Assignment 3 Guide_ Management Case Analysis

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Assignment 3

Management Case Research and Analysis

This individual assessment will contribute 40% to your overall grade.


Food industry mainly consists of four distinct sectors: the farm service sector, the producer
sector, the processor sector and the marketer sector. This assessment requires you to
choose one company from a food industry and respond to the following 4 questions. The
company can be ideally from small to large or multi-national company from any part of the

a) Referring to the company you selected, what two external trends do managers in
that company have to deal with? How do you think these trends might constrain
decisions made by the managers?

b) Businesses are built on relationship. What two stakeholders do you think might be
highly important to this company. What interests might these two stakeholders

c) The primary means of sustaining competitive advantage is to adjust faster to the

environment than your competitors do. Comparing with other players in the industry,
how effective you found the company to be, in using the digital business space to stay
competitive in the market? Provide two evidence.

d) How could the company use its organisational design to encourage a learning
organization for improvements in sustainability? Discuss from two

Refer to ‘Assessment Task 3’ – rubric

You should submit using the LMS submission link for this assignment. Remember
that, the report should:
a) Company background. Provide a summary of the business purpose, context and trade
– what is it and what will it do?
b) Present each question under separate sub-headings
c) Provide title of the report, student full name and student number, subject code and
title, and name of teacher
d) Write approximately 2,000 words (+/- 10%). Table of content, executive summary,
references and appendices not included in the word limit.
e) Must provide table of content and executive summary
f) Use Calibri 12 point font, 1.5 line spacing
g) Reference carefully using the APA 7 referencing system. Students must use at
least 5 academic references, then may use any number of other resources (e.g.
industry/company reports).
h) Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from
another source.
i) Start a new paragraph when a new or different point/topic/issue is to be discussed.
Avoid using very large paragraphs.
j) Include relevant tables, graphs, and figures (whichever is applicable).
k) Demonstrate ability to present a well written and well-structured report

Text similarity:
You can submit your draft twice to check the Turnitin score but this has to be done 24 hours
prior to the deadline. Please keep the Turnitin text similarity score at a minimum
(recommend below 15%). Assignments with poor referencing, or 25% similarity score or
higher may be penalized and referred to Academic Integrity team.

Teaching staff will not be able to grant extensions to students. Students can seek extensions
using the Special Consideration link. Link information available on the subject learning guide.

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