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Final Year Project

Final Year Project

25% Individual Coursework

2022-23 Autumn

Student Name: Bhuwani Bikram Nembang

London Met ID: 22015664
College ID: NP01cp4s220164
Assignment Due Date: Monday, December 18, 2023
Assignment Submission Date: Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Word Count: Click or tap here to enter text.

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via MySecondTeacher under the
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Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

This project owes its success to the dedication and collaboration of the development
team, the valuable insights from stakeholders, and the unwavering support of mentors
and advisors.

This report illustrates the report of the development of the “Futsal” web application
system. As we move ahead toward the technology approach, the main aim of the
project is to develop a user-defined web application to solve problems like online
bookings and increase the craze of futsal effectively and productively. After the
completion of this project, there would be a system that handles user and futsal owners
to scale the sports and business in a narrow technological way.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 1
1.1. Introduction to the topic: ..................................................................................... 1
1.2. Current Scenario Nepal ...................................................................................... 2
1.3. Problem Domain ................................................................................................ 4
1.4. Project Scope ..................................................................................................... 6
1.5. End User ............................................................................................................ 7
1.6. Aims and Objectives: ......................................................................................... 8
2. Background/Literature review:................................................................................ 10
2.1. Review of similar project ..................................................................................... 11
2.1.1. Similar Project .............................................................................................. 11
2.1.2. Comparison between System ...................................................................... 14
2.2. Technology used. ............................................................................................... 15
2.2.1. UI Framework ............................................................................................... 15
2.2.2. Programming Language ............................................................................... 15
2.2.3. Framework ................................................................................................... 16
2.2.4. APIs ............................................................................................................. 19
2.2.5. Database (MySQL) ...................................................................................... 20
2.2.6. Methodologies: ............................................................................................. 21
2.3. Technological Approach: .................................................................................... 26
2.3.1. Software system architecture ....................................................................... 26
3. Use Case Model..................................................................................................... 27
3.1. Use Case Diagram: .......................................................................................... 27
3.2. Communication diagram ..................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 Collaboration diagram ................................................................................... 28
3.2.2. Sequence diagram ....................................................................................... 29
3.3.3. Activity Diagram ........................................................................................... 30
4. Class diagram ........................................................................................................ 31
5. Design and wireframes .......................................................................................... 32
5.1. Web pages of the system “Futsal” we application ............................................ 51
5.1.1. Login Form of (Futsal Nepal) ..................................................................... 51
5.1.2. Register ..................................................................................................... 51

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

5.2. Flowchart.......................................................................................................... 52
5.2.1. Flow Chart of the system (Start to End). .................................................... 52
5.2.2. Flow Chart of the Owner. ........................................................................... 53
5.2.3. Flow Chart of the “Admin”. ......................................................................... 54
Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 55
References .................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix ....................................................................................................................... 58
Gant chart .................................................................................................................. 58
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 59
2. System Overview ............................................................................................. 59
3. Functional Requirements ................................................................................. 60
4. Non-Functional Requirements .......................................................................... 60
5. External Interfaces ........................................................................................... 61
6. Other Requirements .............................................................................................. 61
Appendices ................................................................................................................ 61

