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Marked Assignment 2023-24

Student Name: Grade & Sec: 6 - ABC / DEG Date:

Subject: ESL — Term-2 Revision 2 Duration : 1 hour 10 minutes

Topic :
Relative Clause; Comparative adjectives and Adverbs, Gerund, Superlatives, Expressing the future, Nouns
(Compound, Abstract, Pronouns), Adjective (+preposition, +infinitive), verb (+object+infinitive), Connectiv
Quantifiers, Complex noun phrases, Reported (statements, questions and requests); Zero and First Conditionals.
Feedback :

• Answer all questions.
• Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
• You should pay attention to punctuation, spelling and handwriting.
• Choose only one option for multiple choice questions and write your answer in the space provided.

I. Here are some sentences about technology. Choose the best option for each
space. For each question, circle, A, B or C.

1. B. Nobody
2. C. all
3. A. many
4. A. Hardly
5. B. Everyone

II. There is one mistake in each of the sentences below. Write the sentence out
correctly in the space provided.

1. Crops die if / when they don’t get enough water.

2. If the world’s population continues to rise, we will need to grow more food.

3. Unless we do something about plastic pollution, it will only get worse.

4. If you eat more locally produced food, it will help the environment.

5. Unless we use technology to help us, we might not have enough food in the
III. Put the correct connective into the gaps to complete the sentences.

1. You don’t need to pay for some newspapers because / as they’re totally free.
2. Most people believed the story when it appeared in the news. However, it wasn’t
actually true!
3. Some stories on news websites are translated into other languages so that more
people can read them.
4. Fewer and fewer people bought the newspaper. Therefore it had to close.
5. The story was very long but I couldn’t stop reading it because / as it was so interesting.

IV. Read the sentences about big sporting events. Choose the best word to complete
each sentence.

1. I’ve never seen anything as amazing as the football World Cup final.
2. Everything has to be really well organised at big sporting events.
3. Nobody won a medal at the 1940 Olympics because it was cancelled.
4. Everybody wants to see their own team or country win.
5. Anyone who sees a big event at the stadium will always remember it.

V. Choose the correct quantifiers to complete the sentences.

1. Sally and Fiona often speak Spanish with one another to practise.
2. My parents never studied Mandarin Chinese so neither of them can speak it.
3. Both my brother and my sister can speak some French.
4. My grandparents are Italian so I practise my Italian with both of them.
5. Do either of you know where my Japanese dictionary has gone?

VI. Add a preposition in each space to complete the sentences.

1. My best friend is really similar to me.

2. What’s Annabel so excited about?

3. Who’s responsible for breaking this window?

4. Some people are really not aware of the effect they’re having on others.

5. David is keen on playing computer games.

VII. Put the words into the correct order to make sentences using adjectives and

1. It’s important to do your homework.

2. I’m surprised to see so many people here.
3. I was really happy to meet your parents.
4. It’s quite hard to learn another language.
5. I’ll be ready to go in about five minutes.

VIII. Identify the Zero conditionals in the given text and write it in the given space.

In the paragraph, there are 5 sentences that use the Zero Conditional.
1. The daughter learned in class that mixing yellow and blue makes green
2. And that water melts when heated at 100 degrees.
3. The woman was stressed this morning because she was almost late for work.
4. Her boss told her that she would lose her job instantly if she was late for work
5. The woman wants to wear perfume.

IX. Give three suggestion sentences for gardeners using zero conditionals:

SAMPLE SENTENCES - Accept similar sentences

If you don’t wear gloves while gardening, you get blisters.
If you don’t water a plant, it withers.
If you plant a seed, it grows into a plant.
If you don’t take care of a plant, it dies.
If you touch a cactus, you get pricked.
Plants die if they don't get enough water.
If it rains, the grass gets wet.
If it doesn't rain for a long time, the earth gets very dry.

X. Complete the sentences by making complex noun phrases using the words

1. Each school should have a clear mobile phone policy.

2. A recently published report has shown that a huge percentage of students take
phones to school.

3. A well-designed app should be really easy to use and look good too.

4. Results improved by 5% in the school year after mobiles were banned.

5. I wonder if solar-powered phones will become more widely available.

6. The maps app on my phone gives easy-to-follow directions.

7. A new cut-price phone shop has opened recently – it’s really cheap!

8. My parents have introduced a no phone after 8 p.m. rule at home.

9. I like to try before you buy apps that you can use for a bit before you pay for them.

10. My last phone had a really difficult to read screen – it was terrible!

XI. Make the -ing form of the verbs in the box and use them to complete the

1 My sister and I like visiting France on holidays, but it’s quite expensive.
2 I don’t mind staying in a hotel, but I prefer camping.
3 My parents prefer walking around historical buildings to going to the beach.
4 We all love eating the local food when we’re on holiday.
5 I don’t really enjoy taking tablets, but they help me stop feeling car sick.

