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Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Learner Name Parnosri Roy Reference ID/ Batch Code FIAT/SLG/23-24/413/W3

Course Title Frankfinn Certificate Course in Aviation, Hospitality, Travel & Customer Service

Assessor Name PINKY KHAWAS


I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Learner Signature Parnosri Roy Date :17/05/24

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/
1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions
2. It is compulsory to attempt all questions of PASS – to clear the assignment
3. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take up to Two days to submit the Assignments

Personal Grooming Treatments – (Pass)

Q1. What is Grooming?(Pass)

Answer : Grooming typically refers to maintaining a professional appearance and

demeanor. It involves aspects like personal hygiene, attire, and overall presentation to
ensure a positive impression on customers or clients.

Q2. Classify Grooming?(Pass)

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Answer : Grooming can be classified into several categories:

1)Personal hygiene: This includes practices like bathing, oral hygiene, and skincare to
maintain cleanliness and freshness.

2)Dress code: Following specific attire guidelines set by the employer to present a
professional appearance, which may include uniforms or specific dress standards.

3)Grooming standards: Adhering to grooming standards such as neat hairstyles, trimmed

nails, and minimal makeup for a polished look.

4)Etiquette and behavior: Displaying courteous, respectful, and professional behavior

towards customers or clients, including maintaining appropriate body language and
communication skills.

5(Attention to detail: Paying attention to small details like ironed clothing, polished shoes,
and tidy accessories to convey professionalism and attention to customer satisfaction.

Overall, grooming encompasses various practices aimed at creating a positive and

professional impression in the service industry.

Q3. What are the qualities required for working in the Aviation, Hospitality, Travel &
Customer service Industries?(Pass)

Answer : Working in the aviation, hospitality, travel, and customer service industries
requires a combination of specific qualities to excel in these dynamic and customer-focused
environments. Some essential qualities include:
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

1. Excellent communication skills: Clear and effective communication is crucial for

interacting with customers, colleagues, and other stakeholders in these industries.

2. Customer-centric approach: Prioritizing the needs and satisfaction of customers is

essential for providing exceptional service and building long-term relationships.

3. Adaptability: The ability to adapt to changing situations, such as flight delays, customer
requests, or unexpected challenges, is crucial in these fast-paced industries.

4. Problem-solving skills: Being able to think quickly and creatively to resolve issues and
address customer concerns is essential for delivering a positive experience.

5. Attention to detail: Paying close attention to details ensures accuracy in tasks such as
booking reservations, handling luggage, and processing payments, which is vital for
providing efficient service.

6. Teamwork: Collaborating effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds is essential

for achieving common goals and delivering seamless service experiences.

7. Professionalism: Maintaining a professional demeanor, appearance, and attitude fosters

trust and confidence among customers and colleagues.

8. Cultural awareness: Having an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and

customs is important for serving diverse clientele in these global industries.

9. Time management: Efficiently managing time and prioritizing tasks is essential for
meeting deadlines and providing prompt service to customers.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

10. Emotional intelligence: Being empathetic, patient, and able to handle challenging
situations with empathy and composure is crucial for managing customer interactions

These qualities, combined with relevant industry knowledge and skills, can help individuals
thrive in the aviation, hospitality, travel, and customer service industries.

Q4. Name the Layers of the Skin?(Pass)

Answer : The skin consists of three main layers:

1. Epidermis: The outermost layer of the skin, primarily composed of epithelial cells. It
provides a protective barrier against environmental factors and regulates water loss.

2. Dermis: The middle layer of the skin, containing connective tissue, blood vessels, nerves,
sweat glands, and hair follicles. It provides structural support, elasticity, and sensory

3. Subcutis (or hypodermis): The deepest layer of the skin, composed of adipose tissue (fat)
and connective tissue. It serves as insulation, energy storage, and padding for the body.

