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AD Crush Course_Lecture 21

িভ�রস বয্াংক জব েকােসর্ আপনােক �াগতম।

েকান �কার অসাধু উপায় অবল�ন করেবন না, এেত আপনারই �িত হেব।

েকান �� িনেয় সংশয় ৈতির হেল

@VICTORSJOB এ েমেসজ িদেবন।

1. An association of sports teams is called – (1 point)

⚪ Group
⚫ League
⚪ Game
⚪ School

2. If 20% of (A + B) = 50% of (A - B), then find B : A (1 point)



20% of (A + B) = 50% of (A - B)
⇒ (A + B) × 20/100 = (A - B) × 50/100
⇒ (A + B)/5 = (A - B)/2
⇒ 2 (A + B) = 5 (A - B)
⇒ 2A + 2B = 5A - 5B
⇒ 5A - 2A = 2B + 5B
⇒ 3A = 7B
⇒ A/B = 7/3
∴ B/A = 3/7

3. If A and B can complete a piece of work together in 10 days and B alone in 20 (1 point)
days, in how many days can A alone complete the work?
⚪ 60 days
⚫ 20 days
⚪ 40 days
⚪ 30 days


A and B complete a work in = 10 days

One day's work of (A + B) = 1/10

B complete the work in = 20 days;

One day's work of B = 1/20

Then, A's one day's work = 1/10 - 1/20

= 1/20

so, A can do the work alone in 20 days.

4. ‘Point blank’ means – (1 point)

⚪ Immediately
⚫ bluntly
⚪ Unreasonable
⚪ Boldly

5. If a : b = 3 : 2, find ratio (4a + 5b) : (4a - 5b). (1 point)

⚫ 11 : 1
⚪ 21 : 1
⚪ 10 : 1
⚪ 11 : 15


(4a + 5b) : (4a - 5b)

= b(4a/b + 5) : b (4a/b - 5)
= (4 × 3/2 + 5) : (4 × 3/2 - 5)
= (6 + 5) : (6 - 5)
= 11 : 1

6. A worker was hired for 7 days. Each day, he was paid Tk. 10 more than what he (1 point)
was paid for the previous day of work. The total amount he was paid in the first 4
days of work equaled the total amount he was paid in the last 3 days. What was his
starting pay?
⚪ Tk. 150
⚪ Tk. 160
⚫ Tk. 90
⚪ Tk.138


Starting payment was = x

Salary for the 1st 4 days:

x, x + 10, x + 20, x + 30

Salary for the last 3 days:

x + 40, x + 50, x + 60.

sum of the salary of the 1st 4 days = sum of the salary of the last 3 days
x + x + 10 + x + 20 + x + 30 = x + 40 + x + 50 + x + 60
4x + 60 = 3x + 150
4x - 3x = 150 - 60
x = 90.
7. Mahin and Jisan aimed to finish a job in 8 days. But Mahin remains ideal for 8 (1 point)
days then started to work and they both finished the rest of the job in 4 days. Jisan
alone can do it in -
⚪ 10 days
⚫ 16 days
⚪ 8 days
⚪ 12 days


দুইজন ৮ িদেন কের ১ অংশ

৪ িদেন কের ১/২ অংশ।

তাহেল বািক ১/২ কাজ সািকব একা ৮ িদেন কের।

তাহেল স�ূণর্ কাজ েশষ করেত সময় লাগেব (৮ × ২) = ১৬ িদেন।

8. ‘Put one’s foot down’ means – (1 point)

⚪ Stand up
⚫ Take a firm stand
⚪ Stand without help
⚪ Insult someone

9. An employee may claim Tk. 7 for each kilometer when he travels by taxi and Tk. 6 (1 point)
for each kilometer when he drives his own car. If in one week he claimed Tk. 900
for travelling 135 km, how many kilometers did he travel by taxi?
⚪ 110km
⚪ 120 km
⚫ 90 km
⚪ 100 km

Let the distance travelled by taxi x km
Let the distance travelled by own car 135 - x km

