05 Sensory and Physicochemical Quality Characteristics of Haddock Fish Cake Enriched with Atlantic Mackerel

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original scientific paper

ISSN 1330-9862

Sensory and Physicochemical Quality Characteristics of Haddock

Fish Cake Enriched with Atlantic Mackerel

Janna Cropotova1* , SUMMARY

Revilija Mozuraityte2, Research background. It is desirable to increase the consumption of pelagic fish rich in
Inger Beate Standal2, long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. Partial replacement of traditionally used white fish spe-
cies by pelagic fish will increase the content of omega-3 fatty acids, and thus improve the
Olga Szulecka3 ,
nutritional value but it may also affect the consumer acceptance. The aim of this study is
Tomasz Kulikowski3 , to assess the physicochemical and sensory quality of novel fish cake prototypes prepared
Adam Mytlewski3 from haddock and mackerel mince.
and Turid Rustad1 Experimental approach. Fillets of haddock and Atlantic mackerel were used as raw ma-
terial for preparation of fish cakes. The fish fillets were minced, mixed together (in had-
Department of Biotechnology and
dock/mackerel mass ratio of 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50) with salt, potato starch, pepper and
Food Science, Norwegian University
of Science and Technology, Sem full fat milk. Physicochemical and sensory analyses were further performed.
Saelands vei 6/8, 7491 Trondheim, Results and conclusions. The fatty acid composition analysis showed that the recom-
Norway mended daily intake of 250 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid can
SINTEF Ocean, Brattorkaia 17C, 7010
easily be reached by consumption of fish cakes enriched with mackerel. The oxidation lev-
Trondheim, Norway
els of all fish cakes were low in terms of peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid reactive
National Marine Fisheries Research

Institute, Kollataja 1, 81-061 Gdynia, substance assay (TBARS). Fish cakes prepared with higher mass fraction of mackerel mince
Poland (>50 %) had significantly (p<0.05) softer texture than other fish cakes due to higher amount
of fat in their formulations. At the same time, these fish cakes were significantly darker
Received: 10 March 2020 than haddock-based (>50 %) fish cakes due to higher myoglobin content in the fish mus-
Accepted: 2 February 2021
cle. Moreover, fish cakes with higher amount of mackerel mince had increased yellowness
due to the accumulation of water-soluble (r=0.990, p<0.05) and fat-soluble (r=0.976,
p<0.05) TBARS. Metabolites relevant for taste and quality were quantified by using 1H nu-
clear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The mass fractions of anserine, trimethyl-
amine oxide and β-alanine decreased, while the mass fractions of histidine, glutamic acid
and alanine increased with the addition of mackerel. Sensory tests have shown the addi-
tion of mackerel did not reduce consumer acceptability of the new fish cakes.
Novelty and scientific contribution. The research demonstrates that Atlantic mackerel
can be successfully used for partial replacement of white fish species in fish cake formu-
lations to produce healthy and tasty ready-to-cook products and increase the consump-
tion of small pelagic fish in Europe.
Key words: fish cake, haddock, Atlantic mackerel, sensory attributes, quality parameters,
nucleotides, NMR metabolomics

Consumer awareness of health benefits associated with seafood consumption has in-
creased the demand for fish products over the last decades (1). Fish is a valuable source of
essential nutrients and bioactive compounds such as long-chain omega-3 fatty acids –
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), fat-soluble vitamins (E and
D), low-molecular-mass metabolites, such as anserine and taurine, and easily digestible
proteins (1–4).
*Corresponding author: A significant global increase in fish consumption has enhanced people’s diets all over
E-mail: janna.cropotova@ntnu.no the world, making them more nutritious (5). In 2017, fish accounted for about 19 % of the

4 January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1

Food Technol. Biotechnol. 59 (1) 4–15 (2021)

