hyperfine structure

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rs Fine Chructore of hydrogen dtzim ” VEY Pucks itests meurenents ce severoh effect: Dhich can't be derived cron fhe g Hamilton The Hamiltonian represented by Hob y — &* doa hot . am ST yy o teke ints account > velativistic ehhedts of the carl ae: 0 ; “SS change dn Hamiltonian dic to spin-orbit Pe nbeecity Lath (Coupling twas not taken arto actoush | A a dab forthe decent eas Si mmect and the internal gree {ld a) stan bw bik — Coupine ar momentum, this Ls chin-orbit “interaction. Pe sewer Coupe — Rae Say urtectd th we understand notion of c Th the rest frame of dlectront thet Peotort Ciycles around ik which sets up a magnetic Held & in the dectron! frome, ~ Which internets coith the magnetic momentyh the ekctan, . Pe et os — ye & Vo From electron's perchecttve motion ib seen : > e ad shuon tn the gure ve Ms nie Sreakating Proton wil produce a - magnetic field at the electron alwch ze 4B gen by vp ' B= _ v2 2 ae ie 3s velocity of electron : EB = electric 4ield produced Since, for a centrod potential i at the electron by the _ fe -e Boevv = #4, dun = nucleus .& 9 | ¥ dy Sy PL aes ills” | & > = a $0) Sap Ti) besomes ae se v> potential energy | a SS +4 WM xP) = 4 ¢ dw | 5 ec2y dr elmc® ¥ dy } 2 =e es where, C= mPae | meray oh aa er 5 ies poleied dm = MP es a Vie es = omgulor momentum in ae the vest Lrame of the ruckus , Since dectron's spin magnetic moment 44 = ae rest Mse= — s mp = mara of electror fr decks ain gee = Wawe mm Lo, 25 Se.10 e2 co amelysis was done An the vest frome ot the elettvon which a, not cm smertiah trame,So to take Ants aceoumt Rine matic correction, sae Rnown crs thomas Preseion, We — the above cay by to eecoeveeneve ee @ @° o e e e e S, LU-PS= #[so- dlisa)—sisaty | x Now , — chigt due to spin — orbit et Bue . Cope ee 4) ¢? ts, ®, ° Fer hydrogen cis in the stde Gam 1» the expectation . Raa aee | | ees ete olin ° = ob bydrger a So, Exe = wo) a ye -RUH— ony ares ae oo eyes ex preman hydrogen (En) " x Cb) ch velativictic energy coedion pee deN eee ey. Pree A to YR ct r8d — moc% 7S SE “a T= mel] ny PB) Aimec. . : 1(t @ Ape *) mo SAME, a pee pf neglecting higher orders of by : 2m Bins? terri. Re ae Le RY 3m &mp.c* So, in the first —oydey perturbation theory ythe correction to Ey, 4a given by the exbremion yalue of H! in the unperturbed State 5 B= = —4_ 1 SIP ERS gimp eh eke Ag Ce = iz p> Se Nowe the Schyédinger equatin ( tov the unperturbed Cee Br Se B w= am, le- VO, —_— er 2mc* 2 Qc For hydrogen cilbm : | vine (en AT Ey E= Er = Bohr energy beveke of hydrogtn chim in hth ctok We a eee * For hm, A Apes aS &) aan <)> (a4) rad es eae [@ At eo ae uh ae eas ee are) ga) ae at) Bad | pulling expression of Bohy radius, a,— 4mesh® 2 me’ Oma exprexring every Hang th terms of Ep, Amoc* 6, =) eee | aor As Ya ) ' 9, Cbg = Ext es te = enum oo o-e | moc? (els) (Ard) zing LAs for = eo Ate Coes Em se ane Seaee aa Qo Tharterm ola abveady (ove ? e eeeeeeeaeoeeee @ ecvcevecsceeoeceeeeoeoeeeeeee. Term high ce A= Soe te oe oe the Pavel: | | ont ee For H-Lke if EN 2 al ATig = SRUS zh Si: PS 4 [% Fm| M sl ae Ure he Gy yayane_ ~o = seer Race. ode te eT, RE | or [n-« Une fe- Bakmer Line a ris P33 n=: res herd ee n=3 pr) nee eal 5 | sit eae sae | rb uy 22k Comparing with the Beby formula, the energy Reels of hydrogen, with tine gtrcture ancuded 42 Ba for hydrogen i + ga sive ike Se ae te given n, the ditterent adbowed values of L do not carry the Same energy ) but Jot axe chill preserves ory inj — the 2-combonent eigen values pr orbited anc Spin omgulas yoo tromentum [rj amd ing ) are ho Longer "good eooevoeveeno © © 0.8 . 9° e aportuaim hwmbers, ° — Noter— PB non-velahvictic energy bevel ee deereting en ‘ ~aat > For lydhagenie dans, the fine chruckone pliting ia ore important than Joy hydrogen sine the enegy shift O6 ia proportioral & zt Oh the princi pak gpromtuin ho h , splits ante p different» Revels dap with each value j=} 3.) --sh-4, °T © the total angular momentum ho: J, “Thia splitting ° 4s called fine Structure sping”, te . nw tevels j=, 3,4--—n-l, are mid to Oy eee form 4 sine Structure wmaltiptet. We note e tet the dimentonters Conttent

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