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RD SHARMA MCQ CH 2 aureus CHORES ial? | Mark the core aernaice in ech f WOPOOE agi povvmo™ | 1. Which of the following is not the graph y / yan 4 OF 7 Nl : > x et / v xv nv yv Fig. 2.17 3 - If one of the zeros of a quadratic polynomial of the form x" + 4x +b is the negative of the other, it ortaore linear term and constant term is negative. (b) has no linear term and the constant term is positive. (©) can have a linear term but the constant term is negative. (d) can have a linear term but the constant term is positive. lynomial x? + 3x +k is 2, then the value of k is 3. If one zero of the quadratic (a) 10 ‘oe © 5 (a) -5 [CBSE 2020) ‘A quadigtic polynomial, the sum of whose zeroes is 0 and one zero is 3, is 4, ao (b) 2749 © 243 @) 2-3 5. A quadratic polynomial, the sum of whose zeros is -5 and their produc is 6, is © x -5x-6 @) -x? +5x+6 [CBSE 2020] ax? +5x+6 (b)x?-5r+6 6. The product of the zeros of the polynomial x° + 4x? + x6 is (@) -4 (b) 4 49 (@) ~6 of the polynomial f(x) = (K? + 4)? + 13x + 4k ig reciprocal of the other, then k= other, 7. If one, wt (b) -2 @1 @ 4 7 8. Ifa, B are the zeros of the polynomial f(x)=x?+1~1, then 1 a POLYNOMIALS . 219 = ) ©o (4) none of these [CBSE 2023] 9. If, Bare the zeros of the polynomial p(x) = 4x7 43x47, then 5 +4 is equal to z 7 Ong Oey © 3 woe 10. Ifthe prodi _ uct of two zeros ofthe polynomial f(x) = 2x? + 6x? ~ 4x +9 is, then its third zero 3 2 wo © 3 (@) -5 1. If one root of the polynomial f(x) = 52? + 13x +k is reciprocal of the oe then the value of kis @) 0 5 © i (@ 6 12. If two zeros of oa are 5 and - JS, then its third zero is (a) 1 a (2 @) 2 13. The product of the zeros of x° + 4x? +x - @ -4 ) 4 wre @+ i 14. If ty6 zeroes of the polynomial x° + x? - 9x -—9 are 3 and -3, then its third zero is -1 @)1 © 9 @9 15. If V5 and-J5, are two. of the polynomial x? + 3x? —5x—15, then its third zero is @ 3 3, ©5 @ 5 16. If the sum of the zeros of sh polynomial f(x) = 2x° - 3kx? + 4x -5 is 6, then the value of kis fa) 2 4 © 2 (d@) -4 17. If the product of zeros of the polynomial f(x)=ar*-6x?+11x-6 is 4, thena= 3 2 a ey % > © 3 @ 3 18. The number of rena having zeros ~ 3 and 5 is @1 (b) 2 © 3 ‘more than 3 [CBSE 2023] 19. If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (k - 1) x? + kx +1 is- 3, then the value of k is 4 £ 2 4 &) -5 © 5 @ 5 20. The zeroes of the quadratic polynomial +127 are (a) both positive ‘both negative (©) both equal (a) one positive and one negative doe 21. Ifa, B are the zeros of the polynomial f(x) = ax? +bx +c, then aoe 2 BP = 2ac ac BP + 2ac b+ 2ac oa a oa @ pep 22, Ifaand are the zeros of the polynomial f(x) = x? + px +4, thena polynomial having — and 1 B isits zeros is 2.20 23. 25. 26. 30. 31. 33. 34. 36. 37. Ifthe zerées of the quadratic polynomial x +(a+1)x+b wegen 8 en a IF wand are the zeroes ofthe polynomial x(k +6) + 2¢2k 1) guch that @ + = MATHEMATI¢s,, 24 qxt+1 Lori OF oe @) tegeep O) atopete OF TN en (a4 DOTA Ifa, Bare the zeros of polypotmial f(x) = 7 PE * @ 1+e @) c-1 "oe oc and 30+ 26= 20 ten te vale oii Ifa.and B are the zeros of the polynomial x” - 6 d) 8 a aie 6 that 3is the zero ofthe resulting What should be added to the polynomial x? -5x +4 £9 polynomial? a) 5 (@1 2 o4 that 15 is the 2er0 of the What should be subtracted to the polynomial 27 ~ 16x +30 resulting polynomial? a) 16 (@) 30 &) 14 wea uy + Ifx+2isa factor of x7 + ax + 2b and a+b = 4, then e =5,b=-1 (@) a=1, b=3 eyes (9 az-t b=5 da A i = 2and remainder 3, The polynomial which when divided by -x7 + x-1 gives quotient x is (a) 8 -3x7 432-5 (b) -29 -3x7-3x-5 WP 33045 (@ x9-3x?