt any TWO questions. (2×10=20)

(1pitterentiate between e-governance and e-government. Explain the issues in e- governance

implementations and how to solve these issues?

What do you mean by data warehousing and data mining? Explain the applications of data
warehousing and data mining in census and prices of essential commodities.
3 Explain broadcasting/wider dissemination model and comparative analysis model of
e-governance with practical example.

Section B
Attempt any EIGHT questions.
Explainin brief about scope and content of e-governance.
$Discuss the important role of cyber law in Nepal.
NOYWhat do you mean by maturity levels of e-governance?
scuss the e-Readiness assessment of
infrastructure preparedness.
Mention the existing scenario of e-governance in Nepal.
What are different IT tools that are used to deliver
services to citizens?
Hscuss about the e-government security Architecture.
11. Explain in brief about e-governance initiatives in Srilanka.
short notes on: (Any Two)
Data system inirastructure
b. Model of Digital
C. Securitystandards.governance


Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level /Third Year /Six Semester/Science Full Marks: 60

Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC 367) Pass Marks: 24
(NET Centric Computing) Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group A
Attempt any TWO questions [2 x 10 = 20]
1. How do you cache the information of the client and what are its uses? Create a table named
BAG(ID, Brand, Price, Date). Perform the following operations using Entity Framework Core.
a. Update the Price of those Book to 2000which are published on 2022.
[3 +7]
b Delete the Book which are published in 1981
C. Retrieve the Brand of Book having price greater than 500
How do you manage state on stateless HTTP? How do you validate form
with your own assumptions. using JQuery? Describe
What are the needs for partial class and sealed class? How
do you relate delegate with events?
State the steps to deploy .NET core applications.
[3+2+ ]
Group B
Atempt any EIGHT questions.
[8 x 5=40]
Describe the importance of MVC pattern in designing web
applications. (S]
5. Howdo you create controller? Mention some
requirements for rendering HTML, (3 +2]
What is the role of adapter class in
ADO.NET?List some features of URL routing. [3 + 21
Explain the chances of SQL injection attack witha
scenario. [S]
Define claim and policy in terms of
authorization. How and when do you create hidden fields?
9.Mention the two types of services managed by loC [2 +3)
container and how they are registered?
/10./Differentiate between generic and non-generic
generic class with generic
method. constructor, generic collections. Write a simple program to create
member variable, genericproperty and generic
[2 +3]
What are tag helpers? What tag helper
short notes on (Any TWO) [2+3]
A9 Lambda Expression [2.5 +2.5]
b. Cross Site
Request Forgery
Single Page Application
CSC368-2080 XX

Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Bachelor Level /Third Year /Six Semester/Science Full Marks: 80

Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC 368) Pass Marks: 32
(Technical Writing) Time: 3 hours.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words as for as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any three questions. (3x10-30)
Suppose you are working as an IT expert in the National Bank of Nepal, and working staff need five
laptops for daily operation. Your manager asks you to present /a proposal with time, cost, and
objectives. Write a short proposal comparing the laptops available in market of at least three renowed
companies. Your proposal must include problems, solutions,and findings.
writing is not an overnight endeavor it follows a certain process. Discuss a process for technical
3. You have watched one of your peer's vlog (video blog) entries on the issue of "Blocked mind as a
malfunction of communication." What have you learned in addition to the ideas you learned from your
teacher? How do your experiences in unblocking the mind differ from your peer? Write feedback to
your peer's vlog.
What are graphics? How are they used in technical writing?

Section B
Attempt any ten questions. (10×5-50)
Point out the differnces between technical writing and academic writing,
What is plagiarism? Why should we remain honest on borrowing others' ideas?
Compose an email to your immediate boss about the arrangements you have made for the upcoming IT
fair at your campus permises.
8What issues should a web designer be concerned about when planning a web page?
Construct a resume for the position of TT officer to apply in one of the companies in the US. In the
resume present the candidate's professional ability to contribute to a new employement.
0 Can vou be a good friend with someone from another culture as with someone from your own culture?
i. Write a brief newspaper article on the opening of 25" Branch of Universal IT solution in Pokhara
Discuss the advantages of collaborative writing.
3.Make a flow-chart diagram of your dream application.
Amagine you are the manager of acompany. You need to inform your staf that anew procuct is being
launched on the occasion of New Year. Prepare a memo so that your staff understand and execute vo
JWrite short notes on:
a. Zoom Presentation
b. Ethical Dilemma
CSC370-2080 X
Tribhuvan University
Institute of Science and Technology

Full Marks: 60
Bachelor Level / Third Year /Six Semester/Science
Pass Marks: 24
Computer Science and Information Technology (CSC 370) Time: 3 hours.
as for as practicable.
Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Section A
Attempt any TWO questions.
How can firms achieve competitive
What is competitive advantage in a business model? resources, perfect market and
advantage using dimensions of asymmetry, complementary [(2+8]
payment authorization and payment
What is a digital wallet? How does it work? Describe the [2+3+5]
capture operations of SET.
view-to-cart ratio, acquisition rate and
What is display ad marketing? How attrition rate, [2+8]
tetention rate influence display ad marketing?
Section B
8 x 5 = 40]
KAttempt any EIGHT questions. the growth of social e-commerce? [5]
What are some of the factors driving
with an
EDI in e-commerce? Justify your answer
What is EDI? Describe the significance of [1.5+3.5]
currency? How does it work? Mention the usages of virtual currency in
What is virtual [1.5+2+1.5]

catalogs created? [2+3]

(7What is a catalog in e-commerce? How are
systems are used to ensure security in
8.What is an intrusion? How intrusion detection [1.5+3.5]
e-commerce for
control mechanisms are used in
*at 1s Social engineering? How access [1.5+3.5]
strengthening is done using Facebook
an acquisition, amplification and brand
marketing tools?
Wha How is collaborative
Sgnificance of recommendation systems in e-commerce? [2+3]
filtering different from content based?
12. How transaction act of
Nepal? provisions
relating to digital certificates are defined in the electronic

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