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Imperial Journalof Interdisciplinary Research (JIR)

Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016

ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

2-Amino-5-Mercapto-1,3, 4-Thiadiazole
as Corrosion Inhibitor for Stainless
Steel in 1.0m SulphuricAcid Solution
Dr. Abhay Singh
Associate Professor., Department Of Chemistry
K.L.P. College, Rewari -123401 (India)
Abstract: 2-Amino-$- mercapto-1, 3, 4-thiadiazole surface of metal and have been extensively used for
(AMTD) has been investigaled as inhibitor for the the inhibition of different kind of steels
corrosion of 304 stainless steel in 1.0M sulphuric corrosion
by acids (1-10) .Since 304 stainless steel has
applications in acidic medium in a varietymanyof
acid solution. Weight loss, electrochemical
polarization, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) industries, the corrosion inhibition of this steel in
and Auger electron microscopy (AES) echniques acidic environment is of great interest.
have been used.Experiments have been carried out
using 100, 200 and 400 ppm concentrations of the In the present investigation AMTD has been
investigated inhibitor at 20. 30 and 40C studied as a corrosion inhibitor towards the
lemperatures .Corrosion rates have been corrosion of 304 stainless steel in 1.0 M sulphuric
calculated using Stern-Geary equation . Inhibition acid solution at 20, 30 and 40°C
efficiency increases with the increase in Weight loss and electrochemical temperatures.
concentration of the inhibitor and decreases with techniques have been employed to find out various
the increase in lemperalure. AMTD is physically
adsorbed on the surface of 304 stainless steel and
corrosion parameters .SEM and AES techniques
acts as a cathodic inhibitor.
have been used for investigating the surface film
present on the surface of 304 stainless steel in
presence of the inhibitor.
Keywords: Stainless steel, Corrosion inhibitor,

INTRODUCTION All chemicals used were of AR grade and double
Nitrogen and sulphur containing organic distilled water was used for preparing solutions.
compounds are easily and quickly adsorbed on Rectangular specimens of 304 stainless steelof size
metal surface forming a proactive layer on the
2x4 cm of the following composition were used
for weight loss experiments.
Element C Mn S P Si Ni Cr Fe
%(w/w) 0.045 1.47 0.008 0.06 0.37 7.98 17.04 Balane

For the electrochemical studies the specimens had a

working area of 1xl cm. Weight loss experiments RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
were caried out using 100, 200 and 400ppm of Table 1 shows the percentage inhibition efficiency
AMTD 1.0 Msulphuric acid solution at 20°,30° and data calculated by using weight loss method
40°C. The clectrochemical studies were carried out and
linear polarization resistance method for 304
using a potentiostat/galvanostat (Model CL-95, stainless steel in presence of 100, 200 and 400 ppm
Elico Make). The surface morphology was studied concentrations of AMTD at 20, 30 and 40C
by scanning electron microscope (Model JSM-840,
JEOL Make). AES analyses were carried out using temperature. AMTD provides good inhibition
Scanning electron microscope (SAM) (PHI Model
efficiency towards the corrosion of 304 stainless
steel in 1.0 M sulphuric acid solution.
590A, U.S.A.). The specimens were exposed to The
1.0M sulphuric acid for 12 hours for studying their inhibition efficiency of AMTD increases with
surface characteristics.
increase in its concentration from 100 to 400 ppm
and decreases with the rise of
to 40C .When the temperature from 20
concentration of AMTD is
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (JIR)
Page 254
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (JIR)
Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in
increased from 100 to 200 ppm the inhibition Table 2. Lower values of heat of adsorption for
efficiency increases rapidly but only a slight AMTD Shows that the adsorption of AMTD on the
change in efficiency is observed when the surface of 304 stainless steel in 1.0 M sulphuric
concentration of the inhibitor is further increased to acid solution is physical in nature .Heat of
400 ppm . Percentage inhibition effenciency data adsorption values increases with the increase in
obtained from polarization technique are in good concentration of AMTD, thus indicating greater
agreement with those obtained from weight loss adsorption with higher concentration of AMTD
experiments The variation of open circuit potential which in turn explains the higher inhibition
(OCP) with concentration of AMTD at 20, 30 and efficiency at higher concentration of inhibitor.
40°C are also recorded in Table 1. Addition of
AMTD in 1.0 M sulphuric acid solution causes a The activation energy for the inhibited system is
shift in OCP values in positive direction. The OCP higher than that of uninhibited system and it
increases with the increase in concentration of the
values shifted in the negative direction with the
increase in temperature from 20to 40°C. inhibitor. Increase in the value of activation energy
with increase in concentration of AMTD clearly
Fig. 1 shows anodic polarization curves recorded indicates that the inhibition efficiency increases
potentiostaticaly for 304 stainless steel in 1.0M with increase in concentration of AMTD.
sulphuric acid solution in absence and presence of
100, 200 and 400 ppm of AMTD. The addition of Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows the SEM micrographs of 304
stainless steel in 1.0 M sulphuric acid solution in
AMTD increases the critical current density (I.).
This indicates that a higher concentration of Fe* absence and presence of 200 ppm of AMTD
and Cr is required for passivation to occur in respectively. It is clear from the micrographs that
presence of AMTD. The Lc value increases with the the surface of 304 stainless steel in presence of 200
increase in the concentration of the inhibitor. ppm of AMTD has improved remarkably than in
Trabanelli and co-workers (11) have also reported absence of AMTD. The surface of 304 stainless
that sulphur containing organic inhibitors may steel appears to be covered with a protective film of
inhibit both anodic and cathodic reactions on steel the inhibitor which acts as a barrier for the access
or may stimulate the anodic dissolution of steel but of aggressive ions to the bare surface.
decreasing the rate of cathodic reaction. The
behavior of AMTD is also in accordance with the Fig 5and Fig 6 shows the AES spectra of 304
later possibility. stainless steel exposed to 1.0 M sulphuric acid
solution for 12 hours in absence and presence of
Cathodic polarization curves for 304 stainless steel 200 ppm of AMTD respectively . It is clear from
in 1.0M sulphuric acid solution in absence and in the spectra that along with the peaks of elements
presence of 100, 200 and 400 ppm concentrations like O, Ct, Fe, Cand s, a small pcak of N is also
of AMTD have been plotted in Fig 2. Cathodic observed in AES spectra in presence of AMTD
polarization curves shifted considerably towards which is not observed in absence of AMTD (Fig. 5)
Presence of nitrogen on the surface of 304
lower current density values in presence of AMTD stainless steel suggests that some inhibitor
Thus AMTD reduces cathodic reaction only and
acts as a cathodic inhibitor. molecules are present on the surface of 304
stainless steel even though the inhibitor
V. Pandit Rao and co -workers (12) have also
studied 2-amino-S-mercapto-1,2,4-thiadiazole as has been found to adsorbed physically on surface
corrosion inhibitor for copper in sulphuric, of 304 stainless steel.
hydrochloric and nitric acids and reported that it
acts as a good inhibitor in all the three acids CONCLUSIONS
Chaudhary et. al (13) have reported similar results
using 4-amino-5-H-3-mercapro-1,2,4-triazole, 4 1 AMTD is an excellent corrosion inhibitor for
amino-5-metyl-3-mercapto-1, 2, 4-triazole and 4 the protection of 304 stainless steel in 1.0 M
amino-5-ethyl-3-mercapto-1, 2, 4-triazole for the sulphuric acid solution and provides an efficiency
corrosion of Fe-Cr-Ni steel in sulphuric acid as high as 91.3% at 20c.
solution AlI the three mercaptotriazole
2 The inhibition efficiency increases with the
compounds investigated are reported to be cathodic
in nature and have tendency to stimulate the anodic increase in concentration of AMTD from 100 to
reaction on Fe-Cr-Nisteel. 400 ppm and decreases with the increase in
temperature from 20 to 40°c.
Heat of adsorption and activation energy values for
304 stainless steel in 1.0 M sulphuric acid solution 3. AMTD acts as a cathodic inhibitor.
in presence of AMTD have been summarized in

