AG Audit

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16th February 2024
1. The Managing Director,
Infantry Road

Dear Sir,
Project: Construction of Chitradurga Branch Canal including Earth work
Excavation, Embankment, Cement Concrete Lining using Mechanical Paver
UCR Lining with Plastering and Construction of Cross Drainage Works/ Road
Bridges/Cart Track Crossings at 20th,21st,22nd,23rd,24th,25thd,26th ,27th, 28th, 29th,
30th (11Km). CBC Package-II Indent 14251.
Subject: Request for causing action to release of FSD, and EMD and discharge
of FDR which has lien in favor of VJNL and to conclude the Contract.
Reference: 1.Agreement No.01/2015 dated 08.05.2015
1. Work Order No.EE/VJNL/UBP/DN4/H/TS-1/WO/2015-16/100
Dated 08.05.2015.
2. T.O letter No.RVCPL/HO/CBC/23-24/282 dated 28.02.2024

3. T.O letter No. RVCPL/HO/CBC/22-23/017 dated 14.03.2023

addressed to the Executive Engineer furnishing an Under Taking
letter for complying with the dues if any under Revised GST SR.

We have executed and completed satisfactorily the awarded work in accordance

with the Contract, Specifications, Approved Design Drawings and instructions
and orders from the Engineer in Charge of the work and other Authorities
of VJNL. Consequent to the completion of the Work, and after having
complied with all the stipulations under Clause 6 , VJNL on 10.02.2023 has
issued Detailed Completion Certificate as per Form No. P.W.G 48 and
Consolidated Completion Statement of Work as per Form No P.W.G 47 (copy

In accordance with the conditions of the Contract we have been maintaining the
work from the start of the Defect Liability Period i.e., from10.02.2023 and also
remedying any defects whatsoever found till the completion of Defect Liability
period i.e., on 10.02.2024. Additionally during the course of Defect Liability
Period we had also complied with the instructions and orders when ever issued
by the Authorities. Further we have also removed our equipments, surplus
materials, wreckage, rubbish and temporary works from the site and demobilized
plant machineries, equipment and staff permanently form the project site .

Having fulfilled all our obligations as per the Contract and also arising out of the
Contract, we requested the Executive Engineer to refund the following monies,
and return the Original FDR and BG duly discharged vide this office letter dated

1. Fixed Deposit for Rs.3.50crore (Rs three crore and fifty lakh only)in Canara
Bank, J.C. Road Branch Bangalore bearing number 652494 dated 11.04.2023
having FD Account No.2636401000492-12 marked LIEN in favor of VJNL-
Copy enclosed.
2. FSD &EMD of Rs. 93,48,787( Ninety Three Lakh Forty Eight Thousand seven
Hundred Eighty Seven only) retained by VJNL
3. EMD for Rs.99,00,000( ninety nine lakh only) submitted along with our Bids
at the time of bidding (copy enclosed).

In the mean time office of the Principal Accountant General (Audit -I) raised
certain audit enquires with regard to preparation of the estimates by VJNL. The
subject matter of the audit enquires are not falling within the terms of the Contract
and to meet the terms of them are beyond our control and powers.

We have borrowed huge funds for the execution and completion of the work from
private financial institutions at high interest rates and for servicing interests and
principal we are solely dependent on the refund of monies which are held up and
outstanding for a substantial period of time causing great financial hard ship.

Out of the total sum of Rs.5,49,00,000 due to us, a sum of Rs. 2,11,55,033 is
being withheld by the Executive Engineer towards the purported liability for
complying with the dues if any under Revised GST SR leaving us with only Rs.
Rs.3,37,44,967. In the event of not making payment to our entitled balance sum
of Rs.3,37,44,967 on the plea that A.G audit enquiry is yet to be dropped, we
will be financially ruined strangulating cash flow to our other projects namely
Tumakuru Branch canal work and Yettinahole Gravity canal work which is

Since we have completed all our obligations under the Contract and arising out
of the Contract, we request you to kindly cause action to make payments to the
entitled balance sum Rs.3, 37, 44,967 and discharge us from further liabilities and
performances in connection with the Contract or arising out of the
Contract signifying fulfillment and conclusion of the Contract.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully


Authorized Signatory

Copy Submitted to:

2. The Executive Engineer

3. KNNL, Upper Bhadra Project
4. Division No.4
5. Hosadurga-577 527
7. The Chief Engineer, KNNL, Upper Bhadra Project, Chitradurga for
kind information.
8. The Superintending Engineer, KNNL, Upper Bhadra Project Circle
No.2, Chitradurga for kind information.
9. The Assistant Executive Engineer, VJNL, Upper Bhadra Project Sub
Division No. 10, and Hosadurga for kind information.

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