global population’s intake of animal protein (6). The Europe- Atlantic mackerel is one of the main fish species used in
an fish consumption has grown continuously during the last production of canned fishery products in Norway and Po-
few decades, and currently 42 % of European consumers eat land, ranking among the top small pelagic commodity
fish and seafood products at least once a week (5). There are, groups both in volume and value in 2017 and 2018 in Europe
however, differences among countries. Norway has a relative- (5,6). Nevertheless, although pelagic fish have been recog-
ly high fish consumption compared to EU countries, but it is nized as a valuable component of the diet in many European
decreasing. The results from household panel surveys show countries including Poland and Norway for many years, their
a reduction of 7 % from 2016 to 2017, while from 2012–2017 market position is low compared to other fish species. There
the total reduction was 17 % (7). The reduction is largest is a potential of increasing both the consumption and the val-
among people aged between 18 and 34, and one reason is ue of mackerel by producing higher value products than the
that younger people do not have the same traditions in pre- traditional canned products (11). In addition, pelagic fish has
paring fish as the older population (7). In addition, the con- not been used for production of fish cakes to any large de-
sumption of pelagic fish species is much lower than the con- gree neither in Norway nor in the EU.
sumption of other fish species such as salmon or cod, The aim of the present study is to develop novel fish cake
although the total catch of pelagic fish has increased gradu- formulations enriched with Atlantic mackerel raw material
ally during the last years in the EU and Norway (5). This situa- rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids and to evaluate the phys-
tion can partially be explained by a lack of diversity of pro- icochemical and sensory characteristics of the developed
cessed pelagic fish products (8), and lack of promotion products. This will provide valuable data for both food man-
towards young consumers. Traditionally, small pelagic fish ufacturers and professionals on quality characteristics and
have been used in the manufacture of canned fish products consumer acceptance and attitudes towards new fish cakes
such as mackerel in oil or tomato sauce, salted herring, based on haddock and Atlantic mackerel.
canned sardines, etc. To increase the consumption of pelagic
fish, and thereby improve the diet of the population, there is
a need to increase the diversification of fish products in Eu-
rope. Ready-to-eat/ready-to-cook fish products, i.e. canned Preparation of fish cakes
fish, fish cakes rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins and nat- Fillets of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and Atlan-
ural antioxidants could be an option for a healthy diet. tic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) used as raw material for
The consumers readiness to taste new fish products dis- preparation of fish cakes, were purchased fresh from a local
played by European Market Observatory for Fisheries and Aq- retailer (Ravnkloa, Trondheim, Norway). Prior to mincing, the
uaculture Products (EUMOFA) (5) demonstrates the impor- fillets were kept on ice. Other commercial ingredients such
tance of having a diverse range of fish products obtained as salt, potato starch, pepper, full cream milk and rapeseed
from different fish species. Moreover, a stressed lifestyle af- oil were bought in a local supermarket Rema 1000 (Trond-
fects dietary patterns, increasing intake of processed and fast heim, Norway).
food. Increasing the availability of easy to prepare healthy To make fish mince, pieces of mackerel and haddock
and tasty food such as canned fish, fish cakes, fish balls, fish (1470 g, (4±1) °C) were mixed together in haddock/mackerel
burgers, etc. with maximal use of pelagic fish species such as mass ratio of 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50 %, and further mixed
Atlantic mackerel, and studying consumer acceptance of the with 30 g salt for 30 s in a food processor (Bosch Universal
developed products is a highly relevant approach. To study Plus, Gerlingen, Germany). Potato starch (50 g) and pepper
consumer acceptance, sensory analysis is an important step (2 g) were added and mixed for 15 s, followed by the addition
for assessing taste preferences of consumers. A sustainable of 440 g full fat milk and mixing for 40 s. Fish cakes of 60 g
development of the fish processing sector in Europe can re- were made from the mixture and fried in rapeseed oil (three
duce the import and re-import of fish products (e.g. fish tablespoons in a frying pan) for 3 min on each side. After fry-
caught in the EU that is processed in Asia and imported back
ing, the cakes were transferred to the kitchen oven to cook
for consumption in the EU countries) through sustainable use
until the inside temperature reached 75 °C. The cakes were
of resources (9).
cooled down, vacuum packed and stored at 4 °C for two days
Fish cakes, i.e. a formulated fish product typically consist-
before the consumption and analysis. Physicochemical anal-
ing of 50–80 % fish and prepared by frying in a pan or oven
yses of fish cakes were performed on the third day after
have traditionally been consumed in many European coun-
tries, including Norway and Poland. In the Scandinavian
countries, they are generally made from white fish species
such as cod or haddock, with the addition of potato starch, Extraction of lipids and oxidation products
milk, herbs and salt. At the same time, fish cakes made from Lipids were extracted from the fish fillets and fish cakes
fatty fish such as salmon and shellfish have recently become by the Bligh and Dyer method (12), which uses a binary mix-
popular in Norway and Asian countries such as Thailand, Ja- ture of chloroform (Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Oslo, Norway) and
pan or India (10). methanol (purity 99.9 %) in a volume ratio 1:1, diluted with

January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1 5

J. CROPOTOVA et al.: Quality of Fish Cakes

distilled water (3:4) as an extraction medium. The extraction NMR metabolomics

was performed in duplicate. The total amount of lipids was Fish fillet samples from both haddock and mackerel, and
determined gravimetrically by placing the aliquot of the chlo- samples from the inner part of the fish cakes (N=3 from each
roform phase extract in the pre-weighed glass tube kept in a group) were taken immediately after preparing the cakes and
heating block at 60 °C under a stream of nitrogen until evap- frozen at –80 °C. Low-molecular-mass metabolites were ex-
orating to dryness. Lipid extracts in chloroform phase and tracted from the frozen samples by using methanol, chloro-
water/methanol phase were stored at –80 °C prior to analysis form and water. This is a method commonly used for lipid ex-
of peroxide value and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. traction, but is also proposed for extraction of water-soluble
metabolites in NMR studies, and it is particularly found suitable
Lipid oxidation products for tissues with high lipid content. The volumes and method-
After lipid extraction by Bligh and Dyer method (12), de- ology were used according to Bligh and Dyer (12), but scaled
termination of fat- and water-soluble secondary lipid oxida- down by a factor of 100, and using an average water content
tion products such as aldehydes was performed in the chlo- of circa 70 % in the samples. Approximately 1 g of sample was
roform and water/methanol phases, respectively. extracted in triplicate for each type of fillet or fish cake. The
Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) in chlo- resulting water/methanol phase was evaporated in a vacuum
roform phase were determined as described by Ke and centrifuge (Eppendorf TM Concentrator plus, Oslo, Norway) at
Wooyewoda (13). As a standard 1,1,3,3-tetraethoxypropane 30 °C for 1 h, freeze dried, and dissolved in 550 µL phos-
(Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Oslo, Norway) was used. The results phate-buffered saline (PBS, pH=7.4).and transferred to 5-mm
were expressed in mg malondialdehyde (MDA) per kg sam- NMR tubes. The PBS buffer was made using deuterium oxide
ple±standard deviation of at least four parallels. (99.8 % D; Sigma-Aldrich, Merck, Berlin, Germany) with 4,4-di-
TBARS in methanol/water phase were determined as de- methyl-4-silapentane-1-sulfonic acid (DSS)-d6 (98 % D; Sig-
scribed by Schmedes and Holmer (14) using 1,1,3,3-tetraeth- ma-Aldrich, Merck, Berlin) as an internal standard (0.5 mM).
oxypropane (Sigma-Aldrich, Merck) as a standard. The results NMR spectra were recorded on a Bruker Avance 600 MHz spec-
are expressed in mg MDA per kg sample±standard deviation trometer (Bruker BioSpin GmbH, Rheinstetten, Germany) at
of at least four parallels. 25 °C with a cryo-probe operating at a 1H frequency of 600.182
Peroxide value (PV) was measured in the lipid extract us- MHz (at the NMR laboratory at the Faculty of Natural Sciences,
ing the modified Shantana and Decker (15) method as de- Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim,
scribed by Baron et al. (16). A volume of 1 mL aliquot of total Norway). The 1H NMR spectra were obtained using the Bruker
lipid extract was mixed with 10 mL chloroform/methanol (7:3, pulse sequence noesygppr1d (1D NOESY pulse sequence with
V/V), then thiocyanate solution (50 μL, 30 %) was added and presaturation for water suppression). The following settings
the reaction mixture was left to react for 5 min at room tem- were used: sweep width 20 ppm, time domain 64k data points,
perature. The absorbance was read at 500 nm using a spec- acquisition time 4.1 s, relaxation delay 1.0 s, number of scans
trophotometer (UV mini 1240; Shimadzu Corp., Tokyo, Japan). 128, dummy scans 4. The raw data were multiplied with a
PV was determined using a standard curve with FeCl3 as 0.5 Hz exponential line broadening factor before zero filling
standard. Analysis was performed in triplicate. The results (real spectrum size (si) 64k data points) and Fourier trans-
were expressed in meq peroxide per kg lipids as sample± formed. Low-molecular-mass metabolites in the resulting
standard deviation. spectra were identified and quantified by computer-assisted
manual fitting with Chenomx NMR Suite (v. 8.4, Chenomx, Ed-
monton, Canada). The results were expressed in mg/100 g of
Determination of fatty acid composition
fish cake, or in mM of the extracts for calculation of the fresh-
The fatty acid (FA) profile of the extracted lipids in chlo-
ness indicator K-value, as defined by Saito et al. (18). The K-val-
roform phase was determined using an Agilent Technologies
ue is defined as the ratio of the sum of inosine (Ino) and hypox-
7890A (Agilent Technologies, Berlin, Germany) gas chroma-
anthine (Hx) to the sum of all adenosine triphosphate (ATP)
tograph (GC) with a flame ionisation detector (FID). The meth-
related catabolites. In the current study, the K-value of the raw
ylation step and GC-FID analysis were performed as described
material was calculated as the molar ratio of Ino and Hx vs the
in detail by Kristinova et al. (17). An internal standard 21:0 me-
sum of inosine monophosphate (IMP), Ino and Hx (since no ATP,
thyl ester (purity 99 %; Nu-Chek Prep Inc., Elysian, MN, USA)
adenosine diphosphate or adenosine monophosphate were
was added to the extracted sample prior to methylation. Fat-
detected). The K-value was also calculated for the prepared fish
ty acid methyl esters were identified by the comparison of
cake to evaluate if there were significant changes in the taste
their retention times with those of a reference solution (Nu-
compounds IMP and Hx during cooking.
-Chek Prep Inc.) analyzed under identical gas chromato-
graphic conditions. The results were expressed as mass frac-
tion (%) of each FA in the total FA mass (g FA per g lipid) and Colour parameters
recalculated to give mg FA in 100 g product. Two replicates Colour parameters of haddock and mackerel fish cakes
were run for each sample. were measured instrumentally using a Minolta Chroma meter

