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Writing a Letter for Change of Address

Both personal and business contacts need to be notified when a person is moving to
a new residence. Friends and relatives don’t need a formal letter. They can be sent a
mass email with the new address.

Post Office Recommends

However, it’s a good precaution in case the person has forgotten to notify someone.
The post office recommends that people send letters at least 30 days before they
actually move if they know their new address.

Whenever a business moves, they typically want their clients to know about it. A
business change of location letter should include the following aspects:

 Current location address

 New location address
 Include reasons why the business decided to move
 Anticipated date when the new business location will be open to customers
 List any local area landmarks that will make it easier for people to find the new
business location
 Date and time of any grand openings or special discount offers
Sample 1 - Letter for Change of Address
Name of Sender
Current Address of Sender
City, State, Zip Code


Name of Bank, Utility Company or other

City, State, Zip Code

Re: Change of Address (Account Number if Applicable)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This letter is to notify you that I am moving to a new place of residence on DATE.
Therefore, please change the information in your records and send all future
communications to my new address. Thank you.

Current Address:
Current Address of Sender
City, State, Zip Code

New Address:
New Address of Sender
City, State, Zip Code

Once your records are updated, please send me a quick confirmation to let me
know. Both my cell phone number [(555) 348-2311] and my email
[] will remain the same.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Signature of Sender
Sender’s Name Printed
Sample 2 - Letter for Change of Address
Name of Sender
Current Address of Sender
City, State, Zip Code


Name of Bank, Utility Company or other

City, State, Zip Code

Re: Change of Address (Account Number if Applicable)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to inform you that I am changing my address as I am moving to a new

residence on DATE. I would like you to change my address on your records and
send any communications to the new address.

My current address is above and my new address is:

New Address
City, State, Zip Code

Please send me confirmation that you have changed my address on your records.
My email [] and my mobile phone number [555-123-4567] will not

Thank you for attending to this matter immediately.

Signature of Sender
Sender’s Name Printed
Sample 3 - Letter for Change of Address


Dear Valued Customer:

We are happy to inform you that we’ll be moving to our new location on DATE. At
that time we’ll offer refreshments and have a drawing for you to win a cake of your

Our new location provides a larger kitchen for us to prepare more selections for you,
and it has convenient parking next door.
Our new address is [ADDRESS] and our telephone number doesn’t change [555-123-4567].
We’re easy to find right next door to the [NAME of CINEMA].

We hope to see you on opening day.


Selasa ABI 7, 16 Mei 24

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