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CS6P05 Final Year Project

Module Code & Module Title

CS6P05NI Final Year Project
Assessment Weightage & Type
25% FYP Interim Report

2023-24 Autumn
PROJECT TITLE: Events Hub Nepal
Student Name: Aarohan Subedi
London Met ID: 22015633
College ID: np01cp4s220149
Internal Supervisor: Saroj Kumar Yadav
External Supervisor: Buddha Man Shakhya
Assignment Due Date:1/3/2024
Assignment Submission Date:1/3/2024
Word Count (Where Required):4481
I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the

relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am

fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


I would like to express my gratitude to London Metropolitan University for granting me the academic

foundation and encouragement for the development of the web application. Furthermore, I would like to

express my gratitude to my supervisors Mr. Saroj Kumar Yadav and Mr. Budhaman Nepali for the

guidance and support throughout this task.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


Event hub Nepal is a web application designed to revolutionize event management in Nepal. This project

focuses on providing user friendly experience for event enthusiasts and event organizers. Our website aims

to ease the process of planning events, selling tickets and reduces the time of event search. This document

brings out the overall conception, development of the web application, addressing its ability to revolutionize

the event hosting scene in Nepal.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


This interim report consists of overall summary of overall development progress done in the making of

“Event hub Nepal”. This report gives full information about the project background, its development and

progress to date. The Introduction section describes the subjects and their different aspects like problem

domain, aims and objective. The background part contains the Literature review, comparison between

different similar system with modeling and analysis. The development process covers all the required

material and project initialization diagrams and timeline chart. It also shows the survey results and analysis

of the project and things that should be done to make this project successful.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1. Current Scenario. .......................................................................................................................... 1

1.2. Problem Statement. ...................................................................................................................... 1

1.3. Project As Solution ........................................................................................................................ 2

1.4. Aim ................................................................................................................................................ 3

1.5. Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 3

1.6. Expected Outcomes and deliveries. ............................................................................................. 3

1.7. End User ....................................................................................................................................... 3

2. BACKGROUND..................................................................................................................................... 4

2.1. Literature Review .......................................................................................................................... 4

2.2. Similar Systems And comparison ................................................................................................. 6

2.3. Tools Used in the Project. ............................................................................................................. 7

2.4. Modeling and Analysis. ................................................................................................................. 7

3. DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................................................................... 9

3.1. Methodology Used. ....................................................................................................................... 9

3.2. Work breakdown Structure. ......................................................................................................... 11

3.3. Milestone Chart ........................................................................................................................... 12

3.4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD). ............................................................................................ 13

3.5. Use Case Diagram ...................................................................................................................... 14

3.6. System Flow Chart ...................................................................................................................... 16

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.7. Sequence Diagram. .................................................................................................................... 17

3.8. Collaboration Diagram. ............................................................................................................... 18

3.9. Activity Diagram .......................................................................................................................... 19

3.10. Class Diagram. ............................................................................................................................ 20

3.11. System Architecture Diagram ..................................................................................................... 21

3.12. Wireframe .................................................................................................................................... 22

4. ANALYSIS OF PROJECT ................................................................................................................... 27

4.1. Progress Analysis Table. ............................................................................................................ 27

4.2. Progress Review ......................................................................................................................... 29

4.3. Progress Timeline ....................................................................................................................... 29

4.4. Action Plan .................................................................................................................................. 29

5. FUTURE WORK.................................................................................................................................. 29

6. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................................... 30

Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 31

APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................................. 33

1. SRS DOCUMENT ........................................................................................................................... 33

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Figure 1 Rational Unified process ................................................................................................................. 9

Figure 2 Work Breakdown Structure. .......................................................................................................... 11

Figure 3 Milestone chart .............................................................................................................................. 12

Figure 4 Entity Relationship diagram .......................................................................................................... 13

Figure 5 Use case diagram. ........................................................................................................................ 15

Figure 6 System Flow chart ........................................................................................................................ 16

Figure 7 Sequence diagram. ....................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 8 Collaboration diagram of the system. ........................................................................................... 18

Figure 9 Activity diagram of the system ...................................................................................................... 19

Figure 10 Class Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 20

Figure 11 System Architecture Diagram ..................................................................................................... 21

Figure 12 Guest UI ...................................................................................................................................... 22

Figure 13 Login UI ....................................................................................................................................... 23

