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BRM Research Project Report

Survey and Multivariate Analysis (Trường Đại học Kinh tế Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh)

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Student name: Công Thụy Khánh Trang Student ID number: 31221020524

Student name: Trần Ngọc Thảo Vy Student ID number: 31221022588

Student name: Dương Minh Trí Student ID number: 31221020315

Student name: Nguyễn Đức Vinh Student ID number: 31221023423

Student name Nguyễn Phúc Minh Trí Student ID number 31221026355

Business Research
Unit name: Method Unit number: BRM-05
Tutorial/Lecture Lecture Class day and time: 11/08/2023
Lecturer or Tutor name: Dr. Trần Vĩ

Research Project
Length: 9438 words Due date: 11/08/2023 Date submitted: 011/08/2023
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I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in
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Student’s signature: Công Thụy Khánh Trang
Student’s signature: Trần Ngọc Thảo Vy
Student’s signature: Dương Minh Trí
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Đức Vinh
Student’s signature: Nguyễn Phúc Minh Trí

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Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION: ......................................................................................................................... 1

2. LITERATURE REVIEW: .............................................................................................................. 4

CUSTOMER SATISFACTION....................................................................................................................... 4
KEY CONCEPT AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................... 6

3. METHODOLOGY: ............................................................................................................................. 8

RESEARCH MODEL OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................... 8

VARIABLES OF THE STUDY ..................................................................................................................... 9
SUMMARY OF METHODOLOGY USED.................................................................................................... 10
RESEARCH APPROACH ........................................................................................................................... 12
SAMPLE SELECTION ............................................................................................................................... 14
DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................................ 15

4. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS: .......................................................................................................... 16

DESCRIPTIVE DATA ................................................................................................................................ 16

RELIABILITY TEST .................................................................................................................................. 18
VALIDITY TEST....................................................................................................................................... 19
CORRELATION ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 22
REGRESSION ANALYSIS: ........................................................................................................................ 23
ANOVA ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................... 24

5. CONCLUSION.................................................................................................................................. 26

REFERENCE LIST ................................................................................................................................. 1

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APPENDIX A: FOCUS GROUP TRANSCRIPT ................................................................................... 9

APPENDIX B: DESCRIPTIVE DATA ................................................................................................ 23

APPENDIX C: RELIABILITY TEST .................................................................................................. 24

APPENDIX D: VALIDITY TEST ........................................................................................................ 29

APPENDIX E: CORRELATION ANALYSIS ..................................................................................... 34

APPENDIX F: REGRESSION ANALYSIS ......................................................................................... 35

APPENDIX G : ONE-WAY ANOVA .................................................................................................. 36

APPENDIX H: GOOGLE FORM QUESTIONNAIRE........................................................................ 37

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The purpose of this research is to identify factors that affect consumer satisfaction with Grab
and investigate the relationships between them. The theoretical framework of this article is
based on relevant prior research literature. The variables retrieved using Confirmatory factor
analysis were accounted for in the developed hypothesized model. These variables are used to
build hypotheses evaluated using methods like Correlation, Regression, and ANOVA analysis.
Data analyzed is collected from 266 respondents through a structured questionnaire. According
to the findings, Price, Responsiveness, and Tangibles, all significantly influence Customer
Satisfaction in a positive direction. The study has limitations since it cannot identify outcomes
for various client categories because the information was primarily obtained from university
students. The study offers a straightforward method for determining the direction of service
development so that Grab may raise customer happiness and better comprehend their needs
and expectations when using the service.


Grab, SERVQUAL, customer satisfaction, tangibles, price, responsiveness, reliability,

qualitative, quantitative, correlation, regression, anova analysis, Confirmatory factor

1. Introduction:

Business Overview

Grab Holdings Inc. (Grab) is a multinational technology company headquartered in Singapore

and founded in 2014 to move Southeast Asia forward by enabling economic empowerment for
everyone (1). The company's mobile app - Grab, provides everyday transportation solutions
through a mobile application. Grab has emerged as a dominant force in the on-demand
economy of Southeast Asia, starting as a ride-hailing platform and expanding its services
significantly. Today, Grab offers diverse services, including ride-hailing options such as taxis,
private cars, and motorbikes, through its mobile app, leveraging GPS technology to ensure
convenience and efficiency. Additionally, Grab ventured into the food delivery sector with
GrabFood, connecting users with restaurants and food stalls across the region. For those
needing immediate deliveries, GrabExpress serves as a same-day delivery service for groceries,
packages, and other items.

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Moreover, Grab Financial Group provides a suite of financial services, encompassing

payments, insurance, and microfinancing options, further strengthening its position as a
comprehensive on-demand platform for the people of Southeast Asia (2). Grab is now
Southeast Asia’s leading super-app, with over 190 million users across six countries (2).

Industry Overview

Grab has become a prominent player with over 214 million app downloads and a presence in
more than 400 cities. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly heightened the need for online
delivery and transportation services, increasing reliance on Grab for fulfilling these demands.
In Vietnam, Grab has expanded its reach to cover more than 50 cities across the country(6).
With an extensive operation, Grab proudly serves over 25% of Vietnam's nearly 100 million
population, thanks to its 190,000 individual driver contractors network. The company has
diversified its presence across various sectors, including transportation, food delivery, and
banking services (7).
Over the past few years, the ride-hailing market in Vietnam has experienced remarkable
growth, with Grab emerging as the industry's leading and distinguished service provider.
However, achieving the level of success that Grab has attained took a lot of work. The company
had to outpace numerous domestic startups and ASEAN competitors that entered the market
during that time (7).
According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Vietnam's ride-hailing market is immensely
promising, resembling an enticing opportunity with potential. With an approximate revenue of
$2.4 billion in 2021 and an average annual growth rate of around 30-35% from 2015 to the
present, the market has captured the attention of both domestic and foreign investors. As of
May 2021, Grab remains the most popular ride-hailing app in Vietnam, boasting a user base of
66%. Following closely is Be (22%), FastGo (8%), MyGo (8%), and VATO (4%), according
to data from Statista. In the realm of motorbike taxi services, Grab also takes the lead,
commanding 60% of users as of February 2021, according to Q&Me data. Gojek follows at
19%, while Be and FastGo holds 18% and 4%, respectively, with VATO and MyGo at 2% and
4%. The impressive market penetration and continuous growth in the ride-hailing industry in
Vietnam indicate a strong demand for convenient and tech-driven transportation solutions.
With Grab at the forefront, both as a ride-hailing and motorbike taxi service provider, the

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competition is fierce, keeping investors on the edge, eager to capitalize on the country's
flourishing on-demand transportation market (5).
Research objectives

The objective of this study is to analyze the factors that influence customer satisfaction with
Grab as well as to provide a comprehensive understanding of the quality of services provided
by Grab, including price, responsiveness, reliability, and tangibles. To comprehensively
understand customer satisfaction with Grab's services, we conducted a quantitative survey
using the related Likert scale questionnaires. After collecting the data, we would come up with
applying statistical methods such as demographic analysis to analyze the research including
reliability testing using Cronbach's alpha, validity assessment through factor analysis,
correlation analysis, exploration of relationships using multiple linear regression, and the
inclusion of a one-sample independent t-test for further insights. By delving into the
demographics of Grab's customer base, we aim to identify potential variations in satisfaction
across different factors. The reliability and validity analyses ensure the robustness of our data,
while correlation and regression analyses uncover factors influencing satisfaction levels. The
one-sample t-test would allow us to gauge specific deviations from industry norms. Following
the discussion and results-interpreting, the results analyzed through the raw collected data
would be scrutinized. As a result, provide a comprehensive understanding of customer
sentiment before concluding with a summary, highlighting limitations, and offering actionable
recommendations for Grab's service enhancements.

Research question

The research aims to answer the following questions:

● Are there significant correlations between different aspects of Grab's services and
overall customer satisfaction?
● What implications can be drawn from this study's research?
● What strategic pathways can Grab undertake to implement the recommended service
enhancements and foster lasting improvements in customer satisfaction?

The significance of the report

The research analyzes many elements that help us better understand customer satisfaction. The
research contributes to our understanding of the insight viewpoint. It explains whether those
factors are significant or not, as a result to provide the best recommendation through the various

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hypothesis methods. Theoretically, different factors affect different people in different ways.
The analysis of the report can help Grab modify its service strategies to meet each of the unique
requirements and preferences of its typical customer. The company could develop
individualized strategies that foster more remarkable experience, happiness, and effectiveness
while operating the business. The purpose of this project is to examine those strategies deeper
through quantitative methods. In general, the report's significance lies in its ability to provide
valuable insights into the specific factors that influence customer satisfaction in the electronic
service market.

Problem statement

The dynamic and competitive environment in which Grab operates demands customer attention
and loyalty. However, the statistics may reveal that some of the customer requirements,
particularly their thoughts toward Grab in terms of satisfying them, are at the forefront of their
concerns. The time-consuming wait or the Grab employees' behavior makes it difficult for Grab
to rearrange and sort the problems among the respondents. Consequently, the Grab company
currently needs help in solving those matters and improving itself for their customers,
especially satisfaction while using the services. As described in the survey, we have already
come up with an analysis of the most typical factors that influence the user when collecting the
data relating to the impact of Grab's features on the users' preferences. The study would delve
into the critical issue of enhancing customer satisfaction and well-being for Grab, also
recommending urgent and comprehensive intervention for the improvement.

