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20 No longer blowing in the wind

1. to disfigure – to spoil the appearance of a person, thing or place

to disfigure landscape COLL
figure - disfigure WF
2. to flutter – to move lightly and quickly (through the air)→ Plastic bags flutter in the air
making rustling noise.
3. to rustle – to make soft sound, usually about paper or leaves
4. to discard – to get rid of something that you no longer want or need → The floor was
littered with discarded newspapers.
discarded plastic bags COLL
card – discarded WF
5. filthy – very dirty → The room was absolutely filthy, someone had to clean it.
a filthy town COLL – a very dirty and unpleasant town
6. to run a store COLL - if you run something such as a business or an activity, you are in
charge of it or you organize it
7. to litter sth with sth PREP – to make a place untidy by strewing or scattering objects about
or (of objects) to lie around or upon (anything) in an untidy fashion
to be littered with sth PREP
litter TERM small pieces of rubbish/garbage such as paper, cans and bottles, that people
have left lying in a public place → On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of
a litter-strewn town COLL – a town covered with litter
8. a clean-up campaign TERM - a planned set of activities that people carry out in order to
make the environment free from substances or processes that cause pollution
9. to cut into PREP →to cut into strips or slices
10. to knit – to make clothes, etc. from wool or cotton thread
11. eagerly – to be impatiently desirous of smth; to expect something interesting or enjoyable to
happen → They were eagerly waiting for the beginning of the show. Robert was eager to
talk about life in the Army. – гореть желанием / охотно, с рвением, с нетерпением
eager – eagerly – eagerness WF
12. to have/get one’s way IDIOM to do it in your own way; nobody stops you doing what you
want to do → She is very good at using her charm to get her way.
13. to ban - to prohibit, esp officially, from action, entrance, sale, etc; forbid → to ban a book,
to ban smoking
to be banned → Smoking is banned in the public places.
14. to react to PREP to act in response to another person, a stimulus, etc
15. to be unenforceable - not able to be imposed or enforced; if a rule or law can’t work in
practice, it is impossible to force people to obey it
unenforceable rules COLL – правила, не имеющие юридической силы
unenforceable ← force WF
16. to eradicate – destroy or get rid of something completely, especially something bad → We
are determined to eradicate racism from our sport. – искоренить, уничтожить
17. scourge TERM - a person or thing that causes trouble or suffering → The Green Party
sees the motor car as a scourge on society.
plastic scourge COLL – plastic disaster
18. to galvanize (into something/into doing something) PREP – to make somebody take action
by shocking them or by making them excited → The urgency of the voice galvanized them
into action.
19. a culprit – a person who has done something wrong or against the law / smth that caused the
problem → The police quickly identified the real culprits. About 10% of Japanese
teenagers are overweight. Nutritionists say the main culprit is increasing reliance on
Western fast food - виновник / причина проблемы
20. to fend smb/ smth off PHR– to defend or protect yourself from sth/sb that is attacking you
→ She managed to fend off questions about new tax increases. – парировать, отразить
действия противника, избежать обвинения
21. draconian legislation COLL/SP - strict law or a set of laws passed by a parliament
22. to blame for / on sth/smb PREP – 1) (usually followed by for) to attribute responsibility
to; to accuse → I blame him for the failure; - винить кого-то в чем-то 2) (usually
followed by on) to put responsibility for smth on smb → I blame the failure on him. –
возлагать вину на кого-л., относить на чей-либо счет / связывать с кем-то /чем-то
23. to hand out = to give out PHR
24. livestock TERM - the animals kept on a farm
25. confluence TERM - the place where two rivers flow together and become one; the
confluence of two rivers
26. to spoil the party IDIOM - to cause trouble for someone at a moment when they are
enjoying a success → But he spoiled the party for oil producers by slapping an extra 10%
tax on UK oil production, taking it to 40% to "raise revenue".
27. practicality DEF - the quality of being suitable, or likely to be successful → I have doubts
about the practicality of their proposal / of this solution.
practical – practicality WF
28. hitherto – until the particular time you are talking about → Her life hitherto had been
devoid of adventure.- до настоящего времени
29. unremarkable ←remarkable ← to mark WF
30. an arid region COLL – a very dry area → Nothing grows in these arid regions.
31. to take the lead COLL - to initiate some activity, to begin sth
32. to put smth forward PHR - to suggest something for discussion →
to put forward the arguments
33. to be outlawed – to be illegal
34. effigy TERM - roughly made figure or portrait, ugly and amusing, that represents sth/smb
you hate → The demonstrators burned a crude effigy of the president. – изображение,
чучело, портрет, изображающий ненавистного человека
35. to rejoice - to feel or express great joy or happiness
rejoicing – the happy celebration of something → Finding a job should have been an
occasion for rejoicing.
36. clutter - a lot of things in an untidy state, especially things that are not useful or necessary. –
беспорядок, хлам, ненужные вещи
to clutter - to fill a place with too many things, so that it is untidy → I don't want all these
files cluttering up my desk. Empty soft-drink cans clutter the desks.
37. to execute – 1) to carry out, to perform; 2) to behead smn usually as a legal punishment
38. a nationwide recycling programme TERM / COLL / SP – a programme including all parts
of a country when paper, glass, plastic, etc is put through a process so that it can be used
39. recycling TERM - the process of treating things that have already been used so that they
can be used again
40. a reusable bag COLL - able to be used more than once
use – to reuse – reusable WF