7x + 6(135 - x) = 900
7x + 810 - 6x = 900
x + 810 = 900
x = 900 - 810
x = 90

10. The ratio 5 : 4 expressed as a percent equals (1 point)

⚫ 125%
⚪ 12.5%
⚪ 40%
⚪ 80%


5 : 4 = 5/4
= (5/4) × (100/100)
= (5 × 100)/4 × (1/100)
= 125 × (1/100)
= 125%

11. Rasel started a project where the work ratio of a day is twice the previous day. If (1 point)
the work is fully finished in 20 days, how many days it took to finish 1/4th of the
⚫ 18 days
⚪ 15 days
⚪ 5 days
⚪ 10 days


�িতিদেনর কাজ পূেবর্র িদেনর ি�গ‍ণ হয়।

২০ িদেন যিদ স�ূণর্ েশষ হয় তাহেল,
১৯ িদেন েশষ হেব ১/২ কাজ
১৮ িদেন েশষ হেব (১/২)/২ বা, ১/৪ কাজ

12. 7^3.04 : 7^2.03 is equal to- (1 point)

⚪ 7 : 17
⚫ 7:1
⚪ 3:1


7^3.04 : 7^2.03
= 7^2.03 × 7 : 72.03

13. The ratio between the sale price and the cost price of an article is 7 : 6. What is the (1 point)
ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article?


Let C.P. = 6x and S.P. = 7x

Then, gain = x.
∴ Required ratio = x : 6x = 1 : 6

14. A train 240 m long passes a pole in 24 seconds. How long will it take to pass a (1 point)
platform 650 m long?
⚪ 95 sec
⚫ 89 sec
⚪ 90 sec
⚪ 80 sec


ে�নিটর েমাট দূর� অিত�ম করেত হেব = (240 + 650) িমটার = 890 িমটার

ে�নিট 240 িমটার অিত�ম করেত সময় েনয় = 24 েসেক�

ে�নিট1 িমটার অিত�ম করেত সময় েনয় = 24/240 েসেক�
ে�নিট 890 িমটার অিত�ম করেত সময় েনয় = (24 × 890)/240 েসেক�
= 89 েসেক�

15. Salam earns Tk. 8.50 per hour on days other than Friday and twice than the rate on (1 point)
Friday. Last week he worked a total of 50 hours including 8 hours on Friday.
What is his earning for the week?
⚪ Tk. 398
⚪ Tk. 408
⚫ Tk. 493
⚪ Tk. 340


During the week Salam worked a total of 50 - 8 = 42 hours at a rate of Tk.8.5 per hour.
On Friday she worked 8 hours at a rate of Tk. 8.50 × 2 = Tk. 17.00 per hour.

Therefore her total earnings for the week were 42 × 8.50 + 8 × 17 = Tk. 493.

16. 10 minutes after a plane leaves the airport, it is reported to be 40 miles away. (1 point)
What is the average speed in miles per hour of the plane?
⚪ 400
⚫ 240
⚪ 560
⚪ 200

গড় েবগ = {40/(10/60)} miles/hour

= 40 × 6 miles/hour
= 240 miles/hour

17. Ocean : Water :: Glacier :? (1 point)

⚪ Cold
⚪ Storm
⚪ Rain storm
⚫ Snow

18. A train 120 meter long is traveling at a speed of 60 km/h. The time in which it (1 point)
will pass a passersby, walking at 6 km/h in the same direction is -
⚫ 8 sec
⚪ 3 sec
⚪ 6 sec
⚪ 9 sec


Speed of train relative to man = (60 - 6)km/hr

= 54km/hr
= (54 × 1000)/3600 m/sec
= (54 × 10)/36 m/sec
∴ 15 m/sec

∴ Time taken to pass the man = (120 ÷ 15) sec

= 8 sec

19. After fillings the car's fuel tank, a driver drove from P to Q and then to R. He used (1 point)
(2/5)th portion of the fuel driving from P to Q. If she used another 7 liters to drive
from Q to R and still had (1/4)th of the tank left, how many liters does the tank
⚪ 18
⚪ 21
⚫ 20
⚪ 12


Let full capacity x liters

Fuel used from Q to R = x - (2x/5 + 1x/4)