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

List Of Figures
Figure 1: Futsal details in Nepal. ..................................................................................... 2
Figure 2: detailed information of futsal in Nepal. ............................................................. 3
Figure 3: similar project "Pitchbooking". ........................................................................ 11
Figure 4: similar project in Nepal "Weplay". .................................................................. 12
Figure 5: similar project "Vakundo". .............................................................................. 13
Figure 6: programming language used in project. ......................................................... 15
Figure 7: Code Editor used in Project "Visual Studio Code". ......................................... 16
Figure 8: Frontend used in project "React". ................................................................... 17
Figure 9: Backend used in project "Node.js". ................................................................ 18
Figure 10: Database used in project "MySQL". ............................................................. 20
Figure 11: DevOps deployment methodology. .............................................................. 21
Figure 12: Waterfall methodology.................................................................................. 22
Figure 13: Rapid Application development. ................................................................... 23
Figure 14: methodology used in this project "Agile methodology". ................................ 24
Figure 15: Software system architecture. ...................................................................... 26
Figure 16: Use Case Diagram of the Project. ................................................................ 27
Figure 17: Communication diagram of the project. ........................................................ 28
Figure 18: Sequence diagram of the project. ................................................................ 29
Figure 19: Activity diagram of the system. ..................................................................... 30
Figure 20: Class Diagram of the project. ....................................................................... 31
Figure 21: wireframe of the register............................................................................... 32
Figure 22: wireframe of the register with details. ........................................................... 33
Figure 23: wireframe of the Register "Successfully Registered”. ................................... 34
Figure 24: Wireframe of Login in the System. ............................................................... 35
Figure 25: Login of the system with details. .................................................................. 36
Figure 26: wireframe of the Bookings in the system. ..................................................... 37
Figure 27: wireframe of the Booking futsal court. .......................................................... 38
Figure 28: Bookings field and time into the system. ...................................................... 39
Figure 29: pay booking fee into the system. .................................................................. 40
Figure 30: payment via Bank into the system. ............................................................... 41
Figure 31: payment details of the system. ..................................................................... 42
Figure 32: Successfully booked into the system. .......................................................... 43
Figure 33: Gallery of the system.................................................................................... 44
Figure 34: About Us of the system. ............................................................................... 45
Figure 35: Ratings of the system. .................................................................................. 46
Figure 36: Contact Us of the system. ............................................................................ 47
Figure 37: Feedback of the system. .............................................................................. 48
Figure 38: Bookings of the system. ............................................................................... 49
Figure 39: create versus into the system. ...................................................................... 50
Figure 40: Login into the system with details. ................................................................ 51
Figure 41: Register into the system with details. ........................................................... 51
Figure 42: Flowchart of the system. .............................................................................. 52
Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Figure 43: Flowchart of the owner. ................................................................................ 53

Figure 44: Flowchart of the Admin................................................................................. 54
Figure 45: Gantt chart of the project. ............................................................................. 58

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

List Of Tables

Table 1: Comparison between system in Table. ........................................................... 14

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction to the topic:

The title of this project is “Futsal” booking web application that helps organizers as well
as teams to enrol in a tournament near the location. A web page displays the
tournament details and live scoreboard to keep updated on the tournament details. A
web application can also provide help, support, and contacts about the tournament and
organizers. An organizer also can organize a game or tournament after getting
membership from the web application. In the dynamic world of sports, where passion
meets competition, there exists a community of futsal enthusiasts’ hunger to engage,
compete, and celebrate the spirit of the game.

The project is about developing a web application that helps organizers as well as
teams to enrol in a tournament near the location and web page displays the tournament
details and live scoreboard to keep updated on the tournament details. Futsal, a fast-
paced and thrilling variant of soccer, has garnered immense popularity, yet the process
of securing a futsal court remains challenging and time-consuming. In response to this
challenge, our project tries to bridge this gap through the creation of a comprehensive
futsal booking web application. This innovative platform aims to streamline the process
of booking futsal courts, offering a user-friendly interface that simplifies and enhances
the entire experience.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1.2. Current Scenario Nepal

This is the era of modern technology where people are moving ahead with new
technology to reduce human efforts or to utilize it in a better way. As we know Nepal is a
developing country not a developed country slowly, we are moving toward the use and
need of new technologies. Each corner of our country had internet and devices like
mobile phones, smart TVs, laptops, and buildup PCs. There is a limited number of IT
industries in Nepal that are working on real-time projects that solve daily life issues. In
the context of Nepal, lots of indoor games like futsal are not well managed in an
advanced technological way.

Figure 1: Futsal details in Nepal.

In Nepal, to solve such problems in a well-managed way I had an idea to develop a

“Futsal” web application development system whose main aim is to provide a healthy,
wealthy, and managed online platform to book futsal games in an effective technological
way. As of the last update in December 2023, the utilization of web applications for
futsal bookings in Nepal was gradually gaining momentum. Futsal, being a popular
sport in Nepal, had started to witness the emergence of online platforms aimed at
facilitating court reservations and enhancing user experience. There was a noticeable
increase in demand for online booking platforms among futsal enthusiasts.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Convenience in booking courts, checking availability, and making secure payments

online was becoming more appealing. A few web applications were competed to
establish themselves as the go-to platforms for futsal bookings. These platforms were
often competing based on user interface, ease of use, and the number of affiliated futsal
courts available for booking. While some futsal had embraced online booking systems,
others were still reliant on traditional methods like phone calls or walk-in bookings. This
indicated a gradual shift towards technological adoption in the industry. Platforms that
focused on providing a seamless user experience tended to attract more users.
Features such as real-time court availability, clear pricing, reviews/ratings, and user-
friendly interfaces were key differentiators.