2. Literature review:

Customer Satisfaction

In any business service, customer satisfaction plays a vital role in influencing the perception of
company loyalty, and it also gains considerable attention for improving that element. The term
"customer satisfaction" could be defined as a comparison between the experience and
customer's expectations or simply as what customers expect and what they gain from the
service (9). In other words, it might also be a person's feelings of pleasure or disappointment
that result from those performances or outcomes relative to perceived expectations (10). As a
result, customer satisfaction seems crucial for every firm and must be noticed to maintain
customer loyalty towards the brand. Moreover, customer satisfaction might be a factor that

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measures the organization's success, as it will be a scale to determine the company's continuity
by building lasting relationships with consumers (11). Therefore, it is the primary key for all
organisations to stabilise and keep a competitive advantage in this highly competitive market
In addition, customer satisfaction measures the result of either positive or negative
disconfirmation (13). The higher the level of satisfaction, the more benefits that are brought to
the company. For that reason, Grab particularly needs to conduct a deep understanding of
customer expectations continuously and to be innovative in the constantly changing market to
meet customers' demands and thereby make a significant contribution to revenue as well as
gain profit.
To achieve high customer satisfaction, it is essential for Grab to continuously bring exceptional
service quality that meets the requirements of its customers. Voice of customer satisfaction can
be a valuable input in shaping a solid reputation for the company (14). Therefore, it is
concluded that there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction
3. Define theory:


The study uses the scale of measurement, the SERVQUAL model with the aim of measuring
Grab’s customer satisfaction. This model is developed from the study of Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, and Berry in 1985 (7), with the aim of functioning the difference between initial
expectations and actual performance. However, Servqual perceptions result not only from the
outcome of the service but also from the way how the service is delivered to customers (7).
After a long time conducting, researchers have been interpreting the results in ten group quality
determinants: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Competence, Access, Courtesy,
Communication, Credibility, Security, and Understanding, or Empathy (7). These dimensions
were then thoroughly re-examined and applied to thousands of research studies (9).
Nonetheless, there are still some suggestions that these dimensions are only applicable to some
contexts and organisations.
Focus group discussion

Focus group discussions are initiated to examine the context of the Industry that Grab is
operating. Invited interviewees are indirectly asked to discuss the opinions and criteria that
they use to evaluate Grab service and the industry in general. The results showed that the

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number of dimensions had been reduced to four confirmed dimensions, including

Responsiveness, Price, Reliability, and Tangibles. Through this research, Servqual would help
the company understand the core issues and enhance overall service quality as well as customer
satisfaction levels.

Key concept and Hypothesis development

a. Responsiveness

Responsiveness is a readiness to assist consumers and deliver fast service. Being responsive
entails being able to react swiftly and flexibly to customer requests (32). Responsiveness is one
of the factors in service quality that are thought to be crucial for customer fulfilment (36). A
business has to have comprehensive knowledge of customer behaviour and the ability to profile
it, as well as real-time customer information, factor-of-service control, and customer loyalty in
order to be responsive (34). Additionally, according to (35), responsiveness is the degree to
which clients believe the providers are eager to help them promptly. Therefore, one of the most
crucial aspects of responsiveness is exhibiting sincerity and a willingness to help consumers.
If the company's desire to assist customers is executed promptly, precisely, and effectively,
consumers' opinions of its capacity to conduct business will be impacted. Due to this,
responsiveness also impacts reliability, hence affecting Customer Satisfaction. In line with the
study (33), the evaluation of the product might be impacted by persistent dissatisfaction with
responsiveness, which therefore affects overall satisfaction. (32) indicates that lowering
responsiveness boosts output right away, but this tactic has a long-term detrimental effect on
customer satisfaction and eventually reduces revenues. In this research, we hypothesise that:

Hypothesis 1: Responsiveness has a significant positive relationship with customer


b. Price

Price refers to the quantity of cash a buyer gives a seller in return for a service or an item (28).
According to research (31), price may influence consumer satisfaction favourably. Customer
satisfaction toward the brand will be enhanced if the pricing is in accordance with the quality
the consumer desires. Prices are set based on the customers' perceived worth of the good or
service. Customers will be satisfied with the amount of money they spend on the items if a
company charges a price that aligns with their perceived worth. In addition, the provision of a

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price and the method used to determine a price impact satisfaction assessments (27). Therefore,
describing the pricing process and giving consumers this information would increase perceived
fairness and price clarity, having a more beneficial impact on satisfaction assessments.

However, compared to the influence of expectations and perceptions on performance, the effect
of pricing on satisfaction has received less academic attention (29). According to research (30),
it is determined that customers are inclined to base their performance expectations on pricing
when there is performance uncertainty. Yet, pricing for the same service or commodity
frequently varies due to various timeframes and other factors. The explanation is that service
providers frequently implement demand-based pricing as they have a limited supply of their
services. Since (27) has shown that client satisfaction is greatly influenced by fair pricing and
customer service, we suggest a relationship between consumer satisfaction and service price.

Hypothesis 2: Price has a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction.

c. Reliability:

The construct of reliability is defined as the consistency in the delivery of promised service,
including accurate billing, records, and timely demeanour by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and
Berry (1985) (18). Brands are required to ensure that these services are committed precisely to
customers flawlessly and without any differences (25).

In the Servqual framework, Dabholkar et al., 1996 stated that the dimension of reliability
represents the degree to which the brand can keep its promise and do the right things (24). Any
differences, including delays or cancellations can create a service quality gap and provoke
dissatisfaction among customers. Reliability is stated by Ahmed et al. 2017 and Abdul Rehman
2012 to raise customer satisfaction toward the service provided (21) (22). In addition, other
research conducted by Man et al., 2019 found that Reliability has a positive effect on customer
satisfaction (26). This directly leads to the construction of Hypothesis 3.

Hypothesis 3: Reliability has a significant positive relationship with Customer Satisfaction

d. Tangibles:

The appeal of the physical facilities, equipment as well as the personnel involved in the service
process are all important factors (23). The Tangibles dimension refers to physical proof and
representations of the service, along with other clients in the service facility (18). Customers
may form an impression that is easily remembered based on supporting equipment and the

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appearance of employees serving them. This factor is particularly important in businesses

where customers' perceptions of service quality are greatly influenced by the actual
surroundings and appearance. Paying attention to their quality when delivered to customers can
enhance the overall service experience and customer satisfaction.

These tangible elements provide visual and sensory cues that influence customer perceptions
and judgments about service quality, hence the customer satisfaction. Customers expect brands
to provide a high-quality service that is able to meet their expectations. The more customer
experience about tangibles provided by the organisation, the better customer satisfaction will
be. Therefore, the Hypothesis 4 is constructed as follow:

Hypothesis 4: Tangibles has a significant positive relationship with Customer satisfaction.

3. Methodology:

Research Model of the Study

A qualitative approach is used to explain the present scenario and examine the factors affecting
customer satisfaction in ride-hailing services, exclusively regarding the case of Grab.

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Based on the theoretical research model and other papers above, our hypotheses are constructed
as follows:

Hypothesis 1: Responsiveness has a significant positive relationship with customer


Hypothesis 2: Price has a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction.

Hypothesis 3: Reliability has a significant positive relationship with Customer Satisfaction

Hypothesis 4: Tangibles have a significant positive relationship with Customer satisfaction.

Our report studied various variables to identify the level of impact these proposed factors have
on customer satisfaction. Some of the common variables of the studies are mentioned below:

Variables Of The Study

Variables Scales Rate

Price Grab's fare is cheaper than motorbike taxi, Five-points Likert

traditional taxi company Scale from 1
Grab's price is currently cheaper than other
Disagree”) to
riding-hailing service companies (Be,
Gojek, ...)
Grab's price increase during peak hours is
reasonable considering demand

The quality of service Grab provides is

commensurate with the price

Responsiveness Grab is proactive and active in providing


You can easily contact Grab customer


Customer support is always available when

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you need it

Grab provides service quickly

Tangibles Grab's vehicles (Grab Car, Grab food, Grab

Bike) are clean

The software determines Grab's route

accurately and safely

Grab's payment method is convenient for


Grab's drivers dress well to create


Reliability Booking a ride with the Grab app is easy for


Cancellation affects your use of Grab

(Itinerary, Experience, ...)

You feel secure with your driver's safety

awareness and driving Skills

You are satisfied with the route that the

driver chooses to travel to the destination

Summary Of Methodology Used

Our group report was conducted throughout a two-phase approach to analyze factors
influencing customer satisfaction with Grab's services. The first phase involves conducting
secondary research to gain better insight into relevant factors that may have impacts on
customer satisfaction, also to come up with a complete framework as well as to choose the
appropriate measurement variables and scales. Afterward, primary data collected will be
collected through both qualitative and quantitative approaches to determine the salient factors
influencing customer satisfaction regarding the case of Grab.


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In order to establish a framework for the focus group interviews in the next phase, we
conducted secondary research or desk research because it provides far lower cost and faster
access to relevant information (37). Information from articles, research papers, and industry
reports will be gathered to gain a broader perspective on the factors influencing customer
satisfaction in the ride-hailing and delivery industry.