Figure 14 Create Event ............................................................................................................................... 23

Figure 15 Find event UI. .............................................................................................................................. 24

Figure 16 event creation form ..................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 17 Tickets ......................................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 18 Explore events UI........................................................................................................................ 25

Figure 19 Order UI ...................................................................................................................................... 26

Figure 20 Help center UI ............................................................................................................................. 26

Figure 21 Progress table. ............................................................................................................................ 28

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Table 1 Comparison Of different system. ..................................................................................................... 7

Table 2 Explanation of modules .................................................................................................................... 8

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


Events hub Nepal is a web application which is designed to connect user with diverse range of Nepali

culture. It is a platform suitable for every individual whether you are a passionate art supporter, a music

lover or someone wanting the thrill of community gatherings. The platform allows users to effortlessly scroll

through various events, from traditional festivals to engaging workshops. With the user-friendly interface,

Events hub Nepal ensures that the user is in a loop with real time updates on dates, ticket information,

venues and more.

1.1. Current Scenario.

Events Management System in Nepal still works on the traditional manner. People must hear about the

events from friends or must access the portal of the event organizers. Even after knowing about the event,

they cannot participate in the event due to lack of information or the old phone call method make it boring

to get all the information about the events. They must even book the tickets for the events on the venue

premises. Event hub Nepal is the solution to all the problems. Here users can get information about every

single event detail and can book tickets while scrolling through their phone. It is the go-to platform for

organizers and as well as the event enthusiasts.

1.2. Problem Statement.

While building the app we can face certain challenges which should be overcome to make the app a

success. Understanding these issues is important for user satisfaction and apps success.

1. Minimal event coverage: Covering all the events could be an initial challenge, especially the
smaller events or specialized meetups. If the event coverage is minimum, we cannot attract a
variety of user base. Confirming a diverse range of events is crucial to attract a broad user base.
2. User Engagement: Consistent user engagement is another challenge. Only initial download
can’t make app a success. Sustaining interest of user after download is important so app need
the feature such as personalized user recommendations that makes user coming back to use the

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platform. If the user doesn’t use the app consistently apps revenue gets affected, and we cannot
get events in the long run.

3. Data Accuracy: Maintaining accurate and up to date event information is a constant challenge.
Events can change details or get canceled, and ensuring real time updates is crucial to build and
retain user trust. If the data is inaccurate and vague users’ trust will be affected and app usage
will degrade.
4. Technical Glitches: Every digital platform is prone to technical glitches. Users may have to face
bugs, crashes, or slow loading runs. These glitches degrade the quality of the platform as well as
the performance of the app. Frequent testing and regular update are necessary to reduce these
problems and make sure smooth users experience.
5. Market Challenges: The event discovering platform can be competitive. To set this app apart
from the other similar apps, we need a good strategy in marketing, unique features like
cancellation, refunds, and partnership with the organizers to offer exclusive content.

All the above-mentioned challenges should be overcome to decrease the risk and threat during building the

1.3. Project As Solution

As I have mentioned, the problems that can be faced while we build the apps. Underlisted are the solutions

that should be followed to avoid such circumstances.

1. Broad event coverage: Event Hub Nepal will overcome the Minimal event coverage problem by
actively cooperating with a variety of event organizers.
By doing so our platform will offer a complete range of events, from broad to specific, which will
provide user a rich and diverse Nepali cultural experience.

2. Enhanced user engagement: In order to solve the problem of active user engagement, the
platform will incorporate innovative features like personalized recommendation which will be key
3. Regular updates: This platform addresses data accuracy by bringing robust system into use
and using CRUD operations. This prevents users from expired events and inaccurate data, which
makes sure the details of events are always up to date and reliable.

4. Technical Excellence: To remove the technical glitches, Testing’s and continuous updates are
done to make sure a flowless and glitch free user interface which upgrades the user experiences.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

5. Market Differentiation: Events hub Nepal will differ itself from other similar platforms by
providing unique feature like refund and by exclusively partnering with organizers to give special
offers to the users.

The above-mentioned solutions will play a crucial role in the advancement of the app and if followed properly
the app will surely be a success.

1.4. Aim

The Major aim of this project is to design a platform which connect user to the beating heart of Nepali culture

by engaging them in the events they prefer.

1.5. Objectives

Underlisted are the objectives of the Platform.