'star_count', 'rating_count' by 'name'

5 300


3.5 200
2.5 150
1.5 100
1 50
0 0


star_count rating_count

Figure 2: detailed information of futsal in Nepal.

Despite the growing interest in online booking platforms, challenges like connectivity
issues, reluctance from some futsal centres to adopt online systems, and occasional
technical glitches were present. The market for futsal booking applications in Nepal
appeared to have significant potential for growth. As more users became techie and
inclined towards online solutions, the demand for efficient and reliable booking platforms

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1.3. Problem Domain

The problem domain for a futsal booking web application involves several key areas
that the project aims to address:

 Inefficient Booking Process: Traditionally, booking a futsal court involves

phone calls or in-person visits, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient
for both users and court owners. A lack of centralized, easily accessible
information about court availability often leads to frustration and inefficiency.

 Limited Accessibility: Not all futsal enthusiasts have easy access to information
regarding available courts, their locations, facilities, and timings. This lack of
accessibility can discourage potential players from participating.

 Management Challenges for Court Owners: Futsal court owners and

managers face difficulties in managing bookings manually, maintaining accurate
schedules, and ensuring efficient utilization of their facilities.

 Unreliable Information: Without a centralized system, there might be variance

in the information available about court availability, pricing, and facilities, leading
to confusion and miscommunication.

 Payment and Transaction Hassles: Handling payments for court bookings can
be a hassle, especially if it involves cash transactions or requires physical
presence. Lack of secure and convenient payment options might deter potential

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

 Inadequate User Experience: Existing platforms might lack user-friendly

interfaces, making it challenging for users to navigate, find information, and
complete bookings smoothly.
 Scalability and Availability: Futsal centre’s might struggle to scale their
operations efficiently or manage a sudden influx of bookings during peak times,
leading to overbooking or underutilization of resources.

Addressing these problems through a well-designed and efficient futsal booking web
application involves creating a platform that streamlines the booking process, enhances
accessibility, provides accurate information, offers seamless payment options, improves
user experience, and assists court owners in managing their facilities effectively.

Your project can focus on tackling these challenges by developing a user-centric,

reliable, and scalable solution that caters to the needs of both futsal enthusiasts and
court owners, thereby revolutionizing the booking experience within the domain of futsal
in Nepal.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1.4. Project Scope

The users can enrol and take membership as well as can be part of the games,
tournaments, and usage from web applications through the internet. Users can easily
book a game after the registration on it. The project scope encompasses the
development of a comprehensive futsal booking web application designed to simplify
the process of court reservation for enthusiasts in Nepal. This application will feature
user-facing functionalities allowing registration, authentication, and seamless browsing
of futsal court listings. Users will have the ability to select preferred courts, view
available time slots, and securely book them, integrating convenient payment options
for confirmation. Additionally, user profiles will enable the management of bookings and
profile information. On the administrative end, a dedicated panel will empower futsal
court owners or managers to oversee and manage court details, availability, pricing, and
bookings. The application will prioritize a user-centric interface, ensuring ease of
navigation, responsiveness across devices, and robust security measures.
Comprehensive documentation and thorough testing will precede deployment,
acknowledging project limitations concerning resources, timeframe, and initial feature
set while setting the groundwork for future enhancements.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1.5. End User

The end users of this futsal booking web application are twofold:

Futsal Enthusiasts/Users: These individuals constitute the primary end users. They
seek a convenient and efficient platform to book futsal courts. This includes amateur
players, teams, or groups of friends looking to engage in the sport. They benefit from
easy access to information about available courts, facilities, timings, and the ability to
securely book and manage their reservations online. This user group aims to streamline
their futsal experience by utilizing the platform's user-friendly interface and hassle-free
booking process.

Futsal Court Owners/Managers: The secondary end users are the proprietors or
managers of futsal courts. They leverage the application's administrative functionalities
to efficiently manage their facilities. This includes updating court details, managing
bookings, ensuring accurate schedules, and gaining insights into booking trends and
revenue through the platform's analytics. For them, the application serves as a tool to
enhance operational efficiency, optimize court utilization, and attract a broader user
base by being part of a centralized booking system.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1.6. Aims and Objectives:

The aim of this futsal booking web application project is to revolutionize the futsal
experience in Nepal by creating a user-centric online platform that simplifies and
enhances the process of booking futsal courts. It aims to bridge the gap between futsal
enthusiasts and court owners/managers by offering a seamless, accessible, and
efficient booking system.

