Ch 9 10 Groups Teams

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정 동 일 (연세대학교 경영대학)
Defining and Classifying Groups

Two or more individuals interacting and interdependent,
who have come together to achieve particular objectives
Why People Join Groups

• Security
• Status
• Self-esteem
• Affiliation
• Power
• Goal Achievement
The Five-Stage Model of Group Development

Forming Stage
The first stage in group development, characterized by
much uncertainty

Storming Stage
The second stage in group development, characterized
by intragroup conflict

Norming Stage
The third stage in group
development, characterized
by close relationships and
…Group Development (cont’d)
Performing Stage
The fourth stage in group development, when the group
is fully functional

Adjourning Stage
The final stage in group
development for temporary
groups, characterized by
concern with wrapping up
activities rather than
Stages of Group Development
An Alternative Model: Temporary Groups
with Deadlines

Punctuated-Equilibrium Model
Temporary groups under time constrained deadlines go
through transitions between inertia and activity—at the
halfway point, they experience an increase in productivity.
Group Properties

• Roles

• Norms

• Status

• Cohesiveness

• Collective efficacy
Group Properties—Roles

A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to
someone occupying a given position in a social unit

Role Perception
An individual’s view of how he or she is
supposed to act in a given situation

Role Expectations
How others believe a person
should act in a given situation
Group Properties—Norms
Acceptable standards of behavior within a group that
are shared by the group’s members
Group Norms and the Hawthorne Studies
 A series of studies undertaken by Elton Mayo at
Western Electric Company’s Hawthorne Works in
Chicago between 1924 and 1932
 Research Conclusions
– Worker behavior and sentiments were
closely related.
– Group influences (norms) were significant
in affecting individual behavior.
– Group standards (norms) were highly
effective in establishing individual worker output.
– Money was less a factor in determining worker
output than were group standards, sentiments, and
Group Properties—Norms (cont’d)

Adjusting one’s behavior to align with the norms of the group

Group Properties—Size
Social Loafing
The tendency for individuals to expend less effort when
working collectively than when working individually


Other Conclusions
• Odd number groups do
better than even.
• Groups of 5 to 7 perform
better overall than larger
or smaller groups.

Group Size
Preventing Social Loafing
• Set group goals
• Increase intergroup competition
• Engage in peer evaluation
• Select members who have high motivation and
like to work in groups
• Distribute group rewards based on members’
individual contributions

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Group Properties—Cohesiveness
Degree to which group members are attracted to each
other and are motivated to stay in the group
Increasing Group Cohesiveness
1. Make the group smaller.
2. Encourage agreement with group goals.
3. Increase time members spend together.
4. Increase group status and admission
5. Stimulate competition with other groups.
6. Give rewards to the group, not individuals.
7. Physically isolate the group.
Relationship Between Group Cohesiveness,
Performance Norms, and Productivity
Conformity to Team Norms

Day 12:
Peer Day 28:
pressure Employee
Units begins has
Pressed doubled
Hour 50

Day 20:
Day 1: Employee
25 Employee begins
begins job working
with team alone
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40
Production Days
Collective efficacy

A group's shared belief in the conjoint capabilities to

organize and execute the courses of action required to
produce given levels of attainment
Group Decision Making
 Decision Making
– Large groups facilitate the pooling of information about
complex tasks.
– Smaller groups are better suited to coordinating and
facilitating the implementation of complex tasks.
– Simple, routine standardized tasks reduce the
requirement that group processes be effective in order
for the group to perform well.
Group Decision Making (cont’d)

 Strengths  Weaknesses
– More complete – More time consuming
information (slower)
– Increased diversity of – Increased pressure to
views conform
– Higher quality of – Domination by one or
decisions (more a few members
accuracy) – Ambiguous
– Increased acceptance responsibility
of solutions
Group Decision Making (cont’d)
Phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides
the realistic appraisal of alternative course of action

A change in decision risk between the group’s decision
and the individual decision that member within the group
would make; can be either toward conservatism or greater
Group Decision-making Techniques
Interacting Groups
Typical groups, in which the members interact with each
other face-to-face

Nominal Group Technique

Restricts discussion during the decision-making
process to encourage independent thinking
Group Decision-making Techniques

An idea-generation process that specifically encourages
any and all alternatives while withholding any criticism of
those alternatives

Electronic Meeting
A meeting in which members interact on computers,
allowing for anonymity of comments and aggregation of
Work Teams
Why Have Teams Become So Popular?

 Teams typically outperform individuals.

 Teams use employee talents better.
 Teams are more flexible and responsive to changes
in the environment.
 Teams facilitate employee involvement.
 Teams are an effective way to democratize an
organization and increase motivation.
Comparing Work Groups and Work Teams
Types of Teams
Problem-solving Teams
Groups of 5 to 12 employees from the
same department who meet for a few
hours each week to discuss ways of
improving quality, efficiency, and the work

Self-Managed Work Teams

Groups of 10 to 15 people who take on
the responsibilities of their former
Types of Teams (cont’d)
Cross-Functional Teams
Employees from about the same hierarchical level, but
from different work areas, who come together to
accomplish a task

• Task forces

• Committees
Types of Teams (cont’d)

Virtual Teams
Teams that use computer
technology to tie together
physically dispersed members
in order to achieve a common

Characteristics of Virtual Teams

1. The absence of paraverbal and nonverbal cues
2. A limited social context
3. The ability to overcome time and space constraints
A Team-Effectiveness
Effects of Group Processes

= +


Goal: Maximize Process Gains While

Minimizing Process Losses!
Beware: Teams Aren’t Always the Answer
 Three tests to see if a team fits the situation:
– Is the work complex and is there a need for different
– Does the work create a common purpose or set of
goals for the group that is larger than the aggregate of
the goals for individuals?
– Are members of the group involved in interdependent

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