= (20x - 8x - 5x)/20
= 7x/20

7x/20 of capacity = 7 gallons
x of capacity = 7 × 20/7 gallons
= 20 gallons

20. Find out the word that is misspelt – (1 point)

⚪ Cruise
⚫ Psychologuy
⚪ Ruin
⚪ Criticism

21. Which one is the synonym of ‘playwright’? (1 point)

⚫ Dramatist
⚪ Musician
⚪ Novelist
⚪ Player

22. What must be added to each term of the ratio 7 : 11 so as to make it equal to 5 : (1 point)
⚫ 13
⚪ 11
⚪ 17


let, the number be x

(7 + x) : (11 + x) = 5 : 6
⇒ (7 + x) / (11 + x) = 5/6
⇒ 6 (7 + x) = 5 (11 + x)
⇒ 42 + 6x = 55 + 5x
⇒ 6x - 5x = 55 - 42
∴ x = 13

23. If a runner takes as much time in running 20 metres as the car takes in covering 50 (1 point)
metres. The distance covered by the runner during the time the car covers 1 km is
⚪ 420 metres
⚪ 40 metres
⚪ 440 metres
⚫ None of these


According to the question,

∴ 50 m = 20 m
∴ 1m = 20/50 m
∴ 1000 m = (20/50)×1000 m
= 400 metres

24. The diameter of the driving wheel of a bus is 140 cm. How many revolutions per (1 point)
minute must the wheel make in order to keep a speed of 66 km per hour?
⚪ 350
⚪ 300
⚪ 200
⚫ 250


Speed of the bus = 66 km/hr.

Distance covered by the wheel in one minute = (66 × 1000 × 100)/60

=110000 cm

Circumference of the wheel = 2 × (22/7)× 70 = 440 cm

Therefore, distance covered by the wheel in one revolution = 440 cm

Hence, number of revolutions in one minute = 110000/440 = 250

25. The ratio of boys and girls in a club is 3 : 2. Which of the following could be the (1 point)
actual number of members?
⚪ 24
⚪ 16
⚪ 18
⚫ 25


Sum of the ratio = 2 + 3 = 5

So, the actual number must be divided by 5.
Here, only 25 is the only number that can be divided by 5.

26. A train travels 360 km at a uniform speed. If the speed had been 5 km/h more, it (1 point)
would have taken 1 hour less for the same journey. Find the speed of the train.
⚪ 50 km/hr
⚪ 60 km/hr
⚫ 40 km/hr
⚪ 30 km/hr


Given distance=360 km.

Let the speed of the train be x km/hr.
Speed when increased by 5 km/hr =(x + 5) km/hr

(360/x) - {360/(x + 5)}= 1

[360x + 1800 - 360x]/x(x+5)=1
1800/x2 + 5x= 1
x2 + 5x = 1800
x2 + 5x - 1800 = 0
x2 + 45x - 40x - 1800=0
x(x + 45) - 40(x + 45)=0
(x- 40)(x + 45)=0
x = 40, - 45

The speed of the train is 40 km/hr.

27. What is the meaning of the word ‘perturb’? (1 point)

⚪ Repeat
⚪ Pretend
⚫ Agitate
⚪ Tutor

28. A train 110 m long is running at the speed of 60 km/hr. In what time will it pass a (1 point)
man who is running at the speed of 6 km/hr in the opposite direction in which the
train is moving?
⚪ 8 sec
⚫ 6 sec
⚪ 5 sec
⚪ 3 sec

Relative speed = 60 km/hr + 6 km/hr
= 66 km/hr
= 66 ×1000/3600 m/sec
= 66 × 5/18 m/sec
= 55/3 m/sec

time needed = 110 /55/3 sec

= 110 × 3/55 sec
= 6 sec

29. In a factory, there are workers, executives and clerks. 58% of the employees are (1 point)
workers, 660 are executives and the remaining 264 employees are clerks. How
many employees are there in the factory?
⚪ 2500
⚪ 1500
⚪ 2000
⚫ 2200


Total employee 100%
Executive and clerks (100 - 58)% = 42%

executive and clerks employee = 660 + 264 = 924

42% employee = 924
1% employee = 924
100% employee = ( 924 × 100)/42 = 2200

30. Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/hr and another at 3 (1 point)
km/hr. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance -
⚫ 6 km
⚪ 9 km
⚪ 7 km
⚪ 8 km