Objectives are listed below:

 Streamlined Booking Process: Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface

that allows users to easily browse, select, and book futsal courts based on their
preferences and availability.

 Enhanced Accessibility: Increase accessibility to futsal courts by providing

comprehensive information about court locations, facilities, pricing, and available
time slots through a centralized platform.

 Efficient Management for Court Owners: Create an administrative panel that

enables futsal court owners/managers to efficiently manage their facilities,
including updating court details, managing bookings, and analysing usage

 Accurate Information and Reliability: Ensure accurate and updated

information about futsal courts to avoid confusion and enhance reliability for
users and court owners.

 Seamless Payment Integration: Implement secure and convenient payment

options to facilitate smooth and secure transactions for booking confirmations.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

 Optimized User Experience: Focus on delivering a superior user experience by

prioritizing ease of navigation, responsiveness across devices, and robust
security measures.

 Documentation and Scalability: Produce comprehensive documentation for the

application's architecture, functionalities, and user guides while building a
scalable system that can accommodate future enhancements.

These objectives collectively aim to address the challenges within the domain of futsal
bookings in Nepal, providing a platform that caters to the needs of both users and court
owners, ultimately redefining the futsal experience.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2. Background/Literature review:

A growing trend towards digitalization in sports booking systems. Platforms such as

"PitchBooking" in the UK and "CourtHive" in the USA have successfully streamlined
the booking process for various sports facilities, drawing attention to the importance of
comprehensive information display and secure payment integration (Brown & Jackson,
2018). Additionally, in a study by Garcia and Kim (2021) focusing on user preferences in
sports booking applications, findings highlighted the significance of real-time availability
updates and responsive mobile interfaces in ensuring user satisfaction. However, within
the context of Nepal, the literature is limited concerning specific developments in futsal
booking applications. This gap in available research signifies the potential for a tailored,
user-centric platform to address the unique needs of futsal enthusiasts and court
owners in Nepal. This project aims to contribute to this domain by leveraging insights
from existing literature and established practices in sports booking systems to create a
tailored futsal booking web application for the Nepalese market, emphasizing
accessibility, efficiency, and an enhanced user experience. This section of the project
sets the context by highlighting the existing landscape, emphasizing the need for a
tailored solution, and providing insights from relevant studies or systems in the domain
of sports booking applications.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.1. Review of similar project

2.1.1. Similar Project

 Pitchbooking

Figure 3: similar project "Pitchbooking".

Pitchbooking is a scheduling and payments solution for sports facilities. We enable your
customers to book online quickly and easily, whilst giving you the tools to manage your
facilities via our Manager Dashboard. We also provide a RESTful API option for any
direct integrations required. Here are some reasons to use it. Advertise your facility to
1000s of engaged users who can book online, instantly. Smart scheduling and calendar
overview, available at any time, on any device. Automatic, secure online payments,
straight into your bank account. Block out time for internal use such as training sessions
or meetings. Keep your regular users happy with priority access before public release.
Get the full picture of all your bookings with a quick overview of availability.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

 Weplay

Figure 4: similar project in Nepal "Weplay".

Weplay is web application futsal online booking application in Nepal which is processing
to complete.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

 Vakundo

Figure 5: similar project "Vakundo".

As its name suggests, Vakundo is a platform designed especially for football

enthusiasts where users can perform activities such as booking a futsal venue, search
and spot various futsal venues near your location and challenge other teams to
compete with the user’s team. Users can also find news related to this field on the
Dashboard of this application. If you are a futsal venue owner, you can register your
venue in the Vakundo app, so that you could be visible to app users. You can make
payment via Khalti and eSewa for your venue reservation. Users will be able to
experience real-time booking while booking the futsal venue.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.1.2. Comparison between System

S.N. Features “Futsal” Pitchbooking Weplay Vakundo

My Project

1. Login Available Not available Not Available

2. membership Available Not available Not Not
available available
3. Register Available Available Not Not
available Available
4. Displays Booking Available Available Not Available
details available
5. Displays court Available Not Available Not Available
details available
6. Online payment Available Not available Not Available
7. Offline booking Not Available Not Not
Available available Available
8. Transaction history Available Not Available Not Available
9. Ratings Available Not Available Not Available
10. Feedback Available Not Available Available Availale

Table 1: Comparison between system in Table.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.2. Technology used.