6 January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1

Food Technol. Biotechnol. 59 (1) 4–15 (2021)

CR-400 (Konica-Minolta, Osaka, Japan). Before starting the the availability of the respondents, with the use of two pari-
analysis, the instrument was calibrated with a standard white ties: about 50 % women/men and about 50 % people aged
plate. The data were recorded in colour coordinates of L* 55+. At the sampling stage, the following groups were exclud-
(lightness, black=0, white=100), a* (redness>0, greenness<0), ed from the tests: people with food allergies, people who do
and b* (yellowness>0, blueness<0) according to the Commis- not eat fish or fish products and people participating in oth-
sion Internationale de l’Éclairage (CIE) Lab scale. The meas- er consumer tests 3 months prior to the survey. Despite the
urements were performed on three preselected locations of random selection of respondents, the study cannot be con-
the inner surface of each fish cake at room temperature, six sidered as a survey conducted on a representative nation-
readings were conducted per each fish cake and the average wide sample of respondents (23), but as a pilot study.
was calculated. Fish cake samples were warmed up for 2 min at 650 W in
a microwave oven (model NF4046; Electrolux, Stockholm,
Texture parameters of fish cakes Sweden) before the sensory test. Samples were coded with
Texture profile analysis (TPA) was conducted to measure random numbers and given in a random order. In order to
the hardness and cohesiveness of the fish cakes. The analysis avoid tiredness of the senses, the number of tested products
was performed at room temperature ((20±5) °C), with a tex- was limited to 3 (fish cakes with different formulations). The
ture analyzer (SMS Stable Micro Systems, Ltd., Surrey, UK) respondents described the feeling using sensory descriptors
equipped with a 5-kg load cell according to the method de- and the evaluations were recorded using a tablet mobile de-
scribed by Hultmann and Rustad (19). Prior to analysis, each vice with a dedicated questionnaire uploaded.
fish cake was cut in two parts using a kitchen knife, and the The subject of the tests were sensory aspects of the dis-
measurements were performed on the inner part of the fish cussed products in three assessment phases (23): (i) basic sen-
cake section. A flat-ended aluminum cylinder of 35 mm in di- sory characteristics, (ii) satisfaction with individual sensory
ameter was pressed into the inner part of the fish cake at a elements, and (iii) overall satisfaction and the willingness to
constant speed of 1 mm/s until it reached 60 % of its height. purchase the product.
The holding time between the compressions was 5 s. The Basic sensory characteristics described the perception of
maximum resistance force was recorded in Newton (N) and selected descriptors of the product experienced during con-
expressed as the average of two determinations per fish cake. sumption (24). The intensity of each basic sensory descriptor
Cohesiveness, which represents the force holding the integ- was assessed on a structured graphical scale with boundary
rity of fish cake structure while preventing it from rupturing, markings, corresponding to 0–10 units: for the saltiness 0
was calculated as the ratio of areas delimited by the curves of meant ’too little salt‘ and 10 ’very salty‘, for the firmness 0
the second and the first compression of each separate fish meant ’very soft’ and 10 ’very hard’, for the juiciness 0 meant
cake section. ’very dry’ and 10 ’very juicy’, for the intensity of the aroma 0
meant ’not very intense, faintly perceptible’ and 10 ‘very in-
Microbiological analysis tense’.
The research on the satisfaction with individual sensory
Microbiological analysis of fish cakes was performed by
elements was based on asking the respondents to rate select-
an accredited lab (Analysesenteret in Trondheim, Norway).
ed product features (meat structure rating, meat colour rat-
The total aerobic plate count, thermotolerant coliform bac-
teria and anaerobic sulphite-reducing bacterial counts were ing, aroma rating) on a descriptive 8-point scale (25), where
analysed using the following methods: for total aerobic plate 1 was unacceptable and 8 was excellent (intermediate grades
count NMKL method 86 (20), for thermotolerant coliform bac- were also described to respondents).
teria an internal method of the accredited lab, and for anaer- The level of overall satisfaction with the product and the
obic sulphite-reducing bacteria NMKN method 56 (21). The willingness to purchase it was assessed on the 5-point Likert
samples were prepared as described by NMKL method 91 scale (where 1 was very negative, 3 was neutral, and 5 was
(22). Briefly, a 1- to 2-mm thick piece of surface was aseptical- very positive). The acceptability index was calculated by sum-
ly cut using a 10 cm2 template and transferred to a Stomach- ming up the values of the answers to the questions regarding
er filter bag. Saline peptone diluent (0.85 % NaCl, 0.10 % pep- the level of satisfaction and willingness to purchase. Meas-
tone, 9 mL) was added and the sample was homogenized at urements of both questions were made on the five-point Lik-
230 rpm. The homogenate was defined as dilution 10:1. Dilu- ert scale, therefore the values of the indicator were in the
tion series of the homogenate were made in test tubes with range from 2 to 10 points. The calculated index was treated
saline. The same samples were used both for total plate count as an interval quantitative scale (26).
and iron agar count. Total plate count analysis was performed
according to NMKL 86 (20). Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis and data processing were conducted
Sensory analysis using Statgraphics Centurion XVI and Minitab 18 (27). Exper-
Sensory tests of fish cakes were conducted in Norway by imental data in the tables and figures are the average values
a group of 25 consumers (N=25). The selection was based on of triplicate observations unless otherwise specified. Values