Ex.7, p.9 Waste not

41. household rubbish COLL / SP - the unwanted things and waste material produced in the
running of a household, such as used paper, empty tins and bottles, and waste food
→ Household rubbish is collected every week. – бытовой мусор
house – household WF
42. to generate SP - 1) to cause something to exist 2) to produce energy
43. to run out of smth PHR– to use up or finish a supply of something so that there is none left
44. waste TERM – 1) a bad use of something useful, such as time or money, when there is a
limited amount of it 2) things that are not wanted, especially what remains after you have
used something
household / nuclear waste COLL
hazardous waste COLL / SP - dangerous waste
45. to dump sth DEF - to put something somewhere to get rid of it, especially in a place where
you should not put it
dump TERM – a place where waste or rubbish/garbage is taken and left
dumping waste – TERM the disposal of waste
dumping site = rubbish site TERM – a site for the disposal of waste materials
46. to be a last resort IDIOM - to be the last possible way of action; something that you do
because everything else has failed → Strike action should be regarded as a last resort,
when all attempts to negotiate have failed.
47. environment - environmentally (relating to the environment) WF / SP
48. to re-use WF - to find a new use for something so that it does not have to be thrown away
49. goods TERM - items which are made to be sold
50. scrap metal COLL - old cars and machines that are not now needed but have parts which
can be used to make other things
51. to pass sth on to smb PHR - to give something to someone else → to pass unwanted
computers on to another user
52. to estimate DEF – to make an approximate judgment or calculation of a size, value, amount
of smth → costs / damage / the economic growth rate / revenue / is (are) estimated at up to
53. unwanted mobile phones COLL
wanted - unwanted WF
54. to bin DEF – to throw away
55. a bin TERM - a container that is used to put waste in
a rubbish / wastepaper bin COLL
56. to bury SP to place in the earth and cover with soil
to bury waste COLL
57. to bother with PREP / SP - if you do not bother with smth, you do not do it or consider it
because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy; to concern oneself
→ Companies don’t want to bother with single items when they operate a ‘Take back’
58. to put sth in PHR – 1) to apply something – пускать в ход 2) to devote time, effort, etc to a
task – тратить время, прилагать усилия
59. to redistribute sth to smb (in need) COLL / PREP – to distribute something differently or
again, typically to achieve greater social equality → Their primary concern was to
redistribute income from rich to poor.
redistribute - redistribution- redistributive WF / SP
60. a ‘Take back’ scheme TERM - a scheme where the consumer can return an empty
packaging unit (bottle, box or similar) free of charge for recycling
61. to handle sth with care PREP - to touch or hold someone or something carefully
→ All chemicals must be handled with care.

