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Physics Tutorial

Electric Field & Potential

(Assume suitable data if necessary)

1. Two similar balls of mass m are hung from silk thread of length l and carry
similar charge q as in fig. Assume that θ is so small that tanθ can be replaced
by its approximate equal, sinθ. To this approximation show that for equilibrium
𝑞2 𝑙
𝑥=( )1/3 Where x is the separation between the balls. If l=122
2𝜋𝜖0 𝑚𝑔

cm, m = 11.2g and x = 4.7cm, what is the value of q? [2.28 10-8C]

2. A thin ring made of plastic of radius R is uniformly charged with the linear charge density λ.
Calculate the electric field at any point at an axial distance ‘y’ from the center. If an electron is
constrained to be in axial line of the same ring, show that the motion of electron is simple
harmonic and find the frequency of oscillation. (Mention any assumptions you made).
3. The nucleus of helium atom has a mass of 6.6410-27kg. What are the magnitude and direction of
the electric field that will balance its weight? [203nN/C up]
4. If a copper coin has mass 3.11g. Calculate the total charge on the nucleus of the atoms in the coin
and the total number of protons in the coin. [1.37105 C, 91023]
5. A spherical water drop 1.20m in diameter is suspended in calm air due to downward directed
atmospheric electric field of magnitude E = 462N/C (a) What is the magnitude of the gravitational
force on the drop? (b) How many excess electrons does it have? [(a) 8.8710-15N (b) 120]
6. Calculate E due to an electric dipole of dipole moment 3.5610-29C-m at a point 25.410-9m away
along the equatorial line. [19.5 106N/C]
7. What is the frequency and period of small oscillation of an electron along the axis placed at the
center of ring of radius 0.02m if it carries a charge of 50nC? [3.14 109 rad/sec, 2.0 10-9s]
8. A neutral H2O molecule in its vapor state has an electric dipole moment of magnitude 6.2× 10-30
C-m. a) How far apart is the molecule’s center of positive and negative charge? b) If the molecule
is placed in an electric field of 1.5×104 N/C what maximum torque 𝑑𝑜𝑒𝑠 the electric field exert
on it? c) How much work does an external agent must do to rotate this molecule by 180 from its
initially aligned position for which 𝜃 = 0 [3.9 pm, 0.93×10-25N.m, 19×10-26J]
9. How much work is required to turn an electric dipole by 180 in a uniform electric field of
magnitude 46.0 N/C. if P = 3.02×10-25 C.m. and the initial angle is 64. [1.22×10-23J]
10. Calculate the electric dipole moment of an electron and proton separated by a distance of 4.30
nm. [6.88×10-28 C-m]

Physics tutorial by Prof. Maha Datta Paudel

11. What is the electric flux through the sphere of radius 1m carrying a charge of 1C at its center?
12. A charge is uniformly distributed around a ring of radius R = 2.34 cm and the resulting electric
field magnitude E is measured along the ring’s central axis (perpendicular to the plane of ring).
At what distance from the ring’s center is E maximum? [1.65cm]
13. A disk of radius 2.5 cm has a surface charge density 5.3C/m2 on its upper surface. Find the
electric field intensity (a) at a point on the central axis at a distance 12 cm from the disk and (b)
at the surface of the disk? [ (a) 6.3103N/C (b) 3105N/C]
14. A particle of charge –q of mass m is placed midway between the two equal positive charges 𝑞0
of separation d. If the negative charge –q is displaced in perpendicular direction to the line joining
0 𝑚3 𝑑3 2
them and released, show that the particle describes a SHM with a period 𝑇 = [ ].

15. What is potential gradient in volt/meter at a distance of 0.01Å from the center of the gold nucleus?
What is the gradient at the nuclear surface of radius R 5x10-15m? (Atomic number of gold is 79
and electronic charge e is 1.610-19C.) [1.141017 V/m, 4.55 1021 V/m]
16. The electric potential V due to a charge in surrounding space at any point x meters from the charge
is given by the relation V 8x+ 3x2 volts. Find the electric field intensity at a point 1.5 m from the
charge. Consider the medium is air. [ 17 V/m]
17. The potential in a region between x = 0 and x = 6m is V = a + bx, where a=10V and b = -7V/m.
Determine (i) the potential at x = 0m, 3m and 6m and (ii) the magnitude and direction of electric
field at x = 0m, 3m and 6m. [(i) 10 V, -11V, -32V (ii) 7N/C in the + ve x-direction.]
18. 27 identical drops of mercury are charged simultaneously to a potential of 10 volts. Calculate the
potential if all the drops are merged to form one large drop? [ 90 volts]
19. What is the magnitude of electric field at point (3.00i - 2.00j + 4.00k) m if the electric potential
is given by V= 2.00xyz2 where x, y, z is in meters? [ 150N/C]
20. The potential of the certain charge configuration is given by V= 2xyz2 volts. Calculate the
magnitude of electric field at point (3, 2, 4). What acceleration does an electron experience in the
x- direction. Distances are in meter. [ 150N/C, 1.1251013ms-2]
21. For the charge configuration as shown figure below, show that V(r) for points on the line
1 𝑞 2𝑞𝑎
assuming r>>a is given by V= 4𝜋𝜖 [𝑟 + ]
-q 0
+q +q P

a r

Physics tutorial by Prof. Maha Datta Paudel

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