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1A GRAMMAR question formation © Complete the questions. A. Idontt like her dress. B What don’t you like about it? A The style. Ithink i's awful B_ It must have cost e fortune though. A Yes, Who. iv? B Her grandparents paid. It was a wedding present, A Do you know: ‘over there? That woman there? I think she's Claire's cousin A Her hairstyle is very old-fashioned! A. Where on ‘their honeymoon? B_ Onan African safari, think. A How. —_. going ? B. Three weeks! Who. B_ Nobody. He came on his own. His girlfriend left him last month, A Why. long. each other? B_ For about a year, | think. Where: him? B_ | think she moved to another country. Matt and Claire B_ Someone told me they met on an online dating sit. ‘A. Online dating? Who that? B_ think Alex told me, He's Matt's best ‘friend, © Change the direct questions to indirect questions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 “Where are the bathrooms?” “Why didn’t Sarah come to the wedding?” “Could you tell me where the bathrooms are “Do you know “Is tha tall woman over there Claire's mother?” “Do you know “What does Molly’s husband do?” “Can I get a taxi after midnight?” “Did Clare's sister get married here?” “Will they be happy?” “Where did they put our coats?” “Do you remember “Do you have any idea “Do you remember. “Do you think “Do you know. © Work with a partner, Write ewo direct and ¢wo indirect questions to find out something you didn't know about your partner. Ask for more information, ‘American English File 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Prese 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Press 1B GRAMMAR auxiliary verbs © GeDihe correct answer. A bello 3 Good morning, Are yauhere fr aninterview, to? A Yes. They say’ a good company to work for, (Gon) /doesnt/dotvey? Yes, they*do/are/ dont say that. By the way. Andreas Kourkoulas. 7 doos /isn'tit? Yes. from Athens, but Ive been ving in New York forthe past two years ‘D0/Are / Have you? tve got ariend who ves there, Anyovay, ti Beate Hotes from Buenos Aes, n fegonta hice to mect you Youre alittle nervous, are / don't aren't you? That's a Greek name, * >e>e Allittle. Don't you get nervous before interviews? w>o> Not really. am / will / de get nervous before exams, but not interviews. What times it now? 2:30. My interview’s at 2:45, Is / Has / Does it? Mine's at 3 o'clock. We won't have to wait much longer, *have / will / do we? => © Complete the next part of the dialogue with auxiliary verbs. A Ave youhungry? B No, Im not. A. Neither ‘am, but | wouldn't mind a coffee. B_Me too, Where are you staying, by the way? A At the Holiday Hotel B Ah,so?___L The rooms aren't very nice, *___ they? A No, they aren't, Sut! ‘__ lke the restaurant. |had a good meal there last night. B *___you? Are you working right now? A No, resigned last week, B_ Why? Didn't you ike your job? A Ob like the job, but, to be honest, | couldn't stand my boss! Be. ‘you? | get along with my boss, but | think I need anew challenge. A So" LA, it’s your turn now. Good luck, Beatriz, B_ Thanks. Ml go to the cafe on the corner when I finish. ‘A OK, And we can compare notes, »___we? @ Practice the dialogues in a and b with a partner. Try to use the correct rhythm and intonation. ‘American English Fle 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Phatocopiable © Oxford Universit Press 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Pross 2A GRAMMAR present perfect simple and continuous © Complete the dialogue with the verbs in parentheses in the present perfect simple or continuous. Sometimes both tenses are possible DOCTOR So, what seems to be the problem? PATIENT Well, for about a week now I ve heen feeling very dizzy. | even thought |was going to faint once or twice. (feel) DOCTOR Isee,:____as usual? (you / eat) PATIENT Well,to tell you the truthI»_____much of an appetite recently. tm just not hungry. (not have) DOCTOR Younee eat regularly, you know, even if youre not hungry. PATIENT Iknow, but|*_________to eat anything recently. (not want), DOCTOR Hmm. Any other symptoms? * headaches or any other aches or pains? (you / have) PATIENT Well,|{___________myblood pressure three times this week, andit's a little bit high. (take) DOCTOR Ill check that ina minute. harder than usual? (you / work) PATIENT Yes, suppose | have. This isa very important time of the year for us and things ‘ incredibly busy recently. | home very late, and to be honest, |" very well fr the last few days. (be, get, not sleep) DOCTOR | think you" Iwant you to take a week off work and have a complete rest. (overwork) PATIENT | couldn't possibly take a week off rightnow.