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SQL Questions Set-01

1. What is SQL?
Ans: It is a computer language aimed to store, manipulate, and
retrieve data stored in relational databases.

2. What is the Difference Between SQL, PL\SQL, T-SQL, and

Ans: SQL is a Programming Language. The SQL which is applied in an
Oracle database is called PL\SQL. The SQL which is applied in an MS
SQL Server database is called T-SQL(Transaction SQL) and MYSQL is the
RDBMS Database.

3. What is RDBMS?
Ans: RDBMS stands for Relational Database Management System.
RDBMS is the basis for SQL, and for all modern database systems like
MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Oracle, MySQL, and Microsoft Access. The
data in RDBMS is stored in database objects called tables. A table is a
collection of related data entries and consists of columns and rows.

4. What are structure and Unstructured data?

Ans: Structured data is data that has been predefined and formatted
to a set structure before being placed in data storage, which is often
referred to as schema-on-write. The best example of structured data is
the relational database: the data has been formatted into precisely
defined fields, such as credit card numbers or addresses, in order to be
easily queried with SQL.

Unstructured data is data stored in its native format and not processed
until it is used, which is known as schema-on-read. It comes in a
myriad of file formats, including email, social media posts,
presentations, chats, IoT sensor data, and satellite imagery.

5. What is SQL Server Management studio?

Ans: SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is an integrated
environment for managing any SQL infrastructure. Use SSMS to
access, configure, manage, administer, and develop all components of
SQL Server, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Managed Instance, SQL
SQL Questions Set-01
Server on Azure VM, and Azure Synapse Analytics. SSMS provides a
single comprehensive utility that combines a broad group of graphical
tools with many rich script editors to provide access to SQL Server for
developers and database administrators of all skill levels.

6. What is different between Server and Database?

Ans: The main difference between a Server and a Database is that a
Server provides services to other programs and connected devices,
which are often known as ‘clients’. On the other hand, the Database is
responsible for back-end data processing. It helps to store, organize,
manage, and access data on a computer system.

7. What is the difference between System Database and a

user-defined database?
Ans: System databases are the databases that are installed during
the SQL Server installation. System databases consist of Master,
MSDB, TempDB, and Model. These databases will maintain and provide
more information about the SQL server system like logins, databases,
linked servers, jobs, schedules, reports, report data sources, etc.
User databases are the database where we will create for storing the
data and the user starts to work with the data.

8. How many types of systems define databases in MS SQL

Ans: There are four types of system-defined databases in MS SQL
1 Master
2. TempDB
3. Model
4. Msdb
SQL Questions Set-01
9. Describe all system databases.

Ans: Master Database:

Model Database:

● It is used as the template for all databases created on the system.

● The model database must always exist on a server system

MSDB Database: It is used by SQL server agents for scheduling alerts and

Tempdb Database:

•It holds the temporary tables and temporary stored procedures

•It is recreated every time the SQL server started

•Temporary tables and stored procedures dropped automatically.

10. What are tables and fields in the database?

Ans: A table is a set of organized data in the form of rows and

columns. It enables users to store and display records in the structure
format. It is similar to worksheets in the spreadsheet application. Here
rows refer to the tuples, representing the simple data item, and
columns are the attribute of the data items present in a particular row.
Columns can categorize as vertical, and Rows are horizontal.
Fields are the components to provide the structure for the table. It
stores the same category of data in the same data type. A table
contains a fixed number of columns but can have any number of rows
known as the record. It is also called a column in the table of the
database. It represents the attribute or characteristics of the entity in
the record.

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