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Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ sự tương phản (adverb clauses of concession)

As: mặc dù, đồng nghĩa với though, khi được dùng với nghĩa này, as phải theo sau tính từ:
Adj + as + S + to be, mệnh đề
Eg : Rich as he is, he never gives anybody anything.

2. Câu điều kiện trong relative clause

- Nếu trong lời nói trực tiếp có câu điều kiện thì chỉ có câu điều kiện loại 1 là thay đổi về thì, câu điều kiện loại 2
và 3 vẫn giữ nguyên hình thức động từ của chúng.
Ex: “If I have time, I will call her,” he said.
—> He said that if he had time he would call her.
She said: “If I had enough patience, I wouldn’t wait this long.”
—> She said that if she had enough patience, she wouldn’t wait that long.

3. Câu chẻ ( Cleft Sentence) Câu chẻ được dùng để nhấn mạnh một thành phần của câu như chủ ngữ, túc từ,
trạng từ
Ex: My father collected these car models.
—> It was my father who collected these car models
Ex: I came against my ex-girlfriend on the way to work.
—> It was my ex-girlfriend who(m)/that I met on the way to work.
– We went to Paris in October.
—> It was in October that we went to Paris.

4. Các cụm liên từ

- Với “Both A and B”, động từ luôn chia số nhiều
- Với “Not only A but also B”, “Either A or B”, “Neither A nor B”, V chia theo B
- Với “A, along with/ together with/ with B” , V chia theo A

5. Thì hiện tại giả định

a) Thường đi với các động từ ORDER, COMMAND (ra lệnh) , REQUEST, ASK (yêu cầu) , DEMAND, REQUIRE ( đòi
hỏi ) , PROPOSE , SUGGEST(đề nghị) , INSIT ( khăng khăng), URGE (hối thúc)
Ex: He demanded that he be allowed to meet his lawyer.
b) Đi với tính từ thường là essential, necessary, important, advisible, urgent, imperative.
IT + BE ( Any tense ) + ADJECTIVE + THAT + SUBJECT + V-inf
Ex: It is necessay that your mother follow the doctor’advice.
6. Thể sai khiến
Ex : He got Daisy to move this chair away. They had me go to the market to buy some food.
Ex : She got her car repaired by Peter. Why didn’t you have your house painted

7. IT IS (HIGH) TIME … : đến lúc :

Ex : It is high time to go.
It is high time for them to leane the office.
* Cách 2 ( dùng để nhấn mạnh ) : IT IS HIGH TIME + S + V-ed/V2/were
Ex : We should do something about it now. —>It is high time we did something about it now
8. Đảo ngữ
a) Inversions with ONLY
- Only with
Only once
only in this way
only in, on,at + N
only then
only later
Eg: Only once did I meet her
- only after
only when + S +BE/V, Auxiliary+S+Verb(inf)
only if
Eg. Only after he had graduated, did he start looking for a job.
Only after all gest had gone home,could we relax
- Only by + Ving, Auxiliary+S+Verb(inf)
Eg. Only by practising E every day, can you speak it fluently
b) Các cụm đảo ngữ cố định

At no time
On no condition
On no occasion
On no account
Under/ in no circumstances
For no reason
In no way
Not for one moment
By no means

Eg : You must not disturb the manager

-> On no account should/must the manager be disturbed

c) Inversions fter “SO”

+So+ adj/ adv + đảo ngữ + that clause ( đảo ngữ với V hoặc to be )
+So+ adj + a/an/the/ O + noun + đảo ngữ + that clause ( đảo ngữ với Noun )
- So dark is it that I can't write
- She is such a fast speaker that I cannot catch up with her words
-> So fast a speaker is she that I cannot … ( = She is so fast a speaker that I cannot … )
+ So little/ few/ much/ many + Auxiliary+S+Verb(inf)
Eg. So much beer did he drink that he didn‘t know the way to home
+ So + adj + a/an/the/ O + N
d) Inversion with”such”
SUCH + be+ N + that + clause
Eg. – The force of the storm was so strong that all the trees were uproofed
-> Such was the force of the storm that all the trees were uproofed
- He was so popular that all the girls fall in love with him
-> Such was his popularity that all the girls fall in love with him
e) Inversions with conditional sentences
*Type 1: If clause = should+S+V , clause
Eg. Should she come late she will miss the train
*Type 2: If clause= Were S +to V, clause
Were+S + Noun, clause
Eg :- If I were you I would work harder
=Were I you........
- If I knew her I would invite her to the party
= Were I to know her.......
*Type 3: If clause = Had+S+PII, clause
= Were S + to have done, clause
Eg : If my parents hadn't encouraged me, I would have taken pass exam
= Had my parents not encouraged me....
= Were my parents not to have encouraged me…

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