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Imperial Journalof lnterdisciplinary Research (UIR)
Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in
4. Activation energy for the inhibited system 6 S. H. Sanad, Surface Technology,
higher than that of uninhibited system and it 22(1984)20.
increases with the increase in concentration of the 7. M. N. Desai and M. B. Desai, Journal of
inhibitor. Electrochemical Sociaty of India,
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5. Lower values of heat of adsorption suggest that 8 Ehteram A. Noor, Aisha H. AI
adsorption of AMTD on the surface of 304 Moubaraki, Materials Chemistry and
stainless steel is physical in nature. Physics, 110(2008)145.
9. Lin Wang, Corrosion Science,
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10. Tambi Ramde, Stefano Rossi, Caterina
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2. E. Stupnisek-Lisac, K. Salajster and J. 11. A. Frignani, M. Tassinari, C., Monlecelli
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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (JIR)
Vol-2, Issue-11, 2016
ISSN: 2454-1362, http:l/www.onlinejournal.in
Table 1
Percentage Inhibition Efficiency of AMTD for the Corrosion of 304Stainless Steel in 1.0 MSulphuric
Acid Solution by Weight Loss and Linear Polarization Resistance Method
Concentration of Temperature Inhibition Efficiency (%) OCP
AMTD (ppm) c) By Weight Loss By Polarization (mV)
20 460
Nil 30 445
40 435
100 20 71.9 68.8 -424
200 20 91.6 87.3 409
400 20 94.8 91.3 -398
100 30 67.7 65.3 430
200 30 83.1 82.5 421
400 30 88.5 86.8 408
100 40 64.8 62.8 434
200 40 77.2 80.2 430
400 40 84.7 83.5 422
Table 2
Heat of Adsorption and Activation Energy Values for 304 Stainless Steel in 1.0 M Sulphuric Acid
Solution in Presence of Different Concentrations of AMTD.
Concentration of AMTD Heat of Adsorption (-AH) Activation Energy (E)
(ppm) (K.Cal.) (K.Cal.)
Nil 8.3
100 2.4 9.8
200 4.5 12.4
400 6.5 14.3

200 PP

Fig. 1Anodic polarization curves of 304stainless steel in 1.0 M sulphuric acid

solution in absence and presence
of AMTD,

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Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (UIR)
vol-2, Issue-11, 2016
sSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in

7minoS nrota,9/4-thàoae


Fig. 2 Cathodic polarization curves of304 stainless steel in 1.0 Msulphuric acid solution in absence and
presence of AMTD.

Fig. 3SEM micrograph of 304 stainless steel surface exposed to 1.0M sulphuric acid solution for 12 hours

Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (UIR) Page 258

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pprs of AMTD for 12 hears (IK5

Fig 6 AES specra of 394 stairless steel exposed so 15 M aipiurk cid soistin in preeace of 20 pys af
AMTID o 12 hos.

Snperal iornal of interdisciplinary Research (UIR) Page 259

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