Primary data are defined as originally collected data to address a specific research goal or
problem at hand, using methods best suited for the research context. Each time primary data is
gathered, it adds new information to the existing body of social knowledge. On the other hand,
secondary data refers to material produced by other researchers that becomes accessible for
reuse within the broader research community (37). One of the most important reasons behind
the use of our primary data lies in its ability to customize the research design, data collection,
and operationalization of theoretical constructs to align with the specific research question.
This ensures the coherency of the report and ensures that the gathered information is
instrumental in addressing the research problem effectively (37). The collection of primary data
in this report is best suited to gather solicited data with the two common approaches of
qualitative and quantitative: focus group discussion and questionnaire using Likert Scale.
Indeed, primary data gathered through the approach of focus group discussion were best suited
in our case since qualitative data were mostly originally collected for a different purpose and
therefore may not be optimal for the research problem under consideration so it would not be
easy to interpret without explicit information on the informants and the context (37).

After identifying these main factors, another round of secondary research will be conducted to
build a Likert scale questionnaire. This research will involve reviewing existing Likert scale
questions used in previous studies related to similar industries and services. The Likert scale
questionnaire will be carefully designed to elicit information from the participants. This
approach of explicitly seeking information enables researchers to design the data collection
process in a way that optimally aligns with the specific research question to measure customer
satisfaction levels with each of the four main factors identified in the focus group interviews.

Subsequently, the primary data collected from the Likert scale questionnaire will be analyzed
by the SPSS with several types of data analysis techniques consisting of reliability analysis
Cronbach’s alpha, CFA validity test, One way ANOVA, and regression analysis to evaluate
the relationship between customer satisfaction and the identified factors.


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Research Approach

This paper is divided into two stages, qualitative and quantitative research respectively. In the
first stage, as regards qualitative research, focus group discussion is concluded with a small
group of participants, with an aim to build a deeper insight into the respectives and exploration
of the research topic (42). Through this stage, the proper framework of factors could be
finalised and the questionnaire was therefore created based on those selected factors, leading
to a more focused and insightful analysis (43). Moving onto the second - quantitative step, the
survey questionnaire has been used to collect data from a broader range of participants,
ensuring consistency and identifying trends, relationships, and associations between variables
in a systematic manner. These two methods ultimately aim to understand the Grab user’s
viewpoints about the factors that influence their customer satisfaction.

a. Qualitative research

Qualitative research is an unstructured, exploratory method that employs small samples to

uncover insights into problem contexts (38). It's characterized as a deep exploration into the
phenomena's nature, encompassing their qualities, manifestations, and contextual perspectives,
excluding their objective cause-and-effect chain (40). This formal definition can be easily
understood with a more pragmatic rule of thumb suggesting qualitative research predominantly
engages with data expressed through verbal descriptions and narratives, distinct from
numerical measurements (39). This approach offers a comprehensive understanding and deeper
insights into various subjects within a concise format.
➢ Focus group discussions (FGDs)

As briefly mentioned in define theory, focus group discussions are implemented to refine the
standard shape of a project or a programme, particularly useful for generating a large amount
of information in a short time period. For more research, this term “Focus Group Discussions”
could be considered as a small interactive conservation facilitated by a small group of people,
typically carried out between 8 to 12 people and lasting for one or two hours (44). Moreover,
FGDs normally start with identifying the main goal and defining the key research objectives,
and then creating a list of questions to guide for each focus group discussion. Each participant
who joined would have specialist knowledge or interest on a particular topic (43) and allow
them to respond to each other’s comments as well as build upon opinions. As a result, after
conducting the FGDs, data could be analysed thoroughly and these findings could also be used
to generate insights, inform decision-making, or guide further research.


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➢ Reasons for choosing Focus Group Discussions

With an aim to have a clearer format of what finalised factors should be, focus groups
discussions were then conducted. This approach could collect in-depth information about
customer behaviour, attitudes towards the services and perceptions around the brand, which
might be challenging to capture through other techniques such as surveys. It is therefore
valuable for decision makers to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research objective
(45). Using this method allows us to have real-time feedback, and obtain more detailed
information by providing participants a more relaxed environment for both interviewers and
interviewees, especially when it comes to sensitive issues. For this reason, our paper could
target costly insights and enhance product development as well as customer satisfaction (45).

b. Quantitative research

Quantitative research is a systematic methodological approach aiming to quantify data through

statistical analysis (38). It encompasses the rigorous investigation of social phenomena
utilizing numerical data, assuming measurability and focusing on trend identification,
relationship exploration, and measurement verification (41). This methodology, spanning
diverse domains, maintains consistent criteria for data verification, calculation, and analysis
(41). A distinctive trait of quantitative research is its deductive nature, involving measurements,
analysis, and conclusion formulation, rendering debates about its superiority inconsequential
as it serves distinct purposes (41). A notable feature is its formal testing of theories through
hypotheses and statistical analyses (41), while its analytical toolkit encompasses percentages,
central tendencies (mode, median, mean), and dispersion (range and standard deviation) for
data depiction (41). By analyzing sample data, inferences about the wider population can be
drawn, often employing inferential statistics to discern differences, relationships, and broader
implications (41).

➢ Survey

Quantitative data collection method is used for this paper which means using numbers,
numerical data and analysing it by using statistical methods, to produce precise data in order
to test hypotheses, accept or reject those in specific. Quantitative could be controlled
observations and questionnaires, and survey by questionnaires was used in this study for many
purposes. Besides, a survey questionnaire is a question list created from the result factors of
focus group discussion, and used to gather data on a variety of topics, such as individual


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characteristics, perspectives, and views. In addition, survey questionnaires could include

different types of, such as multiple choice questions, rating scales, likert scales items, or open-
ended questions. For this study, the responses were designed on a Likert scale with a scale of
1 (Strongly disagree) to 5 (Strongly agree) so that the responses were collected for easy
measurement in a standardised form in terms of ease of use for respondents and in-depth
analysis of the collected data.

➢ Reasons for choosing Surveys

In this project, the survey questionnaires were directly sent to people who have experienced
using Grab service, with an intention to collect data that are related to customer satisfaction.
Through this survey, we can estimate different factors that affect the reuse of Grab, including
consumer’s age, or income groups. Moreover, we select the anonymous views so respondents
can freely provide honest and unbiased responses, in an environment where they would not be
judged. This is therefore useful in obtaining answers with a high degree of accuracy based on
the respondents' experiences and actual feelings to reflect their perceptions (46). As a result,
our team could then draw meaningful insights, identify patterns based on those findings, which
helps us to determine which factors have the most impact on the customer behaviours towards
Grab and which one have the worst impact in order to find a solution, and hence increase
customer satisfaction (47).

Sample selection

In this study, our group planned to have both quantitative and qualitative research, and the data
collected from the discussion are used for building surveys and explaining further
recommendations to customer satisfaction in Grab. After conducting, our sample was collected
by using a non-profitability method, specifically convenience sampling.

➢ Non-profitability Sampling Method

The non-profitability sampling method is a branch of sample selection that uses non-random
ways to select a group of people to participate in the research. However, due to not focusing
on accurately representing all members of the population, not all members of that group have
an equal chance of participating (54). For the questionnaire and focus group interview, 266
participants were invited and have used Grab service for many times. All of them are in the
stage around first to four year college students, and are divided into four income groups: under


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3 million, 3 million to 6 million, 6 million to 10 million and income higher than 10 million.
After completing the interview, the process was totally recorded and was transcribed into
Appendix for more detailed analysis.

➢ Convenience Sampling

Convenience sampling method selects participants that are easily accessible and available. In
this method, individuals who are readily accessible to the research’s topic will be chosen to be
a part of the sample (55). It is therefore either the most cost-effective or time-effective method
in sampling as researchers might choose participants who are willing to participate (56). In
addition, to completely understand the objectives, our group has applied this convenience
sampling method with 266 respondents who were asked to fill in the questionnaire, by Google
Forms. This way we can get the easiest, fastest and most convenient method to get the necessary

Data Collection

In the introductory section of the interview, interviewees were given a wide range of questions
about 11 selected factors encompassing reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy,
tangibles, price, method of payments, driver behavior, waiting time, customer support, the
convenience, ease of use and various responses were collected in the next section. Then, they
were asked about factors they think mostly influence their customer satisfaction toward Grab
services. Finally, the interviewees provided some feedback and recommendations for Grab in
terms of enhancing customer satisfaction in the closing section. The results of focus group
interviews support building up the conceptual framework and the official questionnaire with 4
prominent factors: responsiveness, tangibles, reliability, and price which are then analyzed in
the quantitative stage. This approach provides information about a range of ideas and feelings
that individuals have about certain issues, as well as highlight the differences in viewpoints
between groups (68)

Based on the interview findings and selected the sample, a Likert Scale questionnaire was
developed to assess the drivers of customer satisfaction. This method ensured consistency and
reliability of results, allowed for the collection of sufficient data within a limited timeframe
and financial resources, and required less processing time (48).

The survey consisted of 36 questions about salient factors: prices, tangibles, responsiveness,


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reliability, and customer satisfaction presented on a psychometric scale commonly targeting

the five opinion stages - The Likert scale. Five-point Likert scale starting from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree) was used to measure all items, as it is a less expensive approach
for the researchers and it allows the respondents to make their responses adequately(50). This
allowed participants to express their level of agreement or disagreement on a symmetric agree-
disagree scale, capturing the intensity of their feelings. The analysis of multiple questionnaire
items revealed discernible patterns with scaled properties (51,52,53). Also, the questionnaire
included questions about demographic status. To minimize respondent confusion and
discomfort, the survey instruments and correspondence were conducted in Vietnamese, the
native language.