Q5. Name different types of skin? (Pass)

Answer: There are four main types of skin:

Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

1. Normal skin: Balanced skin with well-maintained moisture levels, minimal

imperfections, and a smooth texture.

2. Dry skin: Skin that lacks moisture, often feeling tight, rough, or flaky. It may be more
prone to sensitivity and fine lines.

3. Oily skin: Skin that produces excess sebum (oil), leading to a shiny appearance, enlarged
pores, and a tendency for acne or blemishes.

4. Combination skin: Skin that is a combination of different types, typically oily in the T-
zone (forehead, nose, and chin) and normal or dry in other areas.

Q6. What are the causes of Acne and dark circle and also provide 02 remedies for each?

Answer : Causes of Acne:

1. Excess oil production: Overproduction of oil by the sebaceous glands can clog pores and
lead to acne.

2. Bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes, a type of bacteria found on the skin, can multiply
within clogged pores, causing inflammation and acne.

3. Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels, especially during puberty,

menstruation, or pregnancy, can contribute to acne.

4. Diet: Certain foods, such as dairy products and high-glycemic foods, may exacerbate acne
in some individuals.

5. Genetics: A family history of acne can increase the likelihood of experiencing acne.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Remedies for Acne:

1. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that can help kill acne-causing
bacteria. Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply it to affected areas with a cotton

2. Salicylic acid: Salicylic acid helps unclog pores and reduce inflammation. Use a cleanser or
spot treatment containing salicylic acid to target acne-prone areas.

Causes of Dark Circles:

1. Genetics: Some individuals may inherit a predisposition to dark circles under the eyes.

2. Aging: As people age, the skin around the eyes becomes thinner, making blood vessels
more visible and leading to the appearance of dark circles.

3. Lack of sleep: Insufficient sleep or poor sleep quality can cause blood vessels to dilate,
resulting in dark circles.

4. Allergies: Allergic reactions can lead to inflammation and swelling under the eyes,
contributing to dark circles.

5. Lifestyle factors: Factors such as excessive sun exposure, smoking, and dehydration can
exacerbate the appearance of dark circles.

Remedies for Dark Circles:

1. Cold compress: Applying a cold compress, such as chilled cucumber slices or a cold spoon,
can help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling and discoloration under the eyes.

2. Under-eye creams: Look for eye creams containing ingredients like vitamin C, retinol, or
caffeine, which can help improve skin texture, boost collagen production, and reduce the
appearance of dark circles over time. Apply the cream gently using your ring finger to avoid
tugging on the delicate skin under the eyes.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Q7. What are the types of hair? Highlight the causes of dandruff and provide 02 remedies?

Answer : Hair can be categorized into various types based on texture, curl pattern, and
other characteristics. Some common types of hair include:

1. Straight hair: Hair that lacks significant curl or wave pattern and tends to lay flat against
the scalp.

2. Wavy hair: Hair that has a gentle wave pattern, with slight bends or curves along the

3. Curly hair: Hair that forms tight curls or spirals, ranging from loose curls to tight coils.

4. Coily hair: Hair with a tightly coiled or zigzag pattern, often referred to as kinky or afro-
textured hair.

Causes of Dandruff:

1. Malassezia fungus: Malassezia is a yeast-like fungus that naturally resides on the scalp. An
overgrowth of this fungus can lead to dandruff by causing irritation and inflammation of the

2. Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a common skin condition characterized by red, itchy, and
flaky patches on the scalp, eyebrows, and other oily areas of the skin. It can contribute to
the development of dandruff.

3. Dry scalp: A lack of moisture on the scalp can cause dry, flaky skin, leading to dandruff.

4. Sensitivity to hair care products: Some individuals may experience dandruff as a reaction
to certain hair care products, such as shampoos or styling products, that irritate the scalp.

5. Poor hygiene: Infrequent shampooing or inadequate cleansing of the scalp can result in
the buildup of dead skin cells and oils, contributing to dandruff.

