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AD Crush Course_Lecture 19

িভ�রস বয্াংক জব েকােসর্ আপনােক �াগতম।

েকান �কার অসাধু উপায় অবল�ন করেবন না, এেত আপনারই �িত হেব।

েকান �� িনেয় সংশয় ৈতির হেল

@VICTORSJOB এ েমেসজ িদেবন।

1. An antonym of ‘imminent’ is – (1 point)

⚪ Pending
⚪ Eminent
⚫ Distant
⚪ Forthcoming

2. A cricketer has a certain average for 9 innings. In the 10th innings he scores 100 (1 point)
runs, thus increasing his average by 8 runs. What is new average?
⚫ 28
⚪ 38
⚪ 34
⚪ 42


Let average be x for 9 innings. So, A cricketer scores 9x run in 9 innings.

In the 10th inning,

he scores 100 runs then average becomes (x + 8).
He scores (x + 8) × 10 runs in 10 innings.

9x + 100 = 10(x + 8)
⇒ 9x + 100 = 10x + 80
⇒ 10x - 9x = 100 - 80
⇒ x = 20

New average
= 20 + 8
= 28

3. The average marks of four subjects is 120. If in one subject 33 was misread as 13 (1 point)
during the calculation, what would be the correct average?
⚪ 135
⚪ 140
⚪ 130
⚫ 125


The average given is 120.

Difference of 33 and 13 is 20.
That means 20 must be added to the total.
Then the average of is and so must be added to average, i.e.
Correct average = 120 + 5 = 125

4. ‘Look quickly through’ means – (1 point)

⚪ Outline
⚪ Paraphrase
⚪ Summarize
⚫ Skim
5. The average of two numbers is 62. if 2 is added to the smaller number, the ratio (1 point)
between the numbers becomes 1 : 2. The smaller number is -
⚪ 84
⚫ 40
⚪ 30
⚪ 60


smaller number is x,
Larger number is y.

∴ x + y = 62 × 2
⇒ x + y = 124
∴ y = 124 - x .............. (1)

(x + 2)/y = 1/2
⇒ 2(x + 2) = y
⇒ 2x + 4 = 124 - x [with the help of (1)]
⇒ 3x = 120
∴ x = 40

∴ The smaller number is 40.

6. The sum of 3 consecutive odd numbers is 57. The middle one is (1 point)
⚪ 23
⚪ 17
⚫ 19
⚪ 21


the 3 consecutive odd numbers be x, x + 2, x + 4

x + x + 2 + x + 4 = 57
⇒ 3x = 51
∴ x = 17

So the middle number is 17 + 2 = 19

7. The average of 20 numbers is 35. If two numbers, 40 and 50 are discarded, then the (1 point)
average of the remaining numbers is nearly -
⚫ 33.89
⚪ 33.1
⚪ 32.89
⚪ 34.59


Sum of 20 numbers = (20 × 35) = 700

after discarding 2 numbers of 40 and 50 the new average is = (700 - 40 - 50)/18

= 33.89

8. ‘Lay before’ means – (1 point)

⚪ To return
⚪ To sleep
⚫ To place
⚪ To accompany

9. Find the average of first 97 natural numbers. (1 point)

⚫ 49
⚪ 49.5
⚪ 47
⚪ 48

10. A began a business with Rs. 85000, he was joined afterwards by B with Rs. (1 point)
42500. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are
divided in the ratio of 3 : 1 ?
⚪ 4 months
⚫ 8 months
⚪ 5 months
⚪ 6 months

11. Out of 10 persons, 9 persons spent Tk. 20 each for their meals. The tenth one (1 point)
spent Tk. 9 more than the average expenditure of all the ten. The total money
spent by all of them was-
⚫ 210 Tk.
⚪ 300 Tk.
⚪ 180 Tk.
⚪ 200 Tk.


