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Steam System


Applications of Steam

• Heating/Sterilization
• Propulsion/Drive 1
• Motive 4
• Atomization
• Cleaning
• Moisturization
• Humidification


Why Steam ?
Heat Transfer Fluids : Water, steam, air, heat-transfer oil, molten-salt, liquid metal, Glycol based fluids, etc.
Why Steam ?
Heating with Hot Water or Oil Heating with Steam

 Utilizes the sensible heat  Utilizes the latent heat

 Temperature changes  Temperature constant
 Energy released (typically around 17  Energy released (up to 539 kcal/kg,
kcal/kg, or 30 Btu/lb). or 970 Btu/lb).

If left to natural convection, heat transfer is Through condensation, steam naturally flows
extremely slow. Thus, a pump is typically used to against the heat transfer surface. This helps
create flow against the heat transfer surface to speed the heating process.
increase the rate of heat transfer.
Properties of Steam
The critical point occurs at 374.15°C and 221.2 bar (a) for steam.

Unsaturated Steam (Wet)

Saturated Steam (Dry)

Superheated Steam
Flash Steam

Dry Saturated Steam vs. Wet Steam

1 kcal/kg = 4.184 kJ/kg

1 kJ/kg = 0.239 kcal/kg

For a boiler is operating at a pressure of 270.26

kPa, steam saturation temperature is1300 C,and
steam enthalpy or total heat of dry saturated
steam is given by:
hf hg hfg=hf-hg
Dry Saturated steam, hg =hf +hfg= 546.39
+2173.70 = 2720.09 kJ/kg.

If the same steam contains 4% moisture, the total

heat of steam is given by:

Wet Steam, htotal =hf +xhfg= 546.39 +0.96

×2173.70 = 2633.142 kJ/kg.
How to maintain dryness of Steam

Separators should be considered before any piece

of steam using equipment ensuring that dry steam is
Saturated Dry Steam vs. Superheated Steam

Disadvantages: The risk of damage from erosion or

carbonic acid corrosion
Steam Distribution System
The working pressure of steam distribution system

The distribution pressure of steam is influenced by a number of factors, but is limited by:

• The maximum safe working pressure of the boiler.

• The minimum pressure required at the plant.

As steam passes through the distribution pipework, it will inevitably lose pressure due to:

• Frictional resistance within the pipework.

• Condensation within the pipework as heat is transferred to the environment.

Therefore allowance should be made for this pressure loss when deciding upon the initial
distribution pressure.

A kilogram of steam at a higher pressure occupies less volume than at a lower pressure. It
follows that, if steam is generated in the boiler at a high pressure and also distributed at a high
pressure, the size of the distribution mains will be smaller than that for a low-pressure system for
the same heat load.
High pressure vs. Low pressure steam

Generating and distributing steam at higher pressure offers three important advantages:

• The thermal storage capacity of the boiler is increased, helping it to cope more
efficiently with fluctuating loads, minimizing the risk of producing wet and dirty steam.

• Smaller bore steam mains are required, resulting in lower capital cost, for materials such
as pipes, flanges, supports and labor.

• Smaller bore steam mains cost less to insulate.

Utilizing Steam at the Lowest Acceptable Pressure for the Process

As a guide, the steam should always be generated and distributed at the

highest possible pressure, but utilized at a low pressure as possible since it has
higher latent heat.
In a crude distillation unit of a refinery, 50 MT/hr of crude is heated using saturated steam in a heat exchanger
from 35°C to 85°C. Plant is operating for 8000 hrs/annum. Consider specific heat of the crude as 0.631 kCal/kg°C.
The plant has two steam headers operating at 3 bar and 8 bar respectively, passing nearby the heat exchanger.
Cost of steam is same for both 3 bar and 8 bar @ BDT.4.50/kg.

As an Energy Manager, which of the following options will you recommend to the unit based on the annual cost of
a) Utilising 3 bar steam
b) Utilising 8 bar steam
Factors for good design of steam distribution system

• Proper layout design & pipe sizing of mains

• Piping always pitched in the direction of flow

• Use of eccentric reducers to eliminate creation of condensate collection

points (low spots) in piping

• Use of separators to eliminate wet steam

• Proper drip trap stations in all required locations

• Use of air vents at all end-of-main locations

• Make steam main branch take-offs from top of pipe

• Use of pressure reducing valves as needed or desired (Pressure reducing &


• Put strainers before control valves, traps and pumps

• Steam pipe insulation

Steam Pipe Sizing
Oversized pipework means: Undersized pipework means:
Pipes, valves, fittings, etc. will be more expensive A lower pressure might be available at the
than necessary. point of use, which may hinder equipment
Higher installation costs will be incurred, including
support work, insulation, etc. There is a risk of steam starvation due to an
excessive pressure drop.
For steam pipes a greater volume of condensate will
be formed due to the greater heat loss. This, in turn, There is a greater risk of erosion, waterhammer
means that either: and noise due to the inherent increase in steam
- More steam trapping is required, or velocity.
- Wet steam is delivered to the point of use.