Comrey and Lee (1992) suggested that a minimum of 200 valid responses is necessary to
achieve a fair assessment of sampling accuracy with a 95% confidence level and a 5%
confidence interval (49). The survey questionnaire was sent to students studying or graduating
from various universities in Ho Chi Minh City through social media platforms, resulting in 266
responses via a common online survey form-Google Form. The survey consists of two main
parts, with the first part including six demographic questions and the second part containing 31
questions on a symmetric agree-disagree scale. Two screening questions determine if
respondents have used Grab services.

Finally, all the data was imported into Excel and transferred into SPSS format. The data
collected is then analyzed by the SPSS software with several types of data analysis techniques,
including Cronbach’s alpha reliability test, CFA and Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO), and
Bartlett’s Test for validity, regression analysis, correlation analysis, lastly an ANOVA analysis
to identify potential underlying effects that the demographic status causes to the Customer

4. Analysis and Results:

Descriptive data

a. Frequency Distribution

The final data collection gathered from the constructed questionnaires successfully includes
266 respondents. The demographic data of the respondents is generally illustrated in Figure


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4.1. The data collected is analysed separately based on 3 characteristics, Genders, Year of
Student and Income (See Appendix B).

The survey directly targets university students as the main respondents according to the
aforementioned description of this research design. Among those respondents, 189 of the 266
are female, accounting for over 71 percent of the total respondents. The rest nearly 29 percent
of the respondents is male and those who would not like to define themselves. Regarding the
Year of Student, a majority of the respondents, over 66 percent, are freshmen studying at
university, followed by the proportion of sophomores at about 17 percent. Moreover, the
income range of the respondents is illustrated to vary from under 3.000.000 to over 10.000.000
VND. However, half of the respondents, at 58.3%, earn under 3.000.000 VND, which is two-
fold to the second figure, “From 3.000.000 to 6.000.000 VND”.

Factors Categories Frequency Percentage (%)

Genders Male 73 27.4

Female 189 71.1

Unknown 4 1.5

Total 266 100

Year of Student First year 177 66.5

Second year 45 16.9

Third year 23 8.6

Fourth Year 10 3.8

Total 266 100


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Income Under 3.000.000 VND 155 58.3

From 3.000.000 - 6.000.000 VND 65 24.4

From 6.000.000 - 10.000.000 VND 21 7.9

Over 10.000.000 VND 25 9.4

Total 266 100

Table 4.1.a: Demographic status table

b. Descriptive Statistics:

The Table 4.1.b generalises how respondents rate the service delivered by Grab. Significantly, the
means of the five variables being measured is around 3.60 to 3.74 of a 1-5 Likert scale. It can be
indicated that respondents tend to have a moderately high level of satisfaction across the four
dimensions of the delivered service as well as the overall satisfaction of customers.

Mean N

CSAT 3.72 266

CREL 3.74 266

CPR 3.63 266

CTAN 3.71 266

CRESP 3.60 266

Table 4.1.b: Descriptive Statistics table

Reliability test

Internal consistency reliability is a robust statistical technique employed to evaluate the

reliability of a summated scale, which adds up many components to produce a final score (20).
In this research, the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability test is applied to ensure the consistency of the
data set gathered for each factor. The results of the 5 regarded constructs, Customer Satisfaction


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(CSAT), Price (CPR), Responsiveness (CRESP), Tangibles (CTAN), and Reliability (CREL),
from SPSS show in Table 4.2 that the Cronbach’s Alpha value of each component varies from
approximately 0.78 to 0.908 (See Appendix C).

Components N of items Cronbach’s Alpha

CSAT 4 0.877

CPR 8 0.780

CRESP 8 0.908

CTAN 8 0.895

CREL 8 0.866

Table 4.2: Cronbach’s Alpha table

The value of Cronbach’s Alpha falling between the range from 0.7 to 0.9 is moderately
indicative of a good internal consistency as well as a reliable scale regarding the measure of
targeted constructs. Hence, the components are qualified to be taken to the following test,
Validity test.

Validity test

The validity of a component refers to the extent to which it consistently measures the correct
intended constructs of the research framework. Although the reliability test has helped ensure
that the components are measured by appropriate instruments, they are not guaranteed to be
accurate at measuring their expected construct. In this research, the CFA test is used to assess
if the number of constructs and the loadings of observed variables on them conform to what is
expected on the basis of theory (20).

The results of the Validity test (see Appendix D) are summarised in Table 4.2. The table shows
that the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) value measure of sampling adequacy is at 0.942 larger
than the suggested minimum of 0.6. Moreover, Bartlett's Test Significance is approximately
0.00b. These two values indicate that variables in the dataset are sufficiently interrelated and
suitable for further analysis.


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KMO and Bartlett’s Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy 0.942

Bartlett’s Test Significance 0.00b

Table 4.2: KMO and Bartlett’s Test before adjustment

The Validity test also presents the Rotated Component Matrix Table (see Appendix D) that
illustrates the clear pattern of every component within the dataset. Based on the observed
patterns, how the factors that are predominantly loaded onto by components can be found. As
a result, some inconsistent items are identified, as their measurements are not targeting the
expected underlying factors. They are eliminated from the data set, namely the factor
Reliability (CREL) and components, RESP1, RESP2, RESP8, PR1, PR3, PR6, PR7, TAN7. In
addition, the elimination of the factor Reliability (CREL) may lead to the new Framework
Model of the research. The two aforementioned changes are illustrated in Table 4.3 and Figure
4.3. The new set of Hypotheses is as follow:

Hypothesis 1: Responsiveness has a significant positive relationship with customer


Hypothesis 2: Price has a significant positive relationship with customer satisfaction.

Hypothesis 3: Tangibles has a significant positive relationship with Customer satisfaction.

Factor Before the change After the change


CPR PR1, PR2, PR3, PR4, PR5, PR6, PR7, PR2, PR4, PR5






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Table 4.3a: Change due to Factor Analysis

Components N of items





Table 4.3b: Change due to Factor Analysis

Figure 4.3: New Framework Model

Another Validity test is performed to check the adjusted dataset. Table 4.3 now shows the new
KMO and Bartlett's Test Significance values. It is noted that there is a slight decrease in the
KMO value, yet this value is still desirable. According to the new rotated component matrix


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(See Appendix D), the pattern among constructs is observed to be consistent with the
measurement of underlying factors.

KMO and Bartlett’s Test

Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy 0.928

Bartlett’s Test Significance 0.00b

Table 4.3: KMO and Bartlett’s Test of the Adjusted Dataset

Correlation Analysis

Correlation is a statistical concept that measures the extent to which two or more variables
exhibit a consistent pattern of association or relationship in their changes or values. It is a
fundamental tool used to quantify the strength and direction of the linear connection between
variables, providing valuable insights into how changes in one variable are related to changes
in another. Correlation analysis is used to analyse the relationship between the identified
independent factors that influence the Customer Satisfaction of Grab, defining any
unanticipated interdependencies and interactions between them. The result of the Correlation
analysis is presented in Appendix E in detail.
In the Correlation table, the * mark will point out the pairs of components that have the
Significance less than 0.05, and ** will indicate those are less than 0.01. It is indicated that
almost all the possible pairs are significant at 0.05 level, indicating that the observed correlation
is unlikely to be obtained by chance in the research design. However, there are some
insignificant pairs illustrated in Table 4.4 that have the Sig. greater than 0.05. Moreover, at its
core, correlation seeks to answer questions about the degree to which changes in one variable
are accompanied by corresponding changes in another variable. This coefficient ranges from -
1 to +1. The correlation between all significant pairs are positive, varying from 0.3 to 0.7.



PR2 0.133 0.110 0.241


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Table 4.4: Pairs of component

Regression Analysis:

Regression Analysis is a robust statistical technique applied to determine any associative

relationship between one or more metric independent variables and a dependent variable (20).
In the case of Grab, this research aims to examine the links between predictors, including CPR,
CRESP, CTAN, and a dependent variable, CSAT. Therefore, the multiple linear regression is
best applied to the framework of this research, since this procedure can account for multiple
predictors simultaneously.

The detailed analysis result can be found in Appendix F. The focus of this analysis is shifted
on three tables, the Coefficient, the ANOVA and the Model Summary. In addition, this research
design adopts the significance level at 0.05 if needed to compare.

The Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) refers to the amount by which the variance is inflated (19).
It is stated that the VIF value of variables from 1 to 5 indicate a moderately low collinearity.
With the Coefficients table showing that the VIF values of the 3 dependent variables vary from
1.2 to 1.5, the multiple linear regression is indicated to be eligible.

Within the ANOVA table, the values of the F statistic and the Significance (Sig.) are 76.827
and 0.000, respectively. Compared to the chosen Significance Level at 0.005, these values
suggest that the 3 independent factors, CPR, CRESP and CTAN exert significant impacts on
the dependent variable, CSAT simultaneously. Hence, the overall model of regression is
directly indicated to be statistically significant.


Model F statistics Sig.

Regression 76.827 .000b

Table 4.5b: Generalised ANOVA tables

Along with the VIF, the values of Significance (p-value) and Standardised Coefficients (Beta)
are also presented. According to Table 4.4 the p-values of the three constructs are at 0, denoted
as 0.00b in SPSS. This can be interpreted that there are significant relationships between CPR.
CRESP, CTAN and CSAT simultaneously. In addition, the values of BETA for all three


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regarded constructs are seen to be greater than 0, with 0.29, 0.30, and 0.276, respectively,
suggesting that the directions of the relationships are all statistically positive. The result of the
coefficients table can confirm the positive relationship between each dependent variable and
the Customer Satisfaction. Hence, H1, H2, and H3 are validated.