January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1 7

J. CROPOTOVA et al.: Quality of Fish Cakes

marked with different letters are significantly different polyunsaturated fatty acids was lower in the haddock fish
(p<0.05). Comparison of mean values was conducted using cakes (w=(22.8±0.1) and (51.6±0.5) g/100 g total fatty acids,
one-way ANOVA with Minitab 18 (27). For NMR data ANOVA respectively) than in the haddock raw material.
with Tukey comparisons of means assuming equal variance Based on the fatty acid composition of the fish cakes (Ta-
was applied when normality and homogeneity of variance ble 1), the recommended daily intake of 250 mg of EPA and
were confirmed by Anderson-Darling normality and Levene’s DHA (28) can easily be reached by consumption of fish cakes
tests, respectively. For some metabolites, these conditions enriched with mackerel. By consuming circa 200 g of fish
were not met, e.g. due to very different ranges in haddock cakes with 25 % mackerel (or 150 g of the fish cake with 50 %
and mackerel samples (e.g. for histidine), and in this case ANO- mackerel), the recommended amount of EPA and DHA for
VA was run as above on the fish cake samples only, while a one week is reached.
two-sample t-test was performed on the raw material (had-
dock and mackerel). Also, for metabolites with zero values in Lipid oxidation
one or more of the raw materials (anserine, citrate), the ANO-
Peroxide value is used as a quality parameter of an oil- or
VA was run on the fish cake sample only.
lipid-containing food product, although it is not directly re-
For consumer acceptance and sensory test results, statis-
lated to its sensory quality (29). At PV>20 meq/kg (10 mmol/
tical analysis and data processing were conducted using the
kg), the level of peroxides that must be formed to produce
IBM SPSS Statistics v. 25 statistical package (27). Basic descrip- noticeable oxidative rancidity is reached; however, for some
tive statistics, frequency statistics, normality tests of the products this limit is lower (e.g. 10 meq/kg or 5 mmol/kg) (29).
Shapiro-Wilk distribution, univariate variance analysis, Pear- Peroxide value in the lipids extracted from the fish cakes was
son’s r correlation analysis and linear regression analysis with (4.3±0.6), (7.1±0.6) and (7.6±0.6) meq/kg or (2.2±0.3), (3.6±0.3)
multiple predictors were calculated (25). Differences were and (3.8±0.3) mmol/kg for fish cakes with haddock/mackerel
considered significant at p<0.05. ratios 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50, respectively. Thus, the oxidative
quality of the lipids in fish cakes was acceptable. Recalculat-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ing the peroxide value per 1 kg product (Table 2), it is clear
that the content of peroxides in the fish cakes was very low
Lipid content and fatty acid composition and measured in µeq (μmol) scale. The peroxide amount in-
The lipid content in mackerel and haddock fillets used in creased significantly (p<0.05) by increasing the mass fraction
the study was (22.1±0.5) and (0.7±0.1) %, respectively (Table of mackerel in the fish cakes because of the increased amount
1). The frying in rapeseed oil increased the final lipid amount of lipids per 100 g of product and because of the higher un-
in w(haddock)=100 % fish cakes to 2 %. The mass fraction of saturation in the fish cake with mackerel lipids (Table 2).

Table 1. Lipid content and fatty acid composition of haddock and mackerel mince and fish cakes prepared thereof
Fish cake
Raw material
Composition w(mackerel)/%
Mackerel Haddock 0 25 50
w(total lipid)/(g/100 g) 22.1±0.5 0.7±0.1 2.0±0.1 6.5±0.1 9.9±0.1
w(fatty acid)/(mg/100 g):
saturated (25.3±0.4)c (29.5±0.4)b (36.2±0.1)a (29.1±0.1)b (28.6±1.5)b
monounsaturated (45.7±0.6)a (18.9±0.2)d (41.1±0.1) c
(43.2±0.1)b (45.0±0.8)a,b
polyunsaturated (29.0±0.2)b (51.6±0.5)a (22.8±0.1)d (27.7±0.1)b,c (26.4±0.7)c
w(EPA+DHA)/(mg/100 g) (3890±16)a (199±3)d (183±3)d (943±18)c (1296±135)b
The same letter in each column determines no statistical difference among the values of fish cakes. Different letters denote significant
differences in ANOVA

