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Kayode Asaju Adagba Onah Sunday

Federal University Wukari Federal University Wukari


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Rjopes Research Journal in Organizational Psychology & Educational Studies 3(4) 313-318 Rjopes
© Emerging Academy Resources (2014) (ISSN: 2276-8475)



Kayode Asaju and Sunday Onah Adagba

Department of Political Science
Faculty of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences,
Federal University, Wukari
P.M.B 1020, Wukari- Nigeria.
Corresponding Author: Kayode Asaju
No nation can develop beyond its educational standard or level. Thus, education is seen as a catalyst for socio-
economic and political development of a nation. The success of many nations in tackling major development problems
such as poverty, unemployment, inequality among others can traced to their educational system. One of the
developmental problems in Nigeria is the increasing rate of poverty in the country. Despite various policies and
strategies of government, and other stakeholders in alleviating the malaise, very little has been achieved, as the poverty
rate continue to soar. Therefore, this paper examines the linkages between functional education and poverty alleviation
in Nigeria. Data for the study are majorly qualitative and derived from secondary sources i.e. official documents of
government and private agencies involved in poverty alleviation, related scholarly works such as articles in journals,
conference proceedings, Newspapers and magazines, among others. The data derived from these sources were
presented and analysed using the content analyses. Findings show that there is a significant relationship between the
level of educational system and the high rate of poverty in Nigeria. The paper posits that effective and functional
education in Nigeria remains the most fundamental vehicle for the reduction of poverty in the country. The paper
therefore recommends among others, a serious overhaul of the educational system and sector in the country to produce
a total person with the requisite skill, knowledge and value relevant to the 21st century.
©Emerging Academy Resources

KEYWORDS: Development, Education, Functional Education, Poverty, Poverty Reduction, Sustainable Development
INTRODUCTION through programmes and policy measures as well as the
Education is the bedrock of the socio- economic and various intervention programmes and projects by Non-
political development of any nation. Developed countries governmental organisations, and other foreign
of the world like China, Japan, Russia, and United States government agencies, it seem much has not been
of America among others have achieved various achieved in reducing the menace of poverty in the
breakthroughs due to their commitment to ensuring a country as the rate of poverty is still on the high side.
functional educational system in their countries. Even Recent statistics from the National Bureau for Statistics
countries like Singapore, Indonesia, India, among other (NBS), United Nations Development Programme
upcoming countries that have achieved developmental (UNDP), and the World Bank still indicates that poverty
breakthroughs have been attributed to their commitment incidence in Nigeria is over 60 percent. Although several
to ensuring functional educational system in their states. factors have been adduced for the persistent high rate of
Furthermore, countries like Japan, Israel, Korea, and poverty incidence in Nigeria (i.e. corruption on the part of
China have achieved developmental breakthrough despite the implementers of poverty alleviation programmes,
the fact that they have no any natural resource ineffective anti- poverty programmes, poor
endowment. The secret of their breakthrough is their implementation of anti- poverty programmes, lack of
commitment to functional educational system. government political- will among others), the fact
remains that the hallmark for overcoming these
All of these nations have been able to overcome several challenges is effective and functional education. It is a
developmental challenges i.e. poverty, unemployment, vital enterprise that touches the lives of both the present
inequality, ignorance etc which are inimical to human and future generations… Its importance in translating the
existence and whose presence could lead to other social futures of great nations cannot be overemphasised (Asaju
vices like, insecurity, crisis and conflicts, and war among, 2013). However, it seems functional education has
other social ills. not been realised as an effective tool for overcoming
some of the developmental challenges like poverty.
The perennial problems of poverty, unemployment,
inequality among other have bedevilled every Asaju (2013) in their study conclude that the
developmental effort in Nigeria. For instance, despite declining standard of education in Nigeria has affected its
several efforts by successive governments in Nigeria efforts at human resource development with great

Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (ISSN: 2276-8475) 3(4):313-318
Functional Education In Nigeria: A Catalyst For Effective Poverty Alleviation

consequences for government efforts at reducing the high Wikipedia dictionary sees education as an act or process
rate of poverty, unemployment, inequality which are of developing and cultivating (whether physically,
attributed for other social ills experienced in the country mentally, or morally) one’s mental activities or senses;
today. the expansion, strengthening, and discipline of one’s
mind, faculty etc., the forming and regulation of
So, how can education in Nigeria be made functional to principles and character in order to prepare and fit for any
reduce the rate of poverty in the country? The paper calling or business by systematic instructions. The result
therefore examines the present trend in the educational of these, as determine by the knowledge, skill, or
system with the view to identify its functionality as tool discipline of character acquired, the act or process of
for poverty alleviation in Nigeria. The paper relies on training by a prescribed or customary course of study or
secondary data obtained from the official documents of discipline.
the federal government e.g. Nigeria Bureau for Statistics
(NBS), official publications of NGOs, journals, Thus, education is conceptualised more as a process,
conference papers, Newspapers and magazines, books activity and outcome of skill, knowledge acquisition
and internet materials. The paper is divided into four which makes the citizen a better and more productive
sections with the first being the introduction. Conceptual person to himself and to the society at large.
issues of education, and poverty were reviewed in the
second section. The theoretical basis of the work was laid Concepts of Functional Education
in the third section. The subject matter of the study Functional education is quite different from the concept
(alleviating poverty through functional education) was of education. While Education simply refers to the process
discussed in the forth section, while section five contains by which knowledge and skills are acquired, Functional
the conclusion and recommendations. Education is more encompassing, meaningful and most
desirable. This is because it is the type of education that
CONCEPTUAL ISSUES equips the recipient with the knowledge and skills needed for
Education that performance of productive task, !t is one that helps the
There is no single most acceptable definition of society meet their developmental needs. Good (1999)
education. This is because it connotes different things to defines functional education as:
different people, culture and society. From Plato through Education for which there is an anticipated
Alfred Whitehead, Emile Durkheim, R.S. Peters, E.B. application, which thus assumes that the learner has
Castle, D.J. O’Çonor to F.C Okafor and A.B. Fafunwa, immediate meaning, transferable into action of his
the definition of the concept of Education continues to learning activities.
evolve in all its ramifications. For instance, while
Whitehead (1907) defined education as “the art of Cookey as cited in Akumah (1998) defines functional
acquisition and utilization of knowledge, Fafunwa (1974) education as the education in which the ability to perform
sees education as the aggregate of all the processes productive tasks is more emphasized than the education that
through which a child develops abilities, and other forms aims at producing ideological conformity. It is a kind of
of behaviours which are of positive value to society. But, education that emphasizes practice more than theory. Cookey
Okafor (1981) conceptualised it as a process of posits further that the Nigerian education has not been
acculturation by which the individual is assisted to attain functional because too much emphasize has been placed
the maximum activation of his potentialities according to on theoretical and academic knowledge. There is undue
the right reason, and to achieve thereby his self-fulfilment emphasis on the possession of certificates instead of on
or self-realization. what one can do. Buttressing this fact, Ukeje (1992) states
However, Okoh (1998) underscored three ways of using The educational processes are geared
the term education, thus: Firstly, education as a process, primarily to preparing candidates for
which is the activity of preserving, developing and examinations. Through this process of
transmitting the culture of a people from one generation education, the products acquire
to another. It is an activity of continuous all-round knowledge and facts with little real
development of individual for life in the society. understanding and without saleable skills.
Secondly, education can be used as a product, which refer
to the change whether overt or covert, implicit or explicit, The result of this dysfunctional education is that
which education supposed to bring about. In this vein, schools turn out graduates without useful knowledge and
Okoh contends that the end product of education is skills and who become alienated from their own environment.
supposed to be the ‘’ educated man’’ who has the
intellectual and moral strength to make the world a better Poverty
place to live in. And finally, education as a discipline is Poverty has been defined by different authors from
perceived as a body of systematic and organised different perspectives. These definitions cover the
knowledge. In this vein, education can be seen as the absolute and relative dimensions of poverty. In a simple
process of teaching, training, and learning in Schools and term, poverty is a condition in which individuals and
Colleges for the development of knowledge and skills so households cannot meet or satisfy the basic necessities of
as to prepare individuals to live happily with themselves life i.e. food, clothing and shelter and other basic social
and others in the society where they live. services and privileges that will make them to live a
Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (ISSN: 2276-8475) 3(4):313-318
Functional Education In Nigeria: A Catalyst For Effective Poverty Alleviation