|"\______________toheadof the department. Gust / be promote). DOCTOR Well Im afraid they't just have to manage without you. You cant take risks with your health © Write questions with either the present perfect simple or continuous. How long have you hiad your phone? (have) you ever ____in an accident? (be injure) How long you to this school? (come) us this year? (miss) 1 2 3 4 How many classes: 5. How long you____in your current home? (live) 6 you ever___ abroad? (study) @© Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions in b. Ask your partner for more information ‘American English File 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Prese 2014 153 © Copyright Oxtord University Pross 2B GRAMMAR adjectives © GeDithe correct form. Check (7) ifboth phrases are correct. 1 The unemployed | Unemployed people can apply to do these training courses free of charge. 7 2. The French | The Frenchs are very proud of their language and culture. 3 There are alot of homeless | homeless people sleeping on the streets at night. 4 [meta very nice Japanese | Japanese girl in Chicago. She was really friendly. 5 Therich | Rich people always live in the best part ofa city 6 The Spanish | Spanish are now famous for their world-class restaurants. 7 “President, alot of people say that your government just doesn’t care about poor j the poor.” 8 Don'ttalk like that 9 The Chinese | The Chineses invented paper. 10 The young | Young are finding it very difficult to buy their first apartment or house ‘ou should show more respect for elderly people | the elderly. © Complete the sentences with the adjectives in parentheses in the correct order. Use your instinct ifyou are not sure 1A Canthelp you? B Yes, tm ooking for some stvlish high-heeled sandals. (high-heeled / stylish) 2. A. Did you see either of the robbers? B_ Itallhappened so fast. Isaw a young man wearing a jacket running out of the restaurant. (denim / blue) 3A Your granddaughter's boyfriend is a rock musician, isnt he, Mrs. Jones? B_ Yes, heis, but Icar't stand the ___________musiche plays! (modern / awful) 4 A. Yoursonlooks very much ike you-hehas your___________eyes, (dark / big) B_ Doyou think 50? think he looks more ike my husband, 5A Areyoulooking for something? B Yes. Ivelasta scarf, Have you seen it? (silk / long / black) 6 A Weused toliveina__________house near the river. wooden / beautiful / old) B_ How nice. ttmust have been really peaceful 7A just arrived on the flight from Mexico City, but my suitcase hasn't arrived, B Canyou describe it? A ltsa______ case (black / Leather / small) 8 A. Eversince Simon came back from Bangkok he's been cooking me. curries. (delicious / Thai) B Lucky you!l love curries, 9A. What does Adam's wife look lke? B_ she's very slim and she has. hair, (brown / curly / short) 10 A. Imgoing to wear my. shirt to the party. (new / striped) B Good idea. It really looks good on you @ Describe three items that you own, eg, clothes, acar, a guitar, etc., using two or three adjectives, in the correct order. Use the frame to help you. item) adjectives description bag |Beautiful, leather, brown | Thave a beautiful brown leather bag that [bought in [aly last summer American English File 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Phatocopiable © Oxford University Press 2024 © Copyright Oxtord University Pross 3A GRAMMAR narrative tenses © Read the first part of the story and find examples of each tense below. 1 the past perfect had ended 2 the past perfect continuous 3. the past continuous The most embarrassing moment of my life (Richard, Austin) Part 1 ‘When Iwas about nine years old, used to goto the movies every Saturday morning ~ in those days it ‘was very popular. After the movie had. ended, ! would go to a toy shop and look at model planes and trains, and sometimes Ibought them with the ‘money that I had been carefully saving, One day after the movie, I went toa big department store to look at the ‘model planes they had. 1 didn’t buy anything, but as { was leaving a very large man grabbed my arm violently land accused me of shoplifting. The ‘man said that he was a store detective, Because Ia been concentrating on the toys, ! hadn't noticed that he had been watching me. He made me empty iy pockets and he went through my coat, searching for stolen goods, even ‘though I told him very clearly that Thad only been looking, Of course he didn't find anything, but by this time several people had stopped to see what was happening. 