Table 2. Physicochemical characteristics of fish cakes prepared from mackerel and haddock minces
w(mackerel in Peroxide value w(TBARS)1/ w(TBARS)2/ Cohesive-
L* a* b* Hardness/N
fish cake)/% μeq/kg µmol/kg (mg/kg) (mg/kg) ness
0 (87±11)c (43.5±5.5)c (0.2±0.0)c (0.2±0.1)c (81.2±0.4)a (–2.2±0.1)a (9.0±0.2)a (99.3±12.4)a (0.6±0.3)a
25 (465±38) b
(232.5±19.0) b
(0.6±0.0) b
(2.7±0.3) b
(77.5±0.5) a,b
(–1.4±0.2) b
(10.6±0.3) a, b
(82.1±11.3) b
50 (786±49) a
(394.5±24.5) a
(0.8±0.1) a
(3.5±0.1) a
(73.9±0.6) b,c
(–0.8±0.1) c
(11.6±0.2) b,c
(70.5±5.4) c
The same letter in each column denotes no statistical difference among the values of fish cakes. Different letters denote significant differences
in ANOVA. w(TBARS)1=thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in methanol/water phase, w(TBARS)2=thiobarbituric acid reactive substances in
chloroform phase, L*=lightness, a*=redness and b*=yellowness

8 January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1

Food Technol. Biotechnol. 59 (1) 4–15 (2021)

The TBARS limit for quality and acceptability of oils for Texture parameters of fish cakes
human consumption is suggested on malonaldehyde (MDA) Fish cakes prepared with higher mass fraction of haddock
basis to be 7–8 mg/kg (30,31), but the ’acceptable’ value can mince in the formulations had significantly (p<0.05) higher
also depend on the method used for both extraction and de- hardness and cohesiveness values than the fish cakes pre-
termination. Both lipid- and water-soluble TBARS were meas- pared with equal amounts of haddock and mackerel mince
ured in fish cakes. The amount of lipid/chloroform soluble in the formulations, as shown in Table 2. This can probably be
aldehydes was slightly higher than of methanol/water solu- explained by better gelation properties of fish mince pre-
ble aldehydes, even though the measured mass fractions pared with higher mass fraction of haddock with less fat.
were lower than the proposed ’acceptable’ value of MDA Saldaña et al. (37) found that instrumental texture properties
8 mg/kg. One explanation of the higher amount of TBARS in such as hardness and cohesiveness were significantly affect-
the lipid/chloroform phase than in the methanol/water phase ed by the fat content in the product formulation.
can be that the oxidation process in the samples is slow and
triglyceride molecule are not cleaved to the low molecular
hydrophilic oxidation compounds present in more oxidized Microbiological parameters of fish cakes
lipids. Total aerobic plate counts, the bacterial counts of thermo­
In previous studies on minced fish products, different tolerant coliform bacteria and anaerobic sulphite-reducing
TBARS mass fractions expressed as MDA have been reported, bacteria counts were N<10 CFU/g in fish cakes with haddock/
e.g.: fried whiting balls w<0.27 mg/kg (32), anchovy cakes mackerel mass ratio 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50. Total aerobic plate
w=0.9 mg/kg (33), rainbow trout fish burgers w<0.33 mg/kg count did not exceed the maximum limits (N=6 log CFU/g) of
(34). The mass fraction of TBARS in haddock and mackerel fish microbiological criteria for fish products (fish sticks, fish por-
cakes also increased with increasing mass fraction of mack- tions, fish cakes) given by International Commission on Mi-
erel in the fish mass, which is, as already mentioned, due to crobiological Specifications for Foods (38).
the increased amount of lipids and unsaturated fatty acids
(Table 2). Sensory parameters
One of the main aims of the consumer testing was to de-
Colour parameters of fish cakes fine the acceptance of the novel fish cake prototypes (with
Colour parameters of haddock and mackerel fish cakes mackerel replacing haddock). The assessment of product ac-
are given in Table 2. The lightness (L* value) of the fish cakes ceptance is based on the acceptability index, including the
increased significantly (p<0.05) with increased mass fraction level of satisfaction with the product and the willingness to
of haddock mince. This tendency can be explained by the purchase it. Mean acceptability index for the white fish cakes
lower mass fraction of dark muscle of haddock than of Atlan- (with 100 % haddock, which are equivalent of the products
tic mackerel. The significant (p<0.05) differences in redness available on the market) was 5.56 (on a 10-point scale). For
(a* value) between fish cakes prepared from haddock mince novel fish cake prototypes the acceptability index was high-
alone, and fish cakes containing both haddock and mackerel er: 5.60 for fish cakes with 25 % mackerel and 5.80 for fish
mince in their formulations can be explained by the amount cakes with 50 % mackerel (data not shown).
of myoglobin in these fish species (35,36). Myoglobin is the The result of the one-way ANOVA analysis for the three
predominant pigment in dark muscle of Atlantic mackerel, fish cakes tested was not statistically significant. There were
which is found in very small amounts in haddock muscle. Dif- no important differences at the level of acceptability be-
ferences in yellowness (b* value) between haddock and had- tween novel fish cake prototypes and white fish cakes.
dock/mackerel fish cakes can be explained by the differences Frequency statistics of acceptability index is a confirma-
in lipid oxidation occurring during the product preparation tion of the existence of a market niche for newly developed
process (35). The high mass fraction of polyunsaturated fatty fish cakes (where mackerel partially replaces white fish). We
acids in Atlantic mackerel compared to haddock gives a high- decided to take the value 8 for the acceptability index as a
er susceptibility to lipid oxidation under elevated cooking limit value showing the existence of any market potential for
temperatures. In accordance with PV and TBARS data, the fish the product. It corresponds to definite fulfillment of expec-
cakes containing 25 and 50 % mackerel mince underwent tations or decisive willingness to buy, or simultaneous mod-
faster lipid oxidation. For all fish cake samples, the b* values erate willingness to buy at a moderate level of satisfaction.
increased towards a more yellow colour following the in- With this restrictive value of consumer acceptability, the
crease in lipid oxidation. This is in good agreement with a white fish cakes were accepted in the survey by 28 % of con-
previous study of Cropotova et al. (36) showing that accumu- sumers. Percentage of consumers that accepted novel fish
lation of secondary lipid oxidation products correlates with cake prototypes was even higher: 36 % for fish cakes with
increased yellowness of fish cakes. This is supported by a sig- 25 % mackerel and 32 % for fish cakes with 50 % mackerel
nificant correlation between the b* value and the amount of (Table 3).
water-soluble TBARS (r=0.990, p<0.05) and fat-soluble TBARS Next, it was verified whether the level of acceptability is
(r=0.976, p<0.05). significantly related to the age of the respondent. The differ­

