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1. Identify all electrical safety

avoid electrical shocks?
al safety hazards. What are some ways to


2. Watch the video and for statements 1-6 choose “True”or “False”. https://www.youtube.com/watch?

1. Transformers lower the voltage of the electricity generators

2. Birds can land on electric wires because they're good
conductors of electricity.
3. Squirrels can climb onto electric wires without getting shocked.
4. Electric utilities keep high voltage wires low on utility poles and
transmission towers.
5. If you see a downed wire, you should touch it.
6. You should stay clear of overhead lines when trimming trees.

3. Watch the video and answer the questions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNrakJIv93o

1. What are the dangers of working with or near electricity?
2. Can changing a light bulb without unplugging a lamp be
fatal? Why or why not?
3. What are some electrical safety tips to prevent
electrocution, electric shock, and burn?
4. Why is it important to inspect tools, power cords, and
electrical fittings before each use?
5. What are some signs that unsafe wiring conditions exist?

4. Work in pairs. How can you prevent electrical hazards in the workplace? Make a list of rules.

5. Play a game called “Electrical Kaboom”.

 Explain that you are going to play a game called “Electrical Kaboom” so the students will need
to remember their safety messages.
 Print a copy of Electricity Safety Quiz questions.
 Sit the students in a circle and give each child an answer card.
 Read out a question. The child with the coordinating answer card must call out “Kaboom”.
 If they do not call out “Kaboom”, or if they call “Kaboom” to the wrong question, they must sit
in the middle of the circle.
 The remaining child is the Electrical Safety Captain.
6. Look at the pictures and write how to avoid electrical hazards in your home.

7. Quiz. https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/644a65a6e31bdd001dab8f1b/electrical-safety?qcPublish=true

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