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Faculty Name: IT

Qualification Name: IT
Software Development
Formative Assessment
4 Paper:Group Work
Table of Contents
Formative Assessment 4 Paper .............................................................................................................................................................................. 2

Instruction(s) to Students .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

Question Paper 100 Marks .................................................................................................................................................................... 4

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CTU Training Solutions (PTY) Ltd is fully accredited by the MICT SETA (ACC/2006/07/186) through the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). CTU Training Solutions
is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private College (2018/FE07/004) and provisionally registered as a private higher education institution (only
selected registered campuses) (No 2014/HE07/004)
Formative Assessment 4 Paper
Faculty Name: Information Technology
Qualification Name: IT Software Development
Module Name: Solutions Development Semester 1

Module Code: SLD521

Hand Out: 03 – 05 – 2023
Hand In: 31– 05 – 2023
Total Marks: 100

Examiner: Junior Manganyi

Resources Required: None

Practical Question(s) 100 Marks

Instruction(s) to Students
• Recall keeping a copy of all submitted assignments.

• All work must be typed using Microsoft Word and converted the word document to PDF before uploading to

• Kindly note that you will be evaluated on your writing skills in all your assignments.

• Negative marking will be applied if you are found guilty of plagiarism, poor writing skills, or if you have applied
incorrect or insufficient referencing.

• Each assignment must include a cover page, table of contents, and full bibliography, based on the Harvard
referencing style.

• Students are not allowed to offer their work for sale or to purchase the work of other students. This includes the use
of professional assignment writers. If this should happen, CTU Training Solutions reserves the right not to accept
future submissions from a student.

Spelling, style, fonts, font size, line spacing

o Please copy the questions onto your answer sheet (single-space the questions), and make sure to use
numbers to indicate the answers to each question.

o Always use a spell checker before you submit assignments! We reserve the right to deduct points for
each obvious misspelling.

o Always double-space your answers.

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CTU Training Solutions (PTY) Ltd is fully accredited by the MICT SETA (ACC/2006/07/186) through the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO). CTU Training Solutions
is registered with the Department of Higher Education and Training as a Private College (2018/FE07/004) and provisionally registered as a private higher education institution (only
selected registered campuses) (No 2014/HE07/004)
o Please use Arial (or Calibri (Body)), 12 points as the font for your assignments. Certain fonts have been
known not to come across in PDF files.

o Use only black or blue font face colors. Do not use red!

o When you submit ensure that all your group members’ names are visible


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Question Paper 100 Marks
Read the following to answer this group activity:

Create an MVC Search Weather project that will allow users to register their details such as email, and password, and then

log into the application to enter a city in Gauteng.

Once the user enters the city, The application must display the city name, followed by the zip code of the city and the
weather for that day.

Here are generals steps you can use as a group to assist you:
1. Set up a new ASP.NET Web Application project in Visual Studio, selecting the MVC template.
2. Create a SQL Server database to store user information.
3. Define a User model class with properties for user ID, email, and password.
4. Create a database context class to interact with the database.
5. Implement user registration functionality in an AccountController with two actions: one to display the registration
form, and one to handle the form submission and save the user to the database.
6. Implement user login functionality in the same AccountController with two actions: one to display the login form,
and one to handle the form submission and authenticate the user using the database.
7. Obtain an API key from OpenWeatherMap and use it to implement a weather search feature in a new
WeatherController with two actions: one to display the search form, and one to handle the form submission and
display the weather information.
8. Add validation to the user registration and login forms using the data annotations in the User model class.
9. Use Bootstrap to style the user interface of the application.

Below is a rubric to assist in answering this group activity.

Criteria Score Range Criteria Description

User model class 0–2 No user model class defined

3-4 User model class defined with only

one property

5-6 User model class defined with two

properties, but no data annotations

for validation

7-8 User model class defined with all three

properties and data annotations for

9 User model class defined with all three

properties, data annotations for

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validation, and custom validation


10 User model class defined with all three

properties, data annotations for

validation, custom validation logic,

and proper naming conventions

Database context class 0-3 No database context class defined

4-5 Database context class defined but

not connected to the database

6-7 Database context class defined and

connected to the database

8-9 Database context class defined and

connected to the database with

proper naming conventions

10 Database context class defined and

connected to the database with

proper naming conventions and

efficient code

User registration functionality 0-3 No registration functionality


4-7 Registration functionality was

implemented but with no validation

8 - 11 Registration functionality
implemented with basic validation

12 - 15 Registration functionality

implemented with advanced

validation and proper error handling

16 - 19 Registration functionality

implemented with advanced

validation, proper error handling, and

password encryption

20 Registration functionality

implemented with advanced

validation, proper error handling,

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password encryption, and proper

naming conventions

User login functionality 0-3 No login functionality implemented

4-7 Login functionality was implemented

but with no validation

8 - 11 Login functionality implemented with

basic validation

12 - 15 Login functionality implemented with

advanced validation and proper error

16 - 19 Login functionality implemented with

advanced validation, proper error
handling, and proper session


20 Login functionality implemented with

advanced validation, proper error

handling, proper session

management, and proper naming


Weather search functionality 0-3 No weather search functionality


4-7 Weather search functionality was

implemented but with no validation

8 - 11 Weather search functionality

implemented with basic validation

12 - 15 Weather search functionality

implemented with advanced
validation and proper error handling

16 - 19 Weather search functionality

implemented with advanced

validation, proper error handling, and

proper data retrieval from API

20 Weather search functionality

implemented with advanced

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validation, proper error handling,

proper data retrieval from API, and

proper naming conventions

User interface 0-3 No user interface implemented

4-6 The user interface was implemented

but not responsive

7-8 The user interface is implemented and


9 User interface implemented,

responsive, and with proper styling

10 User interface implemented,

responsive, with proper styling and
custom graphics

Code Quality 0–3 The code is disorganized and


4-6 Code is readable

Total 100 Marks

End of Formative 4 Assessment

[Total: 100 Marks]

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Completed Declaration of Authenticity

I hereby

declare that the contents of this assignment is entirely my own work

except for the following documents: (List the documents and page numbers of work in this portfolio that were
generated in a group)

Activity Date

Signature: Date:

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