1. To learn about web developing and its various platforms.

2. To learn and implement a DBMS in real world situation using relational database.
3. Learning API programming / PHP.
4. Learn about web UI and design.
5. To have detailed knowledge of hardware and programming concepts.
6. To manage different aspects of Nepali culture through variety of events.
7. To automate the events booking, browsing, and advertising.

1.6. Expected Outcomes and deliveries.

After completion and deployment, the platform will be able to perform the following tasks.

1. Search events using the location, keywords i.e. event name.

2. Ticketing using Online Payment method. (Khalti)
3. Create or host event paying certain fee to the app.
4. Easy and efficient login portal.
5. To notify about booked ticket and date.
6. To show detailed information about the event, its venue and location.
7. Cancellation of booked ticket.

1.7. End User

Event enthusiasts are the main attraction of this web application. The staff organizer and administrator will

also be the end user similarly.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi
CS6P05 Final Year Project


How far back can you go when thinking about the history of event planning? Could the first big planner have

been Cleopatra? After all, we have some evidence in the form of a famous painting called “the Banquet of

Cleopatra,” where Cleopatra staged a bet with Marc Anthony to say that she could host a far more lavish

event than he could. As there were many attendees, how did Cleopatra get in touch with them all? Clearly,

she couldn’t send a blanket email, so she would have had to hand-deliver any messages over weeks and

months ahead. No doubt, she took advantage of an army of servants to do so. As time went by and the

history of the event planning industry developed, the aristocracy and other wealthy individuals would throw

increasingly impressive parties and themed events. Still, it wasn’t until after the Industrial Revolution that

events as we know them took off. Now, there was a much more diverse economy and spectacular business

growth, and it became crucial for people to get together to develop their interests.

The history of event management took an even bigger step as transportation became more efficient. Trains

could carry people from one city to the next, and planes made event planning truly international (Eventteam,


2.1. Literature Review

The Several papers that I studied on event management system are.

2.1.1. Barcode enabled event management system for logistics and consumables


AURTHER: Aswin, Chandrasekharan YEAR: 2013 (Aswin, 2013).

This paper provides authentication by barcode. Bar code is used to make sure quick and smooth


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CS6P05 Final Year Project

2.1.2. Smart Event Management system

AURTHER: Prof.Khalil pinjari, Khan Nur. YEAR: 2016 (khalil pinjari, 2016).

This paper introduces a system that is fully computerized and has been developed using advanced

language. It is a web application. To reduce the disadvantages of traditional systems they have used the

new smart management system which uses the modern .net framework for analyzing and managing various

tasks and planning for employees and customers.

2.1.3. Event Management System

AURTHER: M. Mahalaxmi, S. Gomathi. YEAR: 2016 (M.Mahalaxmi, 2016).

This Main aspect of this paper is to maintain the college event information. They also organize the events

and send the student time of registration through verification code using android sdk.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

2.2. Similar Systems And comparison

Comparison between the different types of systems like Event hub Nepal is shown in the table below.

Web Concept Advantages Disadvantages

Application used

Eventbrite HTML, • The interface is user friendly. • There is a service fee for paid events.

CSS • Broad event management • The customization options are limited

JavaScript features. for branding.

Meetup Ruby on • Primarily focuses on community • The customization option is limited.

rails, building. • Events fees can pose a financial

JavaScript • Wide user base obstacle for some groups.

• It has Social Networking


EventZilla PHP, • Price is Affordable. • Limited features compared to others.

JavaScript • Facility to social media • Customization options are limited.


• The event creation process is

easy and user friendly.

Splash HTML, • Advanced visually attractive • Ticketing features are limited.

CSS design. • Event costs are high for large

JavaScript • Contain analytical tools. events.

• Interface is user friendly

Ticket Java • Broad Userbase. • High service cost for both User and

Master JavaScript • Integrated ticketing system. organizers.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

Table 1 Comparison Of different system.

2.3. Tools Used in the Project.

2.3.1. Tech Stack

• Frontend: React.js

• Database: My SQL.

• Backend: Node.js.

2.3.2. Software requirement

• Visual Studio.

• MS Word.

• Balsamic wireframe

2.3.3. Hardware Requirements

• Laptop with windows 10 and 11.

2.4.4. APIs Used

The APIs used in the project to enhance the performance of web application are:

• Payment Gateway APIs: Khalti is used for online transactions.

• Maps: To navigate the nearest events, google maps or map box is used.