Model Standardised Coefficient (Beta) Significance (p-value) VIF

CPR 0.29 0.00b 1.230

CRESP 0.30 0.00b 1.551

CTAN 0.276 0.00b 1.475

Table 4.5b: Generalised Coefficients Table

Subsequently, the goodness of fit is evaluated by the R-squared and Adjusted R-squared in the
Model Summary table. The value of the Adjusted R-square at 0.462 inferres that the three
dependent variables can significantly explain roughly 46.2% of the variation in the CSAT
variable. This value falls between 0.4 to 0.7, which can be reasonably acceptable (17). Another
formal procedure to measure the correlation between error terms can be seen in the Model
Summary table, the Durbin Watson value (BRM Textbook). With its value at 2.171, slightly
near to 2.0, the research is indicated to comprise scarcely significant autocorrelation.

Model Summary

Model R Square Adjusted R Square Durbin-Watson

1 0.468 0.462 2.171

Table 4.5c: Generalised Model Summary Table

ANOVA Analysis

The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is a useful tool that can be applied to examine whether
significant differences occurred in the mean values of the dependent variable due to a
categorical variable (20). In this research, One-way ANOVA is assessed to identify potential


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underlying effects that the demographic status causes to the Customer Satisfaction (See
Appendix G). The hypotheses are constructed as follow:

Hypothesis 4.1: Gender has a significant impact on the differences within Customer

Hypothesis 4.2: Year of Student has a significant impact on the differences within Customer

Hypothesis 4.3: Income has a significant impact on the differences within Customer

The Significance values of the Homogeneity test of the three demographic variables are 0.240,
0.078 and 0.473, all of which are greater than 0.05. This indicates that the hypotheses stating
that the variances in each variable are equal are all rejected. Hence, the assumption of ANOVA
is met.

The ANOVA table shows that all the p-value of the three demographic variables are much
greater than 0.05. This pattern typically suggests there is no strong evidence that the three
factors can cause any differences to the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT). Hypothesis 4.1, 4.2,
4.3 are not accepted.

Test of Homogeneity ANOVA

Sig. F Statistic Sig.

Gender 0.240 0.677 0.509

Year of Student 0.078 0.717 0.581

Income 0.473 0.448 0.719

Table 4.6: Generalised ANOVA Analysis


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5. Conclusion

Summary of the Research:

The study aims to explore the factors that influence user satisfaction and to provide insights
into how Grab can improve its services to meet customer expectations. By analysing customer
feedback data and utilising a range of statistical methods, this research has addressed these

▪ Examining the importance of Responsiveness, Price, Reliability and Tangibles and

level of Customer Satisfaction:

The results of the Focus group discussion has clarified the four important dimensions of service
quality that customers, mainly students, normally may use to evaluate their satisfaction toward
Grab and the industry in general, these regards include Responsiveness, Price, Reliability and

As can be seen in Table 4.1.b: Descriptive Statistics table, on a Likert scale from 1 to 5, the
means of the five evaluated variables range from 3.60 to 3.74. Given that these numbers are
moderately high on a scale of 1 to 5, they show that Grab has been doing a good job of providing
customers with an enjoyable experience in terms of pricing, responsiveness, tangibles, and
reliability. This fits with the level of client satisfaction with Grab's services, which is a
favourable outcome, as the average value for customer satisfaction is 3.72, which is a relatively
high level. Reliability, which is given an average score of 3.74, is the factor that is focused on
the most and considered vital. The element with the lowest mean (3.6) of the four is
responsiveness. All the elements are observed to have a comparatively similar influence on the
customer's perception because there are not many disparities between the averages.

▪ Examining the underlying relationship between Responsiveness, Price, and Tangibles

and Customer Satisfaction:

According to the analysis above, three elements in total were retrieved from the factor analysis,
and each of these three factors has a distinct influence on consumer satisfaction. In order to
identify the influences of factors including Price, Responsiveness, and Tangibles on customer
satisfaction, Regressions Analysis was conducted. Three predictors significantly affect
customer satisfaction with the p-values lower than 0.05 (0.00b). Plus, the Coefficients Beta of
the analysis is calculated to be greater than 0 (0.29; 0.30; 0.276), which indicates positive


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directions for the Multiple Linear Regression. Therefore, the data result is consistent with the
researcher's theoretical hypothesis. Grab should pay closer attention to aspects related to Price,
Responsiveness, and Tangibles to improve customer satisfaction.

▪ Examining the differences within Customer Satisfaction due to Demographic status


One-way ANOVA was conducted to identify any possible underlying influences the
demographic may have on customer satisfaction. Regarding the significance value of the three
predictors, which are Gender, Year of Student, and Income, there is no statistically significant
difference between all these factors, and they are little related to customer satisfaction with the
p>0.005 (0.240, 0.078, and 0.473, respectively). Therefore, it is clear that comparison and
assessment of the service experience help to shape the customer's opinion of the brand and
level of fulfilment, regardless of who they are.

Implications for Grab:

The findings of this study have various theoretical and practical implications for the effects of
four factors: Tangibles, Responsiveness, Price, and Reliability respectively, on the customer
satisfaction. To boost the quality of Grab service, their managers could concentrate on those
findings to take the key ideas, hence ultimately satisfy all needs of customers.

First, this study analysed the occurrence of those mentioned factors and their positive
contribution to the overall customer experience. In particular, our study’s hypothesis
development is based on previous research regarding similar subjects. Results from past studies
could point out the significant positive relationship between those factors, especially the
Responsiveness, Price, and Tangibles (62). Due to the similarities, we could be able to provide
our practical implications with further insight into each aspect of factors. Grab managers are
suggested to enhance and boost the customer satisfaction based upon the identified relationship
between Responsiveness, Price, and Tangibles and Customer Satisfaction.

The company needs to consider Tangibles as a key factor in enhancing customer satisfaction
and building customer loyalty towards the brand. It is because the term “tangibles” are
expressed through impressive infrastructure, supporting equipment to perform service, and the
appearance of employees used to serve consumers, and this would make a professional look as
well as appealing service which can easily satisfy the demands of customers (63). Therefore,


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the more pleasure customer experience with tangibles provided by Grab, the better customer
satisfaction will be. As for this study’s findings, Grab managers should concentrate on
Tangibles to enhance customer satisfaction, thus establishing a base of loyal customers.

Moreover, Responsiveness is also considered as a vital factor that needs to be concentrated.

Due to the ability to serve the needs of customers and provide fast services to customers with
clear delivery, it could be used as a guideline to enhance the reliability that affects the customer
satisfaction (63). In addition, the high data findings of responsiveness also involve decision
making regarding solving customer’s problems, and showing accurate manner towards service
offering (64). Therefore, it seems to be a crucial element of service delivery to create positive
performance and notably drive customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, according to the findings, there is still a factor called “Price” that has an impact
on customer satisfaction and could be followed to enhance this aspect. The underlying meaning
of that is if the price is in accordance with the quality desired by the customer, the level of
customer satisfaction will be increased (65).

However, the practical implications of this paper may be different from prior research as our
paper shows a failed test of collecting data when examining the relationship between reliability
and customer satisfaction. A better approach can be implemented considering other studies
which are able to prove any underlying relationship, such as in the studies of (63), thereby
making a thriving customer satisfaction level. Therefore, due to such studies, it is suggested
that respondents still rate the significant impact of reliability having on customer satisfaction
(63). As a result, Grab managers could also take this reliability into consideration for the
purpose of improving the level of satisfaction.

Based on these findings, some further recommendations could be produced by concentratedly

identify which elements contribute the most to the success of the company, and equally
consider other factors to simultaneously boost the whole quality service. In conclusion, these
findings provide a dominant effect on enhancing customer satisfaction compared to other
variables, and are considered to positively give insights into retaining existing customers, and
continue creating loyal customers for Grab in the future.


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Recommendations for Grab:

Building upon the implication for the managers of Grab, several practical recommendations to
achieve the customer-centric approach for Grab is suggested following:

The first dimension of service quality Grab should give greater consideration is responsiveness,
as research has shown it to be essential to enhancing the perception of the brand and its quality
of service. To be more responsive, the firm needs to comprehend the needs and expectations
of its consumers in order to have an appropriate and effective response. To do this, surveys of
current clients might be conducted to learn more about their preferences. One of the main things
that affects Responsiveness is waiting time as there is growing evidence that pre-service
waiting time and service rating are negatively correlated (57). Therefore, the business should
aim at identifying the best possible solution to fulfill the request and handle the customer's
issue quickly and effectively. To accomplish this, Grab manager may establish a predetermined
time restriction that the subordinate can adhere to. In addition, the business may use technology
to enhance its customer service procedures and then increase Responsiveness. It will be
beneficial to build and enhance both the driver-customer interaction as well as the online
customer support platform.