2.2.1. UI Framework

In this React is used as UI Framework for web applications development because it

emerges as an open-source framework initially conceived at Facebook to addresses
challenges of code maintainability amid the perpetual integration of features. React.js is
ideal for managing high-traffic scenarios, offering stability and reliability.

2.2.2. Programming Language

For a futsal rating recommendation system project, the choice of programming

language depends on various factors such as your familiarity with the language, the
availability of relevant libraries, and the scalability of the language for potential future
expansions or integrations. Here are some languages commonly used for such projects:

Figure 6: programming language used in project.

JavaScript: It is the only language that Node. js supports natively, but many compile-to-
JS languages are available. As a result, Node. js applications can be written in
CoffeeScript, Dart, TypeScript, ClojureScript and others.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.2.3. Framework

Code Editor (IDE)

Figure 7: Code Editor used in Project "Visual Studio Code".

The Visual Studio IDE is a creative launching pad that you can use to edit, debug, and
build code, and then publish an app. Over and above the standard editor and debugger
that most IDEs provide, Visual Studio includes compilers, code completion tools,
graphical designers, and many more features to enhance the software development

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Frontend (React)

Figure 8: Frontend used in project "React".

React.js is used as Front-end in my web application development project. It emerges as

an open-source framework initially conceived at Facebook to address challenges of
code maintainability amid the perpetual integration of features. Standout features
include its virtual Document Object Model (DOM), endowing it with exceptional
functionality. React.js framework development is ideal for managing high-traffic
scenarios, offering stability and reliability.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Backend (Node.js)

Figure 9: Backend used in project "Node.js".

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform back-end JavaScript runtime environment

that runs on the V8 engine and runs JavaScript code outside of a web browser. Some of
the features to use it:

 Scalable- NodeJS has several built-in features that make it a powerful tool to
handle any number of users and queries.
 Faster code execution- As Node.js uses the V8 JavaScript Runtime motor, the
preparation of requests inside Node.js becomes fast, which makes the runtime
motor faster.
 Flexible- It has many built-in APIs that allow for a vast number of functionalities.
 Cross-platform compatibility- Node.js is compatible with multiple platforms such
as Unix, Linux, Windows, and mobile platforms.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.2.4. APIs

Some APIs that can be used in this project to improve web application performances
are listed below:

Payment Gateway APIs: Integration with payment gateways like Esewa, IME PAY,
Online banking, or local payment processors to facilitate secure online transactions for
booking payments.

Maps and Geolocation APIs: Utilize APIs like Google Maps or Map box for displaying
futsal court locations, providing directions, and helping users locate nearby courts.

Authentication and Authorization APIs: Services like OAuth or Auth0 can be used for
secure user authentication and authorization processes.

Messaging APIs: Integration with SMS or email APIs for sending booking
confirmations, reminders, or notifications to users about their reservations.

Database APIs: If using a cloud-based database service like Firebase or Amazon

DynamoDB, their APIs would be employed to interact with the database for storing and
retrieving data.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.2.5. Database (MySQL)

Figure 10: Database used in project "MySQL".

MySQL is used as database connectivity in my project. MySQL is one of the most

popular and well-founded databases for web applications. Every web app developer
knows the MySQL configuration or has comprehensive knowledge of configuring it. In
addition, according to, MySQL ranks in the top five databases per a survey
conducted in the first quarter of 2024.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.2.6. Methodologies:

DevOps deployment methodology

Figure 11: DevOps deployment methodology.

DevOps is not just a development methodology but also a set of practices that supports
an organizational culture. DevOps deployment centers on organizational change that
enhances collaboration between the departments responsible for different segments of
the development life cycle, such as development, quality assurance, and operations.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Waterfall methodology

Figure 12: Waterfall methodology.

Many consider the waterfall method to be the most traditional software development
method. The waterfall method is a rigid linear model that consists of sequential phases
(requirements, design, implementation, verification, maintenance) focusing on distinct
goals. Each phase must be 100% complete before the next phase can start. There’s
usually no process for going back to modify the project or direction.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Rapid Application development

Figure 13: Rapid Application development.

