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정 동 일 (연세대학교 경영대학)
What Is Organizational Culture?

“A system of shared meaning held by members that

distinguishes the organization from other organizations”

“문화는 조직이 행동하는 방식이다“

“문화는 조직에 대한 내부적인
“문화는 구성원을 통합하는 접착제
역할을 한다“
“문화는 면역체계이다“
“문화는 조직 구성원이 공유하는
믿음과 가치이다“
“전략은 문화의 아침식사 거리밖에 안
된다 (드러커)”
Culture’s Fuctions

Culture’s Functions
1. Defines the boundary between one organization and others
2. Conveys a sense of identity for its members
3. Facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger
than self-interest
4. Enhances the stability of the social system
5. Serves as a sense-making and control mechanism for fitting
employees in the organization
Do Organizations Have Uniform Cultures?
• The dominant culture expresses the core
values that are shared by a majority of the
organization’s members
• Subcultures tend to develop in large
organizations to reflect common problems,
situations, or experiences of members
– Subcultures mirror the dominant culture but may add to
or modify the core values

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월드클래스 조직에는 한 가지 비밀이 숨겨져 있다!

권대욱 아코르 앰배서더 코리아(Accor Ambassador Korea) 사장

김대중 한국다이이찌산쿄 (Daiichi Sankyo Korea) 사장
김범식 한국하이델베르그㈜(Heidelberg Korea) 사장
김옥연 한국얀센(Janssen Korea) 사장
김해동 비브라운 코리아(B. Braun Korea) 회장
박세준 한국암웨이(Amway Korea) 사장
박성원 스테이트스트리트 은행(State Street Bank and Trust Company)
박영숙 플레시먼힐러드 코리아(FleishmanHillard Korea) 대표
승수언 인슐레이션 코리아(Insulation Korea) 사장
신우성 한국바스프(BASF Korea) 대표
이강호 한국그런포스펌프(Grundfos Pumps Korea) 회장
이동수 한국화이자제약 (Pfizer Korea) 사장
이동훈 인피니움 코리아(Infineum Korea) 사장
이보균 카길애그리퓨리나(Cargill Agri Purina, Inc) 사장
채은미 FedEx 코리아 (FedEx Express Korea) 사장
팽경인 그룹 세브코리아 (Groupe SEB Korea / Tefal) 사장
한병구 디에이치엘 코리아 (DHL KOREA) 사장
함기호 휴렛팩커드 (HP Korea) 사장
황문성 사빅코리아(SABIC Korea) 사장
황순하 UL 코리아 사장
기업 경쟁력 = 기업문화 = 사람이 중심인 경영
How Organization Cultures Form

E X H I B I T 17–4
How Culture Begins

 Founders hire and keep only

employees who think and feel the
same way they do.
 Founders indoctrinate and
socialize these employees to their
way of thinking and feeling.
 The founders’ own behavior acts
as a role model that encourages
employees to identify with them
and thereby internalize their
beliefs, values, and assumptions.
Keeping Culture Alive
 Selection
– Concern with how well the candidates will fit into
the organization
– Provides information to candidates about the
 Top Management
– Senior executives help establish behavioral
norms that are adopted by the organization
 Socialization
– The process that helps new employees adapt to
the organization’s culture
Stages in the Socialization Process
Prearrival Stage
The period of learning in the socialization
process that occurs before a new
employee joins the organization

Encounter Stage
The stage in the socialization process in which a
new employee sees what the organization is
really like and confronts the possibility that
expectations and reality may diverge

Metamorphosis Stage
The stage in the socialization process in which a new employee
changes and adjusts to the work, work group, and organization
A Socialization Model

E X H I B I T 17–2
How Employees Learn Culture

• Stories
• Rituals
• Material Symbols
• Language
Commerce Bank & Recruiting through
Wow Stickers

고유의 스토리와 의식 (Rituals)

"구글의 신입 임직원을 뜻하는

'뉴 구글러(New Googler)'는 회사
내에서 작은 프로펠러가 달린
모자를 써야 합니다. 아직 회사
조직과 문화를 잘 모르는
임직원이 언제든 누구에게나
쉽게 질문할 수 있도록 한
구글의 의식(ritual, 리추얼)인
셈이죠. 고위급 임원 역시
구글에 새롭게 합류하게 되면
이 모자를 씁니다. 이 같은
작지만 계속 변화하려는 시도가
구글의 혁신이 이어지도록
만드는 기업문화가 됩니다."
How Cultures Affect Management

 Centralized Decision Making  Decentralized Decision Making

 Risk Averse  Risk Seeking

 Individual Rewards  Group Rewards

 Informal Procedures  Low Organizational Loyalty

 High Organizational Loyalty  Competition Encouraged

 Co-operation Encouraged
Values Across Cultures: Hofstede’s Framework

 Power Distance

 Individualism vs. Collectivism

 Masculinity vs. Femininity

 Uncertainty Avoidance

 Long-term and Short-term Orientation
Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures

Power Distance
The extent to which a society accepts that
power in institutions and organizations is
distributed unequally.
Low distance: Relatively equal power between
those with status/wealth and those without
High distance: Extremely unequal power
distribution between those with status/wealth
and those without status/wealth
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)
Individualism vs. Collectivism
The degree to which A tight social framework in
people prefer to act as which people expect others
individuals rather than a in groups of which they are a
member of groups part to look after them and
protect them
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)
Masculinity vs. Femininity
The extent to which the The extent to which
society values work roles there is little differ-
of achievement, power, entiation between roles
and control, and where for men and women
assertiveness and mater-
ialism are also valued
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)
Uncertainty Avoidance
The extent to which a society feels threatened by
uncertain and ambiguous situations and tries to avoid
•High Uncertainty Avoidance:
Society does not like
ambiguous situations and tries
to avoid them.

•Low Uncertainty Avoidance:

Society does not mind
ambiguous situations and
embraces them.
Hofstede’s Framework (cont’d)

Long-term Orientation vs. Short-term Orientation

A national culture attribute A national culture attribute
that emphasizes the future, that emphasizes the present
thrift, and persistence and the here and now

“The good global leaders that I know have the capacity

to walk into a new environment, assuming that they
don’t know how to behave effectively in that new
setting, until they learn what is appropriate for that
new context.”

-Hal Gregersen, Brigham Young University

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