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Ex.,1) Moximize : /=y-2x subject to x_!

)2, x+y14,
Solution : To drqw regions x-!)2, x+y<4, we begin
by drowing the
lines x-y=2 ond x+v-4.
Tlvo Intercept
Inequolity Line Points
Form Region

x-y>2 x-Y=2 xv Non origin

"\. -7 (z,o),(0,-z)
x+y<4 x+y=4 xv
(+,0),(0,+) Origin side
--L--l -l

The corner points A(3,1), B(2,0) ond


Corner Points Volue of Z = y-2x

A(3,1) Z =t_Z(Z)= _S

B(2,0) Z =o-2(2)=-4
c(4,0) Z =0-2(4)=-s
The moximum volue of Z is -4 qt x =2,y =e

Ex. (2) Minimize .. / - 200x+500y subject to x+2y>10, 3x+4y <24,

x)0, y>0.
Solution : To drow regions x+Zy2lO, 3x+4y<24, we begin by drowing
the lines
x+zY =lO, 3x+4Y =24 '

x+zY =10 (ro,o),(o,s) Non origin side


3x+4y <24 3x+4Y =24 (s,o),(o,o)

x+27 = 10

3x+ y:24

The feosible region is ABC, with corner points A(4,3), B(0,5)


Corner Volue of
Z =200x + 500y
A(4,3) z =2oo(4)+ soo(3) =2300
B(0,5) z =2oo(o)+ soo(s) = 25oo
c(0,6) z = 2oo(0)+ s00(6) = 3000

The minimum volue of Z ts 2300 of x=4'y=3'

per toble is Rs'
Ex. (3) A corpenter mokes tobles ond choirs. Profit
2OO ond thot per choir is Rs. 100. He should
moke ot leqst
two choirs per toble ond the totol number of tobles ond choirs
solution: Let x be number of tobles ond y be
number of choirs thot ore
to be mqde by the corpenter. Thqt is x>0,y>0.
Since cost of q toble is Rs. 200 ond cost of
o choir is
Rs. loo, z=Lo oz*
r oo j
Totol profit is........ , which is to be mqximized,.
As ot leqst (more thon or equol) 2 chqirs per tobre

Also os the totol number of tqbles qnd choirs should

not exceed
(less thon or equol) 30,
So x+v<30. Hence the Lpp is formuloted os follows
Moximize Z =200x+100y
Subject to y )2..x,
x+ y 5..3.O,


Y = 2x, x*y=JQ

x+ y <30 (o,Zu, o:.!1.b.




8 to 15 zn 2s Eri
The feqsible
c (a.)e.)
Corner Volue of
Points Z =200x+100v

A(.9.,.q.), .9.

B(t9.,?9.) .L p.q. -o.

C( 9,.,39) ?,6 0(>


Ex.4) A chemicol compony produces o chemicql contqining three bosic

elements A, B, C, so thot it has ot leost 16 liters of A, 24 ltters
of B qnd 18 liters of C. This chemicol is mode by mixing two
compounds. Eoch unit of compound I, hos 4 liters of A, 12

of B snd 2liters of c. Eoch unit of compound II, hqs 2 liters of

A, 2 liters of B ond 6 liters of c. The cost per unit of compound
I is Rs. 800 ond thot of compound II is Rs. 640. Formulote the
problems os LPP ond solve it to minrmize the cost.

Solution : Let the compony produce x units of compound I ond

y units
of compound II.
Then the totol cost is z=800x+640y, this is objective function
which I to be minimized.
The given informotion obout constrqints cqn be tobulqted os follows
Compoundl , ComPoundll Minimum
(r) (Y) Requirement

From the tqble, the constroint

4x + 2y> 16,13r +Ay >L*,'2x +A y >'18' Also

The LPP is formuloted os follows'

Subject to
4x +2y > 16
l?..x + .Ly >..L\

lb drow
Tcrdrow regions
regions 4x+2y) 16,!3x +.Ly>?i.?x+.6y>_.1.g

We begin by drowing the lines 4x+2y=l6,tTx+?y=?!,.I*+.6.y=.fF

Two Intercept
4x +2y > 76 4x+2y=l$ (+,0),(o,a)

tz+z) >2{ L*9 -,

L ..'....1L:..1 (z,o)(o1C

#**=t :?) -(?:t) Alon oriSin



6 8 3 t0-. 12
t1 117",\--t f.
The feosible region is ABC with corndr points A(.1.,9 ), B(A.,?.),
c(. !.,9..;, o1.Q .,1.?),
Corner Volue of
Points z=800x+640y
A(J.,.o.), .7.2.9.e
D(o.,tZ) .7 6.8.A.