decent and fulfilled life. Okoh (1998:56) defines poverty authoritative decisions are formulated and executed for a
as “a state of deprivation in terms of both economic and society.
social indicators, such as income, education, health care,
and access to food, social status, and self-esteem and self- According to Easton (1957:384) if we hold the system as
actualisation”. Poverty is a pronounced deprivation in a unit before our minds eyes, as it were, we can see that
well-being, and comprises of many dimensions. It what keeps the system going are inputs of various kinds.
includes low incomes and inability to acquire the basic These inputs are converted by the processes of the system
goods and services necessary for survival with dignity. It into outputs and these, in turn, have consequences both
also encompasses low levels of health and education, for the system and the environment in which the system
poor access to clean water, and sanitation, inadequate exists.
physical security, lack of voice, and insufficient capacity
and opportunity to better one’s life (World Bank). According to Easton, political phenomena can be analyzed
Poverty is a denial of choices and opportunities, a by viewing them as a part of system whole. A system is
violation of human dignity. It means lack of basic seen as an assemblage of parts which work together
capacity to participate effectively in society. It means not harmoniously to achieve a common goal. In other
having enough to feed and clothe a family; not having a words, a system can be seen as an assemblage or
school or clinic to go to; not having the land on which to combination of things or parts forming a complex whole.
grow one’s food or a job to earn one’s living; not having
access to credit. It means insecurity, powerlessness and Within the system, other sub – systems exist, which
exclusion of individuals, households and communities. It depend on the larger system to survive. According to
means susceptibility to violence, and it often implied him, the system receives inputs (demand and support)
living in marginal or fragile environments, without access from its environment. Demands are request made by
to clean water and sanitation (United Nations). citizens, on government to provide, supply, deliver
or make available services, goods, amenities,
From the above definitions, poverty is no doubt facilities, opportunities, etc. Demand could also be
synonymous to underdevelopment. Thus development requests on government to stop, remove, prevent certain
implies the eradication of poverty. The definition of actions; activities, dangerous to other people. All the
development by Seer and adopted in this paper gives demands from the environment, are processed and
credence to the above assertion. Development cannot be decisions are taken on them at the conversion centre
achieved without eradicating poverty due to the fact that (transformation box) while output (results) are produced.
poverty is a major attribute of underdevelopment Unsatisfied demands (fresh inputs) are generated and
especially in developing countries. Poverty implies feedback into the transformation box for processing
economic, social, political and cultural deprivations. and conversion through the feedback mechanism and
Therefore, developmental goals should be geared toward the process continues. Support is made up of financial
improving the economic, social, political and cultural material, moral and human contributions to the
needs and aspirations of the people. But the question is, is process of transforming inputs into outputs.
Nigeria a developed nation based on the above criteria? Outputs are composed of policies, plans and
The answer is obviously “no”. There is therefore the need budgets aimed at meeting people's demands or
for capacity building through a qualitative and effective requests. It can also be physical goods, services,
education. physical structures; positive or negative response to
people’s demands. Transformation box is made up of
THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK the legislature, executive and judicial arms of
The starting point in our understanding of the operation government. It is the decision making box. To Easton,
of a system is that it exists to accomplish specific feedback loop is the transmission belt or mode of
purposes. All of these purposes are determined from time people's reaction.
to time on the basis of demands into the system or the
existence of a problem that needs attention. It is already The transformation box must have adequate feedback
implicit that the notion that each part of the larger system process through which a portion of i t s output, which is
does not stand alone but is related to other parts, or to put feedback to the input, affects the success of the outputs,
it positively, that the operation of no one part can not be the absence of which the survival of the system is at
fully understood without reference to the way in which stake. The formula here is simple and also very
the whole itself operates. These interrelated activities illuminating and these relationships are shown
derive their relatedness or systematises from the fact that diagrammatically in figure 1 below.
they all, more or less influence the way in which

Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (ISSN: 2276-8475) 3(4):313-318
Functional Education In Nigeria: A Catalyst For Effective Poverty Alleviation

Figure 2
New environment Supports
Feedback Loop

Old Environment

Inputs Transformation Box



Source: System Theory (Input – Output Model) by David Easton

Relating the above theory to the subject matter, education educational system which are functional and the priorities
as a social institution in a systematic way interact with given to human resource development. Refereeing to the
other subsystems and it affects and is affected by and as successes of these developed nations, Park (1992:30)
well feeding back on these subsystems i.e. economic, opined that when there are fairly well developed human
political, cultural and other subsystems of the stated resources, lack of abundant supply of other factors such
subsystems among which is poverty. Therefore, the as physical capital and technology does not posed any
interactions, relationships, among these systems and insurmountable barrier to sustained growth.
subsystems (i.e. education and poverty) and their effects
on one another is the nucleus of this study. Human resources not capital or income, nor material
resources constitute the ultimate basis wealth of a nation
Alleviating Poverty through Functional Education because they are just passive factors of production. It is
Education is the most viable investment that individual the human resource that accumulates capital, exploit
and nations should endeavour. Education is an inevitable natural resources, build social, economic and political
tool for human survival and vital enterprises that touches organisations and carry over national development
the lives of both the present and future generations. O. (Harbison, 1973). All these are achieved through a
Connor (1957:7) sees educational system of any society functional education. No wonder, countries like Sweden,
as an elaborate social mechanism designed to bring about Norway, Denmark and Finland were adjudged to be the
in the persons submitted to it, certain skills and attitude best countries to live due to their commitment to
that are adjudged to be useful and desirable in the society. education (UNDP, 2009). While the developed countries
Education generate new knowledge in various fields of have continued to achieve breakthroughs in every facet of
learning, accelerate economic growth, equalize income their economy, the underdeveloped nations are still
distribution, forge national unity and integration and struggling to cope with the numerous developmental
enhance cultural and social advancement (Umo,1978). challenges inhibiting their progress. The development of
these nations are still be-devilled by challenges of high
Also through functional education, qualitative manpower rate of unemployment, poverty, inequality, diseases,
is produced. The educational system of any nation ethno-religious crisis, and war political crisis among
determines its type, nature and calibre of manpower to be others that brought about untold hardship and pain to
supplied. The educational system and the commitment to their populace (Asaju, 2012:115).
human resource development have been attributed to their
level of achievement and other breakthroughs The above situation is not far -fetched in Nigeria where
experienced in these countries. The economic success of about 70 percent of the populace still wallow in poverty;
the so called ‘Asian tiger’ has been attributed to the income inequality gap is still widening from o.429 in
Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies (ISSN: 2276-8475) 3(4):313-318
Functional Education In Nigeria: A Catalyst For Effective Poverty Alleviation