January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1 9

J. CROPOTOVA et al.: Quality of Fish Cakes

Table 3. Frequency statistics for the acceptability index of individual acceptance is obvious and expresses the consumers’ expec-
products tation that the fish cakes should be juicy. The high negative
w(mackerel in Point Acceptability index correlation (r=–0.55) between juiciness and firmness is also
fish cake)/% range N % expected; firm products are usually perceived as less juicy.
0 2–3 5 20.0 The high correlation between the acceptance of different
4–5 7 28.0 components (of the aroma, meat structure and meat colour:
6–7 6 24.0
r=0.47–0.49) and the total acceptability confirm that the as-
8 – 10 7 28.0
sessment of the aroma and appearance are important ele-
50 2–3 6 24.0
ments of the product’s evaluation. It should be noted that all
4–5 5 20.0
tested products have a delicate aroma, so weak positive cor-
6–7 6 24.0
relation between the intensity of the aroma and its accepta-
8 – 10 8 32.0
bility (r=0.26) is not surprising (Table 5).
25 2–3 3 12.0
At the last stage, a linear regression model was created to
4–5 11 44.0
select the best predictors of the acceptability value for fish
6–7 2 8.0
cakes. Sensory attributes of products whose correlation val-
8 – 10 9 36.0
ues with the acceptability ratio of fish cakes were statistically
significant (colour and aroma assessment and intensity, salt
content, and juiciness) were used as predictors.
ences in the level of acceptability ratio between three age The created model was statistically significant, and the
groups (18–30, 31–54 and 55+) for particular products were value of the adjusted R2 coefficient was 0.64 (Table 6), which
checked using one-way analysis of variance. The results were means that approx. 64 % of the variance in the acceptability
only statistically significant for fish cakes with 50 % mackerel ratio can be explained by the created model and its predic-
(Table 4). tors.
To determine the relationship among the sensory char- Statistically significant predictors in the final model were
acteristics of the products, component acceptance and final juiciness (β=0.60), aroma acceptability (β=0.31), saltiness
acceptance index, a series of correlation analyzes was per- (β=–0.25) and meat colour (β=0.21) (Table 6). This means that
formed using the Pearson’s r ratio among the following vari- consumers especially expected fish cakes with high juiciness,
ables: acceptability index, colour, acceptance, aroma accept- while it is also important to produce fish cakes with the right
ance, aroma intensity, saltiness, firmness, juiciness. Significant, (pleasant) aroma and right (probably not too dark) meat col-
high correlation (r=0.61) between juiciness and consumer our, and not too high salt content.

Table 4. One-way ANOVA test for the acceptability index of individual products between the three age groups
Age group
w(mackerel in
18–30 31–54 55+ F-value df P-value η2
fish cake)/%
0 4.2±2.4 5.7±2.4 5.9±1.8 1.53 2, 17.70 0.244 0.07
25 5.0±1.3 5.3±2.3 6.0±2.3 1.14 2, 25.32 0.336 0.03
50 7.0±1.5 4.9±2.3 6.1±2.4 3.76* 2, 23.74 0.038 0.11
df=degrees of freedom, P-value=level of marginal significance within a statistical hypothesis test, η2=proportion of variance accounted for by
a factor

Table 5. Analysis of Pearson’s correlation between sensory characteristics and the acceptability index of fish cakes
Variable 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Acceptance parameter:
1. Acceptability index ---
2. Meat structure 0.47*** ---
3. Meat colour 0.45*** 0.60*** ---
4. Aroma acceptability 0.49*** 0.52*** 0.56*** ---
Basic sensory descriptor:
5. Aroma intensity 0.26** 0.18* 0.14 0.26** ---
6. Saltiness 0.14⁑ 0.02 0.05 0.13 0.30*** ---
7. Firmness –0.23** –0.15⁑ 0.02 –0.03 –0.18* 0.35*** ---
8. Juiciness 0.61*** 0.34*** 0.23** 0.17* 0.30*** 0.36*** –0.55***
⁑ 0.05<p<0.10, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001

10 January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1

Food Technol. Biotechnol. 59 (1) 4–15 (2021)

Table 6. Coefficients of a linear regression model predicting the acceptability index values of fish cakes based on sensory descriptors and com-
ponent acceptability
Model Predicator B SE β t F df p R2
Constant –0.72 0.95 –0.76
Meat structure –0.02 0.11 –0.01 –0.17
Meat colour 0.28 0.10 0.21 2.71**
Acceptability Aroma acceptability 0.48 0.10 0.31 4.74***
35.95 7.132 <0.001 0.64
index Aroma intensity 0.07 0.07 0.06 1.08
Saltiness –0.33 0.08 –0.25 –4.14***
Firmness 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.64
Juiciness 0.68 0.08 0.60 9.01***
**p<0.01, ***p<0.001. Constant=y-intercept, B=unstandardized beta, SE=standard error, β=standardized B coefficients, t=t test, F=F-value,
df=degrees of freedom, p=test probability, R²=coefficient of determination

Low-molecular-mass metabolites analyzed by HR NMR such as nucleotide derivatives, organic acids and sugars. This
Table 7 gives an overview of low-molecular-mass metab- pool of metabolites includes both taste-active components,
olites quantified in the muscle and fish cake extracts, and in- freshness indicators and metabolites that are considered bi-
cludes free amino acids, peptides and other small molecules oactive (39–42). For example, taurine is well recognized as

