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Research Paper: Critical Thinking Assignment

Jordan J. Powell

Liberty University

RLGN:104 Christian Life and Biblical Worldview (D14)

Professor Daniel Vinersar

May 9th, 2024

The Question of Origin

Christianity and Islam are similar in the sense that they both believe the world was

created in a period of 6 days with God resting on the seventh.. They both believe that God

created different things on different days such as the sun and moon and the waters. They are

different in the sense that Islam tells that all living things came from water that Allah sent down

onto the earth. Christianity teaches that God did create the waters and separated them by borders,

but that he individually created things such as plants, animals, and humans separately. Islam also

tells of Allah creating creating Angels and beings that are called Jinn. Christianity doesn’t

necessarily describe the creation of Angels, but we do know they were present and singing at the

creation of the world (Job 38:7).

The Question of Identity

Christianity tells that humans were created with the purpose to choose to worship God as

the creator. While also being kind, loving, and humble so that others may feel his love through

the decision we make here on earth. Similarly Islam believes that humans were created to serve

and obey Gods will. Both Christianity and Islam agree on and believe the fact that all humans are

all created equal in the eyes of God. In Islam, identity is often tied closely to one’s submission to

Allah. While in Christianity identity is often rooted in one’s relationship to Jesus Christ. Islam

also believes in the worship of only one God, Allah. While Christianity teaches the Holy trinity,

father, son, and spirit, and the need for salvation through Jesus Christ

The Question of Meaning/Purpose

Both Christians and followers of Islam agree that purpose involves serving and worship

God. You are able to see this with how both groups view and question their identity. Both believe

that we have a duty and responsibility to worship God while we are here on earth and to do great

things in his name. This involves living a righteous life, and fulfilling one’s responsibility to

oneself, family, and society. Both religions also stress the importance of seeking spiritual growth,

and contributing positively to the world. Christianity believes in the ultimate goal of salvation

through faith in Jesus Christ. They believe purpose of life is to glorify God and enjoy eternity

with him in heaven through the acceptance of Jesus as lord and savior. While Islam agree that the

purpose is to obey and worship God, their concept of salvation is achieved through Allah and and

obedience to his commands. In Christianity, the belief is that humans have free will and are free

to choose their decisions that impact their lives and ultimately their destiny. Islam also believes

in this free will, but they believe that Allahs will ultimately determines the course of events.

The Question of Morality

Both Christianity and Islam emphasize the importance of living ethically and morally

upright lives. This includes the values of honesty, compassion, kindness, integrity, and respect

for others. Both religious also stress the importance of justice. They believe in it’s importance in

both personal relationships and society as a whole. Many followers of Islam believe that it is

necessary to believe in Allah in order to be moral and have good values. Christians don’t

necessarily agree with this and instead hold to the idea that although we may do good things,

we’ll never be perfect. This is why Christ was sent to us as a savior. Islam believes they are

saved by their own deeds and actions.

The Question of Destiny

Christianity and Islam both agree on the fact that we have an all powerful God who is

sovereign over all creation. Gods will is ultimate and there is absolutely nothing that happens

outside of his control. Both religions also agree that there is both a heaven and a hell, and the

choices a person makes in their lives on earth influences how they are judged. Islam relies

heavily on Allahs mercy during this time, hoping they done enough good deeds to be deserving

of eternal bliss. While Christians lean on the faith that they have in Jesus Christ as their lord and

savior, and hold to the faith they have that he has already paid the price for their sins and they are

forgiven. In the end times, Christians believe that Jesus will return to defeat evil, judge the living

and the dead while fulfilling Gods plan for salvation. They believe he will create a new earth and

rule over it with his followers for 1,000 years. Followers of Islams do believe Jesus will return as

well, but not as the Son of God. They believe he will defeat the anti-christ and help abolish all

religions except for Islam, but also that he will not be ruling over the new earth for 1,000 years.

Romans, The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV, Published by Zondervan,

Grand Rapids, Michigan , Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, INC.

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