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CS6P05 Final Year Project

Module Code & Module Title

CS6P05NI Final Year Project
Assessment Weightage & Type
5% FYP Proposal

2023 Autumn
PROJECT TITLE: Events Hub Nepal
Student Name: Aarohan Subedi.
London Met ID: 22015633
College ID: np01cp4s220149
Internal Supervisor: Mr. Saroj Yadav
External Supervisor: Mr. Budhaman Nepali
Assignment Due Date: 29th November 2023
Assignment Submission Date: 29th November 2023
Word Count (Where Required):

I confirm that I understand my coursework needs to be submitted online via Google Classroom under the
relevant module page before the deadline in order for my assignment to be accepted and marked. I am
fully aware that late submissions will be treated as non-submission and a mark of zero will be awarded.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project


1. Introduction ............................................................................................................. 5
2. Project as solution.................................................................................................. 6
3. Aims and objectives of the projects. .................................................................... 7
4. Expected outcomes and Deliverables. ................................................................. 8
5. Project risk threats and contingency plan............................................................ 8
6. Methodology ........................................................................................................... 9
7. Tech Stack ............................................................................................................. 10
8. Software requirement ........................................................................................... 10
9. Hardware Requirements. ..................................................................................... 10
10. Work Breakdown Structure .............................................................................. 11
11. Milestone Chart ................................................................................................. 12
12. Gantt Chart ......................................................................................................... 14
13. Conclusion ......................................................................................................... 15

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

Figure 1 Rational unified process .................................................................................... 9
Figure 2 Work breakdown structure .............................................................................. 11
Figure 3 Milestone Chart ............................................................................................... 13
Figure 4 Gantt Chart...................................................................................................... 14

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

Table 1 Project risk threat and contingency plan. ............................................................ 9

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

1. Introduction

Events hub Nepal is a web application which is designed to connect user with diverse
range of Nepali culture. It is a platform suitable for every individual whether you are a
passionate art supporter, a music lover or someone wanting the thrill of community
gatherings. The platform allows users to effortlessly scroll through various events, from
traditional festivals to engaging workshops. With the user-friendly interface, Events hub
Nepal ensures that the user is in a loop with real time updates on dates, ticket
information, venues and more.

1. Problem Scenarios

While building the app we can face certain challenges which should be overcome to
make the app a success. Understanding these issues is important for user satisfaction
and apps success.

• Minimal event coverage: Covering all the events could be an initial challenge,
especially the smaller events or specialized meetups. If the event coverage is
minimum, we cannot attract a variety of user base. Confirming a diverse range of
events is crucial to attract a broad user base.
• User Engagement: Consistent user engagement is another challenge. Only
initial download can’t make app a success. Sustaining interest of user after
download is important so app need the feature such as personalized user
recommendations that makes user coming back to use the platform. If the user
doesn’t use the app consistently apps revenue gets affected, and we cannot get
events in the long run.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

• Data Accuracy: Maintaining accurate and up to date event information is a

constant challenge. Events can change details or get canceled, and ensuring real
time updates is crucial to build and retain user trust. If the data is inaccurate and
vague users’ trust will be affected and app usage will degrade.
• Technical Glitches: Every digital platform is prone to technical glitches. Users
may have to face bugs, crashes, or slow loading runs. These glitches degrade
the quality of the platform as well as the performance of the app. Frequent testing
and regular update are necessary to reduce these problems and make sure
smooth users experience.
• Market Challenges: The event discovering platform can be competitive. To set
this app apart from the other similar apps, we need a good strategy in marketing,
unique features like cancellation, refunds, and partnership with the organizers to
offer exclusive content.

All the above-mentioned challenges should be overcome to decrease the risk and threat
during building the project.

2. Project as solution.
As I have mentioned, the problems that can be faced while we build the apps.
Underlisted are the solutions that should be followed to avoid such circumstances.

• Broad event coverage: Event Hub Nepal will overcome the Minimal event
coverage problem by actively cooperating with a variety of event organizers.
By doing so our platform will offer a complete range of events, from broad to
specific, which will provide user a rich and diverse Nepali cultural experience.

• Enhanced user engagement: In order to solve the problem of active user

engagement, the platform will incorporate innovative features like personalized
recommendation which will be key solution.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

• Regular updates: This platform addresses data accuracy by bringing robust

system into use and using CRUD operations. This prevents users from expired
events and inaccurate data, which makes sure the details of events are always
up to date and reliable.
• Technical Excellence: To remove the technical glitches, Testing’s and
continuous updates are done to make sure a flowless and glitch free user
interface which upgrades the user experiences.

• Market Differentiation: Events hub Nepal will differ itself from other similar
platforms by providing unique feature like refund and by exclusively partnering
with organizers to give special offers to the users.

The above-mentioned solutions will play a crucial role in the advancement of the app
and if followed properly the app will surely be a success.

3. Aims and objectives of the projects.

The Following are the aims of the EventsHubNepal App:
• The Major aim of this project is to design a platform which connect user to the
beating heart of Nepali culture by engaging them in the events they prefer.
• To develop an application which will boost the Nepalese culture and revenue.
• To spread diverse Nepali culture and tradition to the outer world.