P. 9 Listening – Upstream proficiency StB p.220

62. fine TERM - a sum of money that must be paid as punishment for breaking a law or rule
a strict / heavy fine COLL - one that costs a lot of money
to introduce / impose a fine COLL - to officially force a punishment that involves paying
an amount of money
a monetary fine COLL - a punishment for a an offence which involves paying an amount
of money – денежный штраф
to fine smb for sth COLL / PREP - to impose a fine on
increase in fines COLL / PREP
to propose a fine COLL
63. to foul DEF – to make dirty or polluted → More and more beaches are being fouled by oil
64. to foul pavements and parks COLL → Not to allow the dogs to foul pavements and parks.
65. sodden DEF – extremely wet → It was raining and we arrived home completely sodden.
66. mouldy DEF – covered with or containing mould; a soft green or grey growth that develops
on old food or on objects that have been left for too long in warm, wet air: → Mouldy
bread/cheese. - плесневый
67. unhygienic ← hygienic← hygiene WF
68. unsightly – unpleasant to look at
69. life-or-death issue COLL - so extremely important as to be crucial → a life-or-death
70. to curb street littering COLL – to control or limit something, especially something bad→
He needs to learn to curb his temper. ...advertisements aimed at curbing the spread of Aids.
Inflation needs to be curbed in Russia.
71. to hammer an idea into smn IDIOM – to hammer an idea into people you keep repeating it
forcefully so that it will have an effect on people → Mass-media are mostly hammering
populist ideas into the society. …..the points need to be hammered
72. to hammer sth out PHR– to reach a decision or agreement after discussing it or arguing
about it for a long time → to hammer out the details of the agreement
73. a deterrent TERM – smth that makes people afraid of the consequences of their action –
средство устрашения
74. a series of tougher measures COLL
75. to limit the amount of litter and noise pollution COLL
76. to bring the issue to Parliament COLL
77. an incentive (for/to smb or smth to do something) TERM / SP – 1) something that
encourages you to do something, a motivating influence; stimulus → There is no incentive
for people to save fuel. There is little or no incentive to adopt such measures. 2) an
additional payment made to employees as a means of increasing production → an
incentive payment / scheme – стимулирующие выплаты
78. to adopt measures / methods COLL
79. controversial measures COLL / SP - causing a lot of angry public discussion and
disagreement – спорные, скандальные, вызывающие острую дискуссию
80. to underestimate possible consequences COLL - not to realize how large or great it is or
will be
to estimate – to underestimate WF
81. to be considerate of our environment and our fellow citizens PREP / COLL – to be
thoughtful towards other people; to pay attention to the needs or wishes of others
82. to respect the environment COLL
83. to throw litter on streets COLL / PREP
84. an information campaign TERM / SP - is a series of messages that share certain ideas and
seek to change the knowledge, attitudes or behaviours of a defined target audience.
a well-organised and extensive information campaign COLL
to launch an information campaign COLL - to start it
85. to have personal responsibility for sth COLL/PREP
86. public cleanliness TERM - is the degree to which people keep themselves and their
surroundings clean
87. to leak DEF – 1) to escape through a crack or a hole → The gas had apparently leaked
from a cylinder. 2) to allow to escape through a crack or a hole: if a container leaks, there
is a hole or crack in it which lets a substance such as liquid or gas escape → A large diesel
tank mysteriously leaked its contents into the river.
a leak DEF – 1) a crack, hole, or other gap that a substance such as a liquid or gas can pass
through → ...a leak in the radiator. 2) the act of leaking → It's thought a gas leak may
have caused the blast.
a leakage DEF - an amount of liquid or gas that is escaping from a pipe or container by
means of a crack, hole, or other fault → oil leakage/ gas leakage from pipes
to leak – a leak – leaky – leakage WF
leaky rubbish bins COLL - bins that have holes or cracks which allow liquids to pass

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