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Read the dialog below to answer the question number 1 - 3

Inung: Have you ever visited a zoo?

Xelsih: Yes, I have visited with my family for three times.
Inung: Could you find a turtle (kura-kura) There?
Xelsih: Yes, I could. It has a hard shell and walk slowly.
Inung: That’s right, what about the tame animal which lives in the desert, eats
leaves, has a hump and four legs? Could you find it there?
Xelsih: No, I could not. What is it?
Inung: It is camel
Xelsih: I see. I would like to see giraffe there, which has a long neck and tall.
1. Why does Xelsih like a giraffe? Because …….
A. It is small and has a long neck
B. It is tall and has a long neck
C. It is tame and has four legs
D. It is small and has a hump

“……………….Yes, I could. It has a hard shell and walk slowly”.

2. The underlined word (kata yang bergaris bawahi) refers to ………
A. A Camel
B. A Giraffe
C. A Zoo
D. A Turtle
3. What is the Indonesian meaning of phrase “walk slowly”?
A. Berjalan dengan cepat
B. Berjalan dengan lambat
C. Berlari dengan cepat
D. Berlari dengan pelan
4. Look at the picture! What does the man look like?
A. He is tall and slim. He has blue eyes and blonde hair.
B. He is short and fat. He has dark hair and oval face.
C. He is tall and fat. He has blue eyes and oval face.
D. He is skinny and tall. He has blue eyes and long hair.

5. Ronal is an ………………boy because he always eats junk food.

A. Thin
B. Overweight
C. Handsome
D. Small

6. Anti likes going to the beach because ………

A. It is crowded and joyous place.
B. It is beautiful and peaceful place.
C. It is shady and windy place.
D. It is hot and boring place.
Look at the picture below to answer the question number 7 – 9

7. He’s a…….
A. Dancer
B. soccer player
C. Magician
D. Cooker
8. He plays ……….
A. Football
B. Movie
C. Tennis
D. Volleyball
9. He works in a ………………
A. Hospital
B. School
C. Stadium
D. Office
10. Read the dialog below and fill the blanks!
Rahmat: …………… you hungry? I want to go to canteen.
Iyan : Yes, I am. What do you want to buy?
Rahmat: I want to buy Bakso Dg. Aco
Iyan : ……….… it delicious?
Rahmat: Yes, it is.
A. Is, Am
B. Is, Are
C. Am, Is
D. Are, Is

11. Nugrah ……………… her cows every day.

The suitable verb to complete the sentence above is ………
A. Fed
B. Feeding
C. Feeds
D. Food
12. Read the dialog below and fill the blanks!

Akbar: What is your uncle’s job?

Fitrah: He is a farmer
Akbar: What does he do?
Fitrah: He usually …………………
A. Grow rice
B. Water flower
C. Waters flower
D. Grows rice.
13. Works – the hospital – Mrs. Yuliana – in
1 2 3 4
The correct arrangement is …………….
A. 3-1-2-4
B. 3-2-1-4
C. 3-1-4-2
D. 3-4-2-1
14. Yogi: Does your mother teach at school?
lpul: …………………………. She teaches at SMPN 17 Merdeka
The suitable expression to complete the dialog is ………
A. Yes, he is
B. Yes, she is
C. Yes, she does
D. Yes, he do
15. Me : .…………… do you go to school?
Azzah : I go to school on foot.
The question word to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. Where
B. What
C. When
D. How
16. Ana : ………… does the second lesson begin?
Xelsih : At about 10.00 o’clock.
The question word to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. When
B. Where
C. How
D. Who
17. Rahmat : …………teaches us math?
Iyan : Ma’am Fadhillah.
The question word to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. What
B. Who
C. Why
D. When
18. Sir Masrur: Akbar, ………………… do the dolphins live?
Akbar : They live in the sea, Sir.
The question word to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. Where
B. When
C. Who
D. What
19. Nugrah : What ……….. Fitrah usually have for lunch?
Iyan : Rice and fried fish
The correct word to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. Is
B. Does
C. Do
D. Are
20. Inung: Does Anti feel happy after joining the competition?
Xelsih: …………………………… because she always gloomy.
The correct statement to complete the dialog is …………………….
A. No, she doesn’t
B. Yes, she does
C. No, she is not
D. Yes, she is

Read the text below to answer the question number 21 – 25

Our school is on Jalan Sudirman. It has eighteen classrooms, two laboratories, one library, one
headmaster’s room, one teacher’s room, one staff room, one computer room, one prayer room and
one canteen. We always hold a flag ceremony in our school yard. Our school yard is not so big, that’s
why if we have PE (physical exercise) lesson, we practice at the field beside our school.