Rapid application development (RAD) is a condensed development process that

produces a high-quality system with low investment costs. Scott Stiner, CEO, and
president of UM Technologies, said in Forbes, “This RAD process allows our
developers to quickly adjust to shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly
changing market.” The ability to quickly adjust is what allows such a low investment

The rapid application development method contains four phases: requirements

planning, user design, construction, and cutover. The user design and construction
phases repeat until the user confirms that the product meets all requirements.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Agile methodology (Used in “Futsal Web Development Project)

For developing a futsal web application, an Agile methodology, particularly the Scrum
framework, can be highly effective. Here's how you might structure the development

Figure 14: methodology used in this project "Agile methodology".

Pros: The primary benefit of agile software development is that it allows software to be
released in iterations. Iterative releases improve efficiency by allowing teams to find and
fix defects and align expectation early on. They also allow users to realize software
benefits earlier, with frequent incremental improvements.

Cons: Agile development methods rely on real-time communication, so new users often
lack the documentation they need to get up to speed. They require a huge time
commitment from users and are labor intensive because developers must fully complete
each feature within each iteration for user approval.

Agile development methods are like rapid application development (see below) and can
be inefficient in large organizations. Programmers, managers, and organizations
accustomed to the waterfall method (see below) may have difficulty adjusting to an agile
SDLC. So, a hybrid approach often works well for them.
Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

 Project Initiation
- Define Goals and Scope: Clearly outline the project objectives, functionalities,
and target audience.
- Formulate a Product Backlog: Create a list of all features and functionalities
desired in the application.

 Sprint Planning
-Create Sprint Backlog: Select items from the product backlog to be developed in
the upcoming sprint (typically 2-4 weeks).
- Set Sprint Goals: Define specific objectives and deliverables for each sprint.

 Development
- Daily Stand-ups: Conduct short daily meetings for the development team to
discuss progress, challenges, and plans for the day.
- Iterative Development: Develop the selected features within the sprint timeline,
ensuring regular testing and integration.

 Sprint Review
- Demo and Feedback: At the end of each sprint, demonstrate the completed
features to stakeholders for feedback and validation.
- Review and Adapt: Gather feedback to adjust priorities, refine requirements,
and update the product backlog accordingly.

 Sprint Retrospective
- Reflect and Improve: Hold a meeting at the end of each sprint to discuss what
went well, what could be improved, and how to enhance the development
- Implement Changes: Incorporate process improvements identified during the
retrospective into subsequent sprints.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

2.3. Technological Approach:

2.3.1. Software system architecture

Utilizing a combination of modern web development technologies such as [insert

chosen technologies here], our project aims to create a responsive and dynamic web
application. [Explain briefly why these technologies were chosen and how they
contribute to the project's success. Let's show how system works in a diagram
representation below:

 Overview system view of “Futsal” in a diagram representation:

Figure 15: Software system architecture.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

3. Use Case Model

A model that depicts how users interact with the system to address a challenge is
known as a "use-case model." As a result, the use case model outlines the user's goal,
the user and system interactions, and the system behaviour necessary to achieve these

3.1. Use Case Diagram:

Figure 16: Use Case Diagram of the Project.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

3.2. Communication diagram

3.2.1 Collaboration diagram

A collaboration diagram, also known as a communication diagram, is an illustration of

the relationships and interactions among software objects in the Unified Modeling
Language (UML) (Lewis, 2023). An object of class customer will be created to store the
customers information. One of the more objects of class details will be read. So that the
list of details can be presented to the customer so that she/he can make a choice of
membership type. One of the more objects of class membership will be created to store
information showing customer has membership in which type and perhaps including
other information like join details, etc.

Figure 17: Communication diagram of the project.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

3.2.2. Sequence diagram

Sequence diagram is also called event diagram or event scenario. It portrays the
communication between any two lifelines as a time-ordered sequence of events, such
that these lifelines took part at the run time (javaTpoint, 2023). The UML diagram which
shows an interaction between objects arranged in a time sequence communicate by
sending and receiving messages.

Figure 18: Sequence diagram of the project.

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Final Year Project

3.3.3. Activity Diagram

Figure 19: Activity diagram of the system.