1 felt very embarrassed and ‘humiliated that go many people were ooking at me, and Iwas very glad to leave the store when it was all over © Complete the second part of the story with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses: simple past, past continuous, past perfect, or past perfect continuous. Part 2 ‘An hour ors later, when I ‘wus having (have) hunch ‘with my family at home, my father: {ask) me about the movie. then * (mention) that! * ook) at toysin a department store when a store detective 5 accuse) me of shoplifting and . (earch) me in the middle ofthe store. _ store detective. When the manager My father (make) merepeat what (come), my father (star) shouting T*__ (say), and then immediately athim and he told him that 1" *____ ump up) from the table. Without either of us having finished our lunch, he (never steal) anything in my life. He ™ (make) the manager and store detective apologize = malee) me get in the car. tome for having accused me of shoplifting and for never see) my father so angry! ‘embarrassing me. But the thing, He! (@rive) quickly to the store, (Gin) this scene even more embarrassing than the as (park) outside, and tock me to ‘rot onc, copecially beeatce I could occ that alot of, ‘where the incident (take place) He then demanded to see the manager and the © Work with a partner. Student ‘Student Cover the text. Try customers * (watch) us! (stop) and" ‘over the text. Try to remember what happened to Richard in Part 1 ‘0 remember what happened to Richard in Part 2. ‘American English File 2nd edition Teacher's Book 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2014 ‘© Copyright Oxford University Press ry 3B GRAMMAR adverbs and adverbial phrases © Pur the adverbs in che best place in the dialogue. GARY So, whet cid you think of the geme? well tonight GRAIG. 'Even though they lost| think San Francisco pleyed(again( (well / tonight) JOHN. Craig, do you mean that? (realy) thought they were awful. {ebsolutely) CRAIG. *I suppose you think Minnesota played. (well) JOHN “No,|don't. Minnesota plays these days. (unfortunately / never / well But they deserved to win. CRAIG “But you must admit that Minnesota was lucky. (neredibly) GARY ‘Craig, do you have anything good to say about Minnesota? (ever) JOHN “Minnesota was lucky with their secand touch down. (very / to be honest) CRAIG “Come on, John, Minnesota was lucky with both the first and second touch downs! (extremely) GARY *I thought both teams played (personally / badly), but at the end of the day, Craig, '¢ say Minnesota was better in the second half. (alittle / especially) JOHN "Well Misnesotais playing New England, so lets see how they do. (next / there) © Complete the dialogue with the correct adverbs from the list. absolutely actually always angrily alittle badly eerlierthat day here nS minutes incredibly naturally obviously quickly slowly well DIRECTOR Jason, that was ‘absolutely marvelous, but you've got to get to the center of the stage. JASON But | have to wait for Tanya to finish her line and she's doing it too TANYA Well, could try saying it more *__if you want me to. DIRECTOR Yes, could you? Now, Jason, remember when Tanya tells you she's going to marry Henry, you know about it, Because you heard them talking in the park so you aren't at all surprised JASON Well,_1 know about it, but I thought maybe I should pretend at frst that didn't know. DIRECTOR No, we want to see your emotion! You reacted very calmly, but“ you're not a calm person at all. want you to react” ‘0K? Now the next scene. Selly, you were great. But, when you've finished reading Tanya's letter, when youre on the last couple of lines, pause * ‘and look up at the audience. Let them feel how youive been treated by her. SALLY Do you want me to cry? | am ™___good at crying, DIRECTOR Not". notin this