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DELHI PUBLIC SCHOOL DEHRADUN HOLIDAY HOMEWORK - SESSION 2024.25 CLASS: XI ENGLISH TAs per CBSE guidelines each student of class XI has to make a project in integration with the topic's ofthe prescribed sslabus. The Project Work should display systematic follow up ofall given instructions. To attain good marks, the student must focus on the best of creativity, sequence, correctness and authenticity. 5 Project File and Compacia Workbook will be collected on re-opening of the school uapssvontube/ASrE TRsSi_k2si-=ShicKBOadt Gmec 5 Cover Page ‘The file should have a cover page mentioning the School's Name, Schod!'s Logo, Title (Gnalish Projet), Session, Submited By: ) Submaited to: ( ) ‘Internal Content 2nd page: Theme 3% page. Cerufcate 4 page: Acknowledgement Tntrociction of the topic Explanation Accollage ofthe pictures related t the project Graph or diagram ifany Your opinion observation Why des the topic sspite you? Message Bibliography 5 Concluding page Topics: ite an rice on ne of the topics given in 1000 words. This ca inctude graph, diagram and vi ‘Select an one of the topes given below. 1. MIGRATION Anclude: 4 Caanging Patorn of Migration © Plight of Migrants (Even talk ofthe pig of he migrants darig the pandemic) (© lifo-graphie description (Number's,rearon, condition ete) Take meidens fram (Lact Spring) talk ofthe callausnees of octery ane the politica class towards the su iid DN ECONOMICS, ings of the poor MIGRAT F © Inportance of Language © Meaning of Lmguistic Chawvinism (© Find examples ox story whers conquered people ha their language taken vay from them or resuldoutcome ‘© Probloms faced by lng (© How can they beep their language alte? Longusete human right © Linguistic Chaxnnism examples from English tterctwre id a language imposed of thom —What was the NATIONAL LANGUAGE W/ = 3. GLOBAL WARMING AND ITS DANGERS. Tnctucde Eimanmennaltzeues ane the complications in nature caused by human activities Genetvana and ts Info-graphic deserpion (Number's, reason, condition etc) Latest conditions at Antartica. Cauces..fter effects ‘Nood ofthe faire policy. makers 10 susiain Ife withthe rising tomperatires “How car youth desieate some par af thir Ines oe conserving i, (Take ideas rom the JOURNEY TO THE END OF THE EARTH a) Complete the | pazeage carefully ad answer al the cussions that follow each passage to the bast of your abil 4) Arent sp questions ofeach ofthe following in yow Compacta Workbook: (As per th guidelines provided during the classes) Brsuve you read each ‘© The work should be original and experimented. Any kind of plagiarism is not accepted, © Any further queries, kindly contact the respective subject teacher. (CHEMISTRY Snasents ace advised to do the Investzatony project as civen to you in cass as per your oll numher For reference, list of investizatony projects is mentioned below also Study ofthe presence of oxalate dons in guava fit ot different stages of ripening. Study of quantity of casein present in different samples of milk ‘Preparation of soybean milk and its comparison with the natural milk with respect to curd formation, effect of temperature, ec Study ofthe effect of Porassium Bisulphate as food preservative under various conditions (temperanure, concentration, time, et) Study of digestion of starch by salivary amylase and effect of pH and temperature on it Comparstive srudy of the rate of fermentation of following materials: wheat flour, gram flow, potato juice, carrot ice, eta. ‘Extraction of essential oils present in Saunf (aniseed), Ajwain (carum), Mlaichi (cardamom). Study of common food adulterants i ft, il, buter, suze, turmeric power. chili powder and pepper PHYSICS CLASS 127 HOLIDAY HOMEWORK ROLL TNVESTIGATORY PROJECTS NUMBER wo “To study various factors on which the intemal resistancelEMP of cell depends, ‘To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power ofthe incandescent lamp, used to ‘luminate’ the LDR (keeping all the lamps at flved distance), (®) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR. ‘To find the retractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable objact noodle, To investigate the relation between the ratio of () output and input voltage and (i) number of tums in the secondary coll and primary coll ofa setf-designed transformer. To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using @ hollow prism filed one by one, \with different transparent fui. ‘To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's law, To study the