Table 7. Low-molecular-mass metabolites quantified in raw material and prepared fish cakes with different levels of haddock and mackerel
Fish cake
Raw material
w/(mg/100 g) w(mackerel)/%
Haddock Mackerel 0 25 50
Acetate (1.7±0.5)a (1.2±0.1)a (2.3±1.1)a (2.0±0.1)a (2.1±0.1)a
Alanine (14.9±1.2)c (28.6±2.5)a (12.0±2.2)c (15.7±0.2)bc (19.8±1.7)b
Anserine (236±36) n.d. (146±14)a# (122±78)a# (91±7)b#
Citrate n.d. n.d. (44±1.6)a# (44.1±2.4)a# (39.6±4.0)a#
Creatine (506±50)a (427±54)ab (346±12)bc (328±18)c (323±22)c
Creatinine (0.1±0.1)b (0.5±0.9)b (8.2±2.1)a (7.5±1.4)a (10.4±1.8)a
Dimethylamine (1.9±0.5)a (1.1±0.2)b (2.0±0.1)a (2.5±0.2)a (2.1±0.3)a
Formate (0.4±0.2)ab (0.2±0.1)b (0.6±0.1)a (0.5±0.04)a (0.53±0.02)a
Glutamate (8.7±1.4)d (46.7±5.4)a (12.5±2.0)cd (16.6±0.5)bc (22.7±2.1)b
Glycerol (3.9±2.2)b (261±3)a * * *
Glycine (12.1±1.7)a (12.7±0.8)a * * *
Histamine n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Histidine (3.3±0.4)** (365±114)** (3.0±0.2)c# (66±2)b# (105±18)a#
Hypoxanthine (3.0±1.2)b (6±0.4)a (1.6±0.2)b (2.9±0.3)d (2.5±1.3)b
IMP (134±27)a (74±34)b (66±2)b (73±23)b (58±4)b
Imidazole (6.9±4.0)a (1.1±1.0)b (4.9±1.2)ab (3.8±0.1)ab (2.7±0.6)ab
Inosine (62±25)ab (90±1)a (54±3)b (43±2)b (59±2)b
Isoleucine (1.9±0.3)c (4.9±0.1)a (1.8±0.4)c (2.40±0.03)c (3.3±0.4)b
Lactate (387±30)ab (415±87)a (273±4)c (303±4)bc (315±6)abc
Lactose n.d. n.d. (1203±58)a (1325±160)a (1177±70)a
Leucine (3.6±0.34)c (9.8±1.3)a (3.0±1.3)c (5±0.1)bc (7.2±0.5)b
Lysine (7.6±0.6)cd (33±2.7)a (3.8±1.0)d (11.0±0.2)bc (14.4±4.1)b
Methionine (1.9±0.5)bc (4.4±0.1)a (1.3±0.1)c (2.3±0.1)b (2.3±0.4)b
Phenylalanine (1.4±0.6)c (5.1±0.6)a (1.4±0.6)c (2.24±0.04)bc (3.3±0.4)b
Succinate (0.2±0.2)c (0.17±0.006)c (0.69±0.02)b (0.93±0.01)ab (1.2±0.1)a
Taurine (63±5)ab (72±6)a (50±3)c (60±1)abc (56±7)bc
Trimethylamine (0.1±0.1)c (0.9±0.3)b (0.7±0.1)bc (1.5±0.4)a (2.1±0.2)a
TMAO (353±38)a (138±18)d (256±8)b (215±9)bc (180±11)cd
Tyrosine (2.0±0.7)cd (8.0±0.9)a (1.2±0.1)d (2.8±0.1)bc (4.1±0.23)b
Valine (3.2±0.4)c (9.5±0.9)a (3.0±0.9)c (4.36±0.05)bc (5.9±0.5)b
β-Alanine (6.9±2.0)a n.d. (7.0±0.5)a (4.9±0.1)ab (4.0±0.4)b
Data are expressed in mg/100 g on wet mass basis (average with standard deviations, N=3). *Quantification not possible due to overlapping
lactose peaks. Different letters denote significant differences in ANOVA. For some metabolites, ANOVA was run only on the different fish cake
samples, and these are denoted with #. **For histidine, the t-test showed differences in mean values of histidine for haddock and mackerel
raw materials. n.d.=not determined