৯ জেনর �িত জন খরচ কের ২০ টাকা

৯ জন েমাট খরচ কের = (৯ × ২০) টাকা
= ১৮০ টাকা

ধির, দশম জন খরচ কের x টাকা

দশজন েমাট খরচ কের ১৮০ + x টাকা
গড় = (১৮০ + x)/১০ টাকা

{(১৮০ + x)/১০} + ৯ = x
⇒ {(১৮০ + x)/১০} = x - ৯
⇒ ১৮০ + x = ১০x - ৯০
⇒ ১০x - x = ১৮০ + ৯০
⇒ ১০x - x = ২৭০
⇒ ৯x = ২৭০
∴ x = ৩০

দশজন েমাট খরচ কের = ১৮০ + ৩০ টাকা

= ২১০ টাকা

12. Father is aged three times more than his son Mahin. After 8 years, he would be (1 point)
two and a half times of Mahin's age. After further 8 years, how many times would
he be of Mahin's age?
⚫ 2 times
⚪ 3 times
⚪ 2.5 times
⚪ 3.5 times


Let Mahin's present age be x years.

Then, father's present age =(x + 3x) years
= 4x years

4x + 8 = (5/2)(x + 8)
8x + 16 = 5x + 40
8x - 5x = 40 - 16
3x = 24

Further 8 years will means 16 years from the current age.

After 16 years from present, Mahin's age be (8 + 16) = 24 years
After 16 years from present, father's age be (8 × 4 + 16) = 48 years

After 16 years from present the ratio of their ages will be

His father's age/ Mahin's age = 48/24
His father's age/ Mahin's age =2
His father's age = 2 × Mahin's age

13. At present, father's age is 4 times more than that of his son. 6 years ago father's (1 point)
age was 10 times more than that of his son. What is their present age?
⚪ 40 and 10 years
⚪ 56 and 14 years
⚫ 36 and 9 years
⚪ 32 and 8 years


The present age of son is x years.
∴ The present age of father is 4x years

4x - 6 = 10(x - 6)
⇒ 4x - 6 = 10x - 60
⇒ 10x - 4x = 60 - 6
⇒ 6x = 54

∴ The present age of son is 9 years.

The present age of father is = 4 × 9 years = 36 years.

14. The speed of the train going from Nagpur to Allahabad is 100 km/h while when (1 point)
coming back from Allahabad to Nagpur, its speed is 150 km/h. find the average
speed during whole journey.
⚫ 120 km/hr
⚪ 75 km/h
⚪ 135 km/hr
⚪ 125 km/hr


15. The average of the first five multiples of 9 is: (1 point)

⚫ 27
⚪ 28
⚪ 30
⚪ 20

16. When a student weighing 45 kgs left a class, the average weight of the remaining (1 point)
59 students increased by 200g. What is the average weight of the remaining 59
⚪ 56.8 kg
⚪ 58.2 kg
⚫ 57 kg
⚪ 52.2 kg


let, the average weight of 59 students is x kg

Total age of 59 students = 59x
Total age of 60 students = 59x + 45

x = {(59x + 45)/60} + 0.2
⇒ x - 0.2 = (59x + 45)/60
⇒ 60x - 12 = 59x + 45
⇒ 60x - 59x = 45 + 12
∴ x = 57 kg

17. ‘Pay careful attention to something’ is meant by world – (1 point)

⚪ Look
⚪ See
⚪ Feel
⚫ Heed

18. After 3 semesters in college, Jim has a 3.0 GPA. What GPA must Jim attain in his (1 point)
fourth semester if he wishes to raise his GPA to a 3.1?
⚪ 3.3
⚪ 2.7
⚫ 3.4
⚪ 3.1


After 3 semesters in college, Jim has a 3.0 GPA.

Jim's Total points after 3 semester = 3.0 × 3 = 9.0

He must attain X point in his fourth semester.

(9.0 + X)/4 = 3.1
⇒ 9.0 + X = 12.4
⇒ X = 12.4 - 9.0
∴ X = 3.4

19. The average temperature on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 25°C. The (1 point)
average temperature on Thursday, Friday and Saturday was 24°C. If the
temperature on Saturday was 27°C, what was the temperature on Wednesday?
⚪ 21°C
⚫ 30°C
⚪ 27°C
⚪ 24°C


average temperature on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday was 25°C.

Total temperature = 25° × 3
= 75°

The average temperature on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday was 24°C.