Underlisted are the Objectives of the Platform.

2. Objectives
• To learn about web developing and its various platforms.
• To learn and implement a DBMS in real world situation using relational
• Learning API programming / PHP.
• Learn about web UI and design.
• To have detailed knowledge of hardware and programming concepts.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

• To manage different aspects of Nepali culture through variety of events.

• To automate the events booking, browsing, and advertising.

4. Expected outcomes and Deliverables.

After completion and deployment, the platform will be able to perform the following

• Search events using the location, keywords i.e. event name.

• Ticketing using Online Payment method. (Khalti)
• Create or host event paying certain fee to the app.
• Easy and efficient login portal.
• To notify about booked ticket and date.
• To show detailed information about the event, its venue and location.
• Cancellation of booked ticket.

5. Project risk threats and contingency plan.

SN Risk Description Probability Impact Contingency Plan

1 Operating System Crash Low High Backup in cloud.

2 Technical Glitches Low High Conduct regular tests.

3 Natural disaster Low High Refunds, event shifts.

4 Internet Speed (Slow) Medium Medium Fast internet connection.

5 Setbacks in Designing and Medium High Detailed research and learning

Implementing UI designing.
6 Limited event coverage Medium High Exclusive offers for organizers on
7 Legal and regulatory Low High Stay updated on regulations and
challenges. rule.
8 Difficulty in code debugging Medium Medium Research and ask for help.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

9 Incompatible Hardware Medium High Platforms compatibility should be

properly ensured.
10 Changing technology Medium Medium Stay updated on new technological
framework. changes and trends.
11 Financial Crisis Medium High Wide ranging revenue model
should be brought into use.
Table 1 Project risk threat and contingency plan.

6. Methodology

The methodology which I have used to create a Gantt chart is RUP (Rational unified
process). RUP is a software development model. It is an iterative model. RUP has
divided the development cycle into four phases.
(Janse, 2020).

Figure 1 Rational unified process

a. Inception: The inception phase determines the structure and basic idea of the
• Project was Finalized.
• Suitable client was finalized.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

• Discussion with supervisors about development deployment and

• Project resources and cost were estimated.
b. Elaboration: All the architectural events such as system architecture, hardware
architecture and software architecture are identified in this phase.
• Resources and costs are reseen and finalized.
• Documentation of proposal is carried out.
• Figurative Plans needed for project are made i.e. Gant chart, flowchart.

c. Construction: Coding and testing works are performed in this stage.

• Development and design ideas will be finalized.
• Various tests like black box and white box testing methods are
• Documenting the project will be done.
• Terms conditions and privacy policies is written.
d. Transition: This phase is the launch phase where the product is finally
completed, released, and delivered to customers.
• Project will be delivered to clients after construction.
• Clients and user feedback is taken.
• Feedback analysis is carried out.
• Necessary updates are done, and documentation is finalized.
• Deployment of application is carried out.

7. Tech Stack
• Frontend: React.js
• Database: My SQL, MongoDB
• Backend: Node.js

8. Software requirement
• Visual Studio.
• MS Word.
• Balsamic Wireframe.

9. Hardware Requirements.
• Laptop with windows 10 or 11.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

10. Work Breakdown Structure

Breaking work into smaller tasks is a common productivity technique used to

make the work more manageable and approachable. For projects, the Work
Breakdown Structure (WBS) is the tool that utilizes this technique and is one of
the most important project management documents. It singlehandedly integrates
scope, cost and schedule baselines ensuring that project plans are in alignment
(RogerDuke, 2023).

Figure 2 Work breakdown structure

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

11. Milestone Chart

A milestone chart is a visual representation of the most important tasks your team
needs to complete throughout a project, Essentially, milestones allow you to look at
what your team must work toward or has already done (Asana, n.d.).

This is a 7-month long project. In these seven months every aspect of the application
will be covered. The milestone chart presented below will give the proper idea of the
project’s start time and different tasks that will be done on different days and months. As
per the milestone chart, work should be completed to match the deadline of the project.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

Figure 3 Milestone Chart

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

12. Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart is a commonly used graphical depiction of a project schedule. It's a type
of bar chart showing the start and finish dates of a project's elements such as
resources, planning, and dependencies (GRANT, 2022).

Figure 4 Gantt Chart

Gantt shows the work division with interaction to time. The Gantt chart Is done with
reference to RUP methodology model with four phases and their sub tasks as shown in
the above figure above.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

CS6P05 Final Year Project

13. Conclusion

In summary, Events Hub Nepal is composed to address the present drawback in the
event discovery and management by giving a user-friendly platform. The in-depth
planning shown in the figurative work like Gantt chart, Work breakdown structure and
Milestone chart make sure of the efficient and systemic process to successfully develop
final year project.

This app’s aim is to make event planning easy, safe, and enjoyable. The application
connects diverse Nepali culture and tradition with the people directly through the web.
We ensure the best experience for our users to find and get engaged in the events they
like by giving them recommendations and suggestion based on their choosing’s.

22015633 Aarohan Subedi

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