January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1 11

J. CROPOTOVA et al.: Quality of Fish Cakes

beneficial for the cardiovascular system (2), and anserine is The trimethylamine (TMA) mass fractions increased from
known as an antioxidant and is suggested to impact cogni- the fish raw material to the prepared fish cakes. TMA may be
tive functions (4). formed from TMAO, by certain bacteria during storage of fish
The most obvious difference in the profile of low-molec- and is responsible for a fishy odour (42). Different ranges of
ular-mass metabolites in muscle extracts from haddock and quality limits for TMA have been proposed, as summarized
mackerel is the different levels of anserine and histidine (Ta- by Barbuzzi et al. (47), who chose an intermediate limit of
ble 7). Anserine is abundant in haddock (w=(236±36) mg/100 g), w=6 mg/100 g in a study of fish mince. However, TMA is also
and not detected in mackerel, while histidine is dominant in reported to be present in milk (48). The TMA mass fraction in
mackerel (w=(365±114) mg/100 g) and not detected in had- the haddock raw material was w=0.1 mg/100 g. In the fish
dock. Imidazole compounds, such as histidine and anserine, cake with haddock, the mass fraction of TMA was w=0.7 mg/
act as pH buffers in fish muscle; and active migratory fish spe- 100 g even though the haddock mass fraction was only ap-
cies, such as mackerel, have high levels of free histidine (42). prox. 74 % in the fish cake (22 % was milk). The TMA also in-
The level of histidine in mackerel is also relevant for food safe- creased with increasing addition of mackerel in the fish cake
ty, since it is a precursor of histamine, which is responsible for (to w=2.1 mg/100 g in the fish cake with 50 % mackerel). This
scombroid poisoning caused by spoiled fish (with histamine increase is higher than the theoretical increase due to the ad-
above w=5–10 mg/100 g). However, in the present study, the dition of mackerel, and the volume of added milk was con-
histamine content in mackerel was below the detection limit stant. It is therefore proposed that even though some TMA is
(w<1 mg/100 g), confirming that the mackerel was of good present in the milk, the increase in TMA mass fractions from
freshness and had been treated hygienically. raw material to fish cakes is probably due to microbial degra-
The trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) mass fractions are in dation of TMAO. The fish cake with haddock was prepared at
general higher in haddock (w=(353±38) mg/100 g) than in the the beginning of the day, while the cake with 50 % mackerel
mackerel (w=(138±18) mg/100 g). TMAO is known to be a sig- some hours later, so in addition to increasing mackerel con-
nificant contributor to the pool of cellular metabolites in tent (with highest TMA values), some TMA was also formed
whitefish, while pelagic fish are reported to have lower mass during the production day.
fractions of TMAO (43). The TMAO mass fractions are in agree- Compared to the traditional recipe (without the addition
ment with previous studies on whitefish (cod (43) w=340–380
of mackerel), inclusion of mackerel significantly increased the
mg/100 g) and mackerel (40) (w=(130–170) mg/100 g). For tel-
mass fraction of His in the fish cakes. Ala and Glu increased
eosts (bony fish), TMAO are regarded as important for coun-
somewhat but to a lesser content and the increase was sig-
teracting destabilization of proteins by pressure, and the con-
nificant in the fish cake with 50 % mackerel. The higher mass
tent increases in deep waters (43). It has been observed that
fraction of such free amino acids in mackerel fish cakes can
TMAO may have a protective effect in prion diseases, but
be one of the explanations of the sensory analysis showing
TMAO has also been associated with adverse cardiovascular
that the aroma intensity of fish cakes with mackerel was high-
events, and its role as a potential biomarker or new therapeu-
tic target has recently been reviewed (44,45). As previously er than when using only haddock as raw material. However,
shown in studies of fish sauce (46), free amino acids such as since the taste is a function of many different taste com-
glutamate, pyroglutamate and alanine have been shown to pounds (49) (such as nucleotides, peptides, volatile com-
be major contributors to fish-like taste and to its umami, pounds, and fatty acid derivatives), a further investigation of
sweetness and overall taste. Mackerel in general has higher the correlation of the free amino acids and sensory attributes
levels of many free amino acids relevant for taste, such as ala- was beyond the scope of this topic.
nine and glutamate, but especially histidine, than haddock. The mass fraction of taurine was neither significantly dif-
The above-mentioned differences in low-molecular-mass ferent between haddock/mackerel nor between the three
metabolites in haddock and mackerel muscle are reflected in types of fish cakes: the mass fraction in mackerel (w=72 mg/
the corresponding profile of the fish cakes with different 100 g) was similar to the values found by Gormely et al. (2)
mass fractions of mackerel. It was observed that the standard (w=78 mg/100 g). The mass fraction of TMAO, anserine and
deviation in the quantified metabolites was larger for the β-alanine was reduced when mackerel was added to tradi-
muscle samples than for the fish cake samples; it is proposed tional fish cakes.
that the well-known variation within biochemical composi- The acceptable K-values differ among fish species, but
tion of fish individuals (due to factors such as age, size and generally a K-value<20 % is categorized as very fresh, while a
gender) is evened out in the preparation of fish mince during K-value of 50–70 % is regarded as moderately fresh. Even
the preparation of the fish cakes. For the fish cakes, lactose though the K-value was higher for the mackerel fillets than
peaks (from the added milk) are dominant in part of the spec- the haddock fillets (Fig. 1), both were of acceptable freshness
tra, making it challenging to quantify glycerol and glycine (<70 %), even though large variations were seen. The K-value
due to overlapping peaks. In addition to the lactose, there did not increase significantly during preparation of haddock
was a clear increase in citrate, creatinine and succinate in the fish cakes, i.e. the K-value of haddock fillets was (40±14) %,
fish cakes compared to the raw material, which is also due to while for the haddock fish cakes, the value was (53±0) % (Fig.
the added milk (46). 1). In addition, the K-values of fish cakes with haddock/

12 January-March 2021 | Vol. 59 | No. 1

Food Technol. Biotechnol. 59 (1) 4–15 (2021)

80 histidine, glutamate, alanine increased with the addition of

70 mackerel.

50 This study is based on the work supported by the JPI pro-

ject ProHealth ’Innovative processing to preserve positive
health effects in pelagic fish products’, RCN 259582/E50,
30 funded by Norwegian Research Council, Oslo, Norway.
J. Cropotova drafted the manuscript, performed texture
0 analysis and took part in sensory analysis. R. Mozuraityte de-
Haddock Mackerel 100:0 75:25 50:50
signed the work, performed and described lipid analysis, and
Raw material Fish cakes took part in fish cake preparation. I.B. Standal performed and
Fig. 1. K-value (ratio of inosine and hypoxanthine to the sum of all described NMR analysis, took part in fish cake preparation
adenosine triphosphate-related catabolites) for haddock and mack- and performed critical revision of the manuscript. O. Szulecka
erel and fish cakes (FC) prepared thereof with different mass ratios of
haddock and mackerel: 100:0, 75:25 and 50:50 %
drafted sensory analysis description and performed data
analysis. T. Kulikowski organized and performed sensory anal-
ysis, collected the data and performed data interpretation. A.
mackerel mass ratio 75:25 and 50:50 (46 and 60 %, respective- Mytlewski participated in drafting of the sensory analysis sec-
ly) was similar to the K-value of the raw material (46 and 52 %, tion and its critical revision, as well as in data interpretation.
respectively). This implies that no significant breakdown of T. Rustad participated in drafting of the manuscript, per-
IMP to Ino or Hx took place during storage prior to cooking formed critical revision and final approval of the version to
and during cooking. IMP is related to the umami fish taste of be published.
fresh seafood, while Hx is a contributor to the bitter off-fla-
vour of spoiled fish and are thereby relevant sensory quality ORCID ID
indicators also of the final product.
J. Cropotova https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4938-2674
O. Szulecka https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9889-6703
CONCLUSIONS T. Kulikowski https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7798-3346
Partial replacement of traditionally used haddock mince A. Mytlewski https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6671-9913
by mackerel mince in fish cake formulations significantly im- T. Rustad https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8972-6347
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