factor on which the seltinductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coil, when put in senes with a resistor(bulb) in @ circut fed up by an AC. source of adjustable frequency. ‘To study the earth's magnetic ald using a compass neodle -bar magnet by plotting magnetic field lines and tangant galvanometer To study various factors on which the internal resistanca/EMF of a cell depends, ‘To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, usad to ‘iluminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at 2 fixed distance) (6) the distance of incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR. ‘To find the retractive indicas of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object neodia ROLE NUMBER, TNVESTIGATORY PROIECTS 4 5 16 7 8 “To study various factors on wihich the intemal resistancelEMP of a cell Gepends, To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LOR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to iluminate’' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance). (b) the distance of @ incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘illuminate the LDR. ‘To find the retractive indicas of (@) water (b) oil (transparent) Using a plane mirror. an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle, To investigate the relation between the ratio of () output and input voltage and (i) number of tums in the secondary coil and primary call ofa self-designed transformer. ‘To investigate the dependence of the angle of tleviation on the angle of incidence using @ hollow prism filed one by one \witn different transparent fui. ‘To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical plane: by making use of Coulomb's law. ‘To study the factor on which the seltinductance of a coil depends by observing the effect of this coll, wher putin series \with @ resistor(bulb) in &circult fed up by an AC. source of adjustable frequency. ‘To study the earth's magnetic ald using a compass nebdle -bar magnet by plotting magnetic isi lines and tangent galvanometer 1» To study various factors on which the internal resistanceiEMF of a cell depends. ‘To study the variations in current flowing in-a circuit containing an LDR becauise of a variation in (2) the power ofthe incandescent lamp, used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR (keoping all the lamps at e fixed distance), (0) the distance ofa incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘iluminate* the LDR ‘To find the retfactive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane micro, fan equiconvex lens (made from glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object neadle ROLL ‘NUMBER, INVESTIGATORY PROIECTS 31 B "To study vanious factors on which the infernal resistancolEMF of a coll doponds. ‘To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to‘iluminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance). (b) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fxed power) used to illuminate’ the LDR. ‘To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) ol (transparent) using a plane mitror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle, ‘To investigate the relation between the ratio of () output and input voltage and (i) number of tums in the secondary coil and primary col of a salt designed transformer ‘To investigate the dependence of the angle of deviation on the angle of incidence using @ hollow prism filed one by one, \with diferent transparent fluids To estimate the charge induced on each ane of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspendad in a vertical plane by ‘making use of Coulomb's law ‘To study the factor on which the self inductance of a coil depends by observing the effect ofthis coil, when put in series with @ rasistori(oulb) ina circutt fed up by an A.C. source of adjustable frequency To study the earth's magnetic fleld using a compass needle -bar magnet by plotting magnetic field lines and tangent galvanometer. To study various factors on which the internal resistance/EMF of a cell depends. To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used fo'iluminate’ the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance} (©) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘iluminate’ the LOR. ‘To find the retractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using & plane mito, ‘an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle ROLL NUMBER, INVESTIGATORY PROJECTS “To study various factors on which the intemal resistancelEMP of cell depends, a