-3r+5 6 =7,b=-1 =5,b=-1 =2,b=-6 (a) @=-7,b=-1b) a=5, oa on If two of the zeros of the cubic polynomial ax° + bx? + cx +d are each equal to zero, then the third zero is a c b @ > os 7 If wand f are the zeroes of the polynomial ax” - 5x + and a + 1 ge @a=5e-3 @ atte-2 © a5, - If a,Bandy are the zeroes of the polynomial x° - x* 10x - 8, then a + By + ya +aBy is a to (@) - & © 18 ate Oe A asa x° +737 ~2x-14 are V2 and - 2, then the third zero is (@)7 (<7 () -14 @ 4 If zer polynomial f(x) = x* ~ 3px? +ar-F arein AP, then (oy Sp? = par (b) B= mtr () p® als (d) none of these then the value of k is (a) 6 (b) 2 © 4 wr Ue the zeroes ofthe polynomial z° — 123" + 44r +¢ arein Ap (a) 44 b) 48 (as pan of cis Ma rare he ers ofthe polynomial f(0)= a be? Py. thon a Sapa - POLYNOMIALS 221 b c @ 7 § gS ® 38. If the sum of two zeroegef the polynomi 22 + qx -4 is zero, then (a) q=2r r=2q @ 4=r (d) r= 4q 39, Ifthe polynomial“f(x) = 233 - kx? + 5x +9 is exactly divisible by x +2, then k= 7 7 15 15 @ | a. O-F @ | 40, If a-b,aanda+b are zeroes of the polynomial x? ~ 3x7 +x +1, the value of a+b is (a) V2-1 (b) V2 © -v2-1 1272 41, The zeros of the quadratic polynomial x? + ax +a,a# 0, ee both be positive (b) cannot both be negative (©) are always unequal (a) are always equal 42, If the zeros of the quadratic polynomial ax” + bx +c, # 0 are equal, then (a) canda have opposite signs (b) cand b have opposite signs (0) 2nd a have the same sign (@ cand b have the same sign 1 43, If2and > are zeros of px? +5x+r, then (@) prr=2 wyer--2 (0 pr2r=-2— (@) pa-2,r=2 44, Ifa and B are the zeroes of the polynomial x” -1, then the value of (a +B) is (a) 2 1 @-1 6 Te {CBSE 2023] 4s, The graph of y= p(x) is given, for a polynomial.p(x). The number of zeroes of p (x) from the # ae yA (a) 3 (b) 1 Or (a 0 {CBSE 2023) ‘i : 2 2 46, Which of the following is a quadratic polynomial having zeroes - and 3? 9 2. (@) 4x7-9 © for) HG SAT 5022-4) {CBSE 2023] a 47, If a, B are the zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = 4x? -3x-7, then ae iis equal to z 7 3 @ 3 ) “3 oF @) [CBSE 2023] MATHEMATICg come TUR OAD. lowing gue. I floes 48. Due to heavy storm an electric wire got bent as shown ‘mathematical shape. Answer the following question Fig. 2.19 (i) Name the shape in which the wire is ben! is (@) Spiral (b) Elliptical east On : Gi) How gnany zeros are there for the polynomial representing the shape of the wire? oe os @1 fa) @ ii) The zeros of the polynomial represented by the wire are (@)-15 bras © 35 (a) -4,2 (iv) The expression of the polynomial representing the wire is (@) 274+2x-3() 27-2043 an @) 42x43 (v) The value of the polynomial at x =-1 is @)6 (b) -18 © 8 0 A highway underpass is parabolic in shape as shown in the following picture. 49. POLYNOMIALS 223 (i) If the highway overpass is represented by x? —2x—8, Then its zeros are o 2 am (by 4-2 (©) -2,-2 (a) -4,-4 i) Number of zer¥s‘of the polynomi Baae Rian be each isin ial sepreventing highway overpass is equal to number of tersects x-axii ue anand (b) intersects y-axis 0) sects y-axis or x-axis (d) none of these (iii) Graph of quadratic polynomial is a (a) straightline (b) circle parabola (d) ellipse liv) The representation of Highway Underpass whose one zero is 6 and sum of the zeros is 0, is (@) x? -6x+2 (b*? -36 (© 7-6 @ 2-3 (v) The number of real zeros that polynomial f(x) =(x-2)? +4 can have is @1 (b) 2 (9 @) 3 ‘A suspension bridge is a type of bridge in which the deck is hung below suspension cables on vertical suspenders, The suspension cables are in parabolic shape. The point on the suspension cable just above the mid-point of the deck is the lowest point of the suspension cable and the suspension cable is