XII. There are mistakes with one of the verbs in each of the sentences below. Write
each sentence out correctly in the space.

1. My brother forgot taking his sports kit to school this morning.

My brother forgot to take his sports kit to school this morning.

2. I wanted my best friend to joining my group in art.

I wanted my best friend to join my group in art.

3. The students agreed with stop making so much noise during their classes.

The students agreed to stop making so much noise during their classes.

4. We chose Molly for appearing in the talent show because she’s such a good singer.

We chose Molly to appear in the school talent show because she’s such a good singer.

5. I’d like my teacher speaks a little more slowly in my history class.

I’d like my teacher to speak a little more slowly in my history class.

XIII. Create abstract nouns from the adjectives in brackets to complete the sentences.

1. You need good coordination (coordinated) for most sports.

2. You need a high level of agility (agile) to become a professional basketball player.
3. Professional athletes need a lot of determination (determined) to succeed.
4. If you don’t have enough enthusiasm (enthusiastic), you won’t become a professional
5. You need more strength (strong) for some sports than for others.
XIV. Match a word from Column A with a word from Column B to make compound

tennis racket
high jump
boxing glove
goal post
golf caddie


XV. Use a comparative adverb to complete the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first. Use no more than two words.

1. My brother can throw the javelin further than me.

2. My sister can jump higher than me.

3. Yasmin is worse than her sister at playing cricket.

4. Cyclists travel faster than runners.

5. I usually run much better than I did today – I was terrible!

XVI. Make sentences with -ing forms by putting the words in the correct order. Write
each sentence out correctly.

1. windsurfing I’m at good quite

I’m quite good at windsurfing.

2. a having like picnic I

I like having a picnic.

3. at compass no a I’m using good

I’m no good at using a compass.

4. sports one favourite biking of is mountain my

Mountain biking is one of my favourite sports. / One of my favourite sports

is mountain biking.

5. like tent a sleeping don’t I in

I don’t like sleeping in a tent.

6. you the countryside in walking enjoy do ?

Do you enjoy walking in the countryside?

7. difficult is mountains very climbing

Climbing mountains is very difficult.

8. lakes like swimming does in Elizabeth ?

Does Elizabeth like swimming in lakes?

9. a is work backpack hard heavy carrying

Carrying a heavy backpack is hard work.

10. sport a very skydiving dangerous is ?

Is skydiving a very dangerous sport?

XVII. There are mistakes in the comparatives of adverbs in each of the sentences
below. Write each sentence out correctly.

1. You need to do exercise more regular if you want to get fit.

You need to do exercise more regularly if you want to get fit.

2. I always feel more good when I use my bike instead of my car.

I always feel better when I use my bike instead of my car.

3. I don’t earn much money so I travel as cheaply than possible.

I don’t earn much money so I travel as cheaply as possible.

4. We can help the environment more easily as most people think.

We can help the environment more easily than most people think.

5. My city is badly designed for cyclists, but the capital is much badlier designed.

My city is badly designed for cyclists, but the capital is much more badly

6. We use our bikes far most frequently than before.

We use our bikes far more frequently than before.

7. Electric trains don’t pollute the environment as many as cars and lorries.

Electric trains don’t pollute the environment as much as cars and lorries.

8. You can travel in a city much more quicklier by metro than you can by walking.

You can travel in a city much more quickly by metro than you can by walking.

9. You don’t usually travel as cheaply on trains as you did on buses.

You don’t usually travel as cheaply on trains as you do on buses.

10. We need to think much more creative about ways of helping the environment.

We need to think much more creatively about ways of helping the environment.

XVIII. Here are some statements which use reported speech. Choose the correct form
of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. Ella told me that she couldn’t swim until she was ten years old.
2. I was told that I didn’t have to pay for the course books – they were free.
3. My parents said they were really pleased with my exam results at school.
4. The man said that he knew the way to the nearest station.
5. My best friend told me that she went on holiday twice this year.
XIX. Here are some questions and requests that use direct speech. Complete the
second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You need to use
reported speech. Use no more than three words.
1. ‘How do you travel to school?’ she asked.

She asked me how I traveled to school.

2. ‘Pass me the map,’ he said.

He asked me to pass (him) the map.

3. ‘Do you live in the capital city?’ I asked.

I asked her if she lived in the capital city.

4. ‘Read me a story,’ she asked.

She asked him to read her a story.

5. ‘Are you Dorna’s brother?’ they asked.

They asked him if he was Dorna’s brother.


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