Relating to the price, offering promotions and coupon redemption is an excellent way for Grab
to improve customer satisfaction. By providing its customers with special deals and reduced
prices, Grab can make its services more affordable and accessible to a broader audience to
attract new customers and retain existing ones, the pillar customers of the brand. Grab
establishes a pricing standard to correspond with various modes of transportation and surge
pricing during periods of high demand. Based on survey results, a significant number of
respondents expressed moderate satisfaction and a willingness to pay more for Grab during
peak hours. Additionally, respondents indicated a preference for estimating and comparing
prices with traditional ride-hailing services and other e-hailing applications prior to submitting
a request. Grab can also employ coupon redemption via its mobile application as a sales
promotion tool. The employment of promotion and coupon redemption activities has the
propensity to influence customers' perceptions when procuring particular services. These
activities are an essential element of the marketing mix, which has been analyzed previously
and found to be correlated with customer satisfaction. The pursuit of these actions is not solely
an attempt to persuade potential clients of Grab's services but also a means of reminding
existing customers of the benefits of remaining loyal to the services provided (59). Therefore,


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to remain competitive, Grab must ensure competitive pricing relative to other e-hailing
applications and provide promotions, particularly during peak hours when passengers are
drawn to discounts and seek lower Grab Car charges (58).

Finally, the quality of the tangibles is proved by this research to be crucial according to the
customers' perception. Grab should enhance the quality of their tangible service by raising the
standard of the vehicles that Grab drivers register. Those vehicles should experience periodic
quality checks as well to ensure a sustainable service quality. Besides, the feedback from
customers should be used to evaluate the driver’s behaviour. The driver’s competence should
be taken into account with initiatives of thorough customer training programs, giving basic
tutorials when interacting with customers. According to the focus group discussion result,
customers express their opinions regarding the price and tangibles of the service as they expect
more out of Grab service due to the higher pricing. Additionally, this solution can also help
Grab remain competitive in the market as Grab can differentiate itself from its competitors and
provide a compelling reason for customers to choose its services over other companies like Bee
or Gojek (67).


It is important to acknowledge the limitations inherent in this research. Recognizing these

limitations is essential for interpreting the research outcomes within their appropriate context.
When conducting demographic analysis, it is essential to consider the potential limitations that
could impact the validity and generalizability of the research findings.

One of the limitations encountered while conducting this research was that the size of the
report’s sample was not sufficient due to limited timeframe, financial resources as well as less
processing time. In addition, the characteristics of the sample, as our report mainly focused on
undergraduate students in Ho Chi Minh City, is not sufficiently diversified or does not
accurately reflect the broader user base of Grab. Hence, the findings and conclusions drawn
from the analysis may not generalise well to the entire population.

The suggested framework of this research is constructed only for the examination of underlying
relationship between dimensions used to measure service quality and the customer satisfaction.
Hence, this framework lacks the comparison between the expected and actual service quality,
which may sabotage the implications that Grab could draw from the paper.


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Another area for improvement is that the project focuses on a single geographic region, Ho Chi
Minh City; the findings might not apply to other areas where Grab operates. Changes in user
demographics, behaviours, and preferences over time should also be taken into consideration;
these changes indicate that our report may have captured only a snapshot that does not account
for potential changes in the future. The same pattern can be seen in the external factors such as
changes in market competition, technological advancements, or regulatory shifts can also
impact user behaviours and preferences.

As aforementioned in the Methodology chapter, our online survey questionnaire was

constructed with questions that focused on the factors, namely Responsiveness, Price,
Tangibles, and Reliability, without taking questions exploring the underlying effects that the
demographic status causes on Customer Satisfaction.

Recommendation for Future Research:

Due to the limitations of this study, several concerns still need to be investigated. The proposed
model should first undergo more thorough testing. First, The suggested framework in this
research can be modified by considering the differences between the Perceived Service Quality
and the Expected Service Quality that brands initially desire to deliver. A more efficient method
would be the Service Quality Gaps model to better clarify the underlying relationship. As
Urban, 2009 stated that the analysis of Gaps in the Service Quality Gaps model makes
insightful suggestions on how "service quality" may be defined and how it manifests itself
throughout a service organisation (69). The distinction between pre-sell service expectations
and post-sell service perceptions serves as a measure of the service quality cognition level (18).
Plus, the constructs of the framework should be measured by the equal number of components,
which in this research are questions within the questionnaire.
The preliminary findings of this study were encouraging enough to take into account. However,
more research is required to assess the model's stability and application to various market
segments as well as industries. Despite the integrated approach to service quality and customer
satisfaction that was provided in this study, the proposed model might not have the benefits of
parsimony in terms of convenience and research expenses. The results of this investigation did
not support the effect of those categorical factors related to the individual differences. The
future research should contemplate designing the research design to identify the differences in
customer satisfaction caused by the personal characteristics. A sufficient sampling method
would eradicate the problems that render this research fail to prove the relationship.


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Appendix A: Focus Group Transcript

Factor Questions regarding the Factor Answer

Reliability Have you ever encountered any situations - Chưa trải qua, tài xế thường đến sớm hơn
where Grab drivers arrived at your - Ít trải qua nhưng tùy tình huống có thể
destination later than expected? If so, can thông cảm vì lí do khách quan
you describe the impact it had on your - Ít xảy ra nhưng nếu xảy ra sẽ ảnh hưởng
overall satisfaction with the service? nhiều đến sự hài lòng
- Tài xế có đến trễ nhưng không đáng kể
Bạn đã từng gặp tình huống nào mà tài
- Đánh giá tài xế thấp điểm khi đến trễ
xế Grab đến địa điểm cần thiết muộn
- Không hài lòng và khó chịu khi tài xế đến
hơn dự kiến chưa? Nếu có, bạn có thể
muộn do dẫn đến việc trễ học, ảnh hưởng
miêu tả tác động của nó đến sự hài lòng
đến đến việc đánh giá chuyên cần trong
tổng thể với dịch vụ không?
học tập. Tuy nhiên không hẳn là ảnh
hưởng đến độ hài lòng đối với nhãn hàng,
vì vấn đề trễ giờ là do cá nhân tài xế và
có thể cải thiện bằng nhiều cách khác
- Tài xế đến trễ nên hủy chuyến

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In your opinion, how important is it for Grab - Không quá quan tâm
drivers to strictly follow the scheduled - Tùy trường hợp, nếu quá khác sẽ bất an
routes? Can you provide an example where về sự an toàn
deviation from the route affected your - Tùy trường hợp, vì tài xế có thể có lộ
experience? trình ngắn hơn
- Tùy trưởng hợp, nếu lộ trình dài hơn sẽ
Theo bạn, việc các tài xế Grab tuân thủ
gây khó chịu
đúng lộ trình đã định quan trọng như
- Với gofood, tài xế đi không đúng lộ trình
thế nào? Bạn có thể cung cấp ví dụ về
do tích nhiều đơn hàng cùng lúc gây trễ
trường hợp đi lệch lộ trình ảnh hưởng
thời hạn giao hàng
đến trải nghiệm của bạn không?
- Tình huống đó gây cảm giác lo lắng về sự
an toàn, tuy nhiên không ảnh hưởng
- Nếu đi khác với lộ trình thì cần có sự giải

Can you share a specific instance when - Tài xế chạy cẩn thận hơn
Grab's service was particularly reliable? - Phổ biến, độ nhận diện thương hiệu cao
What made it stand out to you? hơn
- Tạo cảm giác chuyên nghiệp, hoàn thiện
Bạn có thể chia sẻ một trường hợp cụ
thể khi dịch vụ của Grab đặc biệt đáng
tin cậy không? Điều gì làm cho nó nổi
bật với bạn?


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In your opinion, what are the potential areas - Không có ý kiến

where Grab could improve its reliability in
delivering the promised service?

Theo bạn, đâu là những điểm tiềm năng

mà Grab có thể cải thiện độ tin cậy của
business trong việc cung cấp dịch vụ
như đã cam kết?

How would you rate Grab's responsiveness - Không quan tâm

in handling complaints or feedback - Hỗ trợ tích cực khi để quên đồ trên xe
provided through their app or website? - Tin là việc đánh giá và feedback của
khách hàng có tầm quan trọng và ảnh
Bạn đánh giá thế nào về khả năng
hưởng nhất định trong việc cải thiện
phản hồi của Grab trong việc xử lý các
dịch vụ
khiếu nại hoặc phản hồi được cung cấp
- Không rõ được liệu đánh giá của mình
thông qua ứng dụng hoặc trang web
có giá trị và được xem xét
của họ? Ví dụ như feedback cho tài xế,
- Grab tích cực hỗ trợ và có hướng giải
lượt rate sao cho trải nghiệm chuyến
quyết (hoàn tiền) khi đồ ăn bị gặp vấn
đề (ly trà sữa bị thủng)


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Have you ever experienced a situation - Chưa trải qua

where Grab failed to address your concern - Một lần trả bằng ví điện tử, sau khi
in a timely manner? If yes, could you thanh toán app báo còn khoảng phí khác
elaborate on the issue and how it affected chưa trả (tài xế nói là phí tip cho tài xế),
your perception of the company? có phản hồi lên Grab và được ghi nhận
nhưng không nhận được sự phản hồi
Bạn đã bao giờ gặp phải trường hợp
trong quảng thời gian được báo trước đó
Grab không giải quyết kịp thời mối lo
- ảnh hưởng xấu đi một phần đến sự tin
ngại của bạn chưa? Ví dụ như vấn đề
tưởng, do chất lượng của tài xế
đặt đồ ăn (Grab Food).Nếu có, bạn có
- thời gian chờ tài xế quá lâu và muốn hủy
thể giải thích về vấn đề này và nó ảnh
chuyến, tuy nhiên không thể liên lạc
hưởng như thế nào đến nhận thức của
được với tài xế
bạn về công ty?
- Giao thiếu đồ ăn và không được sự hỗ
trợ từ tài xế, ảnh hưởng đến hình ảnh
của thương hiệu do không thực hiện tốt
chức năng của nhãn hàng
- Bị hủy chuyến đi nhiều lần liên tiếp khi
kiếm xe và liên hệ bộ phận chăm sóc
khách hàng để được hỗ trợ tuy nhiên qua
nhiều ngày sau mới phản hồi lại
- Tài xế liên tục hủy đơn, tốn nhiều thời
gian và trễ buổi ăn