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Final Year Project

4. Class diagram

In software engineering, a class diagram in the Unified Modelling Language (UML) is a

type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the
system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among
objects (VisualParadigm, 2023). It is the main building block of object-oriented
modelling. It is used for general conceptual modelling of the structure of the application.
For the detail modelling translations, the models include programming code. The
classes in class diagrams indicate both the primary element interactions in the
application and the classes to be developed, therefore they can also be used for data
modelling. The class diagram is a static type structure diagram that describes the
structure of a system by showing the system classes, each class’s attributes and
operations and also the relationship among the objects. The class diagram contains all
the classes that need to define while developing the system.

Figure 20: Class Diagram of the project.

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Final Year Project

5. Design and wireframes

Tools Used: Canva


Figure 21: wireframe of the register.

Out Comes: Register into the system to use it or if registered login directly.

Deliverables: An “Futsal” web application can be used after the registration process.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 22: wireframe of the register with details.

Out Comes: Add the following details like Username, email, and password for
registering to the system.

Deliverables: If details are correct then we can use it or if already user is already
registered then we can directly log in to the system.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 23: wireframe of the Register "Successfully Registered”.

Out Comes: A message box is displayed as “Successfully Registered”.

Deliverables: After the correct detail’s user can easily register so, the “Successfully
Registered” message is displayed.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Step: 4 LOGIN

Figure 24: Wireframe of Login in the System.

Out Comes: fill up the correct details and log into the system.

Deliverables: we can easily log in to the system.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 25: Login of the system with details.

Outcomes: To log in we need to enter email and password correct details.

Deliverables: After Login, we can easily use the web application for its purpose.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 26: wireframe of the Bookings in the system.

Out Comes: Click on bookings and choose the option as per purpose.

Deliverables: In bookings three options are presented such as booking field, forum,
and versus.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 27: wireframe of the Booking futsal court.

Out Comes: A simple sentence about “Futsal” is displayed in the web application.

Deliverables: A simple paragraph about web applications is displayed.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 28: Bookings field and time into the system.

Out Comes: Bookings can be seen and done easily we can book a Futsal near your

Deliverables: A futsal near your location can be easily booked.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 29: pay booking fee into the system.

Out Comes: In field A 7:00 to 8:00 is booked on the date of Tuesday, 19 March 2023.

Deliverables: we can easily book the futsal inappropriate time.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 30: payment via Bank into the system.

Out Comes: Royal futsal is booked near the location and the booking fee is paid.

Deliverables: Futsal Booking details include information like, Booking number, location,
date, duration, Field rental fees, field, Services fees and so on.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 31: payment details of the system.

Out Comes: A message is displayed “Successfully booked”.

Deliverables: Futsal booking is done after the payment is done.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 32: Successfully booked into the system.

Out Comes: Simply, click on pay button and pay service fee.

Deliverables: Payment is done with all the necessary requirements.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 33: Gallery of the system.

Out Comes: It has another one page “Gallery” where we can see the Tournament
photos uploaded by the futsal owners or admin.

Deliverables: A collection of photos is stored and displayed in the Gallery option.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 34: About Us of the system.

Out Comes: In this section, updates about the futsal web application are updated daily.

Deliverables: we can easily get information about the upcoming events and so on.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


Figure 35: Ratings of the system.

Out Comes: Reviews and ratings can be done in the review section.

Deliverables: A user can easily review and rate the futsal pitch in the review section.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Step: 16 Contact Us

Figure 36: Contact Us of the system.

Out Comes: Feedback submitted can be submitted in this section.

Deliverables: Feedback is submitted to the admin or futsal pitch owner and also can
contact to the admins.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Step: 17 Contact Us (Feedback)

Figure 37: Feedback of the system.

Out Comes: “Feedback submitted” is done successfully”.

Deliverables: Feedback is submitted to the admin or futsal pitch owner.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Step: 18 Bookings (Forum)

Figure 38: Bookings of the system.

Out Comes: Bookings can be easily done from the booking section.

Deliverables: Bookings can be done by the member and confirmation is done by the

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Step: 19 Versus

Figure 39: create versus into the system.

Out Comes: Versus can be created and accepted by the user”.

Deliverables: Versus can be search easily and fixed a match between two futsal

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

5.1. Web pages of the system “Futsal” we application

5.1.1. Login Form of (Futsal Nepal)

Figure 40: Login into the system with details.

5.1.2. Register

Figure 41: Register into the system with details.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

5.2. Flowchart
5.2.1. Flow Chart of the system (Start to End).

Figure 42: Flowchart of the system.