symmetric about a vertical line, parallel to the suspenders, through the 50. lowest point. A parabola is the curve representing p (x) = ax? + bx + c. Parabolas are symmetric about a vertical line known as the axis which cuts the parabola at the lowest or highest point known as the vertex of the parabola. Fig. 2.21 repsesented by the polynomial x” — 8x - 20, then its zeros are 2,10 (c) 2,-10 (d) 2,10 (ii) A quadratic polynomial the sum and product of whose zeros are - 4 and ~ 12, is (a) x2-4x-12 (by 244x412 @+4x-12 9 (a) x2 +12x-4 ‘A quadkatic polynomial whose one zero is - and product of whose zeros is 8,is ore véze8 @) AHAB xt-6x 48) x? Gx 8 (iv) A quadratic polynomial whose zeros are reciprocal of the zeros of 6x7 - 7x - 3, is (@) 6x24+7x+3 0) 3x? - 7x46 3x2 47x46 May Sx? +7" -6 (w) If the parabola representing quadratic polynomi + bx +c touches x-axis, then “ts roots are real and equal (a) it has only one real root (©) it has no real root (d) its roots are of opposite signs (i) If the suspension cable is (a) -2,-10 a MATHEMATIC, 224 widespread d; al. It caused ee 51. On May 20,2020 super cyclonic atorm Amphan hit West BenBA i. as cae E , rooted is in West Bengal. Due to this thousand of trees wool shown baa A oil oa Some electric poles bent into the shape of @ Liye rmaton answer the folOWN§ dueston, by a quadratic polynomial, Based on the oe Fig. 2.22 : yuadratic polynomia) (i) If the parabola shown in Fig, 2.22 represents the q P(x) = ax? + bx +c, then (@) a>0 ) of the al (© intersects yoaxis or x-axis val, (a) non sum of the zeroes ig _ 3 hose ang bridge GW) The representation of hanging wires on the a) 43245 luct of the zeroes is 5 is 43x-5 @ P~3r-5 ) tax45 (©) Graph ofa quadratic polynomial is Sola (d) ellipse (@) straightline (b) circle (of paral _ ASSERTION: . Each of the followin, '8 questions contains STATEMENT- 1 (A)and STATEMENT2 (Reason) andhy ‘ rect answer. Mark the gc eantns four choices) fe) and (anyone of which te cx et ce. (@) Statement is (©) Statemente1 is true, Statement2is true Statement 2s a correct explanation for Statemen, e, Statement. is true; (>) Statement-1 is true, Statement. true, Statements false. istrueStatement-2isnota correct explanation for Statemen stu; (2) Statement-1 is fase, Statement-2 is true, 55. Statement-1 (4); Statement.2 (R): 56. Statement-1 (4); Statement-2 (R); 57. Statement-t (A): Statement-2 (R): 58. Statement-1 (A); Statement-2 (R); 59, Statement-1 (A): Statement-2 (R); 60. Statement-1 (A); Statement.2 (R); a The polynomial f(x) = x? - 2x +2 has two real zeros. A quadratic polynomial can have at most two real zeroes, Vind acs is 6x? ‘A quadratic polynomial having ands asits zeroes is 6x? ~ 5y 41, Quadratic polynomials having a and B as zeroes are given by F(z) = ke? (a+ pyre GB), where k is a non-zero constant, If one root of the quadratic Polynomial f(x)=(~1)x?~ 10x43, k #1is Teciprocal of the other, then k = 4 12 12 a’ p ~ 228 = 365, [CBSE 2023) POLYNOMIALS 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. - @) - (a) 15. 22. 29. 36. 43. 48. (b) © (d) (d) (b) @ © @) @ @) @ &) @ @&) @ © @ © (d) 16. 23. 30. 37. 44, (ii) (ii) ii) Gi) (ii) (ii) (ii) 56. (a) (a) (b) (a) 3. (b) 10. (b) 17. (a) 24. (©) 31. (@) 38. ) 45. (c) (ii) (b) i) © (ii) (@) (ii) @) (i) © (ii) © (iii) @) 57. () ANSWERS 4. (a) 11. (b) 18. (d) 25. (b) 32. (a) 39. (b) 46. (a) (iv) © (iv) (b) (iv) ) (iv) (b) (iv) @) (iv) (4) 58. (a) 5. (a) 12. (b) 19. (a) 26. (©) 33. (b) 40. (d) 47. (a) ww) @) (v) (©) (v) (b) (v) (b) (v) (¢) 59. (b) 6. © 2B. ©) 20. (b) 27. (b) 34. (@) 41. (a) 60. (a) 7. (a) 14. (a) 21. (b) 28. (c) 35. (d) 42. (c)

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