In a particular example:

The cost of installing 80 mm steam pipework was found to be 44% higher than the cost of 50 mm pipework, which would have had
adequate capacity.
The heat lost by the insulated pipework was some 21% higher from the 80 mm pipeline than it would have been from the 50 mm pipework.
Any non-insulated parts of the 80 mm pipe would lose 50% more heat than the 50 mm pipe, due to the extra heat transfer surface area.
Steam Pipe Sizing

The steam pipe sizing can be done on the basis of two methods namely;

A. Velocity

B. Pressure Drop
Steam Pipe Sizing

Determine the velocity, friction factor and the

difference in pressure between two points 1 km
apart in a 150 mm constant bore horizontal
pipework system if the water flowrate is 45 m³/h
at 15°C.

Pressure drop in steam pipes

The friction factor depends on the Reynolds number (Re) of the flowing
fluid and the relative roughness (kS/d) of the inside of the pipe
Steam Pipe Sizing
Steam Pipe Sizing

3.43 m head = 33.62 kPa or 0.3362 bar

Steam Pipe Sizing by Velocity Method

A process requires 5 000 kg/h of dry

saturated steam at 7 bar g. For the flow
velocity not to exceed 25 m/s, determine
the pipe size.

Since the steam velocity must not

exceed 25 m/s, the pipe size must be at
least 130 mm; the nearest commercially
available size, 150 mm, would be
Steam Pipe Sizing
Determine the pipe size using the nomogram (Pressure drop)

A pipe with a bore of 46 mm is

required; the nearest
commercially available size, 50
mm, would be selected.

Steam pipe sizing chart- pressure drop

Steam Pipe Sizing
Determine the pipe size using the nomogram (Velocity)
Inlet pressure = 7 bar g
Steam flowrate = 5 000 kg/h
Maximum velocity = 25 m/s
A pipe with a bore of 130 mm is
required; the nearest
commercially available size, 150
mm, would be selected.

Utilising the waste heat from a process, a
boiler/superheater generates 30 t/h of
superheated steam at 50 bar g and 450°C for
export to a neighbouring power station. If the
velocity is not to exceed 50 m/s, determine:

1. The pipe size based on velocity

2. The pressure drop if the pipe length, including

allowances, is 200 m.

Pipe sizing calculator: Steam pipe sizing chart- velocity

Steam mains and drainage piping layout

Mud leg depth= 50 to 100 mm

Steam mains and drainage piping layout
At the Bottom of Vertical Lifts or Drops

A steam trap should be set at the bottom of vertical piping sections because dis-entrained
condensate can accumulate there due to gravity and directional changes.
In Front of Pressure Reducing Valves and Control

In Front of Manual Valves Closed for a Long Time

A steam trap should be installed in front

A steam trap should be installed immediately before of valves closed for long periods of time
pressure reducing valves / control valves to prevent to help eliminate the pooling of
condensate from pooling when the valve is closed. condensate which could otherwise be
The trap also helps reduce erosion of the valve seat propelled at high speed down the
from condensate. pipeline when the manual valve is
Provide Proper Support and Inclined Steam Piping Removing Air for Steam Lines

At the end of steam distribution lines, it is important to remove the air

that was initially present in the piping at start-up.

Installation of Trap at End of Steam Line

Expansion loops
PRV station
A reduction in steam pressure through a pressure
reducing valve (PRV) is an isenthalpic process.
Saturated steam when reduced to a lower
pressure results in superheated steam. Since the
process requires only saturated steam, de-
superheating is often required, to compensate for
superheat gained in PRV application due to
isenthalpic expansion.