To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR (keeping eil the amps at a fixed distance), (0) the distance of a incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR. 6 To find the refractive indices of (a) water (b) oil (transparent) using a plane mirror, an equiconvex lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle. ay To investigate the relation between the ratio of (i) output and input voltage and (ii) number of tums in the secondary coil and primary col ofa sei-designed transformer 3% To investigate te dependence ofthe angle of deviation on the angle o incidence using @ hoiow prism fled one by one, vith diferent transparent fluids = ‘To estimate the charge induced on each one of the two identical Styrofoam (or pith) balls suspended in a vertical plane by making use of Coulomb's law 40 To study the factor on which the seltinductance ofa coil depends by observing the eflect of hrs cll when putin series with @ resistor/(bulb) in a circuit fed up by an A.C. source of adjustable frequency. 4 To study the earth's magnetic field using a compass neadle -bar magnet by plotting magnetic field lines and tangent galvanometer 2 To study varus factors on which the intemal resistanes/EME of @ cal depends 8 To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to ‘illuminate’ the LDR (keeping all the lamps at a fixed distance). (0) the distance ofa incandescent lamp (of fad power) sed to ‘ilu’ 4a the LOR ‘To ind the roractwe incicas of (a) water (b) ol (ransparent) using a plane miro an equiconves lens (made from a glass of known refractive index) and an adjustable object needle ROLE TNVESTIGATORY PROTECTS SUMBER 5 To sty various Yaclors on which the internal reswtance/EMF ofa cel depends 46 ‘To study the variations in current flowing in a circuit containing an LDR because of a variation in (a) the power of the incandescent lamp, used to‘iluminate' the LDR (keeping all the lamps et a fixed distance). (0) the distance ofa incandescent lamp (of fixed power) used to ‘illuminate the LOR. BIOLOGY ‘To prepare a project file on atopic of your choice fiom the syllabus (strictly approved by the subject Teacher). Moreover, follovnng points to be followed while preparing a file 1. File cover should be had like a practical file properly covered and labeled. 1) The file pages should be inteleat inthe ange of 15.25 in umber 3 Conteat should be solid and explarable 4 Teshould contain selated colorful and knowledge granting diagrams pictures, according tothe content displayed on pages. 5 Focus should be on complete knowledge of the tops taken 6 should be handvsten and not typed 1 Inde page to be included but without column of Teacher Signature & The projec file should end wih Conclusion and Bibhography without which the project willbe considefe incomplete 9 Ieshould contain a printed certificate page and acknowledgement page ( provided by the teacher as a unique format) PSYCHOLOGY Make psychology practical files a instructed in the cass PAINTING General instructions: ‘Students are required to make paintings on the topics given below ‘Half size cartridge paper should be used and 1 inch border can be made on each painting The paintings should be of good quality as they will be cousred forthe final submission Biack colour should not be used 10 pant natural objects lke Bruits, vegetables, tees, flowers ete Some images are given for your reference. Students can refer to other images as well or choose the objects of tir choice 1, Make two still Life/object drawings (one coloured and one in pencil shading) consist of minimum thee objects. Special attention should be given fo the proper effect of ight and shade, Some images ae given below fos your reference, 3. Dravand colour Hower It should be comprised of a lesst one lowver one bad, stems and some leaves. Special atention should be given to the sofiness and details ofthe flower Choose ny one of the following fowers- Flowers + Datfoait + Sunflower + Rose + Pena + Ins + Lily PHYSICAL EDUCATION Lndividual games 2. Yors. 3. Khelo India Stress test ‘Note? Project Practical should be according to CBSE Norms MATHEMATICS ACTIVIT 1. To find analyically the Ti and aso 10 st ofa fonction f(x) atx eck the comtinuty ofthe fine arthat po ‘Consider the funtion t 2. Teds the graph of + using the eraph of sia x and demonstrate the concept of suroe 1 (sbout the FOR ANY HELP KINDLY CLICK ON THE BELOW MENTION WEBSITE dhnpe/voury beUNie OLinBer (Ch—1 Relations and functions Case Study QL. A general election of Lok Sabha ts a gigantic exercise About 911 