21. Where do they always hold a flag ceremony?

A. In the rice field
B. In the classrooms
C. Beside their school
D. In their school yard.
22. The students don’t practice their PE lesson at the school yard because ……….
A. It is big
B. It is large
C. It is wide
D. It is small
23. How many rooms are in the writer’s school?
A. There are twenty – six rooms.
B. There are twenty – seven rooms.
C. There is twenty – seven rooms.
D. There are thirty – seven rooms.
24. “We always hold a flag ceremony ……………” (line 3: baris ke-3)
What does the bold word refer to?
A. The writer and his teachers
B. All the teacher of the school
C. The students in the writer’s class
D. The writer and his school-mates
25. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To inform the writer’s school
B. To advertise the writer’s school
C. To describe the writer’s school
D. To tell the story of the writer’s activity.

Read the text below to answer the question number 26 – 30

Snowy, my rabbit.

I have a pet. It is a rabbit. Its name is Snowy. I call it Snowy because it has white and
long fur, from head to toe like snow. Snowy is Jersey Wolly breed. Its body is small with
black short ears. I got Snowy last year from my uncle as a birthday gift. Snowy has just
born back then. Snowy likes to eat bread so much. It doesn’t really like vegetables. Snowy is
very gentle. It never bites or kicks. I like to cuddle and play with Snowy.

26. What does the text mostly tell us about?

A. The writer's rabbit pet
B. Kinds of rabbit breed
C. Snowy's physical description
D. Rabbit as a pet
27. Why is the is being called “Snowy”?
A. It is Jersey Wooly breed
B. It has a small body
C. It has black short ears.
D. It has white fur.
28. How old is Snowy?
A. 1 month old
B. 2 months old
C. 1 year old
D. 2 years old
29. “Snowy is very gentle.”
The underlined word can be replaced by ………………
A. Strong
B. Calm
C. Brave
D. Tame
30. Why does the writer like to cuddle Snowy?
A. Because it never bites or kicks
B. Because it eats bread
C. Because it doesn’t really like vegetables
D. Because it bites or kicks the writer

Read the text below to answer the question number 31 - 34

Today, my aunt comes to visit our house.

She’s my favorite aunt. Her name is Isma. She’s very beautiful. Her height is 168 cm
with weight 52 kg. Her skin is fair. She has black and round eyes. Her nose is sharp. She
has long wavy hair.
My aunt is a Science teacher in Junior High School. Her students like her so much
because she is kind and friendly. She is patient too. She doesn’t get angry even if her
students are naughty. She is also well loved by our family members. I always wait for her
visit to my house.

31. What is the topic of the text?

A. A science teacher
B. Beautiful aunt
C. Isma’s aunt
D. Writer’s favorite aunt
32. The last paragraph mostly talks about ………………..
A. The writer’s aunt in general
B. The writer’s aunt physical description
C. The writer’s aunt’s characteristics
D. The visit of writer’s aunt
33. How is the writer’s aunt’s body?
A. Tall and slim
B. Short and slim
C. Tall and fat
D. Short and thin
34. Do students like Isma’s aunt?
A. No, they don’t
B. Yes, they do
C. Yes, they are
D. No, she doesn’t
35. Read these jumbled sentences below!
1. Hamtaro has three different colors; white, brown, and black.
2. It is small and cute.
3. Hamtaro likes to eat sunflower seeds.
4. My grandfather gave it to me last week.
5. Hamtaro’s ears are very small.
6. I have hamster namely Hamtaro
7. I really love Hamtaro.
8. I feed it every morning.
To be a good paragraph, the correct arrangement is ……………
A. 6-4-2-1-8-5-3-7
B. 6-2-1-4-8-5-3-7
C. 6-1-2-4-5-8-3-7
D. 6-2-4-1-5-8-3-7

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