scene, Look out at the audience. TANYA —Can|just ask why you"_ ask me to play horrible characters? DIRECTOR Because you do it so" _____, darling. Itjust comes "___ ta you. Ok. ‘everyone, take @ break and come back. @© Write five sentences using the adverbs. Then compare your ideas with a partner. gradually incredibly fortunately sadly intelligently ‘American English Fle 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Phatocopiable © Oxford Universit Press 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Pross 4A GRAMMAR future perfect and continuous © Complete the dialogues with the verbs in parentheses in the future perfect or future continuous. 1A tmmrealy ooking forward to our tip to Parison Friday B__ Me, tool This time tomorrow we'll be getting on (get on) the plane, and we_____{not think) about work! 2 A Doyou think you___still___(work) here in ten years? B_ Probably. But hope |___(be promoted) to head of the department by then. 3A Why are you walking so fast? B_ if we dont hurry, by the time we get to the station, the train eave). 4 A Oh,nol My car won't start, and [need to pick up a friend at the airport, B You cen borrow mine. |______ {not use) it today. 5 A Doyou thinkit's too late to call Hilary? B_ No, it's only 11 o'clock. Knowing her, she ___ (not go) to bed yet. he____still watch) TV. 6 A_Isthis your son's final year at college? B_ Yes, by this time next year he (graduate), and he. (look for) for ajob. 7 A. Shall make some soup or something for your parents when they arrive? B_ Good idea! Theyll be starving because they ___(not have) time for lunch. 8 A —__you___{come) with us to see the new Bond movie tonight? B Sorry, fd love to, but | still have lots of work to do. 9A What time does your plane land? B At sevenin the morning. you. (pick me up) from the airport? A. ofcourse. lalways do! 10 A. Mark and Paul are traveling around Asia. They/ve already been to China and Thailand. B Wow! How many countries they. (visit) by the time they get back home? 11_ A. Imsick of all these exams. B Yes, but ust think - we __ (finish) them all by Friday, we __ (celebrate)! 12 A Tim's going to South Africa next month, isnt he? B_ No,he’s decided to wait until July. He (not save) enough money until then, © Write one thing that you will 1 be doing tomorrow afternoon. 2 have done by the end of next week. 3 have done a year from now. © Work with a partner. Compare your sentences, Ask for more information, ‘American English File 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Photocopiable © Oxford University Prese 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Press 4B GRAMMAR conditionals and future time clauses © GeDihe correct answer. Sometimes wo answers are possible J 1ithave my cell phone with me @ incase younced to call me b incase you'll need to call me € incase you've needed to call me 2 Callhimas soonas a youfinish b you've finished © you'll finish that report 3 'llplay soccer with you when. a T'vehad my dinner b [have my dinner © Thave my dinner 4 'mnot going to go to the party unless a you'll gotoo 1b you gotoo € you've gone too 5 Could you get me some milk if___? a you'll go to the store 'b you goto the store € you're going to the store 6 Ifthe weather __., we'll go for a walk. a will have improved b willimprove © improves 7 1won't tell my boss I'm leaving. until find a new job 1b untill'm finding new job © until I've found a new job Bf ldon’thave breakfast, a Tilbe hungry all morning 1b I'm hungry all morning € Tillbe being hungry all morning Please come in quietly because a we'll be sleeping when you arrive } we'll sleep when you arrive © we're sleeping when you arrive Take ajacketin case ____later. a it'Thave got cold it's getting cold © it gets cold ‘Their flight was delayed, so they back until after midnight. a ‘Ibe b won'tbe € ‘have been We're going to have a pienie tomorrow unless a itrains b twill be raining © it’sraining 1___book our flights until we've found a hotel. a don't amnot going to © won't Ifyou want to improve your spoken English, a you'll have to practice Bb youhave to practice © you've had to practice ‘Come and say goodbye tomorrow a before you'l leave D before you've left ©. before you leave CS Excellent. You can use conditionals and future time clauses very wel Good. But check the rules in the Grammar