Remedies for Dandruff:

1. Use anti-dandruff shampoo: Choose a medicated shampoo containing ingredients like zinc
pyrithione, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole, or coal tar, which can help control the growth of
Malassezia fungus and reduce dandruff. Use the shampoo regularly, following the
instructions on the label.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

2. Natural remedies:

- Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil has antifungal properties that can help combat the fungus
responsible for dandruff. Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil or olive oil,
and massage it into the scalp. Leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing out.

- Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar has antibacterial and antifungal properties that
can help restore the pH balance of the scalp and reduce dandruff. Mix equal parts of apple
cider vinegar and water, and apply it to the scalp using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 15-20
minutes before rinsing out with water.

Q8. What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Personal hygiene and Grooming Hygiene? (Merit)

Answer : Certainly, here are some general do's and don'ts for personal hygiene and


1. **Regular bathing:** Bathe daily or as needed to keep your body clean and refreshed.

2. **Brush and floss teeth:** Maintain oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a
day and flossing daily to prevent cavities and gum disease.

3. **Wash hands frequently:** Especially before and after handling food, using the
bathroom, or touching surfaces in public areas to prevent the spread of germs.

4. **Trim nails:** Keep your fingernails and toenails trimmed and clean to prevent dirt
and bacteria buildup.

5. **Wear clean clothes:** Change into clean clothes regularly, especially after sweating
or engaging in activities that soil clothing.

6. **Use deodorant:** Apply deodorant or antiperspirant to control body odor and sweat
throughout the day.

7. **Cleanse face:** Wash your face daily to remove dirt, oil, and makeup, and use
skincare products appropriate for your skin type.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

8. **Hair care:** Keep your hair clean, well-groomed, and styled as desired, and trim or
shave facial hair as needed.

9. **Protect skin:** Use sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV rays when
spending time outdoors, and moisturize regularly to keep skin hydrated.

10. **Practice good posture:** Maintain good posture to exude confidence and prevent
strain on your muscles and joints.


1. **Neglect oral hygiene:** Avoid neglecting your oral health by skipping brushing,
flossing, or dental check-ups.

2. **Overlook hand hygiene:** Don't forget to wash your hands regularly, especially in
situations where cleanliness is crucial.

3. **Wear dirty clothes:** Avoid wearing dirty or soiled clothing, as it can lead to body
odor and skin irritation.

4. **Ignore nail care:** Don't ignore nail care, as dirty or overgrown nails can harbor
bacteria and cause infections.

5. **Overuse fragrances:** Avoid overusing fragrances or strong scents, as they can be

overwhelming to others and may trigger allergies or sensitivities.

6. **Share personal items:** Refrain from sharing personal items such as towels, razors,
or toothbrushes, as it can spread germs and infections.

7. **Skip skincare:** Don't skip skincare routines, as neglecting your skin can lead to
issues such as acne, dryness, or premature aging.

8. **Neglect hair care:** Avoid neglecting hair care, as unkempt hair can give a disheveled
appearance and contribute to poor hygiene.

9. **Forget sunscreen:** Don't forget to apply sunscreen when exposed to the sun, as it
protects against sunburn, skin damage, and skin cancer.

10. **Slouch or hunch:** Avoid slouching or hunching over, as it can convey a lack of
confidence and lead to back and neck pain over time.
Personal Grooming & Fitness- Online Written Assignment

Following these do's and don'ts can help you maintain good personal hygiene and
grooming habits, promoting health, confidence, and overall well-being.

Q9.Why do you think it’s important to present yourself as a professional in an interview?


Answer :1. First impression - it is important to present yourself as a professional in an

interview because the hiring managers first impression of you has an impact on the
interview, professional is crucial for job hopefuls

2. He will be more inclined to view you as skilled and competent if you look professional and
present yourself nicely

3. Your professionalism in the workplace includes how you present yourself how you behave
and how you interact with you interact with other people

4. Being professional can help you make a good first impression foster fruitful relationships
with others and build a solid reputation within your company and sector.

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