2.4. Modeling and Analysis.

The table below shows the functionalities of the module in the system.

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USER • Login

Once they have registered, they need to login to

avail the service at the needy time.

• View notification

An employee can view event notifications.

• View events

An employee can view new events.

• Send feedback.

An employee will be sending the feedback about

recent events.

ADMIN • Login

Once they have registered, they need to login to

avail the service at the needy time.

• Create events.

An admin can be creating the events and send to

the employees.

• Update events

An admin can be updated the new events or

new sub events.

• Delete events.

An admin will be deleting the older events and

Table 2 Explanation of modules

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3.1. Methodology Used.

The methodology which I have used to make a Gantt chart is RUP (Rational unified process). RUP is a

software development model. It is an iterative model. RUP has divided the development cycle into four

phases (janse, 2020).

Figure 1 Rational Unified process

1. Inception: The inception phase determines the structure and basic idea of the project.
• Project was Finalized.
• Suitable client was finalized.
• Discussion with supervisors about development deployment and documentation.
• Project resources and cost were estimated.
2. Elaboration: All the architectural events such as system architecture, hardware architecture
and software architecture are identified in this phase.
• Resources and costs are reseen and finalized.
• Documentation of proposal is carried out.
• Figurative Plans needed for project are made i.e. Gant chart, flowchart.

3. Construction: Coding and testing works are performed in this stage.

• Development and design ideas will be finalized.

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• Various tests like black box and white box testing methods are implemented.
• Documenting the project will be done.
• Terms conditions and privacy policies is written.

4. Transition: This phase is the launch phase where the product is finally completed, released,
and delivered to customers.
• Project will be delivered to clients after construction.
• Clients and user feedback is taken.
• Feedback analysis is carried out.
• Necessary updates are done, and documentation is finalized.
• Deployment of application is carried out.

3.1.1. Reason for choosing the methodology.

1. The project has time restrictions and is required to be completed within a deadline to meet the user

requirements. I chose RUP methodology since it prioritizes the needs of the user and ensures high

quality software development within set deadlines.

2. Since the project is completed with the help of regular meetings with the supervisor and using the

iterative Rup methodology, we can incorporate the feedback and refine the system as per the


3. RUP has continuous testing at each development phase which will help to control the system

changes, identify, and address the errors efficiently.

4. RUP incorporates the documentation task in each phase, wrapping requirement, user manuals,

architecture of the system.

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3.2. Work breakdown Structure.

Breaking work into smaller tasks is a common productivity technique used to make the work more

manageable and approachable. For projects, the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the tool that utilizes

this technique and is one of the most important project management documents. It singlehandedly

integrates scope, cost and schedule baselines ensuring that project plans are in alignment (duke, n.d.).

Figure 2 Work Breakdown Structure.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.3. Milestone Chart

This is a 7-month long project. In these seven months every aspect of the application will be covered. The

milestone chart presented below will give the proper idea of the project’s start time and different tasks that

will be done on different days and months. As per the milestone chart, work should be completed to match

the deadline of the project.

Figure 3 Milestone chart

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3.4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).

Figure 4 Entity Relationship diagram

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3.5. Use Case Diagram

In the Unified Modeling Language (UML), a use case diagram can summarize the details of your system's

users (also known as actors) and their interactions with the system (lucidchart, n.d.).






• Use Cases.

Take Membership.


Search events.

Create events.

Manage own events.

‘Get account list.

View event request.

Ticket list.



Feedback and review.

Notify customers.

The use case diagram is below.

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Figure 5 Use case diagram.

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3.6. System Flow Chart

A flowchart is a picture of the separate steps of a process in sequential order. It is a generic tool that can

be adapted for a wide variety of purposes, and can be used to describe various processes, such as a

manufacturing process, an administrative or service process, or a project plan (Asqorg, 2016).

Figure 6 System Flow chart

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.7. Sequence Diagram.

Sequence Diagrams are interaction diagrams that detail how operations are carried out • Interaction

diagrams model important runtime interactions between the parts that make up the system (Felici, 2011).

Figure 7 Sequence diagram.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.8. Collaboration Diagram.

Collaboration is a type of interaction that is frequently used in for-profit, nonprofit, and governmental

organizations to reach a common shared goal, activity, or production (keyton, 2017).