Bank (Student Book page139) for any questions that you got wrong, "This i difficult for you, Read the rules in the Grammar Bank again (Student Book page139), ‘Then ask your teacher for another photocopy and do the exercise again at home © Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Then compare your ideas with a partner. Assoon asl get home, If don't have time for breakfast. Vm not going to buy anew phone until When my English is better Til stay in tonight unless always ‘American English Fle 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Phatocopiable © Oxford Universit Press 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Press 5A GRAMMAR unreal conditionals © Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses, using second or third conditionals. 1 They metin Paris ata conference. If they hadn't gone to the conference in Paris, they wouldn't have met, (not go | not meet) 2. The curry is alltte tasteless. I should have put more spices in it If|_____ more spices in the curry, it Deiter. (put | taste) 3. Tmnot very happy in my currentjob. Maybe I should quit and look for another. If]|____ another job, [might happier. (find | be) We got wet because you wouldn't take the bus. You wanted to walk. We wet ifwe the bus. (not get | take) 5 Don’t swim in that river; there might be crocodiles 1f|______ you, |___in that river because there might be crocodiles. (be / not swim) 6 Laura fell in love with Tom. She left Liam, Laura __Liamifshe ____in love ‘with Tom. (not leave / not fall) He used the stolen credit card ata hotel, so the police found him. Ithe the stolen credit card ata hotel, the police him. (not use / not find) 8 They don't have enough money to buy a new ear ‘They anew car if they afford one. (buy | can) 9. We didn’t go on the Ferris wheel because the Tine was too long, We on the Ferris wheel, ifthe line so long. (go | not be) 10. Mythusband and I both work, so we ean pay all the bills Ifwe swe to pay all the bills. (aot work | not be able) 11 didn’t know you wanted to go to the concert. I didn’t buy you a ticket. 1_____youa ticket if|______that you ‘wanted to go to the concert, (buy | know) 12. Nicola is overweight because she doesn’t get any exercise. Nicola___so overweight if she some exercise. (be / get) ax © Cover the sentences. Look at the pictures and try to remember the sentences. ‘American English File 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Photocopiable © Oxfore University Prese 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Press Ey 5B GRAMMAR structures after wish © Complete the sentences with would / wouldn't anda verb from the list feave let clean stopraining do not borrow not make not wear Rachel 1 I wish my mom would leave me alone! She's always interfering with what Ido, 2 Iwish my brother__ my things. He never puts them back. Frankie 3 Iwish it_____! Then we could go out and play baseball 4 |wish mom and dad____me have a dog. Then Icould take him for walks. Mr. Taylor 5 Iwish the kids ___ their homework without | me having to help them. 6 Iwish my wife ____ me eat salad every day. Id rather have fries and a burger! Mrs. Taylor 7 \wish the children_____ their bedrooms. Then I wouldn't have to do it! 8 Iwish my husband___ that old jacket! He looks awful in it. © Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the simple past or past perfect. be eam have petegve notbe not shout nottell_tryon 1 Rachel: I wish | hadn't argued with Lilly and Sophie. Now | have no one to go out with. Iwish|_____ mom and dad about my grades. Now they're worried! won't get into college. Iwish |_______ taller. Then could be on the basketball team, Iwish |____ the latest version of this game. The one Ive got is two years old! 5 Mr.Taylor: Iwish we ______ more money. Then we could have a bigger house. 6 Mr. Taylor: Iwish|_____ these pants before buying them. They're too tight. 7 Mrs. Taylor:1 wish | at my boss yesterday. Now he won't promote me. 8 Mrs. Taylor:1 wish everything ______so expensive. Then we could save for a vacation. ° Write the sentence begining !wish one with simple past, one with past perfec, and one with person + wou ‘American English Fle 2nd edition Teachers Book 4 Phatocopiable © Oxford Universit Press 2014 © Copyright Oxtord University Pross

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