The minimum vqlue of z is 3(.89.. ot *=3.,Y=.2-

Ex. (5) Minimize : Z=x+2y
subject to x+2y>50,
2x- y <0,
Solution :
nts Rt3ior
Lin e Po i

1<-y 7, a

zn-y S o

lGe f<^sitl-
So l.r in5 (ll end (:f l r^lc 3.* - 2-{ , !=eo
.'. ? = (t-9,5o)

g (o,re ) ro
a (to,t-o) {o
p (rr, fo) lLe
D (o, too) Loo
!e hc,,: tnin irnqyn valql SO -t * ^,, Con5cc .^*;rc
vtx*.l ce-r B qn AC

;i' Lx-Y ? o


p (e-f , so)

IJ|t\"9 11t

! (torto

16 Lo jo qo

Z.hqs rn\nirnql,n valL{e €o A <t/ cr1 p, i d of s.1

r: l:::: f " i^+J B (o , L;) Ancl c (to.,r")
Hen *J^.r. o:f, Q* i n I i', i t<-

s" lu*i<rlrs
Ex. (6) Mqximize : Z =3x+9y
subject to x+3y < 60,
x+ y>10,
x ) 0, y>0.
Solution :

I:.:::1: h Line p,d^+i R.ri:;

(o,: o)
Thc li.o:iut. .rcllov.. Pe eop

so\vil^rg (U) a (U), 1{=5,Y=5

.', F= (E,E)
Solvinq (I) d.(nf) , ?{>tJ,y --tf
. .

,', G-= (rrrrr)

The Lo"{ nct't p oi nls -orl 4- ? , A, , f3 , D
Ve^rtq" Va\.re 7-= 3x +35
f (r,s) 6o
<a.(r r, rs) lgo
g(o,26) 19o
D (0, to) 9o

t ^ o c onsec^li va P oi ruts f5 q^ I a.


,'"L hos rnaximuvn Va\ue \go ".* e-rtc-r-1 foinF

.,2r) an) e (o
aa, (rf,r5) Henre lrlrplc q^t<* ir.frrlitc

l:^L- :t o f +i nn".\ so \ ^l-i,,r.r


Ex. (7) A co-operotive society of formers hos 50 hectore of lond to grow

two crops X ond Y. The profit from crops X ond y perpendiculor
hectore qre estimqted os Rs. 10,500 ond RS. 9,000 respectively.
To control weeds o liquid herbicide hos to be used for crops
X ond Y qt rotes of 20 liter ond l0 liter per hectore. Further
no more thon 800 liter of herbicide should be used in order
to protect fish ond o wild life using the pond which collects
droining from this lond. How much lond should be ollocoted to
eoch crop so os to moximize the totol profit of the society ?
Solution : ....
L4* "( q'.d ) hector< lo,,.l bz "ltoco*.,\ +a
crol5 x o", A Y zr.l pecli vc\ zt7r0 , i7.0
Tk.r- P rro
ktt fur,cti.,^ ir z= tosoo?(+goooy
d+y Sfo , 2e x -t-t.J _( g oo
TI"..:.. L.P.P. I s
{\axi niz-<- Z- = losooH+ 9oooy
-Sqfject {-, )t+J (so
Q-o-t<-t \oy ( Bo o 2L>/O , \)rb

f ne1.rJit1 .L't <- Po i nls Rc5 i.n

rt#y < ro n+) -- 58 A (ro,o),8 (o,ro) 6^6rginriJ<_
?-a r(ftol (Boo zoutfio5--too C(t, a,o)(D (o,? o) ozrSia .si la
T,r- &:yil,: ljia fJ OCP BO
I :.! v. I ru.. . ?s.t). .= .T.e on a\
ig."* + g =go
,", r( =3O ,Y =2-zt ,'; P=(3<;zo)
Tk,t Lot ntry f oi'tlr q{L O, c ,?,8
o (o,o)
L (h o,o) 4zoooo
': " "'
P (3 o,t-a) 9tooo
(3 (ii,;; j etSOoCo



tr r,flx

2o P (7o P")

7 x
to 2-o 30 t
YI t-o71tr"J, r,il \ ztJ =io
.'. Tl^.q_ Iy\ cr.x-r ynq vy\ 2- is \ gEooo J
"d.1:. : .h

{-Jo or.l 5=Z-O

,'. 3o h<-cto, qr^A z-c) hectav Lo",J ShoLrld L(
x onJ y 6esf . *rt
rn axi rn\.t v!^ p rra f i{ t 4lgooo

Sign of Teocher :

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