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Have you ever felt unsafe or uncomfortable - Chưa trải qua

during a Grab ride? If yes, could you - Cách lái xe của tài xế không đảm bảo an
describe the situation and how Grab toàn an toàn
handled it? For example, the Driver keeps - Tài xế chưa đến điểm đón nhưng tỏ thái
asking about your personal information? độ và hối thúc khách hàng
- Sẽ khó chịu và cảm thấy không an toàn
Bạn đã bao giờ cảm thấy không an
nếu tài xế hỏi vấn đề liên quan đến
toàn hoặc không thoải mái khi đi Grab
thông tin riêng tư
chưa? Nếu có, bạn có thể mô tả tình
- Tài xế liên tục nói chuyện dù khách
huống và cách Grab xử lý không? Ví
hàng không có ý muốn trả lời
dụ: Tài xế liên tục hỏi về thông tin cá
nhân của bạn?

Have you received any safety-related - Không quá quan tâm

information or updates from Grab (e.g., - Chỉ thấy qua nhưng không quá nổi bật
driver background checks, COVID-19
safety protocols)? How effective do you
think Grab is in communicating such
information to its customers?

Liệu bạn đã bao giờ nhận được thông

tin đề cập đến vấn đề an toàn hay cập
nhật mới từ Grab không (ví dụ: kiểm
tra lý lịch tài xế, cách giao tiếp an toàn
COVID-19)? Bạn cảm thấy hiệu quả
của Grab trong việc giao tiếp thông
tin liên quan đến sự an toàn khách
hàng của mình như thế nào ?

Can you recall an instance where Grab went - Tài xế vui vẻ hỗ trợ khi lệch điểm đến
above and beyond to accommodate your hoặc có nhầm lẫn trong điểm đến
unique situation or request? How did it make - Sau khi kết thúc chuyến đi phải một mình
you feel as a customer? For example, there đứng chờ người quen đến địa điểm, cảm
is a lil change in destination and the thấy hài lòng và thiện cảm khi tài xế dành


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customer kindly asks for help. Would the thời gian để đợi cùng để đảm bảo sự an
driver do it despite some strict rules they toàn
have to comply with? - Chưa có gì quá nổi bật
- Đổi địa điểm đến nhưng vẫn có thể thỏa
Liệu bạn có thể nêu lại một ví dụ khi
thuận và giải quyết với tải xế
Grab đã vượt lên trên tất cả để có thể
- Map chỉ đường sai và đến sai chỗ, tài xế
đáp ứng được tình huống hoặc yêu cầu
vẫn chấp nhận chở đến địa điểm đúng
của bạn không? Bạn cảm thấy như thế
nào khi là một khách hàng? Ví dụ, có
một sự thay đổi nhỏ về điểm đến và
khách hàng yêu cầu giúp đỡ một cách
lịch sự. Tài xế có làm điều đó dù họ phải
tuân theo một số quy tắc nghiêm ngặt

How would you rate the pricing of Grab? Is

Tangibles - Đắt hơn so với nhãn hiệu khác
it relatively high compared to other
(Price) - Đắt hơn nhưng hợp lí do tạo cảm giác an
companies in its industry?
toàn, uy tín
Bạn đánh giá thế nào về mức giá của
- Chỉ đắt hơn một chút nhưng đổi lại dịch
Grab? Nó có tương đối cao so với các
vụ tốt
công ty khác trong ngành không?
- Chỉ dùng xe ôm công nghệ khi cần gấp,
nên về mặt giá cả đắt hơn một chút cũng
không quá quan trọng
- Sẽ đắt hơn nhiều trong những chuyến đi
có chặng đường xa và chất lượng dịch
vụ không có gì nổi bật so với nhãn hàng
- Giá thành đắt hơn nhãn hàng khác
nhưng khi sử dụng Grab Car để đi xa thì
lại rẻ hơn so với hãng khác


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Would it affect your choice of service? If

Tangibles - Có ảnh hưởng
not, why?
(Price) - Không ảnh hưởng nếu có mã giảm giá
Việc định giá dịch vụ có ảnh hưởng
- Giá cả là vấn đề quan tâm đầu tiên
đến sự lựa chọn dịch vụ của bạn? Nếu
không, tại sao?

Which method of payments do you usually

Tangibles - Tiền mặt
use to make payments?
(Method of - Zalopay (nếu có mã giảm)
Payments) Bạn thường dùng phương thanh toán - Ví điện tử
nào khi sử dụng dịch vụ? - Chuyển khoản


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How satisfied are you with the current
payment options available on Grab? - Bình thường
Vui lòng cho biết mức độ hài lòng của - Bất tiện khi không có momo do bản thân
bạn với các tùy chọn thanh toán hiện khách hàng quen dùng momo
có trên Grab?


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Key questions
(1)What are the main factors that influence
- Tùy tình huống, dùng phương thức nào
your choice of payment method when
using Grab?
Những yếu tố nào ảnh hướng tới (2)
lựa chọn thanh toán của bạn khi - Muốn thêm phương thức thanh toán
sử dụng Grab bằng momo
(2)Are there any specific payment methods
you would like to see added to Grab's (3)

platform? - Đôi lúc bất tiện khi không có tiền mặt và

Có phương thức thanh toán cụ thể trường hợp tài xế không có tiền thối (do

nào bạn muốn thêm vào grab. Ví không sử dugnj các ví điện tử có liên kết

dụ như các app E-wallet khác , trên Grab)

liên kết smart banking ?

(3)Do you find the current payment process
on Grab to be convenient and user-
friendly? If not, what improvements
would you suggest?
Bạn có cảm thấy quy trình thanh
toán hiện tại trên Grab tiện lợi và
dễ sử dụng không? Nếu không,
bạn đề xuất những cải tiến gì?
(4)Would you prefer a cashless payment
system or do you still see value in
having cash as an option?
Bạn có thích hệ thống thanh toán
không dùng tiền mặt hay bạn vẫn
thấy giá trị khi có tùy chọn tiền

- (2) Không ảnh hưởng nhiều đến tổng thể
trải nghiệm


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(1) What additional features or benefits

would you like to see associated with
specific payment methods on Grab?
Những tính năng hoặc lợi ích bổ
sung nào bạn muốn thấy liên quan
đến các phương thức thanh toán
cụ thể trên Grab?
(2) How does the availability of different
payment methods influence your
overall experience and satisfaction
with Grab's services?
Các phương thức thanh toán hiện
có ảnh hưởng như thế nào đến trải
nghiệm tổng thể và sự hài lòng
của bạn đối với các dịch vụ của
(3) How do you think Grab can enhance
the overall payment experience to
make it more seamless and enjoyable
for users?
Bạn nghĩ Grab có thể nâng cao
trải nghiệm thanh toán tổng thể
như thế nào để giúp trải nghiệm
thanh toán trở nên nhanh gọn và
thú vị hơn cho người dùng?

Driver When using Grab's service, do you care - Có quan tâm, mong muốn được trải
behaviour about the driver's attitude? nghiệm dịch vụ xứng đáng với số tiền
Khi sử dụng dịch vụ của Grab bạn có bỏ ra
quan tâm đến thái độ phục vụ của - Có quan tâm, ảnh hưởng đến cảm xúc
nhân viên không? suốt chuyến đi
- Có và sẽ đánh giá thấp tài xế và chất
lượng chuyến đi nếu thái độ phục vụ tệ


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- Không quá quan tâm nhưng có một số

tình huống sẽ làm ảnh hưởng đến trải
- Sẽ đánh giá thấp tài xế khi có thái độ khi
phục vụ nhưng sẽ không đánh đồng ảnh
hưởng đến toàn thể Grab

Have you ever had a bad experience with a - Hầu như chưa
driver attitude? If yes, what was the - Quan tâm đến mặt giao tiếp với khách
situation? hàng, mong muốn tài xế vui vẻ, tích cực
Đã bao giờ bạn có một trải nghiệm giao tiếp
tệ do thái độ phục vụ của tài xế? Nếu - Yêu cầu đi nhanh hơn một chút nếu có
có thì tình huống lúc đó và thái độ thể vì cần gấp, tuy nhiên tài xế thái độ
hành xử của tài xế là như thế nào?) đáp lại của tài xế không được lịch sự
- Khi tài xế hỏi quá nhiều và liên quan
đến việc đề tư
- Tài xế có cách giao tiếp thô lỗ

How does a driver's driving style affect your - Khi tài xế lái xe ẩu trong thời tiết xấu,
experience? Have you ever experienced the tuy nhiên không đánh đồng đến chung
service with drivers who have bad driving tất cả brand
habit? (Driving distracted, speeding, cutting - Tài xế lái xe không đảm bảo an toàn và
cars off,..) vi phạm luật giao thông tuy nhiên ít khi
Cách lái xe của tài xế ảnh hưởng đến xảy ra và không ảnh hưởng nhiều
trải nghiệm dịch vụ của bạn như thế - Tài xế lái xe với tốc độ cao gây khó chịu
nào? Đã bao giờ sử dụng Grab bạn và không đảm bảo an toàn
trải nghiệm dịch vụ với một tài xế có - đi đường khá dài và tài xế tự ý tạm dừng
thói quen, hành vi lái xe không tốt? chuyến đi để nghỉ ngơi làm mất thời
Ví dụ như không tập trung, vượt tốc gian và gây trễ nãi, sau chuyến đi đã
độ, cắt đầu xe, luồng lách đánh không tiếp tục sử dụng Grab


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Waiting time Have you ever experienced your driver pick- - Chưa trải qua
up you late that leads to a bad result? Such - Hầu như dịch vụ được thực hiện đúng
as being late for a meeting or missing out on giờ
an important interview,..?