milion people were eligible wo vote and voter tumout was about 67%, the highest ever ‘ONE — NATION ONE - ELECTION FESTIVAL OF DEMOCRACY GeNeRALeLecTION- | MTVANI 2019 bates LetI berthe set ofall citizens af India who were eligible to exercise their voting right in general election held in 2019 A relation “Ris defined on Tas follows R= ((V1, V2) © V1, ¥2 & Fand both use their voting right in general election ~ 2019} J Broneighbors X and VE IX exercisad his voring ight while ¥ did not cast er vote in general election - 2019 Which ofthe following ay ve © ARR oR TL Me and his wife “Wboth exercised their voting right in general election 2019, Which ofthe following is tue? a both (%.W) and (WX) ER b CW) S RECOVER bath (KW) and (WX) €R 4 WX) = Rom XW) FR3 IL Tage fiends F1,F2 snd F3 exercised ther voting sight in general eleetion-2019, then which of the following is true? a FLF2) SR @2LF3) S Rand FLEH) ER b.G1F2) ]R FIED = Rand FLED) ER ¢ FLF2) = F2F2) SR but F2F3)4R 4 FIFD) ER, 23) Rand ELF) ER ‘The above defined relanion Ris 2. Symmetric and wansitive but not aflacive '. Universal relation ¢- Equivalence relation 4. Reflexive but not symmeuic and transitive Vi Mr Shyam exercised his voting right in General Election 2019, then Me. Shyam is selated to which ofthe following? 2 All those alisible voters who cast ther votes 'b Family members of Mr Shyem © Alliuzens of India 4. ligible voters of India QD LatAm (12.3) nd R= (a Bea, BEA and |e |S5 Wine Rassstof ordered pace Meson whether is 1 reflecive 1 symmetic Stine Give reason in each cate QB. LetA= (1.2.3, 9) andR be the relation in Ax A defined by @ OR (€ 4) fat ‘equivalence relation and also obtain the equivalence class (2.5)} + efor. 0). d) mA x A ProvethatR isan QE. Stow tte into R= 5) R- (1) even 7G) = season Ch-8 Matin AEA oe ae cay 0] eat ey mc of wae shomatd 4 a = (1 = Acorn = sina stn cova] Kea = [102021203] .provedata “6a? +7A+2=0. Express the matic 5 = [2 —2 —4 — 1341 — 2 ~ 3] asthe sumofasmmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix Case Stude Q4. Three schoofs DPS, CVC and KVS decided to organize a fie for collecting monay for helping the food victims. They sold handmade fans, mans and plates from reeycled material ta cost af Rs. 25, Rs 100 and Rs, $0 each respectively. The numbers of articles sold are given as A School ile ‘PS we WE co a w w 1 Whatis the total money (in Rupees) collected by the school DPS? 2 700 b. 7.000 6125 a. 1875 TL Wharis the total amount of money (in Rs) collected by schools CVC and KVS? ‘a 15,000 v. 15,725 2. 21,000 613.125 TI What isthe total amount of money collected by all three schools DPS, CVC and KVS? TV. Ifthe mumber of handmade fans and plates are interchanged forall the schools, then what is the total money collected by all schools? a Rs 18,000 b Bs.6750 © Ra 5,000 @ Re 2125 ‘V.__Hlow many articles (ia total) are sold by thee schools? a 230 b 130 #30 4. 30 Ch~4 Determinants QL Wa = fp — 41 — 12 — 11 ~ 12) versstharA?-6A7+9A-41=0 and hence find A Q2. Using matric method, solve the system of equations: letys 3 3y-52=9 Case Study Qt. Manjit wants to donate a rectangular plot of land fora school i his village, When he was asked to give dimensions ofthe pt, he told that fits length is deceased by 50 m an breadth ie icreased by SOm, then ts aea wl emain same, bu if length is decreased by 10m and breadth is decreased ‘by 20m, hem is area will decease by $300 ‘Based on the information siven abore, enser the following questions 1 The equations im terms of X and ¥ are TL The value of x (lenuth of rectangular fel) is 3 150m b. 400m, 200m 320m IL Thevalue of y (breadth of cectangular field) is a. 150, b, 200m © 430m 4 350m TV) How much isthe area of rectangular field? ‘60000 Sqm 30000 Sq-m 30000 m 3000 ms pee (COMPUTER SCIENCE Gusdelines for making Practical file (© Code and output must be givea facing cach other © Code of each program must be handwritten on aakt page (© Ouiper will be pasted as 2 screen shot on let page 16 File to be nsed as isterienf ro lined with hard cover ‘© Programs selected for file must be of standatd upto class XII ‘Topics to be covered for programming in file ©) program fom ifstatement ‘© prosram from forloep. 