If the required distance be x km, then

(x/3)−(x/4)= 1/2
⇒ (4x−3x)/12= 1/2
⇒ x/12= 1/2
⇒ x= 6 km

31. Mahin leaves his home and walks at a speed of 12 km per hour, reaching the (1 point)
railway station 10 minutes after train had departed. If instead he had walked at a
speed of 15 km per hour, he would have reached the station 10 minutes before the
train’s departure. The distance (in km) from his home to the railway station is -
⚪ 25
⚫ 20
⚪ 10
⚪ 15


ধির, েরলে�শন েথেক বাসার দূর� x িকিম

মািহন ১২ িকিম/ঘ�া েবেগ েগেল ে�ন ছাড়ার ১০ িমিনট পের েপৗঁছায়।
যিদ েস ১৫ িকিম/ঘ�া েবেগ েযত তেব ে�ন ছাড়ার ১০ িমিনট আেগ েপৗঁছাত। অথর্াৎ, ২০ িমিনট
সময় কম লাগত।
২০ িমিনট = ২০/৬০ ঘ�া
= ১/৩ ঘ�া

(x/12) - (x/15) = 1/3

⇒ (5x - 4x)/60 = 1/3
∴ x = 60/3
= 20 km

অতএব, দূর� ২০ িকিম।

32. To understand it, read ___ the line. (1 point)

⚪ With
⚪ Behind
⚪ Without
⚫ Between

33. A complete 1/8 of a work in one day. B with double efficiency can do the full (1 point)
work in -
⚪ 6 days
⚪ 2 days
⚫ 4 days
⚪ 7 days


েযেহতু B এর দ�তা A এর ি�গ‍ণ তাই B একিদেন A এর েচেয় ি�গ‍ণ কাজ করেব।

∴ B একিদেন করেব = ২ × ১/৮ = ১/৪ অংশ

স�ূণর্ কাজ করেব = ৪ িদেন

34. Choose the correctly spelled word. (1 point)

⚪ Profesor
⚫ Professor
⚪ Professer
⚪ Profeser

35. If ratio of three numbers is 3 : 2 : 5 and their sum is 150, what is the largest (1 point)
⚪ 30
⚫ 75
⚪ 60
⚪ 45

let the numbers be 3x, 2x, 5x

3x + 2x + 5x = 150
⇒ 10x = 150
∴ x = 15

largest number = 5 × 15
= 75

36. If X and Y are in the ratio 3 : 4, and Y and Z in the ratio 12 : 13, then X and Z will (1 point)
be in the ratio-
⚪ 9 : 11
⚪ 19 : 13
⚪ 9 : 23
⚫ 9 : 13


⇒ X/Y = 3/4

Y : Z = 12 : 13
⇒ Y/Z = 12/13

X/Y × Y/Z = 3/4 × 12/13

⇒ X/Z = 9/13
∴ X : Z = 9 : 13

37. A and B can complete a piece of work in 15 days and 10 days respectively. They (1 point)
got a contract to complete the work for Tk. 75000. The share of B in the
contracted money will be:
⚪ Tk. 30000
⚫ Tk. 45000
⚪ Tk. 35000
⚪ Tk. 40000

Ratio of number of days taken by A and B to complete the work = 15 : 10 = 3 : 2

∴ Ratio of efficiency of A and B = 2 : 3

Let their share is in the ratio of 2x and 3x

2x + 3x = 75000
⇒ 5x = 75000
∴ x = 15000

∴ Share of B = 3x
= 15000 × 3
= 45000 Taka

38. If 5 students run a mile in 5 minutes, how much time will 50 students take to run a (1 point)
⚪ 50 minutes
⚪ None of these
⚪ 10 minutes
⚫ 5 minutes


5 students run a mile in 5 minutes

1 students run a mile in 5 minutes
50 students run a mile in 5 minutes

39. The present ratio of students to teachers at a certain school is 30 to 1. If the (1 point)
student enrollment were to increase by 50 students and the number of teachers
were to increase by 5, the ratio of students to teachers would then be 25 to 1. What
is the present number of teachers?
⚫ 15
⚪ 10
⚪ 12

The number of students is 30x
The number of teachers is x

(30x + 50)/(x + 5) = 25/1
⇒ 30x + 50 = 25x + 125
⇒ 30x - 25x = 125 - 50
⇒ 5x = 75
∴ x = 15

∴ The present number of teachers is 15

40. Choose the correct antonym for ‘oblige’ – (1 point)

⚪ Require
⚫ Bother
⚪ Bind
⚪ Censure

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