In a process plant, 20 TPH of steam after pressure

reduction with pressure reducing valve to 20 kg/cm2
gets superheated. The temperature of steam is 280oC.
The management wants to install a de-super heater to
convert superheated steam into saturated steam at 20
kg/cm2 for process use, and its saturation temperature is
Quantity of heat available above saturation
= 20,000 x 0.45 x (280-210) = 6,30,000kCal
Calculate quantity of water at 30oC to be injected in
de-super heater to get the desired saturated steam
Quantity of water required in de-superheater = Q ÷ {1x (210-30) + 450} =
using the following data.
630000 ÷630 = 1000 kg/hr
Specific heat of superheated steam = 0.45 kCal/KgoC
Latent heat of steam at 20 kg/cm2 = 450 kCal/kg
Lifting the condensate

Liquid Expansion Trap

Use of a Liquid Expansion Trap

Efficient Steam Utilization

A milk evaporator uses a steam jacketed kettle,

in which milk is batch-processed at atmospheric
pressure. The kettle has a 680 kg per batch
capacity. Milk is heated from a temperature of
26oC to 100oC, where 25% of its mass is then
driven off as vapor. Determine the amount of 1
kg/cm2 (g) steam required per batch, not
including the heating of the kettle itself. (Specific
heat of milk is 0.90 kcal/kgoC). The latent heat of
steam at 1 kg/cm2 is 525 kcal/kg.

Steam System Efficiency

Quantity of water evaporated from milk = 680 x 0.25= 170 kg /batch
Heat required to raise the temperature of milk from 260C to 1000C
= 680 x 0.9 x (100 – 26) = 45288 kcal/batch
Amount of heat required to evaporate 170 kg of water = 170 x 540 = 91800 kcal/batch
Total heat required = 45288 + 91800= 137088 kcal/batch

Quantity of steam required = 137088/525 = 261 kg/batch

What is Condensate

Benefits of Condensate Recovery

Water charges are reduced.

Fuel costs are reduced.

Boiler blowdown is reduced -

less energy is lost from the boiler.

Chemical treatment of raw

make-up water is reduced.
Annual value of returning the condensate
A boiler produces:
5000 kg/h of steam (8400 hours/year).
Raw make-up water is at 25°C, boiler efficiency 85%
Currently all condensate is discharged to waste at 90°C

Energy waste/Year = 5000kg /hour × 1 kCal /kg.0C× (90-25) 0C /0.85 = 382352 kCal/hr
BDT loss/hr= 382352Kcal/hr÷8500kCal/m3 × 5.86 Tk/m3 = 263.5 Tk/hr
BDT loss/Year = 22 Lakh/Year

More loss will be incurred if loss due to cost of Water & Treatment will be considered

If we invest 20 lakh for the condensate return then

We can save at least 22 Lakh/Year and the
payback period will be = 20/22 = 11 Months

This savings depend upon the capacity of boiler and

the process steam being used
Condensate Recovery System

Condensate Recovery Using Steam Trap Inlet Pressure

Condensate Recovery Vented-to-Atmosphere Pressurized Condensate Recovery

Flash Steam Recovery

Condensate discharged out of the orifice of a

trap partially evaporates (flash evaporation) due
to the pressure difference (illustration).
Flash Steam Recovery

Flash vessel

Flash steam from a high pressure

system is recovered into a flash tank
and reused as steam in a low Flash steam graph
pressure system.

Advantages of thermo-compressors

• No condensation losses take place

In many of the steam utilization equipment where condensate
• Thermal efficiency of the system is extremely high
comes out at high pressure, a major portion of it flashes into low
• Entrainment of low pressure steam results is substantial savings
pressure steam which goes wasted. Using a thermo compressor
• No moving parts and hence maintenance needs are minimal
(Figure 3.3) it becomes feasible to compress this low pressure steam
• No major operational charges
by high pressure steam and reuse it as a medium pressure steam in
• Low space requirement
the process. The major energy in steam is in its latent heat value and
• Insensitive to fouling
thus thermo compressing would give a large improvement in waste
• High operating reliability
heat recovery.
Steam Leaks

Steam leaking from pipework is often ignored. Leaks

can be costly in both the economic and
environmental sense and therefore need prompt
attention to ensure the steam system is working at its
optimum efficiency with a minimum impact on the

Potential Annual Savings from Steam Leak Repair

Steam leakage rate through hole

Steam Pipe Insulation Insulation Selection

• Conserve energy by reducing heat loss

• Facilitate temperature control of a process
• Prevent condensation of steam
• Prevent or reduce damage to pipe from Glass-wool
exposure to fire or corrosive atmospheres
• Control surface temperature for personal
protection and comfort


Thickness of Insulation Selection


Calcium silicate
Minimizing Heat Transfer Barriers

Agitation of the product may eliminate the effect of

the stagnant film, whilst regular cleaning on the
product side should reduce the scale.
Regular cleaning of the surface on the steam side may
also increase the rate of heat transfer by reducing the
thickness of any layer of scale, however, this may not
always be possible. This layer may also be reduced by
careful attention to the correct operation of the boiler,
and the removal of water droplets carrying impurities
from the boiler.
Temperature gradients across heat transfer layers

Filmwise condensation : The condensate film may be between 100 and 150 times more resistant to heat transfer than
a steel heating surface, and 500 to 600 times more resistant than copper.