Figure 8 Collaboration diagram of the system.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.9. Activity Diagram

Activity Diagrams describe – how activities are coordinated to provide a service – the events needed to

achieve some operation – how the events in a single use case relate to one another – how a collection of

use cases coordinates to create a workflow for an organization (Felici, 2009).

Figure 9 Activity diagram of the system

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.10. Class Diagram.

A class diagram is a visual representation of class objects in a model system, categorized by class types.

Each class type is represented as a rectangle with three compartments for the class name, attributes, and

operations (Fonseca, 2023)

Figure 10 Class Diagram

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3.11. System Architecture Diagram

This diagram shows the architectural functioning of the system.

Figure 11 System Architecture Diagram

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3.12. Wireframe

3.12.1. Guest UI

Figure 12 Guest UI

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3.12.2. Login UI

Figure 13 Login UI

3.12.3. Create Event UI

Figure 14 Create Event

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3.12.4. Find Events UI

Figure 15 Find event UI.

3.12.5. Create Event Form

Figure 16 event creation form

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3.12.6. Ticket UI

Figure 17 Tickets

3.12.7. Explore events UI

Figure 18 Explore events UI

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3.12.8. Order UI

Figure 19 Order UI

3.12.9. Help center UI

Figure 20 Help center UI

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This section focuses on the progress of the project.

4.1. Progress Analysis Table.

S. N Task Status Progress (%)

1 Topic Selection Completed 100%

2 Feasibility Study Completed 100%

3 Research on similar project. Completed 100%

4 Technical research Partially completed 70%

5 Finalize proposal Completed 100%

6 Conduct Public Survey Completed 100%

7 Design logo Completed 100%

8 Develop use case diagram Completed 100%

9 Develop SRS document Completed 100%

10 Develop Wireframe Completed 100%

11 Develop System architecture diagram Completed 100%

12 Develop Interim report Completed 100%

13 UI Completed 100%

14 Develop a Web app Incomplete 0%

15 Compilation and Testing Incomplete 0%

16 Testing Incomplete 0%

22015633 Aarohan Subedi
CS6P05 Final Year Project

17 Application Deployment Incomplete 0%

18 Review and feedback of application Incomplete 0%

19 Finalize FYP report Incomplete 0%

20 Submission of FYP Incomplete 0%

Figure 21 Progress table.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

4.2. Progress Review

In the first step, a topic was selected, and feasibility study was carried out to make sure that the topic is

viable. To gather the requirements of the project a survey was conducted.

All the tasks were completed, and logbook was signed weekly referring the project progress. Cost

estimation and necessary hardware and software were collected and installed. Following the milestone

chart and Gantt chart all the work divided was completed in time.

The development of Events hub Nepal is on time and will be completed in time.

4.3. Progress Timeline

The work of the project has been carried out on time according to the Gantt chart and milestones diagram

which was submitted in proposal and is also in the appendix section.

4.4. Action Plan

Since all the work is completed on time according to the Milestone and Gantt chart no action plan is needed

but continuous work dedication will make this project a success.


Future work includes the remaining tasks that are required to complete the project. Future work needed to

be done for this project is listed below.

1. Develop an admin panel.

From admin panel, admin can manage events, select venues, and can select the event that need

to be hosted.

2. Develop web application for user.

From the web app the user can explore different events of interest and can book tickets for the


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CS6P05 Final Year Project

3. Prepare Testcases and testing.

Testcases are prepared to check the errors in the system. If an error is found in the system, then

errors are solved by the developers to make system bug free and smooth.

4. Deployment

After running the tests, the web application is finally deployed in the field to end users.

5. FYP report Finalization

Report finalization will be done according to the Gantt chart. All the figurative components will also

be finalized.

6. Review and refinement of webapp

The changes will be made in the report and web app as per the supervisor’s feedback.

7. Submission of FYP to RTE.

The project will be submitted to the RTE department within the given deadline. This project includes

the report and all the database and working mechanism of the webapp.


In summary, Events Hub Nepal is composed to address the present drawback in the event discovery and

management by giving a user-friendly platform. The in-depth planning shown in the figurative work like

Gantt chart, Work breakdown structure and Milestone chart make sure of the efficient and systemic process

to successfully develop final year project.