Total temparature = 24° × 3
= 72°

the temperature of Wednesday - the temperature of Saturday = 75° - 72°

⇒ the temperature of Wednesday - 27° = 3°
∴ the temperature of Wednesday = 27° + 3°
= 30°

20. Antonym of ‘legal’ is – (1 point)

⚪ Unlegal
⚪ Inlegal
⚪ True
⚫ Illegal

21. Select the correct synonym of ‘launch’. (1 point)

⚪ Steamer
⚫ Start
⚪ Steamboat
⚪ Food

22. Six consecutive whole numbers are given. The sum of the first three numbers is (1 point)
27. What is the sum of the last three numbers?
⚪ 32
⚪ 33
⚫ 36
⚪ 30


let the numbers be x - 2, x - 1, x, x + 1, x + 2, x + 3

x - 2 + x - 1 + x = 27
⇒ 3x - 3 = 27
⇒ 3x = 27 + 3 = 30
⇒ x = 30/3
∴ x = 10

the sum of the last three numbers is = x + 1 + x + 2 + x + 3

= 10 + 1 + 10 + 2 + 10 + 3
= 36

23. The average of the ages of a man and his daughter is 34 years. If the respective (1 point)
ratio of their ages four years from now is 14 : 5,what is daughter's present age ?
⚪ 10 years
⚪ 12 years
⚪ 18 years
⚫ None of these


24. Average cost of 5 apples and 4 mangoes is 36 taka. The average cost of 7 apples (1 point)
and 8 mangoes is 48 taka. Find the total cost of 24 apples and 24 mangoes.
⚪ 324
⚪ 720
⚪ 1044
⚫ 2088


৫ িট আেপল ও ৪ িট আেমর দাম = ৩৬ × ৯ টাকা

= ৩২৪ টাকা

৭ িট আেপল ও ৮ িট আেমর দাম = (৪৮ × ১৫) টাকা

= ৭২০ টাকা

১২ িট আেপল ও ১২ িট আেমর দাম = ৩২৪ + ৭২০ টাকা

= ১০৪৪ টাকা

∴ ২৪ িট আেপল ও ২৪ িট আেমর দাম = ১০৪৪ × ২ টাকা

= ২০৮৮ টাকা

25. A started a business with Rs. 21,000 and is joined afterwards by B with Rs. (1 point)
36,000. After how many months did B join if the profits at the end of the year are
divided equally?

26. (1 point)
If 4 (P's Capital ) = 6 ( Q's Capital ) = 10 ( R's Capital ), then out of the total profit
of Rs. 4650 , R will receive
⚪ 800
⚫ 900
⚪ 700
⚪ 600


27. The word ‘offspring’ means – (1 point)

⚪ Winter
⚪ Twin
⚪ Strength
⚫ Children

28. Roni is as much younger than Sagar as he is older than Piyal. If the sum of the (1 point)
ages of Piyal and Sagar is 66 years, and Sagar's age is 48 years, then what is the
difference between Roni and Piyal's age?
⚫ 15 years
⚪ 14 years
⚪ 13 years
⚪ 12 years


Sagar's age is 48 years

the sum of the ages of Piyal and Sagar is 66 years
∴ The age of Piyal is = 66 - 48 year
= 18 year

let, age of Roni is x

48 - x = x - 18
⇒ 2x = 66
∴ x = 33
the difference between Roni and Piyal's age is = 33 - 18
= 15 years

29. X's marks are 70, 90, 65, 85 and 75. What marks he must get on the next test to (1 point)
raise her average to 80?
⚪ 95
⚪ 80
⚪ 85
⚫ 90

X এর �া� ন�র ৭০, ৯০, ৬৫, ৮৫, ৭৫
ধির, পরবত� পরী�ায় y ন�র েপেল গড় ৮০ হেব।

৭০ + ৯০ + ৬৫ + ৮৫ + ৭৫ + y / ৬ = ৮০
⇒ ৩৮৫ + y = ৪৮০
∴ y = ৪৮০ - ৩৮৫
= ৯৫

30. Ten years ago, a man was seven times as old as his son. Two years hence, twice (1 point)
his age will be equal to five times the age of his son. What is the present age of the
son ?
⚫ 14 years
⚪ 15 years
⚪ 13 years
⚪ 12 years