2004 t0 0.4471 in 2010, unemployment rate is still high Therefore, a functional educational system in Nigeria will
(54%) at 2012, maternal mortality rate is high, and life bring about high quality manpower that will turn around
expectancy at birth is put at 52 years (Information the available resources into wealth for the nation. The
Nigeria, 2013, Onuba, 2012, Premium Times, 2012). country will also experience a turn-around in science and
Nigeria is adjudged to be one of the richly blessed technology, which will in-turn affect all other sectors of
countries in terms of human and material resources. But the economy. Thus, the wealth of the nation will be
using this wealth to better the life of her populace has redistributed to favour the poor populace. There would be
continued to be a mirage. Even meeting the basic many employment opportunities which will lead to
necessity of life i.e. food, cloth, shelter has been very income generation and invariably the decline in the high
difficult for many of her citizens. The question is, is the rate of poverty and inequality. This will further bring
educational system effective in solving the problem of about an improvement in the well being of the populace
poverty in Nigeria? Scholars have tried to prove that there
is a relationship between underdevelopment in Nigeria Functional education is a leveller of opportunities. The
and its educational system. Olaofe (2005) argued that the case in Nigeria where majority of the graduates of the
underdevelopment and its challenges witnessed in educational institutions search for white- collar jobs that
Nigeria as a result of low quality or standard of education are very scarce and difficult to secure will be a thing of
in the country. To him, the resultant effect of the low the past. Functional education will bring about graduate
quality of education has been witnessed in the lack of who are entrepreneurs and self – dependent and ready to
modernisation across all sectors of the country. Lack of practice what they had learnt in school. These
the functional education has placed Nigeria far behind in entrepreneurs will also become employers of labour.
the modernisation process and the defect has been the With this chain, more jobs will be created and income
mother and father of all evil that follows; poverty, debt generated. The end result is that many will be uplifted
burden, conflict, corruption, abuses of human right, from the dudgeon of unemployment and poverty. Thus, it
abuses of power, killer diseases, epileptic democratic can be adduced that there is a symbiotic relationship
government and so on. The statistical figure backing up between functional education and poverty alleviation.
these ends are disheartening and depressing. Nigeria is at Aina in Abubakar (2008) has attributed the poor quality
the bottom of list of 21 African nations in terms of of education in the country on the increasing level of
learning achievement (Olaofe, 2007). There has been that poverty and unemployment in the country. He opined that
agreement among scholars and other stakeholders that the if the problem of unemployment and poverty can be
education standard in Nigeria has been declining. The addressed in the country, the standard of education will
falling standard of education in Nigeria is now as definitely improve. Therefore, both poverty and
frightening as the pursuit of the education itself. The functional education affect each other either ways.
more government attempts to solve the problems the Solving the problem of poverty will also reduce or lead to
more numerous other seemly insurmountable problems the elimination of other developmental challenges and
prop up in the system (Abubakar, 2009:32). An extensive social ills presently experienced in the country. Thus,
study of the state of the educational system carried out in vices like corruption, insecurity, bad governance, ethno-
2009 indicates that the educational system in Nigeria has religious crisis and even illiteracy among others could be
gone awry (Tell Magazine, 2008). Similarly, Onyechi attributed to high rate of poverty in the country. For
(2014), asserts that, that a whole lot is wrong with instance, the Boko Haram insurgence has majorly been
education in Nigeria today is an understatement and a attributed to the high level of poverty and unemployment
country that denies education to its people denies them in the country, especially in the north eastern zone of the
and their country a future ; denies them civilization and country.
optimum utilization of God-given human resources which
is a key factor in individual entrepreneurial and national CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
development. Therefore, functional education is a catalyst for reducing
the high rate of poverty in Nigeria. Although, the
The quality of the products of the educational system, the educational system in Nigeria is still inefficient due to
level of learner’s achievement, the desperation of pupils many factors, its functionality will bring about
to succeed as evidenced by unabated incidences and accelerated growth in the economy. When graduates of
sophistication of examination malpractices, and the country’s educational institutions can independently
falsification of credentials, frequency of teachers strike, practice what they learnt in school without waiting for
and their poor quality, all point to inefficient performance office or government jobs, more jobs will be created and
of the system (Aina in Abubakar 2009:32.). The gross income enhanced. The technological revivals that will
underfunding of the educational sector, coupled with follow will also positively lead to industrial revolution
other related problems of infrastructural decay, dearth of which will lead to more job opportunities.
infrastructural facilities at all levels of the educational However, the above could be made possible if the
institutions, inadequate teaching and learning materials, following recommendations are put into effect;
incompetent teaching and learning materials, incompetent  The government at all level should show its
teaching staff, inconsistence and lack of clear cut commitment and political-will to ensuring
education policy. functional education through its funding, policy
making, supervision and monitoring of
educational projects and programmes.
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Functional Education In Nigeria: A Catalyst For Effective Poverty Alleviation

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