Dropwise condensation :As a larger proportion of the heat transfer surface is exposed during dropwise
condensation, heat transfer coefficients may be up to ten times greater than those for filmwise condensation.

Air Film: As air is such a good insulator, it provides even more resistance to heat transfer. Air may be between 1 500
and 3 000 times more resistant to heat flow than steel, and 8 000 to 16 000 more resistant than copper.
Proper Utilization of Directly Injected Steam

The inlet steam pressures are kept very

low - around 0.5 kg/cm2-and certainly
not exceeding 1 kg/cm2. If pressures are
high, the velocity of the steam bubbles
will also be high and they will not get
sufficient time to condense before they
reach the surface.
Reduce Pipe Redundancy
All redundant (piping which are no longer needed)
pipelines must be eliminated, which could be, at
times, up to 10-15 % of total length. This would Reducing the Work to be done by Steam
reduce steam distribution losses significantly. The
if any product is to be dried such as in a laundry,
pipe routing shall be made for transmission of steam
a press could be used to squeeze as much
in the shortest possible way, so as to reduce the
water as possible before being heated up in a
pressure drop in the system, thus saving the energy.
dryer using steam. For this reason, hydro-
However, care should be taken that, the pipe routing
extractors, spin dryers, squeeze or calendar rolls,
shall be flexible enough (Expansion loop) to take
presses, etc. are initially used in many drying
thermal expansion and to keep the terminal point
processes to remove the mass of water.
loads, within the allowable limit.
When the steam reaches the place where its
heat is required, it must be ensured that the
steam has no more work to do than is absolutely
necessary. Air-heater batteries, for example,
which provide hot air for drying, will use the
same amount of steam whether the plant is fully
or partly loaded. So, if the plant is running only
at 50 per cent load, it is wasting twice as much
steam (or twice as much fuel) than necessary.
Steam Trap
Functions of Steam Traps

The three important functions of steam traps are:

• To discharge condensate as soon as it is formed
• Not to allow steam to escape.
• To be capable of discharging air and other
incondensable gases.

Steam trap classification Float Type Steam Trap

Group Principle Sub-group
Mechanical trap Difference in density between
steam and condensate. a) Inverted bucket type
(with lever, without lever)

b) Float type
i)Float with lever
ii)Free Float
Difference properties in a) Disc type
Thermodynamic thermodynamic between steam b) Orifice type
trap and condensate
Difference in temperature a) Bimetallic type
between steam and condensate b) Metal expansion type.
Thermostatic trap
Inverted Bucket Steam Trap
steam trap
Thermostatic steam trap
Selection of Steam trap
Application Feature Suitable trap
Steam mains  Open to Thermodynamic
atmosphere, small type
 Frequent change in
 Low pressure - high
Equipment  Large capacity Mechanical trap, Steam trap selection depends on the trap application.
 Reboiler  Variation in pressure Bucket, Inverted
 Heater bucket, float
and temperature is
 Dryer
 Heat exchanger etc. undesirable
 Efficiency of the
equipment is a

 Tracer line  Reliability with no Thermodynamic &

 Instrumentation over heating Bimetallic

System conditions determine the minimum trap

specifications for pressure, temperature, discharge
capacity, material, and connection type.
How to install steam trap properly?
Steam trap inspection

Testing by Temperature

If the inlet temperature is significantly lower and the application is “in service”, the low reading generally indicates an undersized trap,
incorrect pressure orifice for the trap, a blocked trap/strainer discharge failure, or possibly a negative pressure differential condition
(“stall”). it's impossible to determine whether the trap is leaking steam or whether it’s operating properly by temperature only.
Temperature and ultrasonic sounds.
Energy Saving Opportunities

1. Providing Dry Steam for Process

2. Utilizing Steam at the Lowest Acceptable Pressure for the Process
3. For generating and distribution use high pressure steam
4. Steam and condensate pipe sizing should be proper
5. Steam and condensate line layout and component utilization should be proper
6. PRV station along with de-superheating should be proper
7. Properly designed condensate recovery system
8. Flash steam recovery
9. Steam leakage should be avoided
10. Steam and condensate line along with valves should be properly insulated
11. Heat transfer barrier should be minimized
12. Try to use direct injection of steam properly for heating where applicable
13. Reduce pipe redundancy
14. Reduce work to be done by steam
15. Properly select steam trap and regularly inspect steam trap

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