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Pride and Prejudice

• 1775 – 1817
• English writer whose novels of romance and society
are still very popular.
• Attended school for a few years, but had to stop
• Continued to read and study while living at home
• The most important themes: women, their
independence, and marriage
• An important commentator on the social inequalities
• Only published 6 books: Pride and Prejudice,
Persuasion, Emma, Sense and Sensibility,
Northanger Abbey, and Mansfield Park.
Watch the video and mark the sentences T (True) or F (False)
Watch again and choose the correct words to complete the summary
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in
possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."
Listen & Read

• Listen to and read the passage from Pride and Prejudice. First, read
for general understanding. Then, reread the passage. As you read
the second time, underline the words and phrases used to describe
the positive side of the men.
Watch a short part of the movie

GLOSSARY (p.228)
• Countenance • Turned the tide of his popularity
• Unaffected • Above his company
• Merely • Above being pleased
• Mien • Estate
• In general circulation • Forbidding
• Ten thousand a year • Made himself acquainted
• Pronounced
• Principal
• Declared
• Unreserved
• Disgust
• Amiable
• Violent
• slighted
Work in teams and answer the following questions:
Team 1: Does a first-person narrator or a third-person narrator tell the story?
Is the narrator omniscient or limited? How do you know?
Team 2: Summarize the whole passage in 4 categories: characters, setting,
main events, and conflict.
Team 3: Analyze the title. What do "pride" and "prejudice" mean? Which
character in the passage best shows the meaning of "pride"? Are there any
characters that exhibit "prejudice"? Why?
Team 4: Analyze the setting (the time and place)
Team 5: What are the themes in the passage? Show the lines from the
passage to prove them.
Team 6: Read the in-depth analysis: Character (p.74) and summarize in your
own words

• Third-person: he, she, they

• Omniscient: the thoughts/ reactions of all the guests at the ball

Mr. Bingley At the ball in 18th century
England in the country
Mr. Darcy
People at the ball
Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy cause The women at the ball want
quite a sensation when they arrive to like Mr. Darcy because he's
at the ball. At first, everyone loves rich and single, but his rude
them both. But once they realize manner makes it impossible
how rude Mr. Darcy, no one likes for them to.
him anymore.

A feeling of satisfaction with A preconceived notion/ idea
oneself, arrogant behavior about someone/ something
toward others because of a formed without ample
feeling of superiority evidence

People at
Mr. Darcy the ball
Prejudice from Elizabeth Bennet

“He is handsome but not pretty enough to tempt me”.

Comments and false feeding of Mr. Wickham make
Elizabeth more prejudiced against Darcy. Therefore,
Elizabeth rejects his first proposal and uses words like
"arrogant", "conceit", disdain for him that shows that how
Elizabeth looks at him.
Analyze the setting

• Listen to the following lecture about the setting in Pride and Prejudice.
Then use the information from the lecture to fill in the graphic
Analyze the themes

• Social class and pride are two of the most important themes in
Pride and Prejudice. Use lines from the passage to fill in the
graphic organizer.
Read In-Depth Analysis: Characters and write your answers
onto Padlet: (Remember to paraphrase)
• Question 1: What are the functions of characters?
• Question 2: How many methods of characterization mentioned?
What are they? What are the examples for each method?

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