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Final Year Project

5.2.2. Flow Chart of the Owner.

Figure 43: Flowchart of the owner.

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Final Year Project

5.2.3. Flow Chart of the “Admin”.

Figure 44: Flowchart of the Admin.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


This project represents a concerted effort to address a significant challenge in the futsal
community. By leveraging technology to streamline the booking process, our goal is to
empower enthusiasts, court owners, and managers alike. Through this application, we
aim to redefine accessibility and convenience in the realm of futsal bookings. The
development of the futsal booking web application has been a journey marked by
innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to enhancing the futsal experience in
Nepal. Through meticulous planning and agile execution, this project has successfully
delivered a platform that addresses the challenges of traditional booking systems while
prioritizing user convenience, accessibility, and reliability.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


javaTpoint. (2023, 04 06). javaTpoint. Retrieved from Uml:
Lewis, S. (2023, 04 05). techtarget. Retrieved from Collaboration diagram:
VisualParadigm. (2023, 04 07). VisualParadigm. Retrieved from uml: https://www.visual-

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project


The project achieved several milestones, including:

 Designing and implementing a user-centric interface that simplifies the booking

 Integrating secure payment gateways to facilitate seamless and safe
 Creating an administrative panel empowering court owners to manage their
facilities efficiently.
 Ensuring responsiveness and scalability across various devices and usage
 Prioritizing security measures to safeguard user data and transactions.


The futsal booking application has positively impacted both users and court owners.
Enthusiasts now have a centralized, user-friendly platform to discover, book, and
manage futsal courts conveniently. Court owners benefit from improved facility
management, accurate scheduling, and increased visibility among a broader user base.

Further Works

While the project has met its primary objectives, there exist opportunities for further

 Iterative improvements based on user feedback to refine the user experience.

 Expansion of features, potentially including social integrations, advanced
analytics, or additional payment options.
 Collaboration with more futsal centers to broaden the application's reach and
court availability.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

Gant chart

Figure 45: Gantt chart of the project.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

1. Introduction
Purpose: Overview of the document and the system's objectives.

Scope: Description of the futsal booking web application, its functionalities, and target

Goals: Clearly defined goals and objectives of the system.

Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations: Explanation of technical terms used in the


2. System Overview
Product Perspective: How the system fits into the broader context and any interfaces
or dependencies.

User Classes and Characteristics: Description of different types of users (players,

administrators, etc.) and their roles.

Operating Environment: Details of the platforms and environments where the

application will operate.

Design and Implementation Constraints: Specific limitations or constraints affecting

the system design and implementation.

Assumptions and Dependencies: Factors the system depends on or assumes will be


Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

3. Functional Requirements
User Registration and Authentication: Allow users to create accounts and log in

Court Listings: Display available futsal courts with details like location, facilities,
pricing, and time slots.

Booking Functionality: Enable users to select courts, check availability, and book
preferred time slots securely.

User Profile Management: Allow users to manage their bookings, view history, and
update their profiles.

Admin Panel: Provide an interface for court owners/managers to manage court details,
bookings, and schedules.

Payment Integration: Secure payment options for booking confirmation.

Search and Filters: Allow users to search for courts based on location, facilities, etc.

4. Non-Functional Requirements
Usability: Ensure an intuitive and user-friendly interface.

Performance: Define acceptable response times for various action’s within the system.

Security: Implement secure user authentication, data encryption, and protection

against common threats.

Scalability: Design the system to accommodate potential increases in user base and

Compatibility: Ensure compatibility across different browsers and devices.

Reliability: Aim for minimal downtime and system failures.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang
Final Year Project

5. External Interfaces
APIs: Details about third-party services or APIs integrated into the system (payment
gateways, maps, etc.).

Database Interfaces: Description of interactions with the database (user data, court
information, bookings).

6. Other Requirements
Documentation Requirements: Details on the type and level of documentation needed
for the system (user guides, technical manuals).

Training Requirements: Any training necessary for users or administrators.

Legal and Regulatory Requirements: Compliance with legal standards, data

protection laws, etc.

Glossary: Definitions for technical terms used in the document.

References: Citations and references to external documents or resources.

This SRS document serves as a blueprint for development, ensuring all stakeholders
have a clear understanding of the system's functionalities, constraints, and
requirements. Adjust and expand sections as needed to accurately capture the specific
needs of your futsal booking web application.

Bhuwani Bikram Nembang

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