Bạn đã bao giờ trải qua trường hợp

tài xế đón trễ chưa? Và việc trễ đó có
dẫn đến hậu quả nghiêm trọng nào
không? Ví dụ như trễ họp, lỡ buổi
phỏng vấn,…

When meeting such a situation, will you rate - Tùy vào trường hợp có thể thông cảm
1-2 stars on the service?

Khi bạn gặp trường hợp trễ giờ như

vậy thì lúc trải nghiệm xong lần đó,
bạn có đánh giá 1-2 sao cho tài xế

How would you rate on time when picking - Đúng giờ là cần thiết
you up? Is that an important factor for you
to decide to book a ride on this brand

Bạn đánh giá/cảm nhận như thế nào

về việc tài xế tới đúng giờ? Việc đó
có quan trọng với bạn khi quyết định
đặt xe ở một công ty nào hay không?

Coupon Do you care about coupons and promotion - Có quan tâm, sẽ chọn bên cung cấp có
redemption when using the service? How does giá thành rẻ hơn sau khi áp dụng khuyến
couponing and promotion affect your mãi
- Có, móng muốn có khuyến mãi như là


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decision? công nhận sự trung thành đối với nhãn

Bạn có thường quan tâm đến
- Sẽ có sự so sánh chính sánh ưu đãi, mã
coupon và chương trình khuyến mãi
giảm giá giữa các nhã hàng
khi sử dụng dịch vụ không? Coupon
và chương trình khuyến mãi ảnh
hưởng đến quyết định của bạn khi
sử dụng các dịch vụ ứng dụng như
thế nào?

What do you think about the current - Chưa thật sự giảm được nhiều
promotions and coupons of grab? - Dù đã sử dụng mã khuyến mãi nhưng
giá thành vẫn không rẻ hơn so với nhãn
Nhận xét/cảm nhận của bạn về các
hàng khác
chương trình khuyến mãi, giảm giá
- Có nhiều những đối tác cho mã khuyến
của Grab
- Có nhiều mã giảm giá
- Ít mã giảm giá, số lượng mã giảm giá có
giới hạn
- Chương trình tích điểm của Grab hiện
tại không có nhiều ảnh hưởng
- Hài lòng với các chương trình khuyến
mãi hiện có
- Cần nhiều yêu cầu để có thể sử dụng mã
khuyến mãi


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Convenience How would you rate the overall design and - Dễ sử dụng, thiết kế hợp lý, rõ ràng
and Ease Of visual appearance of Grab's platform? Does - Giao diện thân thiện với người dùng
Use it contribute to a positive user experience? - Hình minh họa sinh động
- Thao tác nhanh
Bạn đánh giá giao diện và thiết kế
- Không có nhiều sự khác biệt với những
tổng thể của ứng dụng Grab như thế
nhãn hàng khác
nào? Liệu nó có mang đến cho
người dùng trải nghiệm thoải mái
và tiện dụng?


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Appendix B: Descriptive Data

a. Demographic status


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b. Descriptive Statistics

Appendix C: Reliability test

The Reliability test for the 4 components of Customer Satisfaction:


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The Reliability test for the 8 components of Price:


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The Reliability test for the 8 components of Responsiveness:


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The Reliability test for the 8 components of Tangibles:


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Appendix D: Validity test

Before adjustments

The Component Matrix table:


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The Rotated Component Matrix table:


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After adjustment:

The Component Matrix table:


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Rotated Component Matrix:


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The KMO and Bartlett’s Test before adjustment:

The KMO and Bartlett’s Test after adjustment:


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Appendix E: Correlation Analysis

The Coefficients table:


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Appendix F: Regression Analysis

Multiple Linear Regression Analysis for the Research Framework:


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Appendix G : One-way ANOVA

ANOVA test for Gender & CSAT

ANOVA test for Year of Student & CSAT


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ANOVA test for Income & CSAT

Appendix H: Google form questionnaire

Factors No. Questions

Bạn đã bao giờ sử dụng Grab Bike/Grab Car để di chuyển chưa?

Questions identifying the 1
(Có -> tiếp tục, Không -> cảm ơn)
appropriate subjects to
collect information
( Eg: Vietnamese students
using Grab) 2 Bạn đã/đang là sinh viên đại học tại Việt Nam đúng không? (Có/Không)

3 Cước phí của Grab rẻ hơn so với xe ôm , hãng taxi truyền thống

Mức giá của Grab hiện tại rẻ hơn các hãng xe ôm công nghệ khác
( Be, Gojek, …)
5 Việc tăng giá của Grab trong giờ cao điểm là hợp lý khi xét đến nhu cầu

6 Chất lượng dịch vụ Grab cung cấp tương xứng với giá cả


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7 Grab có nhiều chương trình giảm giá và mã khuyến mãi

Các chương trình khuyến mãi và giảm giá của Grab ảnh hưởng đến quyết định
lựa chọn của bạn.

9 Giá cả là yếu tố ảnh hưởng lớn nhất đến sự hài lòng của tôi khi sử dụng Grab.

10 Grab cung cấp dịch vụ một cách nhanh chóng

11 Grab chủ động, tích cực trong việc cung cấp dịch vụ

12 Bạn dễ dàng liên hệ bộ phận hỗ trợ khách hàng của Grab

13 Bộ phận hỗ trợ khách hàng luôn sẵn sàng khi bạn cần
14 Bộ phận hỗ trợ khách hàng của Grab thật sự hữu ích

15 Tài xế luôn vui vẻ giúp đỡ giải quyết khi có vấn đề

Grab luôn nhanh chóng trong việc thông báo đơn hàng/ tài xế đã đến nơi/ điểm

17 Phương tiện của Grab (Grab Car, Grab food, Grab Bike) sạch sẽ

18 Phần mềm xác định lộ trình của Grab chính xác và an toàn

19 Phương thức thanh toán của Grab tiện dụng với bạn

20 Tài xế của Grab ăn mặc chỉnh chu giúp tạo thiện cảm
21 Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng của Grab rất tốt và chu đáo

22 Phụ kiện đi kèm trong dịch vụ của Grab (Nón bảo hiểm, Áo mưa) sạch sẽ

Định vị địa điểm trong App của Grab chính xác giúp tài xế và bạn dễ dàng tìm
thấy nhau

24 Việc đặt chuyến đi bằng ứng dụng Grab rất dễ dàng với bạn

Việc huỷ chuyến có ảnh hưởng đến quá trình sử dụng Grab của bạn (Lịch trình,
Trải nghiệm,...)
26 Bạn cảm thấy an tâm với Ý Thức và Kỹ năng lái xe của tài xế

27 Bạn hài lòng với lộ trình mà tài xế lựa chọn di chuyển đến điểm đến


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28 Grab có mức độ phổ biến hơn các hãng khác trên thị trường

29 Chất lượng dịch vụ của Grab tốt hơn các hãng mới khác như Gojek và Be

30 Thời gian dự kiến thực tế chính xác với thời gian mà Grab cung cấp trên app

31 Price: Giá tiền của Grab phù hợp với khả năng chi trả của tôi (rate 1-5)

Responsiveness: Tài xế gíup tôi giải quyết những vấn đề trong chuyến đi nhanh
One Question For Each chóng (rate 1-5)
Tangibles: Tôi cảm thấy hài lòng hơn với Grab khi tài xế ăn mặc lịch sự, sạch sẽ
(rate 1-5)

Giới tính của bạn là? (Nam/Nữ/Others)

Personal information Bạn đang là sinh viên năm mấy? (Năm nhất-hai-ba-bốn)
questions for grouping
characteristics) Vietnamese
students using Grab (Ex:
gender, frequency of using
Thu nhập hàng tháng của bạn là bao nhiêu? (Dưới 3 triệu, từ 3tr đến 6tr, từ 6tr
Grab,...). 35
đến 10tr, trên 10tr)

36 Tôi cảm thấy hài lòng khi sử dụng dịch vụ của Grab

Tôi hài lòng với quyết định sử dụng dịch vụ của Grab ( Grabfood,Grab bike , Grab
37 car,…) gần đây nhất của mình
Câu hỏi về sự hài lòng đối
với Grab (Customer
38 Tôi sẵn sàng sử dụng dịch vụ của Grab thường xuyên hơn
39 Tôi sẽ và giới thiệu Grab cho người thân,bạn bè và đồng nghiệp

40 Giá cả và chất lượng dịch vụ của Grab luôn đáp ứng mong đợi của tôi


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