This app’s aim is to make event planning easy, safe, and enjoyable. The application connects diverse

Nepali culture and tradition with the people directly through the web. We ensure the best experience for our

users to find and get engaged in the events they like by giving them recommendations and suggestion

based on their choosing’s.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi
CS6P05 Final Year Project


Asqorg, 2016. asqorg. [Online]

Available at:



Aswin, C., 2013. DOCPLAYER. [Online]

Available at:


duke, R., n.d. wbs. [Online]

Available at:

Eventteam, 2020. eventteam. [Online]

Available at:

Felici, M., 2009. [Online]

Available at:

Felici, M., 2011. infed. [Online]

Available at:

Fonseca, L., 2023. venngage. [Online]

Available at:

janse, B., 2020. toolshero. [Online]

Available at:

keyton, j., 2017. researchgate. [Online]

Available at:


22015633 Aarohan Subedi
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khalil pinjari, K. N., 2016. ijcstjournal. [Online]

Available at:

lucidchart, n.d. lucidchart. [Online]

Available at:

M.Mahalaxmi, S., 2016. ijtrd. [Online]

Available at:

22015633 Aarohan Subedi
CS6P05 Final Year Project



1. Introduction

With recent developments and changes in the business environment, data and information must be

effectively captured, managed, and stored to keep up and compete in the events industry. Therefore,

simpler, and more cost-effective information processing methods are needed.

2. Purpose

This System Requirements Specification (SRS) is intended to provide readers and users with information

about the system and its features and specifications. RS describes data, software functional requirements,

and operational requirements. This software is designed for managing events within a party. This allows

users to get her 4,444 requests such as party events. According to Ures' requirements, she estimates how

much the entire event will cost. The main purpose of this is to provide event-related services to users at

highly optimized costs.

3. Product Perspective

This software is a new standalone product, meaning it is not part of another program. This is intended for

administrators and other affected users. This product imports data from a My SQL database and uses PHP

for its integrated development environment. In addition to developers, only employees and

managers/supervisors can access this information. All shapes used in the product follow a clear and logical

structure. Minimize errors by using drop-down buttons and command buttons and avoiding excessive use

of text input. Managing data includes searching, adding, modifying, and deleting.

4. Database: A system for easily organizing, storing, and retrieving large amounts of data.

Information Store.

5.Event: Social gathering or activity.

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6.Operating System: Hard Drive An essential computer program that manages files, runs applications, and

manages devices such as the mouse and printers.

7.Product Features: This program is designed to help event managers, event organizers, companies, and

other users better manage participant data.

It performs the following functions:

1 Protect your company's database by requiring a properly registered username and password.

2 Facilitates the step-by-step process of entering, organizing, retrieving, modifying, and deleting data from

a database without having to enter the database itself.

3 Easily add new customer information.

4 Give users the option to update their information.

5 Delete existing customer information.

6 Presents a list of subscriber codes representing existing customers.

7 Organize and display customer information in an easy-to-understand manner.

8.System Features: The system operates in a graphical environment, and users interact with programs by

clicking buttons and making selections from menus.

However, for the subscriber's specific information (name, address, contact number, etc).

, users must enter the data directly.

Any personal computer with the Windows operating system is fully functional.

9. External User Interface Requirements:

10.User Interface: The software user interface provides options for relatively simple data entry.

handles properly labeled text fields.

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CS6P05 Final Year Project

It also features a user-friendly view of the entire system where command buttons are functionally labeled,

making execution of action-driven processes simple and straightforward.

All of this makes it relatively easy for the target audience to use this software.

Hardware Requirements: To run the system, the minimum hardware requirements for this system are:

CPU 2.

0 GHz or CPU (Laptop) Core 2 CPU (Desktop) RAM 2 GB RAM HDD Minimum 60 GB 7200 RPM6 GB or

at least 10% free space (whichever is greater) Depending on your hardware requires a suitable firewall to

protect the data in the system Software Requirements:

1. Language Nodejs are responsive.

2.My SQL database.

Security Requirements: Various information is entered into the database, including information about

various caterers, suppliers, and participants.

Mismanagement of information can lead to participant dissatisfaction, and ultimately, incorrect information

provision alone can lead to lost profits.

Organizers should therefore always check carefully which suppliers are available.

Security Requirements: The host has an appropriate account with a password that allows only the host to

log onto the system.

A password is required to prevent others from accessing your system or database.

If you are an administrator, you should have good knowledge of database maintenance in case of problems

with the system.

The information entered into the database is provided by the participants and suppliers themselves, so

there are very few problems with the information.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

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