31. A father said to his son, 'I was as old as you are at the present at the time of your (1 point)
birth'. If the father's age is 48 years now, the son's age three years back was-
⚪ 23 years
⚪ 22 years
⚪ 24 years
⚫ 21 years


let, at present son is x years old

so, at time of his birth the father was x years old

∴ at present the age of father is = x + x year

= 2x year

2x = 48
⇒ x = 48/2
= 24 year

∴ the son's age five years back was = 24 - 3

= 21 year

32. ‘Mad about’ means – (1 point)

⚫ Very enthusiastic about
⚪ Angry about
⚪ Foolish about
⚪ Fierce about

33. The average run of a cricket player of 10 innings was 35. How many runs must be (1 point)
made in his next innings so as to increase his average of runs by 5?
⚪ 80
⚪ 82
⚫ 90
⚪ 85

Average after 11 innings = 35 + 5 = 40
Required number of runs,
= (40 × 11) - (35 × 10)
= 440 - 350
= 90

34. What is correct spelling? (1 point)

⚪ Missionery
⚫ Missionary
⚪ Misionery
⚪ Misionary

35. The average of 20, 70 and x is 40. If the average of 20, 70, x and y is 50, then y = (1 point)
⚪ 100
⚪ 60
⚫ 80
⚪ 70


The average of 20, 70 and x is 40

(x + 20 + 70)/3 = 40
⇒ x + 20 + 70 = (3 × 40) = 120
⇒ x + 90 = 120
⇒ x = 120 - 90 = 30

the average of 20, 70, x and y is 50

(20 + 70 + x + y)/4 = 50
⇒ 90 + x + y = (4 × 50)
⇒ 90 + 30 + y = 200
⇒ 120 + y = 200
⇒ y = 200 - 120
∴ y = 80
36. If the sum of the 3 consecutive integers is 240, then the sum of the two larger (1 point)
integers is:
⚪ 79
⚫ 161
⚪ 169
⚪ 159


Three numbers are , x - 1, x , x + 1

x - 1 + x + x + 1 = 240
⇒ 3x = 240
⇒ x = 240/3
∴ x = 80

∴ the sum of the two larger integers is = x + x + 1

= 80 + 80 + 1
= 161

37. The average of 21 numbers is 16. The average of the first 10 of those is 14 and the (1 point)
average of last 10 numbers is 17. What is the 11th number?
⚫ 26
⚪ 22
⚪ 16
⚪ 24


Total sum of result = (21 × 16) = 336

sum of first 10 results = (10 × 14) = 140
sum of last 10 results = (10 × 17) = 170
11th number= 336 - 140 - 170
= 26

38. A father is three times as old as his son. After fifteen years the father will be twice (1 point)
as old as his son's age at that time. Hence the father's present age is-
⚪ 48
⚪ 42
⚫ 45
⚪ 36


ধির, পুে�র বয়স x বছর

িপতার বয়স 3x বছর

১৫ বছর পর পুে�র বয়স x + 15 বছর

১৫ বছর পর িপতার বয়স 3x + 15 বছর

3x + 15 = 2 (x + 15)
⇒ 3x + 15 = 2x + 30
⇒ 3x - 2x = 30 - 15
⇒ x = 15

িপতার বতর্ মান বয়স = 3 × 15 বছর

= 45 বছর

39. The average of 5 quantities is 6. The average of 3 of them is 8. What is the (1 point)
average of the remaining two numbers?
⚫ 3
⚪ 3.5
⚪ 4
⚪ 6.5

The average of 5 quantities is 6
The sum of 5 quantities = 6 × 5
= 30

The average of 3 of them is 8

The sum of 3 = (3 × 8)
= 24

The sum of the remaining two numbers = 30 - 24

∴ the average of the remaining two numbers is = 6/2

40. Synonym of ‘monumental’ is – (1 point)

⚪ Small
⚪ Tiny
⚪ Minuscule
⚫ Massive

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