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QQQ 2022







This semester, one of the subjects I study is Dabt, Rasm, and Fawasil. We discover a
variety of facts regarding the Quran in this course. It will be simpler for Muslims to read the
Quran because of the way it was written and will ultimately be a Mushaf for all Muslims. We
all need to understand this subject because it is one of the requirements for graduation from
college. Additionally, we must comprehend the process used to create the Quran from a
collection of fragments of paper into a single Mushaf. They choose to become Mushaf from
scraps of paper because they consider how people will be in the future. Because there were so
many "Huffaz" syahid in the Al Yamamah conflict, they made the Quran into one mushaf
during the time of Uthman Bin Affan. In that war, some 70 "Huffaz" perished. As a result, the
Quran must be protected so that it can continue to be read by Muslims from one year into the
future because everything it contains will benefit us both now and in the hereafter. Therefore,
the Quran can serve as everyone's primary source of guidance going forward.

We, the third-year Qiraat programme students, left USIM last week on Wednesday
along with our lecturer, Dr. Hayati binti Hussin. We left at 9:30 am and arrived at our
destination after 30 minutes of travel. We are greeted by Pusat Dakwah Islamiyah Paroi with
the utmost courtesy. Seven vehicles were used to get there. This demonstrates our efforts to
learn more about the disposable of the Quran, our spiritual guidance. There, we pick up new
knowledge that we had never acquired before. We were taught how to interpret all portions of
the Quran in a respectful manner. We cannot burn it or otherwise dispose it because the Qur'an
is holy and magnificent and has its own specialties. As a result, we must properly dispose
everything following the instructions they gave us. It is best to contact Jabatan Agama Islam
Negeri and inquire about the Quran's disposal if you don't know anything about it. The Quran
is best burned in such manner. We were quite fortunate to learn something new throughout
our vacation there. Al-Quran was disposed using two furnace machines. We were given the
opportunity to dispose the Quran on our own. Technically, almost all of us have tried it.
Happiness can be felt once the job is finished, however when we were on duty, we encountered
a really ferocious fire during the job.

We attend in order to learn new facts that we can apply to this subject. Although there
are no questions on this in the final test, it is important for Muslims to understand how to
properly dispose the Quran because it serves as a guidance for all Muslims worldwide and

helps them avoid being falsely accused of doing so. The Quran's holiness must be protected,
and the proper disposal procedures must be followed. People today lack the desire to learn
this kind of information. What would happen if we didn't learn how to dispose of the Al-
Quran? Who will carry it out in the future? Thus, this education is necessary.


The objectives are:

1. To instruct students how to handle programmes systematically.

2. To increase the student's knowledge of Quran disposal.

3. To build relationships between students, instructors, and Paroi's Pusat Dakwah

Islamiyah secretariat.

4. To be aware of the proper dress code as well as the safety precautions that must be
taken when disposing the Quran.

5. Acquire knowledge on how to properly and carefully dispose the Quran with a safety

6. To develop strong ties between Pusat Dakwah Islamiyah, Paroi and Universiti Sains
Islam Malaysia.

7. To share and give the ummah better ideas regarding how to dispose the Quran


When we create paperwork for a programme, we can determine whether it is large or

small-scale. We learned how to make proper paperwork there. From now on, we must
continue and gain this type of knowledge because we are university students, not school
students who rely on others to do something. We can no longer rely on others to do it for us.
We did everything ourselves. It could be our additional handling skills programme. If we have
previous experience managing programmes, it will be easier for us because we will not be as
nervous and will know what to do if we are given a project to manage. This is due to our prior
experiences. This is because we already have university experience. So, don't be afraid to use
any programme. Our members will come and assist in the completion of the programme that
we manage. The pointer is now just a number. Many businesses prefer workers with prior
experience. If this is our first programme, we will be guided by a specific lecturer. To proceed
with any programme, we must first ask our lecturer if there is any need for confirmation from
the lecturers. As a result, learning to manage a programme is critical for us as university
students. We will undoubtedly require some advice from the lecturer in order for this
programme to run smoothly.

When we arrived, they gave us a talk and advice before we did anything practical.
They explain the procedure and the steps to properly dispose of it. Actually, there are two
ways to dispose of the Quran. First, use a machine called 'Relau,' and the cinders will
automatically become water, and the water will be transported to the drain. Second, we
manually dispose of it in a drum or barrel. Then we must fist all of the cinders together into a
small ball. Fist all of the cinders with some water that has been mixed. The cinder fist must
then throw it into the ocean or sea. We cannot throw as we throw garbage because the Quran
has its own phoenix and marvel. We, on the other hand, use a furnace machine. As a result,
all procedures are critical and must be followed by all students.

Prior to this, we had no idea how to dispose the Quran in the proper manner. We only
know that we cannot dispose it in the same way that we dispose of garbage because the Quran
is special to Muslims. As a result of the programme, we have gained new knowledge as well
as the steps for disposing of the Quran. We must dispose of Al-Quran using a furnace machine.

This is the final step after removing the book or Quran, separating the cover and paper, and
separating the copies.

We also notice that this type of work is actually challenging and difficult. It's not as
simple as we see on television or in social media. When we arrived, we noticed that our faces
were burned. It will take a long time and waiting for the paper to turn to cinders to ensure that
all pieces of paper burn. On that machine, we were given gloves and had to wash our hands.

The benefits of maintaining the purity of the Quran are that we will be rewarded in the
hereafter for maintaining the holiness of the Quran. We read it politely every day and try to
comprehend all of the meanings in the Quran. Ablutions or prayers are also required if we
want to touch it. We cannot stride or even step on the Mushaf of Al-Quran unless it is placed
in high places. We also know that we cannot rip the Quran into pieces. Al-Quran was
simplified for all people to use as a reference throughout their lives. We cannot bring the Al-
Quran into the toilet or any other inappropriate location, such as bar. Al-Quran cannot be read
in the same way that we read a book. The Quran is unique and unlike any other book.

The benefits of disposing of the Quran include the ability to preserve and protect the
holiness of the Quran. Whichever Quran we no longer use, it will not be abandoned anywhere
because we have one society that disposes the Quran. The Quran will not be eaten by
termites, and because we already have a society in which they will dispose the Quran, which
Quran will no longer be used, they can send all of them here. There will be no more scattered
Quranic fragments. So, we also take care of the Quran's purity here. We must adhere to all of
the steps and procedures.


No matter how much time has passed, we must remember that the holy Quran, which
was revealed to our beloved prophet Muhammad p.b.u.p. many years ago, is still used by
Muslims as a guide for daily life today, which is a miracle. Until the end of time, we should
keep this Kitabullah. Even if there are many older Qurans, we are aware of how to properly
dispose them and which organisations we should contact. So it is up to us to protect and
uphold the Quran's majesty. For the good preservation of Kitabullah, may Allah bless us with


The entire Qiraat students, including Dr. Hayati Binti Hussin, the instructor, and every
employee at Pusat Dakwah Islamiah, Paroi.

Instructing students on how to properly dispose the Quran

The steps involved in disposing the Quran

Paper and cover separation

Splitting up copies

Quran is disposed of using a furnace machine

The outcome after disposal

Closing ceremony


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