1 program ffom for loop 1 program from lst 1 program from dictionary “4 programs from fonctions demonstrating each aqmument pe 1 program returning multiple values BUSINESS STUDIES “Make a project on the following topics as per vour roll anmbers 1. Elements of Business Environment and thet effects on diferent businesses Principles of Management and their use in Business, Stock Exchange “Markedng (Clhoose a product showing the marketing stategics) ENTREPRENEURSHIP 1 Markesing of product (Choose say one product and its marketing satezies) 2 Business Plan ‘HISTORY Frame MCQ anal Shore Questions ( minimum 15) fiom each chapter which a= taught ‘Note-you ean write or pasts the printed copy ‘Tey-to frame unique and board based MCQ Questions ECONOMICS Cover page- Displaying the ropie with school logo. Acknowledgement ~ Thanking the people or insuttion that has helped you in completion of your project. (Format is attached below) Certificate- Mentioning your name and the name of teacher uader whose supervision you beve completed your work. (Format is atacied below) Index: Grvine the ls of contents with page numbers, Introduction- Giving the purpose and importance of a study Chapters- Give a ttle to each chapter along with detail, pictures ind newspaper cuttings. Conclusion What do you learn from your study? Bibliography- Showing the sources fiom where you have gathered informarion. Present the following in your projet report + Data/Statisical Analysis Map wor + Analysis/Explanation and snterpretation, + Bibliography 9. The students must submit original work, 10, Project Report should be hand written only 11, Eeo-iiendly materials can be used by students SSnudents can use primary as well as secondary sowces for the research work, > A detailed project to be done on anv one topic out ofthe following (Topic willbe allotted by the subject teacher): ‘Pre-Independence and Post Independence Era of Indian Economy, Liberalisation, Privatisation and Globalisation. ‘Human Capital Formation & Employment: Growth, Iaformalisation and other issues Comparative Development Experience of India and its Neighbours ‘Money and Basking Government Budget & its Components Balance of Paymicnt and Foreign Exchange ‘Nasional Income and Related Aeregates ‘Determination of Income and Employaent ‘The project should have munimum 35-40 pages, should be hand written (except certificates) and should have relevant diagrams, pictures and graphs wwherever sequited. The project fle should be hard bound and should be covered by brown sheet with cellophane on top. [fevtractions for project! [The Certificate and Acknowiedgement Gran povided, must be sed up Suicly i piojen Glee made [or vanes bjeds mrelaion To joard Practical Exams ‘ollowing information to be updated by each stadent before taking the printouts, In certificate IT Ada the ttle af project b. Aaa your name B Update your class H. Update ‘histher' according o your gender at two places given Add your subject atthe given space > Revision ofall the topics which have been covered so far along with notes completion of all chapters, SOCIOLOGY 1 Project for CASE based on survey work{topics already discussed and given in class) 2 Make one question banle of last Syrs question paper from CBSE board exem and highlights the quastions in different calor, for example, segular ‘coming questions shonld highligh from red marker and shen alternatively coming questions from blue and very often from green POLITICAL SCIENCE Project Work: 4 Soviet System: Pros and Cons, Collapse, Shock Therapy- causes and consequences RollNo. 110 4) 2- Emergence of New altemative centre of Powers- Japan, South Korea, Irs Roll No. 5108) India and Russie 4. United Nations Organization (towards global peace and development) - Evolution, Compasition and Jurisdiction. Agencies af UN- ILO, UNESCO UNICEF Roll Ne. 910.12) +4 South Asis- A region of Conflict prone zone- Peace & Cooperation and Tensions & Conflict Roll No. 1319 16) 5. Glokalization- Causes and consectioncas, India and Resistance to Globalisation, Roll No, 171019) 6- Environment and Natural Resources- Rio Summut, Kyoto Protecal, Pratetion of Global Commons India's stand on environment issues Roll No. 201923) 7- Planning Commission to Nisi Ayog- Towards a new wsta of Rising India oll No. 24-26) 5: Indian Politce “New trends and broader democratization (Rell No. 27-29) 10- Alltance system & Party Politics in India-A road to real democracy (Rell Ne. 30-32) 11- Challenges of Nation building -Then and Now (Roll No. 33-35) 12. Democratic Resurgence in India -A rond to global leader (Rell No. 3& 37) ACCOUNTANCY Panject Work One specitie project based on firaneial statement analysis of a company covering any two aspects ffom the following: 1 Comparative and common size financial statements 2. Accounting Ratios 3. Cash Flow Staeriems

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